The portions be and e ( resemble simple beams and their upper edges are in compression while the lower are in tension. If the ends of the girders are not fixed, but are simply supported, the curves will be as shown in Fig. 34. The curves of each span... Nature - Side 30redigert av - 1903Uten tilgangsbegrensning - Om denne boken
| De Volson Wood - 1871 - 270 sider
...upon it, one on each side of the central support and equidistant from it, it fulfills the condition of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other, as before stated, and the amount which each support will sustain for incipient flexure may easily be... | |
| Henry Wray - 1872 - 440 sider
...often secured by a single bolt at the foot, in which case the lowest length approaches the condition of a beam fixed at one end, and supported at the other. Where they are secured by two bolts at the foot, they are " fixed" beams. Wrought iron beams for use... | |
| 1886 - 328 sider
...the mill. They are also theoretically stronger when covering two bays, being in about the condition of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other, while in spanning one bay it would approach more nearly a beam supported at both ends. In spiking the... | |
| 1891 - 324 sider
...ends are supported the stresses will be as shown in Fig. 440, the arms in each span being like those of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other. (Fig. 438.) C. "Difference in Strength of a Girder carrying a given Load at its Centre or Uniformly... | |
| 1891 - 418 sider
...found as in the case of a beam fixed at both ends (p. 72), or for each of the end spans, as in the case of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other. To find the Bunding Moment from the Reactions. — When the reactions are known, the bending moment... | |
| Henry Fidler - 1891 - 322 sider
...ends are supported the stresses will be as shown in Fig. 440, the arms in each span being like those of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other. (Fig. 438.) C. "Difference in Strength of a Girder carrying a given Load at its Centre or Uniformly... | |
| Henry Fidler - 1892 - 264 sider the centre, is I £ times as strong as the same beam supported at both ends and similarly loaded. A beam fixed at one end and supported at the other, with a uniform load throughout its length is of the same strength as the same beam supported at both ends... | |
| Henry Fidler - 1892 - 264 sider
...ends are supported the stresses will oe as shown in Fig. 19, the arms in each span being like those of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other (Fig. 17). C. "Difference in Strength of a Girder carrying a given Load at its Centre or Uniformly... | |
| 1905 - 874 sider
...curves will be as shown in Fig. 34. The curves of each span produced by a uniform load resemble those of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other. The location of the points of contraflexure and the value of the bending moments are affected by the... | |
| Mansfield Merriman - 1905 - 554 sider
...R' = %wl, and R"' has the same value ; hence each span of Fig. 696 is in the same condition as that of a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other. Prob. 69. A continuous beam of two spans is uniformly loaded with 125 pounds per linear foot. The length... | |
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