
the libretto was written by Mr. W. S. Gilbert, and within two hours of his death he had put the finishing stroke to the score. On the 29th, at Bristol, aged 68, John Pilkington Norris, D.D.; educated at Rugby under Dr. Arnold; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A., 1846; first-class in classics with H. Hallam and F. Lushington; Inspector of Schools, 1849-64; Curate of Lewknor and of Hatchford, 1865-70; Vicar of St. George, Brandon Hill, Bristol, 1870-6, and of St. Mary Redcliffe, 1877-82, which he was instrumental in restoring; Canon of Bristol, 1881-5, and Archdeacon, 1881. He was offered and accepted the Deanery of Chichester a week before his death, but the official notification only preceded that event by one day. He married, 1871, Edith, daughter of Dr. Lushington. On the 30th, at Wimbledon, aged 63, W. H. Davenport Adams, a popular author and journalist. On the 31st, at Lukoja, aged 81, Samuel Adjai Crowther, Bishop of the Niger Territory; born in an African town in the Yomba country; taken prisoner by some Mahommedans, he was repeatedly sold as a slave, and at length fell to a Portuguese slaveholder, who, on quitting Lagos in 1882, was captured by an English cruiser, and taken to Sierra Leone. Here Adjai was educated by the Church Missionary Society, was baptised in 1825, and, after being here employed as a teacher, was ordained in 1843, and sent to Yomba country as a missionary. In 1857 he was appointed leader of the New Niger Mission, and in 1864 was consecrated in Canterbury Cathedral the first Bishop of the Niger.


The figures between [] refer to PART I.

ACCIDENTS.-Agecroft Colliery, escape of
gas, 68; Apevale pit, Newcastle-under-
Lyme, colliery explosion, 19; Bed-
minster, colliery explosion, 51; Bergün,
diligence overturned, 53; Central
Underground Railway of Glasgow, gas
explosion, 68; "Cordelia," gun ex-
ploded, 36; Crown Hotel, Blackburn,
gas explosion, 68; Danube, ice gives
way, 2; Dublin Castle, dynamite ex-
plosion, 74; Dunkirk, petroleum ex-
plosion, 30; Elham Valley, landslip,

; St. Etienne, colliery explosion, 69;
Fort Monteverde, powder magazine
explosion, 23; Friarsgoose Chemical
Works,collapse of condensers, 44; Frick
Coke Co.'s pits, Pennsylvania, gas ex-
plosion, 6; Glasgow, gas explosion, 4;
Hibernia pit, Gelsenkirchen, explosion,
6; Marley Tunnel, fall of, 30; New
York, building collapsed, 49; Parry-
town and Irvington, dynamite explo-
sion, 28; Skeena River, landslip, 39;
"Tancarville," gas explosion, 27;
Trieste, railway tunnel collapsed


ADLER, Rev. Dr. H., Chief Rabbi, 31
ADRIATIC, bathing accidents, 47
AERONAUT, G. Higgins killed at Kirkstal,

French, lost in the Channel, 47
AFGHANISTAN.-AMEER, friendship for
England [366]. CHIEFTAINS, execu-
tion [366]. PYNE, Mr., enters the
Ameer's service [365]
leaves for Kibiro, reinstated at Wadelai
[401]. UGANDA, Capt. Lugard defeats
the Mussulmans [401]; treaty with the
British East Africa Co. [401]. ZAM-
BESIA, Northern, Johnston, Mr. H. H.,
appointed Commissioner [400]

EAST.-ABYSSINIA, King Menelek,
dissatisfaction with the Italians [397].
COMORO Islands, insubordination of
natives [398]. GERMAN East Africa,
administration, programme of the new,
[398]; Soden, Baron von, Governor
[398]; Wahehes, engagement with
[398]. MADAGASCAR, troubles with
the French [398]; Mozambique [398].
ZANZIBAR, English administration in-
stalled [399], 60; improvements [399];
shipping trade, increase of tonnage,
[399]; Vitu, treaty abolishing slavery,

