
questing information as to the requirements of the Medical Society for an assembly room in the Cosmos Club, having in view the contemplated construction of such an assembly room for the use of the affiliated societies in the Academy of Sciences. On motion, the letter was referred to a committee appointed by the Chair: Drs. McLaughlin, Shute and Van Rensselaer.

Dr. H. D. Fry presented a specimen showing a Lumbricoid Worm in an Ovarian Abscess, and related the history of the case. Discussed by Drs. S. S. Adams, Atkinson, I. S. Stone and G. Brown Miller. See p. 119.

Dr. Hickling reported a case of Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver, and presented the specimen. Discussed by Drs. Kober and I. S. Stone. See p. 120.

Dr. Hasbrouck reported a case of Brain Tumor, and presented the specimen. Discussed by Drs. Jack, Carr, Williams, Shute, Randolph and Hasbrouck. See p. 124.

Dr. Motter delivered the essay for February:

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The United States Pharmacopoeia and the District of Columbia." Discussed by Dr. Lochboehler.

Dr. A. F. A. King read a "Review of Obstetrics." Discussed by Drs. Fry and King. See p. 109.

Wednesday, March 10.-The President, Dr. Balloch, presided. The Corresponding Secretary announced an invitation to the members of the Society to attend the Staff Meeting at the Government Hospital for the Insane for March. He had received this invitation too late for announcement on the program cards. The Treasurer presented his report for February, showing: Receipts, $55; disbursements, $22.

The following were elected to membership by invitation: Dr. Geo. W. Stiles, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture; Dr. S. H. Dickson, Medical Inspector, U. S. Navy. Dr. Dickson, being present, expressed his appreciation of the action of the Society.

Dr. D. G. Lewis, chairman of the committee, reported resolutions of respect to the memory of Dr. John Bailey Mullins, which were adopted. See page 134.

The following preamble and resolutions proposed by Dr. T. C. Smith were adopted:

"WHEREAS, Dr. Joseph Theophilus Howard has this day been a graduate in medicine fifty years, and for forty-five years a member in good standing in the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, during which time he has been a most exemplary practitioner, always upholding the honor and dignity of the profession, thereby earning and deserving the confidence and respect of the community and his professional brethren; therefore

"Resolved, That the Society extends to Dr. Howard its hearty congratulations and good wishes, and expresses the hope that his


useful and honorable life may be prolonged for many years in health, happiness and prosperity.

"Resolved, That this testimonial be spread on the minutes, and a copy duly authenticated be forwarded to Doctor Howard."

An announcement of the approaching competition for the Warren Triennial Prize was read and referred to the Editorial Committee for publication in the ANNALS.

The program being a Symposium upon Tuberculosis, Dr. L. L. Flick, of Philadelphia, addressed the Society. He was followed by Gen. Sternberg, Dr. J. Dudley Morgan and Dr. Fremont Smith. Dr. S. S. Adams read a short paper upon the occurrence of the disease in children.

Wednesday, March 17.-The President, Dr. Balloch, presided; about 50 members present.

Dr. Stavely, from the committee, presented resolutions of respect to the memory of Dr. J. Preston Miller, which were adopted.

An invitation was received from the Secretary of the American Society for the Study of Alcohol and other Narcotics, requesting the attendance of members of the Society at its meetings.

Dr. Monte Griffith spoke on "Tuberculosis of the Eye," in continuation of the symposium upon tuberculosis. Dr. Dunlop transmitted a paper upon the "Orthopedics of Tuberculosis, which, in his absence, was read by the Secretary. Discussed by Drs. A. F. A. King, Gwynn, Kober, O. M. Muncaster, Chappell, S. S. Adams, O. Wilkinson and J. D. Thomas.

Dr. Oscar Wilkinson read a paper entitled "Exophoria; its Symptoms, Significance and Treatment." Discussed by Drs. Griffith, S. B. Muncaster and Henning. See p. 104.

Wednesday, March 24.--The President, Dr. Balloch, presided; about 70 members present.

Dr. A. F. A. King offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

"INASMUCH as Dr. Harvey W. Wiley is personally known to many of us as a man of sterling integrity, courage and persistent justice, and while we also know him to be an accomplished and skillful chemist; therefore,

"Resolved, That we heartily commend and endorse his arduous and difficult work in protecting the American people from poisons, impurities and adulterations in their foods, drinks and medicinal remedies, and we earnestly trust that his humane efforts will be generously sustained by the powers of Government, supported by the cordial sympathy of his professional colleagues, and encouraged by the sincere appreciation of a grateful populace. "Resolved, That a copy of the above, signed by the President

and Secretary of the Society, be sent to the Journal of the American Medical Association for publication."

A letter from Dr. J. C. Boyd, Medical Director, U. S. N., invited the members of the Medical Society to attend the closing exercises of the Naval Medical School.

Dr. Hasbrouck reported a case of Traumatic Epilepsy which had been treated by operation. The patient was presented.

Dr. S. S. Adams reported a case of Epidemic Cerebro-spinal Meningitis, cured by the use of the Flexner serum. This patient also was presented. Discussed by Drs. A. F. A. King, Chappell. Behrend, Hickling, J. D. Morgan and Adams.

