

of Ohud,

Henda, with fifteen matrons of Mecca, inceffantly e HAP.
founded their timbrels to animate the troops, and
to magnify the greatness of Hobal, the most po- A. D. 623-
pular deity of the Caaba. The ftandard of God
and Mahomet was upheld by nine hundred and
fifty believers: the difproportion of numbers was
not more alarming than in the field of Beder;
and their prefumption of victory prevailed against
the divine and human fenfe of the apoftle. The
fecond battle was fought on mount Ohud, fix
miles to the north of Medina 32: the Koreish ad-
vanced in the form of a crefcent: and the right
wing of cavalry was led by Caled, the fierceft and
moft fuccefsful of the Arabian warriors. The
troops of Mahomet were skilfully posted on the de-
clivity of the hill; and their rear was guarded by
a detachment of fifty archers. The weight of their
charge impelled and broke the centre of the ido-
laters; but in the pursuit they lost the advantage
of their ground: the archers deferted their station:
the Mufulmans were tempted by the spoil, dif-
obeyed their general, and difordered their ranks.
The intrepid Caled, wheeling his cavalry on their
flank and rear, exclaimed, with a loud voice, that
Mahomet was flain. He was indeed wounded in
the face with a javelin: two of his teeth were
shattered with a stone; yet, in the midst of tumult
and difmay, he reproached the infidels with the
murder of a prophet; and blessed the friendly
hand that ftaunched his blood, and conveyed him
to a place of safety. Seventy martyrs died for
the fins of the people: they fell, faid the apoftle,

232 Geograph. Nubienfis, p. 47.


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CHAP. in pairs, each brother embracing his lifeless com3


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Mahomet fubdues

the Jews of Arabia,

A. D.

panion "33: their bodies were mangled by the in-
human females of Mecca; and the wife of Abu
Sophian tafted the entrails of Hamza, the uncle
of Mahomet. They might applaud their fuper-
ftition and fatiate their fury; but the Mufulmans
foon rallied in the field, and the Koreifh wanted
strength or courage to undertake the fiege of Me-
It was attacked the enfuing year by an
army of ten thousand enemies; and this third ex-
pedition is varioufly named from the nations,
which marched under the banner of Abu Sophian,
from the ditch which was drawn before the city,
and a camp of three thousand Mufulmans. The
prudence of Mahomet declined a general engage-
ment: the valour of Ali was fignalised in single
combat; and the war was protracted twenty days,
till the final feparation of the confederates.
tempeft of wind, rain, and hail, overturned their
tents: the private quarrels were fomented by an in-
fidious adversary; and the Koreish, deferted by their
allies, no longer hoped to fubvert the throne, or to
check the conquests, of their invincible exile 134.


The choice of Jerufalem for the first kebla of prayer difcovers the early propenfity of Mahomet 623-627. in favour of the Jews; and happy would it have been for their temporal intereft, had they recognif

133 In the iiid chapter of the Koran (p. 50-53. with Sale's notes), the prophet alleges fo...e poor excufes for the defeat of Ohud.

134 For the detail of the three Koreish wars, of Beder, of Ohud, and of the ditch, perufe Abulfeda (p. 56-61. 64-69. 73-77.), Gagnier (tom. ii. p. 23-45. 70-96. 120—139.), with the proper articles of d'Herbelot, and the abridgements of Elmacin (Hit. Saracen. p. 6, 7.) and Abulpharagius (Dynaft. p. 102.).



ed, in the Arabian prophet, the hope of Ifrael and CHA P. the promised Meffiah. Their obftinacy converted his friendship into implacable hatred, with which he pursued that unfortunate people to the last moment of his life: and in the double character of an apostle and a conqueror, his perfecution was extended to both worlds 135. The Kainoka dwelt at Medina under the protection of the city: he seized the occafion of an accidental tumult, and fummoned them to embrace his religion, or contend with him in battle. "Alas," replied the trembling Jews, "we are ignorant of the use of "arms, but we perfevere in the faith and worship " of our fathers; why wilt thou reduce us to the "neceffity of a juft defence?" The unequal conflict was terminated in fifteen days; and it was with extreme reluctance that Mahomet yielded to the importunity of his allies, and confented to spare the lives of the captives. But their riches were confifcated, their arms became more effectual in the hands of the Musulmans; and a wretched colony of seven hundred exiles was driven with their wives and children to implore a refuge on the confines of Syria. The Nadhirites were more guilty, fince they confpired in a friendly interview to affaffinate the prophet. He befieged their castle three miles from Medina, but their resolute defence obtained an honourable capitulation; and the garrifon, founding their trumpets and beating