AFRICA, SOUTH.-CAPE Colony, Budget

[393]; Cape Town, South African
Museum, robbery, 55; Census [394];
Loch, Sir H., and Mr. Rhodes' visit to
England [393]; railways [394].
GAZALAND, King of, claims British
protection [394]. MASHONALAND,
British South African Co. dispute with
the Portuguese [396]; collision at
Fort Salisbury, 27; mineral wealth,
search for [396]. NATAL, Krüger,
Pres., reception [395]; responsible
government, scheme [395]; Ngami-
land, under British protection_[394].
PORT Beira, mail stopped, 16. TRANS-
VAAL Independence anniversary
[396]; proposed trek to Mashonaland
[395], 23. ZULULAND [395]

reduction [400]; expedition under
Capt. Stairs [400]; steamers, regula-
tion [400]. NIGER DISTRICT, Mac-
donald, Major C., British Commissioner
[400]. SIERRA LEONE, French annex
territory [399]

AGRICULTURAL Hall, meeting of "show-
men," 6

AILESBURY "Mansion and Estates" de-
cision, 70

AIX, Archbp. of, fined, 66

ALL SAINTS' Convalescent Home, new
wing opened, 34
AMERICA [401]. Vide Canada, Mexico,
Newfoundland, United States, West

food, scarcity of [415]; revenue [415];
small-pox, epidemic of, 2; trade and
commerce, progress in [415]. HON-
DURAS, Presidential election [415];
waggon-roads, construction of, [415].
NICARAGUA CANAL, progress [416].
PANAMA CANAL, scheme for the com-
pletion [415]

LIC, Budget [418]. BUENOS AYRES,
banks suspend payment, 20, 31; order to
close the Salvation Army halls, 19; Cor-
dova, revolution, 11, 29; finance [418];
Mitre, Gen., withdraws from the elec-
tion [418], 59; Rocca, Gen., fired at, 11.
BRAZIL, Congress, dissolution [419],
63; Dom Pedro, ex-Emperor, death
[420]; remains transported to Portu-
gal, 70; interment, 70; Fonseca,
Marshal da, President, 12; forced to

AMERICA, SOUTH, continued.
resign [419], 66; Rio de Janeiro, in-
Burrection [419], 66; Rio Grande,
garrisons demand separation, 64.
CHILI, Balmaceda, Gen., defeated [421],
50; commits suicide [421], 54; con-
flicts betweeen Pres. Balmaceda and
the Congressionalists [420], 2, 6, 8, 10,
11, 15, 20, 24, 50; Government, reply
to Mr. Blaine, 62; Montt, Adm., Pre-
sident [421], 66; Valparaiso, sur-
renders, 50; conflict at, 57. MONTE
VIDEO, revolutionary outbreak, 58.
PARAGUAY, financial panic [421];
revenue [421]. URUGUAY, emigra-
tion [421]; financial scheme [421].
VENEZUELA, boundary dispute [421]
ANARCHISTS' Congress, Lugano, 2
D'ANDRADE, Col., ovation at Lisbon, 5
ANHALT, Prince Aribert of, marriage, 38
ARISTOTLE, Treatise of, discovery, 4
ARNOLD, M., bust unveiled, 62
ART.-Retrospect of:

BRITISH Museum, 103
NATIONAL Gallery, 102

NATIONAL Portrait Gallery, 103
ROYAL Academy, 104
SALES, 106

SOUTH Kensington Museum, 104
ASIA. Vide Afghanistan, Burmab, China,
Corea, India, Japan

AUSTRALASIA [422]. Vide New South
Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Tas-
mania, Victoria

AUSTRALASIAN Confederation Convention,
Sydney, 13, 19, 20
AUSTRALIA, SOUTH [433]. Financial
statement [433]

WESTERN [483]. Parliament the
first opened [433], 5; revenues [433]
TIVE Reform Bill [319]. BUDA-PESTH,
Jockey Club suspends English jockeys,
62; budget [318], [320]. CENSUS, 9.
ELECTIONS [316], 13; Emperor at
Fiume, 35. GALICIA, celebration of the
Polish anniversary, 25; German Libe-
rals, reconciliation with the Govern-
ment [317]; Gregr, Dr., unpatriotic
speech [318]. KALNOKY, Count, on
foreign affairs [321]-[324]. MILITARY
preparations [320]. PASTORAL letter

