UNFAIR COMPETITION UNITED STATES Actions against government, see Admiralty Arbitration of claims, 234 Arrest of government owned vessel pro- Arrest of vessel in foreign jurisdiction, duty of counsel to procure release, 233 Costs, allowance against United States 232 Date of accrual of cause of action as af- Decree, 232 Election to proceed in rem, 232 Hearing and determination, 232 on money judgment against dered and settlement claims, 235. Satisfaction of judgment against gov- Seizure of government owned vessel pro- Settlement of claim, 234 Statutory authority to sue government Stipulation of United States not re- Suits in foreign jurisdictions, consul to Vessel formerly owned by United States, release from arrest or attachment, 233 Conspiracy to defraud United States, 707 Salvage, recovery by government, 234 UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD TION See SHIPPING AND NAVIGATION UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORA- See TRADE COMBINATIONS AND TRUSTS USURY State decisions as binding on federal VEHICLES Automobiles, use to reduce traveling ex- Expenditure by executive departments for Coast guard officers employed by Venezu- VENUE OR DISTRICT OF TRIAL Actions against railroads under federal Civil suits, construction of provision, 624 Corporations, effect of doing business in Crimes Capital cases, 624 note False claim against United States, 624 note Districts having more than one division, Diverse citizenship as basis of venue. 624 Injunction suit against comptroller of cur- 66 Patent infringement cases, regular and Proceedings to enforce orders of interstate VERDICT Unanimity of jury as essential to jury VESSELS See SHIPPING AND NAVIGATION VETERANS See SOLDIERS' HOMES VIRGIN ISLANDS Experiment stations, sale of products by Judges, military or naval officer as; eligi- WAR (Cont'd) Transportation of troops, etc., see FED- WAR COUNCIL See WAR DEPARTMENT WAR DEPARTMENT See ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF WAR American National Red Cross, reimburse- Bridges over navigable waters, approval by Chief of bureau, rank, 309 Officers number in bureau, 309 Council of National Defense, salaries of Insular affairs, see Bureau of insular af- Loan of rifles to organization of war vet- Motor vehicles, transfer of surplus to De- Surplus articles transferred to other de- Department of Agriculture, road making Federal board for vocational education, War Council WATER COMPANIES Charges as prior lien on property served, Compelling continuance of business at loss, Rates and charges, due process of law in Appropriation of water Riparian ownership unnecessary, 816 note Federal Power Commission Actions in equity by Attorney General, Alteration of licenses, 371 Amendment of act, reservation of right, Applications for licenses 372 Condemnation proceedings of licensees, Conditions in licenses, 371 Conditions of issuance of licenses, 373 et seq. Contracts for sale of power, extension of Creation, 367 Definition of words used in act. 367-368 Executive secretary, appointment, duties Expenses, allowance and payment, 367 State water laws as affected by act, 382 Transfer of licenses, 372 Work performed through departments of Automobiles, allowance to employee for Furnishing water supply for purposes Motorcycles, allowance to employee for Traveling expenses in reclamation serv- Transportation by pipe line not within Water power, reservation from allotment WATER TRANSPORTATION Carriers excepted from operation of inter- Interstate commerce act applicable to WATERWORKS Rate regulation, 833 note WEATHER BUREAU Doing business, 546 note Engaged in business, 546 note Field service, 812 Fighting ship," 246 Government dam, 368 Guaranty period" as used in federal con- In the field, 812 note Marine insurance company, 251 Municipal purposes, 368 Port of documentation, 251 Possess," meaning of word in Volstead Preferred maritime lien, 255 Preferred mortgage, 252 Project, 368 Project works, 368 Public lands, 367 66 Railroad" as used in federal control act, |