135 The wars of Mahomet against the Jewish tribes, of Kainoka, the Nadhirites, Koraidha, and Chaibar, are related by Abulfeda (p. 64. 73% 77. 87, &c.) and Gagnier, tom. ii. p. 61-65, 107-112. 135-148, 268—294.).


CHAP. their drums, was permitted to depart with the ho nours of war. The Jews had excited and joined the war of the Koreifh: no fooner had the nations retired from the ditch, than Mahomet, without laying afide his armour, marched on the fame day to extirpate the hoftile race of the children of Koraidha. After a refiftance of twenty-five days, they surrendered at difcretion. They trusted to the interceffion of their old allies, of Medina: they could not be ignorant that fanaticifm obliterates the feelings of humanity. A venerable elder, to whofe judgment they appealed,. pronounced the fentence of their death: feven hundred Jews were dragged in chains to the market-place of the city: they defcended alive into the grave prepared for their execution and burial; and the apostle beheld with an inflexible eye the flaughter of his helpless Their fheep and camels were inherited by the Musulmans: three hundred cuiraffes, five hundred pikes, a thoufand lances, compofed the moft useful portion of the fpoil. Six days journey to the north-east of Medina, the ancient and wealthy town of Chaibar was the feat of the Jewish power in Arabia; the territory, a fertile fpot in the defert, was covered with plantations and cattle, and protected by eight caftles, fome of which were efteened of impregnable ftrength. The forces of Mahomet confifted of two hundred horfe and fourteen hundred foot in the fucceffion of eight regular and painful tieges they were expofed to danger, and fatigue, and hunger; and the most undaunted chiefs defpaired of the event. The apostle revived their faith and courage by the example of Ali, on




whom he bestowed the furname of the Lion of God: CHA P. perhaps we may believe that an Hebrew champion of gigantic ftature was cloven to the cheft by his irrefiftible scymetar; but we cannot praise the modesty of romance, which represents him as tearing from its hinges the gate of a fortrefs, and wielding the ponderous buckler in his left hand 136 After the reduction of the castles, the town of Chaibar fubmitted to the yoke. The chief of the tribe was tortured, in the prefence of Mahomet, to force a confeffion of his hidden treasure the industry of the shepherds and husbandmen was rewarded with a precarious toleration: they were permitted, fo long as it fhould please the conqueror, to improve their patrimony, in equal fhares, for his emolument and their own. Under the reign of Omar, the Jews of Chaibar were transplanted to Syria; and the caliph alleged the injunction of his dying mafter, that one and the true religion fhould be profeffed in his native land of Arabia 37

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of Mecca.

Five times each day the eyes of Mahomet were Submiffion turned towards Mecca 38, and he was urged A. D. 629.

136 Abu Rafe, the fervant of Mahomet, is faid to affirm, that he himfelf, and feven other men, afterwards tried, without fuccefs, to move the fame gate from the ground (Abulfeda, p. 90.). Abu Rafe was an eyewitness, but who will be witnefs for Abu Rafe?

137 The banishment of the Jews is attefted by Elmacin (Hift. Saracen. p. 9.) and the great Al Zabari (Gagnier, tom. ii. p. 285.) Yet Niebuhr (Defcription de l'Arabie, p. 324.) believes, that the Jewish religion, and Kareite fect, are still profeffed by the tribe of Chaibar; and that in the plunder of the caravans, the difciples of Mofes are the confederates of those of Mahomet.

138 The fucceffive steps of the reduction of Mecca are related by Abulfeda (p: 84-87. 97-100. 102-111.) and Gagnier (tom. ii. p. 209→→→→245. 309–322. tom. iii. p. 1-58.), Elmacin (Hift. Saracen. p. 8, 9, 10.), Abulpharagius (Dynaft. p. 103.).




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