316). REICHSRATH, dissolution

[315]; opening [317]. TRIESTE and
Fiume cease to be free ports, 37.
VIENNA, barriers of the old city re-
moved, 72; Bourse, panic [321], 65;
case of self-mutilation, 71
AUXILIARY Australian Squadron at Mel-
bourne, 54

AVALANCHE at Alhamana, Greece, 7

BADE, Capt., reaches Hammerfest, 50
BALFOUR, Rt. Hon. A. J., honorary degree
of LL.D., 9; First Lord of the Treasury
and Leader of the House of Commons
[188], 59; Chancellor of Edinburgh
University, 62; inaugural address at
Glasgow University, 67

BANK of England, rate of discount reduced,
2, 5, 7, 31, 33, 37, 70; raised, 22, 26,
27, 55, 62

[blocks in formation]

BINAO, island of, revolt, 19

BISHOPSGATE Girls' School opened, 71
BISMARCK, Prince, his 77th birthday, 18
"BLAKE," H.M.S., subjected to a trial,

BLANC, Mt., attempt to establish an obser-
vatory, abandoned, 51
BLIZZARD, America, Western States, 9;
English Channel and States of the
Union, 15

Воотн, "General," at a farewell meeting,
7; reaches Sydney, 55

BOULANGER, General, shoots himself [263],
56; funeral, 56

BRADLAUGH, Mr., motion to expunge the
resolution against [20], 6; death [20];
funeral, 8

BRIGHT, Mr. J., statue unveiled, 58, 61
BRITISH Association, Cardiff, 49
BROCK, Mr. T., Academician, 5

[329], 18. FERDINAND, Prince, 4th
anniversary of his accession [330];
French correspondent expelled [330]
71. PLEVNA, fortifications, [329]
RAILWAY Communication interrupted,
64; Russian memorandum [327]; re-
joinder [327]-[829]
Commissioner, on the food supply [369].
MACKENZIE, Sir A., Chief Commis-
sioner [370]. WUNTHO attacked, 12
BUTT, Mr. Justice, Pres. of the Admiralty,
Probate and Divorce Court, 6

CADOGAN, Earl, Garter conferred 43
CAMBRIDGE Congregation, honorary de-
grees conferred, 33

University, "Grace" rejected, 62
14. LANGEVIN, Sir H., resignation
[412], 47. MACDONALD, Sir J., death
[412]. Ministry, dismissal [412], 71.
OTTAWA, superintendent of the Print-
ing Bureau, arrested, 60. PARLIA
MENT, oissolution of, 8. SCANDALS
[412]; Royal Commission of inquiry,
49, 52, 53. TRADE [413]

CART-horse parade, in Regent's Park, 28
CATHOLIC Congress, Malines, 52
CENSUS, decennial in Gt. Britain, 19
CHAIN and nail makers, deputation to the
Home Secretary, 22

[blocks in formation]

CHAPEL Royal, Whitehall, handed over to
the United Service Association, 2
CHINA.-CHUN, Prince, funeral [382];

Chung-King, opening of the new
treaty port [383]. EMPEROR of, re-
ceives foreign Envoys, 14. FLOODS
[383]. FORMOSA, Camphor stations,
raid by savages [384]. GOVERNMENT
protest against Mr. Blair's nomination,
24. HONG KONG, Kowloon, discovery
of tin [384]; Voeux, Sir W., resigna-
tion [384]. Riots [379]-[383]; at
Amoy, 55; Chao-Tang, 69; Isang, 51;
Kinchow, 68; Nankin, 29; Takow, 68;
Wuhu, 27. TONQUIN, new railroad
opened, 34; number of pirates killed
[384]. TRADE [383]
CHRISTIAN, Prince, shot in the eye, 73
and Princess, silver wedding, 38

