Anti-Trust Hearings, House Committee on the Judiciary, 1912. United States Industrial Commission, Review of Evidence, Vol. XIII, p. xxviii. JENKS, JEREMIAH W. The Trust Problem. CHAPTER IX HOBSON, J. A. Gold, Prices, and Wages. HANEY, LEWIS H. Business Organization and Combina tion. Report on the International Harvester Co. Conant. The Annalist. “U. S. Steel Corporation." New York, February 2, 1914. SAUNDERS, W. L. Trust Legislation Hearings (1914). FLINT, CHARLES R. On Limits of Organization in Trusts. U. S. Ind. Com. REDFIELD, WILLIAM C. Report as Secretary of Commerce, 1913. WILLIAMS, John. Industrial Combinations and Labor CHAPTER X DURAND, E. DANA. Quarterly Journal of Economics, WALKER, FRANCIS. Annals, July, 1912. Canadian Acts of 1889, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1910. TAFT, WM. H. Address on Sherman Act, Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 28, 1911. SHANK, SAMUEL H., Consul, Austria-Hungary. Steel Trust. CHAPTER XI ADAMS, HENRY C. Conference on Trusts. Chicago, Sept. 13-16, 1899. HOBSON, J. A. Gold, Prices, and Wages. HOLMES, JUSTICE O. W. On True Competition. FITCH, JOHN A. Annals. "The U. S. Steel Corporation and Labor," July, 1912. ROBERTS, GEORGE E. The Investment Fund. Pamphlet. ALGER, GEO. W. The Old Law and the New Order. : INDEX Adams, H. C., on trusts and public welfare, 162, 163 Agreements, cooperative trade, 66-68; purpose and forms of, 68-78; why pooling failed, 71-74; factors', 74, 75; 42 Agricultural implement works and consolidation, 16 ities, 59 American Fair Trade League, 78 American Sugar Refining Company, investigation, 87 American Wall Paper Company, type of agreement, 69 Anti-Trust Act, its scope, 28, 29; prosecutions under, 88- Federal policy towards trusts, 82-96; cause of legisla- Atkinson, Edward, on competition, I, 125 Austria-Hungary's steel Trust, 152, 153 Banking credit and Trust control, 108-111 Banks, interlocking directorates, when forbidden, 95 Beef industry, prosecution, 86 "Big Business," 2; is it unfair? 37-39; price-making Big Business and Government, 107, 117 Book Trust cases, 76, 77 Bowles, F. T., and U. S. Shipbuilding Company, 21 Brandeis, Louis D., trust formula, 46; on price-cutting, 123 Brewer, D. A., on Northern Securities Case, 80 Bureau of Corporations, incorporated into Federal Trade Commission, 86; government enquiry, 87, 88 Business, equilibrium of, 22-25 Business Organization and Combination, 131 Canadian Acts and combinations, 151 Capital, better command of cause of Trusts, 11, 12; share Capitalization, and promoter's profits, 100-103; methods, Carnegie Company, 8, 9 Cartel, agreements in Germany, 67, 147-150 Central Association of Refineries, basis of Standard Oil, Central West Publishing Company, in restraint of trade, Chicago Convention, on Trusts and Trust publicity, 165 Collier, W. M., and groups of Trusts, 7, 8; and name for Combination, one of the colossal forces, 3; to it through Commerce Act of 1887, forbids pooling, 25; its scope, 26, 27 Commission, government by, 164-167 Competitive and Monopoly Price, 49 Consolidation, for price control, 14-17 Control of the Market, 39, 40 Cooperation, in modern business, 4; necessity for, a cause Cooperative trade agreements, 66-68 Cooperative competition, unfair, 32-34; coercion by, 34-37; Corporation Finance, 102 Credit, better, and cause of Trusts, 11, 12 Credit, command of, 97-111; banking and trust control, 108-111 |