COMPENSATION OF CARRIERS WITH WHICH NO CONTRACT MADE Sec. 203. (a) Measure of Compensation, 75. (b) Effect of Acceptance of Benefits, 75. REIMBURSEMENT OF DEFICITS DURING FEDERAL CONTROL 204. Manner of Arriving at Deficits" Test Period "- Certification to Secretary of Treasury of Amounts Payable to Carrier, 76. INSPECTION OF CARRIERS' RECORDS 205. Carriers' Property and Records as Subject to Inspection by President Duty of Carriers to Furnish Information, 77. CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF FEDERAL CONTROL 206. (a) Actions against Agent of President Period of Limitation -Courts Having Jurisdiction, 77. (b) Process-Statement Filed by Agent of President with Clerk of District Court, 78. (c) Complaints Affecting Rates, etc.- Filing with Interstate Commerce Commission, 78. (d) Abatement of Pending Actions, etc.- Substitution of Agent of President, 78. (e) Judgments, etc., against Agent of President Payment, 78. (f) Computing Period of Limitation of Actions - Period of Federal Control, 79. (g) Levy of Execution or Process on Property of Carrier, 79. REFUNDING OF CARRIERS' INDEBTEDNESS TO UNITED STATES 207. (a) Ascertainment of Carriers' Indebtedness to United States Set-off, 79. (b) Funding of Indebtedness, 79. (c) Indebtedness Incurred for Equipment - Effect of Fund ing, 80. (d) Short Term Notes Evidencing Indebtedness, 80. (e) Payment of Securities-Extension of Time - Exchange, 80. (f) Evidences of Indebtedness Secured by Equipment Trust Agreements, 80. (g) Authorization or Approval of Evidences of Idebtedness, 80. (b) Joint Rates, Fares or Charges, 81. (c) Land Grant Railroads -Transportation of Property and Troops of United States, 81. GUARANTY TO CARRIERS AFTER TERMINATION OF FEDERAL CONTROL 209. (a) Terms Used in Section Defined, 81. (b) Statement by Carrier Accepting Provisions of Section, 81. (c) Guaranty to Carriers - Determination, 81. (d) Effect of Payments in Excess of Guaranty, 82. Sec. 209. (e) Manner of Computing Railway Operating Income, or Deficit Therein, 83. (f) Elements Considered in Computing Railway Operating Income or Deficit Therein, 83. (g) Ascertaining and Paying Guaranty, 83. (h) Advances to Carriers during Guaranty Period, 84. NEW LOANS TO RAILROADS 210. (a) Loans by United States to Railroads - Application to Interstate Commerce Commission, 85. (b) Investigation by Commission - Certifying Findings, etc., to Secretary of Treasury, 86. (c) Loan by Secretary of Treasury on Receipt of Certificate Terms, 86. (d) Advice and Assistance of Federal Reserve Board, 86. Issuance by Carriers, 87. TITLE III. DISPUTES BETWEEN CARRIERS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES AND SUBORDI Sec. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. NATE OFFICIALS Terms Used in Title Defined, 87. Disputes Conference between Representatives of Parties Reference to Official Board, 87. Railroad Boards of Labor Adjustment - Establishment, 88. "Railroad Labor Board "- Composition - Nominations by 306. (a) Membership on Labor Board - Subsequent Ineligibility, 89. 307. 308. 309. from Office, 89. Disputes within Jurisdiction of Labor Board - Hearings Powers of Labor Board as to Chairmanship, Office, etc.- In- 310. (a) Witnesses in Investigations by Labor Board - Documentary Evidence Depositions - Fees and Mileage, 91. (b) Failure to Comply with Subpoena - Contumacy of Witness - Contempt, 91. (c) Incriminatory Testimony, 91. Sec. 311. (a) Books, etc., Relating to Matters under Investigation by Labor 312. 313. 314. 315 316 Board-Right of Access, 91. (b) Records of Officers and Employees of United States - Right of Labor or Adjustment Board to Data, 92. (c) Transfer of Books, etc., by President to Labor Board, 92. Wages or Salaries of Employees of Carriers - Rate ment, 92. Pay Violation of Decisions of Labor or Adjustment Board, 92. TITLE IV. AMENDMENTS TO INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT Common Carriers Affected by Act - Transporters of Persons or Transportation or Transmission within United States Wholly 66 66 Terms Used Defined" Common 401. Fifth, Sirth and Seventh Paragraphs of Section 1 Numbered, 95. 