Dr. Wm. P. Spratling, of Baltimore, read a paper upon "The Rational Treatment of Epilepsy." Discussed by Drs. Wm. A. White, Carr, P. C. Hunt, Shute, Hickling, Williams, A. F. A. King, Kober and Spratling. A vote of thanks was given Dr. Spratling for his presentation of the subject.

Wednesday, March 31.-The President, Dr. Balloch, presided; about 60 members present.

An appropriation of $154.50 was granted for the last edition of the ANNALS.

Dr. D. S. Lamb requested information for the Committee on History as to the origin of the custom of appointing reviewers of the several branches of medicine; he had been able to find no record of any action of the Society in regard to it. Dr. McLaughlin replied, stating that in his retiring address in 1905 he had recommended the practice and had invited several gentlemen to review the various departments of medicine. The custom had been continued by succeeding presidents.

Dr. Lamb, also for the committee of which he was chairman, the other members being Drs. Jos. Taber Johnson and Geo. M. Kober, presented a biography of the late Dr. Robert Reyburn and proposed resolutions of respect to his memory. The resolutions were adopted by unanimous vote, and remarks upon the life and work of Dr. Reyburn were made by Drs. Jos. Taber Johnson, Jas. Dudley Morgan, Chappell and Kober.

Dr. Wm. A. White read the essay for the evening, the title of which was: "The Theory of the Complex." Discussed by Drs. Hickling, Williams, Carr, Shute and White.

CHILDREN'S CHILDREN.-An eight-year-old girl asked her

He replied, "Well, I
She answered:
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father: "Daddy, have I any children?" should hope not; why do you ask?" church this morning the minister children, and I wondered if I had any."

preached about children's


Journal of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia.

Published Bimonthly by the Society, at No. 2114 Eighteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Subscription price, including postage, $1.00 per year, in advance. Single copies, 20 cents. Advertising rates given on application.


D. S. LAMB, A. M., M. D., Chairman,

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2114 Eighteenth Street, N. W. The Farragut. 945 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W.


IMPORTANT NOTICE TO NEW MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY.— The members who were elected April 7th are informed that a History of the Society is now in press-nearly 200 pages already. printed. Members who desire to have their photographs reproduced in the volume will send the said photographs as soon as practicable to the Chairman of the Committee on History, Dr. D. S. Lamb, at 2114 Eighteenth Street, N. W.

Biographical sketches of members will appear in the volume, and the following data are suggested the full name; date and place of birth; degrees conferred, medical and otherwise, giving year and institution conferring; service in army, navy and marine hospital service; hospital connections; college connections; marriage, date and to whom; anything else of interest, either of medical or civic character. The sketches should be sent with as little delay as possible to Dr. Lamb, at the above address.

THERE IS A MOVEMENT to provide a fund for Dr. Wm. B. Atkinson, of Philadelphia, Pa., formerly Permanent Secretary of the American Medical Association. It is said that he is in destitute circumstances. The subject will probably be brought before the Association at its next meeting.

THE ST. LOUIS MEDICAL SOCIETY requests that members of the Medical Society of this District send reprints of their articles to the Secretary of that Society.

THE XVITH INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONGRESS.-Secreretary-General, Professor Emil Grósz, M. D.-Office, Budapest, VIII, Esterházy-uteza 7.-In accordance with the resolution passed at Lisbon on the 26th April, 1906, the XVIth International Medical Congress will be held at Budapest from the 29th August till the 4th September, 1909, inclusive.

THE AMERICAN PROCTOLOGIC SOCIETY will hold its eleventh annual meeting at Atlantic City, N. J., June 7 and 8, 1909. Headquarters and place of meeting, Haddon Hall. A preliminary program has been issued, giving the titles of twenty-six papers. Dr. T. C. Martin is the only Washington member.

BARNES MEDICAL COLLEGE, St., Louis, Mo., sends a circular, setting forth the results of the examinations for registration in Missouri for 1908, and particularly indicates the percentages of failures of the Missouri medical schools:

Med. Dept. Univ. Mo., no failures.

St. Louis Univ., failures, 9.3 per cent. of those examined.
Washington Univ., 12.5 per cent.

Barnes Univ., 15.5 per cent.

American Med. College, St. Louis, 28.5 per cent.
Univ. Med. College, Kansas City, 33.3 per cent.
Homeopathic Med. College, St. Louis, 43.7 per cent.
Hahnemann Med. College, Kansas City, 44.4 per cent.
Ensworth Med. College, St. Louis, 46.6 per cent.
College Phys. and Surgeons, St. Louis, 52 per cent.

THE MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF WASHINGTON.-The Hippocrates Society, the object of which is "the cultivation and promotion of knowledge in whatever relates to the science of medicine and surgery," will meet as follows: May 13th, at Dr. J. Lewis Riggles', The Champlain; essay by Dr. Riggles. May 27th, Smoker and President's Address. The membership in this Society is limited to 25. The President for this season is Dr. D. G. Smith'; Secretary, Dr. J. H. Holland.

The Therapeutic Society of this District meets on the second

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