
Anti-Trust Hearings, House Committee on the Judiciary,


United States Industrial Commission, Review of Evidence, Vol. XIII, p. xxviii.

JENKS, JEREMIAH W. The Trust Problem.


HOBSON, J. A. Gold, Prices, and Wages.

HANEY, LEWIS H. Business Organization and Combina


Report on the International Harvester Co. Conant. The Annalist. “U. S. Steel Corporation." New York,

February 2, 1914.

SAUNDERS, W. L. Trust Legislation Hearings (1914). FLINT, CHARLES R. On Limits of Organization in Trusts.

U. S. Ind. Com.

REDFIELD, WILLIAM C. Report as Secretary of Commerce, 1913.

WILLIAMS, John. Industrial Combinations and Labor
Conditions, Philadelphia, July, 1912.
The U. S. Bureau of Corporations' Report.
The U. S. Industrial Commission, Vol. XIII.


DURAND, E. DANA. Quarterly Journal of Economics,
May and August, 1914.

WALKER, FRANCIS. Annals, July, 1912.
American Economic Review, June 19, 1914.

Canadian Acts of 1889, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1910.

TAFT, WM. H. Address on Sherman Act, Waterloo,

Iowa, Sept. 28, 1911.

SHANK, SAMUEL H., Consul, Austria-Hungary. Steel Trust.


ADAMS, HENRY C. Conference on Trusts. Chicago,

Sept. 13-16, 1899.

HOBSON, J. A. Gold, Prices, and Wages.


On True Competition.

FITCH, JOHN A. Annals.

"The U. S. Steel Corporation

and Labor," July, 1912. ROBERTS, GEORGE E. The Investment Fund. Pamphlet. ALGER, GEO. W. The Old Law and the New Order.



Adams, H. C., on trusts and public welfare, 162, 163
Advertising, fraudulent, 124, 125

Agreements, cooperative trade, 66-68; purpose and forms

of, 68-78; why pooling failed, 71-74; factors', 74, 75;
and price-fixing, 76


Agricultural implement works and consolidation, 16
Alger, G. W., on solution of Trust problem, 168
Aluminum Company, in restraint of trade, 41,
Amalgamation, trade agreements in England, 67
American Bicycle Company, promotion of, 101, 102
American Electric Railway Association, and public util-

ities, 59

American Fair Trade League, 78

American Sugar Refining Company, investigation, 87
American Tobacco Company, abandons exclusive control,
38; unjust practices, 40; prosecution, 86; trust disso-
lution, 91, 92

American Wall Paper Company, type of agreement, 69
Anthracite coal strike award, 164, 165

Anti-Trust Act, its scope, 28, 29; prosecutions under, 88-
91; results of prosecutions, 91-94; recent amendments,

Federal policy towards trusts, 82-96; cause of legisla-
tion, 84, 85; investigation of conditions, 85-88

Atkinson, Edward, on competition, I, 125
Australia, and combinations, 151

Austria-Hungary's steel Trust, 152, 153

Banking credit and Trust control, 108-111

Banks, interlocking directorates, when forbidden, 95
Bath Tub decision, 77

Beef industry, prosecution, 86

"Big Business," 2; is it unfair? 37-39; price-making
forces in, 125-128; bargaining power of, 160-162; on
trial, 171

Big Business and Government, 107, 117

Book Trust cases, 76, 77

Bowles, F. T., and U. S. Shipbuilding Company, 21

Brandeis, Louis D., trust formula, 46; on price-cutting,


Brewer, D. A., on Northern Securities Case, 80
Brooks, J. G., on capitalism, 134

Bureau of Corporations, incorporated into Federal Trade

Commission, 86; government enquiry, 87, 88

Business, equilibrium of, 22-25

Business Organization and Combination, 131

Canadian Acts and combinations, 151

Capital, better command of cause of Trusts, 11, 12; share
in value of products of industry, 158-160; and public
settlement of labor disputes, 164-167; and command of
credit, 97-111; supply of working, 98-100; interest serv-
ice of, 131-134

Capitalization, and promoter's profits, 100-103; methods,
102, 103; risk elements in Trust, 103-106; use and
abuse of over-, 106-108

Carnegie Company, 8, 9

Cartel, agreements in Germany, 67, 147-150

Central Association of Refineries, basis of Standard Oil,

Central West Publishing Company, in restraint of trade,
42, 44

Chicago Convention, on Trusts and Trust publicity, 165
Clark, J. B., on our industrial system, 4; on rebates on
freight, 11

Collier, W. M., and groups of Trusts, 7, 8; and name for
competition, 10

Combination, one of the colossal forces, 3; to it through
competition, 6-8; by rate control, 17-20; in restraint of
trade prohibited, 28; and unfair competition, 36, 37;
and potential competition, 51; and patents, 54, 55; cor-
porate, brought under control, 97; great industrial, and
prices, 112-128; effect of on prices, 119, 120; and small-
er industries, 127; problem of management, 129-146;
industrial efficiency of, 137-142; effects on labor, 146;
and the community, 158-174; and profits of business,
162; in labor controversies, 164-167; asset of industrial
society, 170

Commerce Act of 1887, forbids pooling, 25; its scope, 26,


Commission, government by, 164-167
Commodities, relative prices under Trust regime, 113-114
Competition, law of ultimate appeal, 1; one of the colos-
sal business forces, 3; the case against it, 4-6; through
it to combination, 6-8; one of causes of Trusts, 10;
fair and unfair, 30-45; unfair corporate, 32-34; types
of unfair, 34, 35; legal limits of fair, 39-41; court con-
trol of unfair, 41-45; lawlessness, 42, 43; regulation of,
46-48; and monopoly, 48, 49; lesson by combination, 55;
and public utilities, 56, 57; between states cause of
holding company, 62; application of term, 78; trend of
legislation regarding it, 97; prevention of abuses, 168,
169; asset of industrial society, 170; must be normal-
ized, 170; conservation of, 173, 174

Competitive and Monopoly Price, 49
Competitive Unfairness of Quantity Price, On, 124
Conant, Luther, consolidation figures, 99
Concentration, ration, of industries, 15-17
Concentration and Control, 6

Consolidation, for price control, 14-17
Consumer, and wage dispute settlements, 164, 165
Contracts, re-sale in mercantile field, 74-78; cancelled by
Supreme Court, 76, 77; in restraint of trade, 79; exclu-
sive, forbidden, 95

Control of the Market, 39, 40

Cooperation, in modern business, 4; necessity for, a cause
of Trusts, 12; Trust management a cooperative service,
130, 131; in foreign trade, 155-157

Cooperative trade agreements, 66-68

Cooperative competition, unfair, 32-34; coercion by, 34-37;
in public utilities, 56-58; elimination of unfair, 174
Corporate service, domain, 46; problem of public utilities,
56-58; holding company management, 63, 64
Corporations, combination of, forms Trust, 2; and hold-
ing companies, 60-65; as stockholder, 61; Bureau of
Enquiry, 87, 88; and retailer, 121

Corporation Finance, 102

Credit, better, and cause of Trusts, 11, 12

Credit, command of, 97-111; banking and trust control,


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