CIVIL List pensions, 34

ST. CLAIR tunnel, opening of, 54
CLARENCE and Avondale, Duke of, be-
trothal [222] [231], 69

CLEAVER V. Mutual Reserve Fund, judg-
ment, 42

CLITHEROE case [86], 17
COBERG, arrested at Olot, 3

COLLEGES, London, petition to grant de-
grees, 41

COLLINS, Mr. R. H., Judge of High Court,


COLSTON, E., 225th anniversary of his
birth, 65

COMMONS, House of, fumigated [120], 29
CO-OPERATIVE Congress, Lincoln, 28
COREA.-Commercial treaty with Japan

"COUNTESS of Carnarvon," captured by a
Portuguese gunboat [396], 14

COUNTY Council, London, budget, 20;
annual report, 31; resignation of
members, 71
CRICKET.-Eton and Harrow, 40; Eton

and Winchester, 37; Oxford and Cam-
bridge, 36; review of the season, 51
CLUTTERBUCK, Dr., 4 years' penal servi-
tude, 66

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

French plays, 110; New plays, 107;
Play without words, 110; revivals, 109,

DRENITZA, attacked by Arnauts, 8
"DUBLIN Gazette," special edition revok-
ing the Crimes Act, 33
DUFFERIN and Ava, Marq. of, at St.
Andrew's University, 19; Lord War-
den of the Cinque Ports, 63; Ambas-
sador at Paris, 70

DURAND, Col., attacks the fort of Nilgit,

EARTHQUAKES.-Italy, North, 32; Mis-
sissippi Valley, 55; Nipon, 61; Pan-
tellaria, Island of, 59; San Fran-
cisco, 1; San Salvador, 52; Van,
Armenia, 21
W., Bishop of Carlisle, 72

CHURCH Congress, Rhyl [194], 57;
Church House, foundation-stone laid,
35; Coventry, Suffragan Bp. of, con-
secration, 56; Creighton, Rev. M., Bp.
of Peterborough, 10; consecration, 23
DAKOTA, North, Bp. of, conclusion of his
visitation, 67; Davidson, Dr. R., Bp.
of Rochester, consecration, 23
FORREST, Rev. Prebendary, Dean of
Worcester, 34

GOTT, Dr., Bp. of Truro, 31; consecration,

JEX-BLAKE, Rev. T. W., Dean of Wells,


LEGGE, Hon. and Rev. A., Bp. of Lich-

field, 34; consecration, 55; London,
Bp. of, decision in favour, 42; presented
with a pastoral staff, 66

MACLAGAN, Dr. W. D., Archbp. of York,

28; Magee, Rt. Rev. Dr., Archbp. of
York, 3; burial, 26; Mauritius, Bp. of,
consecration, 8

NORMANBY, Rev. the Marq. of, Canon of
Windsor, 11

PAGET, Rev. F., Dean of Christ Church,
61; Pigou, Dr., Dean of Bristol, 56
SOUTHWARK, Suff. Bp. of, consecration,
56; Straton, Archdeacon, Bp. of Sodor
and Man, 73

WILKINSON, Dr., Bp. of Truro, resigna-
tion, 21; Worcester, Bp. of, consecra-
tion, 8

ZULULAND, Bp. of, consecration, 55
EDUCATION, Free, generally adopted, 51
EGYPT.-ANTIQUITIES Department, ap-

plication for, 68. BUDGET [392].
CABINET, new [390]. FINANCE [392].
GOVERNMENT schemes [392]. JUDI-
CIAL reform [391]. SCOTT, Mr., legal
adviser [391], 10. TOKAR, advance of
the troops, 9; captured [393], 11
ELECTIONS, municipal, results of, 63
"ENDYMION," H.M.S., launched, 42
ST. ETHELBURGA, verger hangs himself, 46
ETON COLLEGE, 9th Jubilee, 35

[blocks in formation]

FARADAY, M., centenary of his birth, 33
FEODOROVNA, The Grand Duchess Eliza-
beth, received into the Greek Church,

