
was increased enough to allow of supplying some sections which heretofore were neglected. Denver and its tributary territory was one of the first to benefit by this increased output, and Hendrie & Stephens of this city, located at 1721 Stout street, who are general agents of the Republic Rubber Company, now have, for the first time, a complete stock of Republic Tires

Aurora Car.-The attention of physicians is called to the Aurora Car, which is especially designed and built for the doctor's use, either in city or country practice. The car possesses several new and attractive features. It is chainless; has a high road clearance, platform rear springs,

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and 32-inch wheels. Seats are also provided for four extra people. The machine develops full 20 horse power. The price is only $775.00 for this most excellent machine. Intending purchasers should look at the "Aurora" before buying. Mr. A. T. Wilson, 1558 Broadway, Denver, is the general agent for Colorado and Wyoming.

Tailor-Made Automobile.-It has been left to Chas. A. Scott of 1560 Clarkson, to inaugurate the exceedingly practical proposition of building to order an automobile known as the "Denver."

You may want a detachable tonneau or runabout body; a water-cooled or air-cooled motor; small horse power for economy, or a high horse power for speed; a low or high gear or any combination. He is prepared to put up the car as desired and give you the best materials and workmanship.

Mr. Scott also invites your attention to his specially equipped repair shop, no one doing better work than he, because he has only the best men. Mr. Scott says that he believes the secret of repairing an automobile is in diagnosing the trouble.

G. H. Stover, M. D., says: My first car was one of the early steam type, now happily obsolete. The next was a Pope Waverly electric of thirty cells. It gave good service for two years; then we put in a new set of batteries and it is as good as new. It is an enclosed car, and my wife uses it during the day; at night, particularly during winter or cold or rainy weather, it is the ideal means of locomotion.

Chainless, High Road Clearance, 32-inch Wheels, Easy Riding Platform, Rear Springs, Twenty Horse Power, Seats Extra Four People

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Then I got a Maxwell runabout, two cylinders, and used it a year with the greatest possible satisfaction; it was always ready to go, never laid down on me, and the cost of operating it was ridiculously small. As this was only a two-passenger car, and as I intend to do a good deal of touring in future, I turned it in and got a Stevens-Duryea light six-cylinder car, not a heavy car, very flexible of control, suitable for country roads or city streets, quiet running and very powerful, and my joy is now complete.

The Rambler Models for 1908, made by Thomas B. Jeffery & Co., Kenosha, Wis., possess many new and desirable features. A cut of Model 34 Touring Car apears in this article. The frame is of pressed steel throughout. The wheels are 36 inches in diameter with 4-inch tires. The crank

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case is a distinctly new pattern, the body of the case being in one piece, access to the bearings being through a plate covering the entire righthand side of the case. A leading feature of the motor is the method of support. The price of this model is $2,250.00, and is for sale by E. R. Crumbe, 1541 Cleveland Place, Denver, Colo.

The Mitchell Model H. Runabout, manufactured by the Mitchell Motor Car Co. of Racine, Wis., is a car particularly adapted to the doctor's use. Its engines develop a full 20 horse power. Tires are 32x32 inches, ball bearings in front, Hyatt roller bearings in rear, with 92-inch wheel base. The design and equipment of this machine are of the very best, and the price only $1,000.00. Mr. E. R. Cumbe, 1541 Cleveland Place, Denver, is the general agnt for this territory and will gladly give a demonstration at any time.


Electric Garage. The Electric Garage Company, located at 921-927 East Fourteenth avenue, of which L. B. Brown and L. G. Sterrett are proprietors, is one of the newest and most successful of Denver's motoring institutions. Their new garage, which is the largest in the city, used exclusively for electrics, having 50 by 110 feet of clear floor space for the storing of cars. The repairing plant is perfectly equipped in every department. An elevator which will give access to the second floor and increase their present capacity greatly is now being installed. The Electric Garage Company does a general garage business; it is equally interested in all electrical vehicles and does not favor any one particular make. Its business is exclusively electrical, no gasoline or steam machines are kept. A specialty is made of overhauling, buying, selling, and rebuilding elec trical vehicles in addition to the regular garage service. This company has adopted a number of policies that are new in Denver motoring institutions and which are original, such as having cars in its care covered by in


We repair

you will need
supplies from time

to time

The Denver Auto Goods Company

carries the most complete line of Automobile
Supplies in the West

We pay particular attention to mail and telegraph orders.
Sometimes if you don't know exactly what you need give us an
idea and we can put you right. Our store is in charge of men
(not boys) who know their business. We keep only such goods
as we know to be the best. Our prices are reasonable. You
have to buy supplies every year. therefore, we have to treat you
well to hold your trade.

tires and we sell the best tire made, "The Empire" they wear longest.

We sell the best Oils and Greases that are in the market. Send for

some of our Repair Gum and fill those cuts in your tires. Get one of our Filters which removes water and all impurities from gasoline.

Denver Auto Goods Company



Think it over We have the only Garage whose

when in need of anything in our line.


employes devotes their entire time to the caring of cars. We have a special rate on gasoline and oils of which we handle the best. Our competent workmen assure us of our guarantee of satisfaction. ¶Talk it over with our

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surance and supplying customers with cars, batteries and tires while their electrics are being repaired. Mr. Sterrett, who is the general manager and practically at the head of the institution, has had twenty years of experience in some of the best-known manufacturing establishment in the United States and has associated with him at the present time some of the most able electrical workers in the city of Denver.

The Jackson has been made for the past eight years at Jackson, Mich., but has only been on the western market since 1906. The Jackson, on its introduction here, at once attracted attention by the noiseless operation of its working parts and is known by many of its friends as the silent car. The first three years the company confined themselves to two cylinder

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cars, but in 1906 and since they have been making four-cylinders, and in early spring will have out a six-cylinder. The car that especially appeals to the professional man is the Model F Runabout two-cylinder, 16-18 horse power, shaft drive, 90-inch base. This car travels 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline, has a seating capacity for three adults. Price, with equipment, horn, lamps, etc., is $850 f. o. b. Lansing. The western end of the selling of Jacksons is in charge of Mr. Hannan, 1441 Welton St., Denver.

The 1908 Automobile Show will be
held at the Mammoth Roller Skating
Rink during the 6th, 7th, 8th, of April

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