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Dec. 22.1883

Cooke bequest.


lies...Sir William Howe moves towards White Marsh...Skir-

mish there... Returns to Philadelphia... Washington goes into

winter quarters at Valley forge...Distresses of the American


CHAP. V. Events of 1777 continued...Proceedings of Congress...

Resignation of the President... Henry Laurens appointed

President...Colonel Wilkinson delivers a message to Con-

gress from General Gates...Is brevetted a Brigadier Gene-

ral...General Mifflin resigns as Quarter Master General...

Board of war appointed... Mr. Silas Deane recalled...General

Conway appointed Inspector General... Discontent of the

officers...Confused state of the finances....Articles of confe-


CHAP. VI. Events of 1777 continued...March of Burgoyne's

troops... His reception by General Schuyler...Conduct of his

troops on the march...Their reception at Cambridge... Gene-

ral Burgoyne complains that the publick faith is broken...

Congress resolve to delay the embarkation of the troops...

Correspondence between Washington and Howe on the

subject of prisoners... Report of the Board of War thereon...

Conduct of a party of the enemy under Captain Emmerick...

Contemplated expedition of General Spencer against New-

port... Savage inroads on the western frontiers... Proceedings

of Congress...General Lincoln sends an expedition against

Lake George and Ticonderoga... Surprise of General St.

Clair...Extra pay given to Washington's army.

CHAP, VII. Events of 1778...Proceedings of the British Par-

liament...Lord North's second conciliatory scheme...Duke

of Richmond proposes to acknowledge the independence of

America...Last publick appearance of Lord Chatham...Dis-

grace of Burgoyne...Situation of the American army at Val-

ley Forge...Commissary General appointed...Baron Steuben

appointed Inspector General... Inactivity of Sir William

Howe at Philadelphia...Conduct of Congress on receiving

Lord North's Bills... Arrival of Mr. Simeon Deane with

copies of the treaties with France...Proceedings of Con-

gress thereon...Sir Henry Clinton arrives and supersedes Sir

William Howe...Arrival of the Commissioners, Lord Car-

lisle, Mr. Eden and Mr. Johnston...Their unsuccessful ne-

gotiation and outrageous conduct,...Sir Henry evacuates Phi-


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