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"Let us all consider the history and declarations of the great parties, and thoughtfully conclude which is the more likely to promote the general interests of : our people."-Benjamin Harrison.

"The Republican Party was dedicated to freedom. It has been the party of liberty and emancipation from that hour; not of profession, but of performance."--William McKinley.

"No session of Congress has, in my judgment, for thirty years accomplished so much that is valuable. in legislation for the best interests of all the people as has been enacted during the present session. I believe that this will be the verdict of history."-Speaker Cannon in speech of thanks at close of session June 30, 1906.




A Republican campaign text-book does not aim so much at an argumentative discussion as it does a presentation of facts and figures for reference by editors, speakers and writers. The members of a progressive and healthful political organization, representing, as does the Republican Party, a large majority of our 85,000,000 people, and having in its ranks over 8,000,000 voters, may have slight differences of opinion owing to geographical and industrial conditions. And yet on the great national issues of the day the Republican Party is harmonious and united as never before. All of its representatives believe in equal rights and equal opportunity to all. believe in upholding the Constitution and the Statutes. believe in maintaining the honor and integrity of the nation. They believe in protecting our labor and industries, and they are satisfied in pointing to the party's record of effort and achievement in the past in both legislation and administration as an evidence of what may be expected of it in the future if continued in control of the government. Republicans are never concerned about radicalism or conservatism. They never theorize or hypothesize. They are content with practical and progressive ideas and the maturing of those ideas into positive performance. To chronicle such performances briefly and to present compactly and comprehensibly the party record with a review of the nation's progress and the people's prosperity under the operation of Republican laws and execution, is the object of this work. Every statement made and all figures presented are official or authoritative. The truth is the highest exemplification of Republican doctrines and policies and party record the best plea that can be made for continuation in power.

Campaign and Issues of 1906.

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On the 6th of next November the members of the House of Representatives of the Sixtieth Congress will be elected. Since the termination of the Fifty-third Congress, March 4, 1895, the House of Representatives has been Republican and there is every reason to expect that a substantial working Republican majority will be elected next November. On the 4th of nextMarch the Republican Party will have been in complete control of the government for ten continuous years, and during those years we have made a greater advance as a nation and a people than was ever made before in a generation and in many respects greater than during our whole previous history. There cannot then be the least doubt of Republican success if the voters study i carefully the record of the two parties.

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There will be thousands and hundreds of thousands who will vote for the first time in November, who were mere children when the Democrats last had a majority in the House of Representatives, and they do not all vividly remember the awful ey times and conditions brought on the country by that Congress. They were not born when the only Democratic President since the Civil War was first elected. They were babes in arms when Grover Cleveland sent his famous or infamous Free Trade Message to Congress, and when, a year after, the iniquitous Mills Bill was framed and passed by the Democratic House of Representatives of the Fiftieth Congress. But fortunately there was then a Republican Senate to prevent the enactment of a Free Trade law, and disaster and calamity was for the time averted. But in 1893 the Democrats had the Presidency as well as both Senate and House of Representatives, and the work of that single Fifty-third Democratic Congress cost the industries and people of the country many billions of dollars and incalculable suffering. These facts should be weighed with the record of the Republican Party before and since, and especially should the record of the present Congress be studied, for though its work is not yet finished, more has already been done in one session than by any previous Congress since the War of the Rebellion. The fiscal year which closed June 30th, and the calendar year so far, gave and is giving us new records in every phase of our industrial life, and only Democratic success can prevent in any way its continuance.




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Never before in the history of nations have such industrial conditions or such material welfare existed as are to-day possessed by our progressive nation and our prosperous people. For nearly half a century, year after year and decade after decade, we have advanced by amazing strides in production and consumption, the twin indices of substantial success. The unparalleled wealth and power and credit and standard of living which have come to our people since 1861 have been under and largely because of the wisdom and the courage of the chosen leaders of the Republican Party. Our splendid natural advantages and our vast resources have been developed by patriotic, judicious and effective legislation, without which our ore might have lain unmined, our trees unfelled, our farms uncultivated, and our fac

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