
by the Government of the United States, which shall be acted on by the president, who will in such cases report their results to the Government as soon as obtained and to the academy at its next following stated meeting.

SEC. 5. The advice of the academy shall be at all times at the disposition of the Government upon any matter of science or art within its scope.


SECTION 1. All investments and reinvestments of either principal or accumulations of income of the trust and other funds of the academy shall be made by the treasurer, with the approval of the finance committee, in the corporate name of the academy, in the manner and in the securities designated or specified in the instruments creating the several funds, or, in the absence of such designation or specification, in bonds of the United States or of the several States, or in bonds or notes secured by first mortgages on real estate, in investments legal for savings banks under the laws of Massachusetts or New York, or in other bonds recommended to the treasurer by the fiscal advisers of the academy.

The treasurer may invest the capital of all trust funds of the academy which are not required by the instruments creating such funds to be kept separate and distinct, in a consolidated fund, and shall apportion the income received from such consolidated fund among the various funds composing the same in the proportion that each of said funds shall bear to the total amount of funds so invested; provided, however, that the treasurer shall at all times keep accurate accounts showing the amount of each trust fund, the proportion of the income from the consolidated fund to which it is entitled, and the expenses and disbursements properly chargeable to such fund.

SEC. 2. The council shall at its annual meeting in each year designate one bank or trust company in Washington, D. C., and one in New York City to act, when requested by the treasurer, as the fiscal advisers of the academy.

SEC. 3. The treasurer shall have authority, with the approval of the finance committee, to sell, transfer, convey, and deliver in the corporate name and for the benefit of the academy any stocks, bonds, or other securities standing in the corporate name.

SEC. 4. No contract shall be binding upon the academy which has not been first approved by the council.

SEC. 5. The assessments required for the support of the academy shall be fixed by the academy on the recommendation of the council and shall be payable within the calendar year for which they are assessed.


SECTION 1. Devises, bequests, donations, or gifts having for their object the promotion of science or the welfare of the academy may be accepted by the council for the academy. Before the acceptance of any such trust the council shall consider the object of the trust and all conditions or specifications attaching thereto. The council shall make a report of its action to the academy.

SEC. 2. Medals and prizes may be established in accordance with the provisions of trusts or by action of the academy.

SEC. 3. Unless otherwise provided by the deed of gift, the income of each trust fund shall be applied to the objects of that trust by the action of the academy on the recommendation of a standing committee on that fund.


Additions and amendments to the constitution shall be made only at a stated meeting of the academy. Notice of a proposition for such a change must be submitted to the council, which may amend the proposition, and shall report thereon to the academy. Its report shall be considered by the academy in committee of the whole for amendment.

The proposition as amended, if adopted in committee of the whole, shall be voted on at the next stated meeting, and if it receives twothirds of the votes cast it shall be declared adopted.

Absent members may send their votes on pending changes in the constitution to the home secretary in writing, and such votes shall be counted as if the members were present.



(In accordance with a resolution of the academy, taken at its meeting on April 21, 1915, the rules are arranged in groups and each group is numbered to correspond with the article of the constitution to which it relates.)


1. The holders of the medal for eminence in the application of science to the public welfare shall be notified, like members, of the meetings of the academy, and invited to participate in its scientific



1. The proper secretary shall acknowledge all donations made to the academy, and shall at once report them to the council for its consideration.

2. The home secretary shall be the custodian of all books, apparatus, archives, and collections not explicitly assigned to other care. 3. The home secretary shall keep a record of all grants of money or awards of prizes or medals made from trust funds of the academy. The record for each grant of money shall include the following items:

1. Name of fund.

2. Date and number of the grant.

3. Name and address of recipient.

4. Amount of grant and date or dates of payment.

5. Purpose of grant.

6. Record of report of progress.

7. Resulting publications.

4. The treasurer shall keep the home secretary informed of all warrants received from directors of trust funds not controlled by the academy and of the date or dates of payment of all warrants.

5. The treasurer is authorized to defray, when approved by the president, all the proper expenses of committees appointed to make scientific investigations at the request of departments of the Government, and in each case to look to the department requesting the investigation for reimbursement to the academy.

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6. The treasurer is authorized to act as the treasurer ex officio of the National Research Council.

7. The treasurer shall have the assistance of a salaried and bonded officer, the bursar, who shall be chosen by the finance committee and be directly responsible to the treasurer.


1. The annual meeting of the academy shall begin on the fourth Monday of April. At the business sessions of the academy the order of procedure shall be as follows:

(1) Chair taken by the president, or, in his absence, by the vice president. (2) Roll of members called by home secretary (first session of the meeting only).

(3) Minutes of the preceding session read and approved.

(4) Stated business.

(5) Reports of president, secretaries, treasurer, and committees.

(6) Business from council.

(7) Other business.

2. The rules of order of the academy shall be those of the Senate of the United States, unless otherwise provided by the constitution or rules of the academy.

3. In the absence of any officer a member shall be chosen to perform his duties temporarily, by a plurality of viva voce votes, upon open nomination.

4. At each meeting the president shall announce the death of any members since the preceding meeting. As soon as practicable thereafter he shall designate a member to write or to secure from some other source approved by the president-a biographical notice of each deceased member.

5. A local committee of five members, appointed for each meeting, and the home secretary shall together constitute the committee of arrangements, of which the home secretary shall be chairman.

It shall be the duty of the committee of arrangements to prepare the scientific program for the annual meeting, and for this purpose it shall be empowered to solicit papers from members or others. It shall also be empowered to ascertain the length of time required for reading papers to be presented at the scientific sessions of the academy, and, when it appears advisable, to limit the time to be occupied in their presentation or discussion.

The committee of arrangements shall meet not less than two months previous to each meeting. It shall prepare the detailed program of each day, and in general shall have charge of all business and scientific arrangements for the meeting for which it is appointed.

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