
1. Give the meaning of garde (m.), garde (f.), livre (m.), livre (f.), personne (m.), personne (f.), page (m.), page (f.), souris (m.), souris (f.), vase (m.), vase (f.), voile (m.), voile (f.).

2. Give the feminine of le margrave, acteur, naïf, flatteur, supérieur, absous, grec, bref, bas, sot, bienfaiteur, odieux, débiteur, demandeur.

3. Write quelques-uns in the singular, masculine and feminine. Give a list of about seven indefinite pronouns, with their inflexions, if any.

4. When does the past participle of a verb agree (i) with its subject, (ii.) with its object, and when is it invariable?

5. Write the 2nd pers. sing. of the present and imperfect subjunctive of :-aller, revenir, pouvoir, savoir, vouloir, dire, faire, paraître, reprendre,


6. Give the English of le saut, le seau; le bas, le bât; le capital, la capitale; le chair, la chaire ; la chaux, le chaud; la cour, le cours.

7. Show, by examples, which of the following conjunctions require the subjunctive, which the indicative: avant que, après que, tandis que, jusqu'à ce que, quoique, puisque, parceque, pourvu que.

8. Distinguish between à l'abri de and à couvert, de suite and tout de suite, en campagne and d la campagne, tout à coup and tout d'un coup, de loin à loin and de loin en loin, with an example of each.

9. Parse the pronouns in the following sentence, stating to which verb each stands as subject or object (direct or indirect): "ceux qui le virent en danger accoururent lui porter secours.

10. Give the English of en badinant, en plaisantant, par mégarde, tout droit, de bon jeu, de part et d'autre, à perte de vue, à bon compte.


1. Explain the following words:-Compurgator, tenant in capite, scutage, benefit of clergy, ministry, burgher, sheriff.

2. What various races have made settlements on the British Isles, and at what times? Narrate briefly the Danish invasion in Ethelred II.'s reign.

3. Give an account of the events which took place in England from the death of Cromwell to the landing of Charles II.

4. Give the situation of the following places, and state what remarkable events have happened at or near them-Lewes, Barnet, Calais, Copenhagen, Dundalk, La Hogue, Trafalgar, Assaye, Gibraltar, Orleans, the Boyne; with dates.

5. Give the dates of accession of the English sovereigns, from Henry VII. to William and Mary.

6. In whose reign were the following enactments passed, and what was the chief object of each :— Statute of Mortmain, Statute of Praemunire, Act of Uniformity, Habeas Corpus Act, Act of Settlement, Reform Bill of 1832? State also what you know about the Bill of Rights, and the Petition of Right. 7. Give a short life of only three out of the following, taking one from each division:(i.) Dunstan, Earl Waltheof, Robert Earl of Gloucester, Simon de Montfort.

(ii.) Wolsey, Earl of Murray, Walter Raleigh, Francis Bacon.

(iii.) Lord Wm. Russell, St. John Lord Bolingbroke, Duke of Marlborough, Warren Hastings. 8. Assign events to the following dates,-1085, 1164, 1415, 1485, 1534, 1588, 1603, 1666, 1679, 1690, 1759, 1775.

1. State the various proofs, celestial and terrestrial, of the earth's rotundity.

2. Mention the four largest rivers of Africa; and state what you know about the Congo.

3. Mention (i.) the position of each of the following places, (ii.) their historical, political, or commercial importance :-Dantzig, Valparaiso, Salonika, Granada, Toronto, Brisbane, Prague, Orleans, Sebastopol, Bucharest, Stettin, Leipsic.

4. Describe the position of the Black, Red, White, and Yellow Seas: what produce do we obtain from the shores of each ?

5. Give an account of the chief industrial occupations of the United States.

6. Explain the cause of Earthquakes; and mention some parts of the globe which are very much exposed to them.

7. What possessions has Russia outside of Europe ? Describe, as nearly as you can, the southern boundary of Asiatic Russia.

8. Give a geographical description of Japan, showing its position, dimensions, principal cities and ports, productions, manufactures, and government

1. Multiply eighteen millions four hundred and five thousand one hundred and ten by twenty-five thousand and one. Divide the product by one

hundred and ninety.

2. What is the total cost of a city dinner at £4 13s. 9d. per head, the number of guests being 312?

3. 40 ac. 3 ro. 15 po. of land are cultivated at a net cost of 17s. 6d. a rood. The produce sells for £192 17s. 4d. What is gained ?

4. Simplify

(i.) (3 of 4%) — 7 + (1 of 2);

(ii.) (1% of 4) ÷ (15+ — 13).
· 3

5. If of a sheep be worth £}, and ‡ of a sheep be worth of an ox; how much must be given for 100 oxen ?

6. Multiply 2·083 by 059 and by 72300 successively; and divide 346.25 by 00505.

7. Determine the rent of an oblong field, the sides of which are respectively 1 fur. 23 po. 34 yds. and 30 po. 2 yds. long, at £2 5s. 4d. an acre.

8. A tradesman buys 500 yds. of cloth at 9s. 7 d. per yd., but has £44 Os. 2 d. thrown off the bill for cash; at what price per yd. can he afford to sell so as to gain 33 per cent. ?

9. Divide £180 among A, B, and C, so that A may receive three times as much as B, and B and C together may receive half as much as A.

10. The General Rate being 4s. 2d. in the pound, what is the rateable value of a property that pays annually a rate of £726 13s. 4d.?

1. Prove that (a + b + c)2 + (a2 + b2 + c2) = (a + b)2 + (a + c)2 + (b + c)3.

2. Multiply — 2 + x
3. Find the G.C.M. of

by x2 + 2 + x3.


26 + 3x3y + 3x1y2 + 11x3y3 + 4x2y1
and 5xy-3x3y + 18x2y3-2xy4y5.
4. Extract the Square Root of
21. − 2 (a — ab) x3 + a2 (1 + b2) x2

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


2a3 (bb) x + a1b2;

and of 5 + 2 (22 + 2) + 204 +

5. Prove that


(ax+by) (ay + bx)2 = (a2 — b3) (x2 — y3). 6. Reduce to their simplest forms :—




[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

√(x4 + 4x3- 8x + 4) (x2 - 2x-2)}. {(204

7. Solve the equations :

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

x + 10

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]



x + 1

х 2

= 1. х 3

8. A certain number consisting of two digits when divided by the sum of its digits has a quotient 7 if the digit in the units' place be decreased by 2 and that in the tens' place by 1, and if the number thus formed be divided by the sum of its digits, the quotient is 10. Find the number.

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