402. Paragraphs Added to Section 1 by Act of May 29, 1917, Amended, 96. "Car Service" Defined, 96. Safe and Adequate Car Service-Duty of Carrier - Rules, Distribution of Coal Cars, 96. Rules and Regulations with Respect to Car Service - Filing, Rules, Regulations and Practices with Respect to Car Service - Shortage of Equipment, Congestion of Traffic or Other Emer- Routing of Traffic over Other Railroad Lines - Power of Directions of Commission as to Car Service by Whom Carried New and Extended Lines of Railroads Abandonment of Lines Application for Certificate from Commission-Notice of Appli- Authority of Commission with Respect to Issuance of Certificate - Construction, Operation or Abandonment of Lines without Approval of Commission - Injunction - Penalty, 98. Safe and Adequate Car Service - Power of Commission to Construction or Abandonment of Side Tracks, etc., Wholly within State Electric Railways, 99. Sec. 403. Paragraphs Added to Section 1 by Act of Aug. 10, 1917, Numbered, 99. 404. Section 2 Amended - Special Rates, Rebates, etc., Prohibited, 99. 405. First Paragraph of Section 3 Numbered, 100. New Paragraph Added - Payment of Tariff Rates and Charges Second Paragraph Amended - Interchange of Traffic-Terminal 406. Section 4 Amended, 101. Long and Short Hauls, 101. Competition of Railroads with Water Routes - Rates, 101. 407. First Paragraph of Section 5 Amended - Pooling Agreements Consolidation of Carriers, 102. 408. Second Paragraph of Section 5 Amended - Paragraph Numbered, 104. Two Paragraphs Added to Section 5- Water Competition, 104. 409. Paragraphs of Section 6 Numbered, 104. 410. Third Paragraph of Section 6 Amended Proviso Added Change of Rates, etc.- Schedules, 104. 411. Seventh Paragraph of Section 6 Amended - Proviso Stricken Out" Carrier," 105. 412. Thirteenth Paragraph of Section 6 Amended - Dock Connections between Rail and Water Carriers - Construction and Operation, 105. 413. Thirteenth Paragraph of Section 6 Further Amended-Proportional Rates, 105. 414. Section 10 Amended-Paragraphs Numbered-Proviso Amended -Unlawful Discrimination in Rates, 105. 415. Paragraphs of Section 12 Numbered, 106. 416. Section 13 Amended - Paragraphs Numbered - Two Paragraphs Added Investigation by Commission, 106. 417. Paragraphs of Section 14 Numbered, 106. 418. First Four Paragraphs of Section 15 Amended, 107. Violations Commission to Determine if Charges, Classifications, etc., Are Unjust, Discriminatory, etc.- Just and Reasonable Rates, 107. Orders to Carriers-Taking Effect of Orders - Continuance, 107. Commission May Establish Through Routes, Joint Classifications, and Rates, etc., on Failure of Carriers Water Connection Electric Roads Not Carrying Freight Water Transportation, 107. Through Routes Lines Embraced-Temporary Temporary Through Routes, 108. - Extension of Suspension - Hearing on Rates Increased Since January 1, 1910, 109. Sec. 419. Fifth Paragraph of Section 15 Numbered, 110. 420. New Paragraphs Added to Section 15, 110. Property Diverted or Delivered Contrary to Routing Instructions, 110. Unrouted Traffic Authority of Commission to Direct Route, 110. 421. Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Paragraphs of Section 15 Numbered, 110. Adjustment of Rates by Commission - Fair Return upon Aggre gate Value of Railway Property, 111. Aggregate Value of Property of Carriers - Determination by Net Railway Operating Income Received by Carriers in Excess Net Railway Operating Income Received by Carriers in Excess Right of Carriers to Draw from Reserve Fund - Payment of Reserve Fund of Carriers-Accumulation, 113. Rules and Regulations by Commission - Determination and General Railroad Contingent Fund Paid to Commission - Dis- Loans to Carriers from General Railroad Contingent Fund Loans When Granted by Commission Terms and Condi- Leases of Transportation Equipment or Facilities by Carriers — Leases When Made by Commission Terms and Conditions, 114. Rules and Regulations by Commission Loans and Leases of Reparation for Overcharges, etc.- Right of Shippers, 115. Earnings of Carriers from New Construction- Permission to 423. First Paragraph of Section 16 Amended - Paragraph Numbered, 115. 424. Second Paragraph of Section 16 Amended - Paragraph Numbered and Last Sentence Eliminated New Paragraph Added Relating to Limitation of Actions by Carriers, 116. 425. Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Paragraphs of Section 16. Numbered, 116. 426. Seventh Paragraph of Section 16 Amended - Penalty for Carrier Not Obeying Orders, 116. 427. Eighth and Ninth Paragraphs of Section 16 Numbered, 116. 428. Tenth Paragraph of Section 16 Amended Employment of Attorneys, etc., by Commission Expenses. 116. 429. Eleventh and Twelfth Paragraphs of Section 16 Numbered, 117. |