
2 The birds without barn, Or storehouse are fed,

From them let us learn

To trust for our bread:
His saints, what is fitting,
Shall ne'er be denied,
So long as 'tis written
The LORD will provide.

3 We may, like the ships, By tempests be tost

On perilous deeps,

But cannot be lost:
Though Satan enrages
The wind and the tide,
The promise engages
The LORD will provide.

4 His call we obey,

Like Abram of old,

Not knowing our way,

But faith makes us bold;

For though we are strangers,
We have a sure guide,
And trust in all dangers

The LORD will provide.


1 WHEN Satan appears

To stop up our path,
And fill us with fears,

We triumph by faith;
He cannot take from us,
Though oft he has tried,

This heart-cheering promise,--
The LORD will provide.

2 He tells us we're weak, Our hope is in vain,

The good that we seek

We ne'er shall obtain ;
But when such suggestions
Our spirits have tried,
This answers all questions,-
The LORD will provide.

3 No strength of our own Or goodness we claim;

Yet since we have known

The Saviour's great name,

In this our strong tower
For safety we hide,
The LORD is our power,
The LORD will provide.

4 Should life sink apace,
And death be in view,
This word of his grace

Shall comfort us through:
No fearing or doubting,—
With CHRIST on their side
Who cannot die shouting,
The LORD will provide?

XIII. 8, 7.

1 ONE there is, above all others,

Well deserves the name of Friend!
His is love beyond a brother's,

Costly, free, and knows no end:
They who once his kindness prove,
Find it everlasting love!

2 Which of all our friends to save us,

Could or would have shed his blood?

But our Jesus died to have us

Reconcil'd in Him to God:

This was boundless love indeed!
Jesus is a Friend in need.

3 When He liv'd on earth abased, "Friend of Sinners" was His name; Now above all glory raised,

He rejoices in the same:

Saints He calls His "brethren, friends,"
And to all their wants attends.

4 O! for grace our hearts to soften; Teach us, Saviour, love for love; We, alas! forget too often,

What a Friend we have above: Thus may all Thy saints be taught, How to love Thee as they ought.

XIV.—8, 8, 6. bis.

1 WE bless Thee, O Thou great Amen!
Jehovah's pledge to sinful men,
Confirming all His word!

Doubtful no promises remain,
For all are Yea, and all Amen,
In Thee, our faithful Lord.

2 How great the grace of God to bless By Thee, the Lord our righteousness! By Thee, we say again:

For to us all things thus are sure, Through life, in death, and evermore, By Thee, the Great Amen.

3 O faithful Witness of our God,
Who cam'st by water and by blood!
In Thee (the Holy One)

God's record doth for ever stand,
Of life eternal, from His hand,
To all in Thee the Son.

4 Gladly His promises we hear,
For God's "Amen" dispels all fear,
His faithfulness it proves;

And while such grace from God is shown,
To His Amen, we add our own:

For our Amen He loves.


1 CHILDREN of God, in age or youth, Who live by Christ, the God of truthSecure in Him remain ;

Make Him what He is made to you,

Your Alpha and Omega too,

God's Christ is your Amen

2 Nor less above, ye heav'nly host'
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Give praise for ransom❜d men ;
For now to you, by them's made known,
The richest wisdom ever shown,

Thro' Christ, the Great Amen.

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