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This account of Chrestiens' Romance cannot terminate better than by the description he gives of the fairy-woven costume, in which Erec appeared on this most important occasion, and which is far too entersting to be passed over in silence.

"Il n'est homme qui scut retraire
L'œuvre du drap et le faicture
De quoi Erec ot vestéure
Quatre fees l'avoient fait

Li premierè i avoit pourtrait
Par droit compas et par mesure
Si com li ciux et terre dure.

Li seconde nombre par sens
Les jours et les eures du tens
Et de la mer toutes les goutes
Et du ciel les estoiles toutes.
La tierce musique i assist
Vn art qui acordance fist
De la harpe rote et de viele

Cet œuvre fust et bone et bele

La quarte qui apres trouva
A moult bele œuvre recoura”

"Car le meillor des arts i mist
Car Astronomie i assist
Celequi fait robe vermeile
Qui a estoiles se conseile

Et a lune et a soleil.

Cete œuvre fust et drap pourtraite

Desor la robe Erec fust faite."


HARTMANN von der Aue, the translator of Chrestien de Troyes' Chevalier au Lion, is also the author of the German version of Erec and Enite. It has recently been edited by Herr Moriz Haupt,* from a MS. in the Imperial Ambraser Collection at Vienna. This MS. contains also the Iwein, and an unpublished poem by the same writer, as well as an unfinished narrative of the wonderful Mantle of Arthur, from an unknown pen, evidently (as the Editor concludes from internal evidence) not that of Hartmann. The last line of this latter poem,

"bi ir und bi ir wiben,"

has not the slightest connection with the preceding ones, which contain a description of Kai, but it suits the beginning of Eric, part of which poem is undoubtedly lost. The Editor supposes that the Queen requested one of the knights of the Round Table to remain "with her and her ladies," as the quotation before made expresses, and this removes the abruptness of the first line of Eric,

"Ditz was Erec fil de roi Lac."'

This was Erec the son of King Lac.

The poem as a composition is by no means equal to the Iwein, which is supposed to be the later production of the two. In the Iwein, Hartmann has almost entirely dispensed with the use of French words, which in the Erec are of frequent occurrence. The part which has been lost is undoubtedly the account of the Chase of the White Stag, to which distinct reference is made in lines 1101-2.

"do der hirz was gejaget
Als iu e ist gesaget."

Leipsic. 8vo. 1839.

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