FERGUSSON, Sir J., Postmaster-General
[188], 54

FIFE, Duchess of, birth of a daughter, 28;
christening, 36


BOONE Paper Co., Louisville, 69
BOURGET village, 28

BROMPTON, 38 Egerton Gardens, 29
CAIRO, Abdur Palace, 43
CANTERBURY, cavalry barracks, 65

CHICAGO, Dime Theatre, 21

"CITY OF RICHMOND" steamship, 32
COPENHAGEN, Amalienborg Palace, 5
CORK, The Court House, 18
EAGLE Wharf Road, 73
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, 56
HERTFORD, All Saints' Church, 72
HURSTBOURNE House, Andover, 1
ISLE OF DOGS, Millwall, 59

ST. JOHN'S School-room, Up. Wortley, 1



[blocks in formation]

E., 48; Melbourne, 41; Mississippi, 14;
Ohio, 11; Spain, 52; Tennessee, 14;
Virginia, W., 11; Wellington, New
Zealand, 3

FOG over London, 73

FOOTBALL, England and Scotland, 14, 19
FREEMAN'S JOURNAL, meeting of share-
holders, 50

FROST Over England, 71; Europe, 4; Scot-
land, 71
FRANCE.-AGREEMENT with Russia, 51;

Algeria, colonisation in [252]; army
manœuvres [262]. BRUSSELS Con-
vention, refusal to ratify. 35; Budget
[251], [264]. CAMBON, M., Gov.-Gen.
of Algeria [256]; Chamber of De-
puties and Senate, debates in [264],
[265], 70; Conseils Généraux, spring
session [256]; Constans, M., receives
infernal machine, 43; Corn Tax re-
duction [260]; Customs tariff [256].
ST. ETIENNE, Englishmen arrested, 67;
guilty, 73. FINANCIAL crisis, 15;
Floquet, M., re-elected Pres. [249];
Freppel, Mgr., death [266]; Freycinet,
M., wish to resign [261]; Oration at
the Academy [265], 70. D'HAUSSON-
VILLE, M., leader of the Royalist party
[255]. LABOUR Bureau [250]; Lanes-
san, M. de, Gov.-Gen. of Indo-China,
[256]; "Loi Berenger" [253]. MAR-
SEILLES, reception of Ministers, 57;
May-day manifestations [257]. NA-
TIONAL Loan, success [249]; New
Betting Bill [251], 13, 81. PARIS,
balloon accident, 34; National fête
celebrated, 41; Opera, demonstration
at, 53; Pilgrims in Rome [263].
RIBOT, M., at Bapaume [263]. SAY,
M. L., on the Factory Labour Bill, 72;
Senatorial Elections [249], 2; Strikes
[257], [259], [260], 29, 41, 65. TCHAD,
Lake, expedition to, attacked, 42; Tri-
poné, M., and M. Turpin arrested
[259], 29. Union de la France Chre-
tienne [261]. VIAND, Capt. J., mem-
ber of the Academy, 29

GALES.-Cheshire, 51; England, 50, 54, 64;
English and Irish Channel, 70; Eng-
lish and Irish coasts, 60; Lancashire,
51; Scotland, 50, 54; United King-
dom, 59; Wales, N., 51

GAMBETTA, statue unveiled, 64
GARIBALDI, statue unveiled, 57
GEOGRAPHICAL Congress, Berne, 48
GERMAN Emperor at Düsseldorf, 25; Bonn,
26; accident whilst driving, 27; re-
ception in England [303]; at the
Guildhall [148]; freedom of the City
of London, 40; at Wimbledon and the
Crystal Palace, 40; Kiel, 47; Merse-
burg, 49; Munich, 52; Stuttgart, 57
and Empress visit Heligoland, 36; at
Amsterdam, 37; Windsor, 37; the
Royal Italian Opera, 39; Hatfield, 40 ;
take leave of the Queen, 41

Colonial troops, expedition against
Waheke, 48
GERMANY.-ALSACE-Lorraine, passport
regulations relaxed [303], 54. BER-
LIN, consecration of new colours, 22;

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