British Books in Print, Volumer 1-4J. Whitaker, 1985 |
Miracles and Mirages | 75 |
Johnston Donald Copyright Handbook M8 382 2r e 18 00 Bowker 8 | clviii |
History of a Publishing House M8 300 13 50 | 13 |
See BaumfieldB H JonesL | 25 |
Sword in the Scabbard M Joseph 42 | 42 |
Joy T Bookselling D8 159 0 75 Pitman 52 | 52 |
Joy T Right Way to Run a Library Business C8 128 0 30 A G Elliot 49 | 332 |
Just as it Happened Flower III Cassell 50 | 398 |
House of Collins D8 304 III 0 75 Collins 52 | 538 |
Kelmscott Press Bibliography of the Ed Peterson D8 176 25 00 Oxf UP 9 | 592 |
Kenyon Sir F G Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome C8 144 III | 609 |
Bookshops IC8 224 9 50 David C 2 | 700 |
Memoir and Handlist of | 711 |
Kilgour R L Messrs Roberts Brothers Publishers III Michigan U P 52 | 718 |
Being a Sort of Record of 10 Years of Publishing | 1431 |
Opphavsrett | |
Memoir of John Taylor Blunden D8 256 II n e of 1936e 8 25 | 432 |