
Dawes, C. G., and trade agreements, 67
Dick Mimeograph Case, 54, 75
Dodd, S. C. T., defines Trusts, 2, 3
Durand, E. D., on treatment of Trusts, 154

Economic peril, and Trust policies, 14, 37
Eddy, A. J., his The New Competition, 5, 6
Electrical industries, investment in United States, 58
Ely, R. T., definition of monopoly, 49, 50

England, and Trusts, 147, 150-152
Engrossing, offense to trade, 79, 80

Erickson, Halford, on valuation of utilities, 105, 106
Europe, policy toward Trusts, 151

Factors' agreements, 74, 75

Faith, dynamic in industrial growth, 99
Federal acts in regard to Trusts, 86-96
Federal anti-Trust policy, 78, 82-96

Federal Government, as guardian, 169

Federal Trade Commission, Act, 82; and investigations,
86, 87; purpose, 95; feature of the Act, 44; powers,
169, 174

Fitch, J. A., on collective bargaining with labor, 161
Flint, C. R., on success of industrials, 141, 142

Foote, A. R., on modern industrial competition, 6, 7
Forestalling, offense to trade, 79, 80

Gary, E. H., and steel investigation, 23, 24

"Gentlemen's Agreement,'' 99, 72

Germany, combination and trade, 3, 4; agreements in re-
straint of trade, 67; and Trusts, 147-150; Potash
Trust, 156

Globe Naval Stores, agreement, 70

Gold, Prices, and Wages, 2, 116, 161.

Great Britain, competitive freedom in trade, 3

Hadley, A. T., and monopoly prices, 51

Haney, L. H., on industrial service, 130, 131
Hatch, A. F., on causes of Trusts, 11

Havemeyer, H. O., and cause of Trusts, 53, 54
Hicks, F. C., and price-making groups, 49
Higginson, H. L., on critics of Sherman Act, 154

Hobson, J. A., defines Trusts, 2; on meaning of growth
of Trusts, 116; on bargaining for labor, 160; 161
Holding companies, their rise, 13; supersede community
of interest, 25; refinement of corporate compounding,
33; right and wrong in, 60-65; refuge for Trusts, 62,
63; control of public utilities, 63, 64; supplant pools,


Holmes, Justice O. W., and railroad rate discrimination,
11; and shoe merger, 55; and price-cutting, 122; on
competition, 170, 171

Holt, B. W., and cause of Trusts, 53, 54
Homer, F. T., on public utilities, 57, 63, 64
Hughes, C. E., and Anti-Trust Act, 85

Individual business vs. corporation, 120, 121
Industrial Combinations and Trusts, 70

Industries, consolidation of, 15-17; distribution of, and
prices, 24, 25; basis of industrial liberty, 48; electrical
in U. S., 58; five large, prosecuted, 86; faith in Amer-
ican, 99; profits of Trusts, 134-137; efficiency of com-
binations, 137-142; large, and labor, 142-146; contrib-
utors to the cumulative value of products of, 158-160
Ingersoll, W. H., on large-company business, 121
Interest, service of capital, 131-134

International Harvester Company, case, 79, 86; investiga-
tion, 88; larger profits, 135; and foreign business, 156,
157; and welfare work, 163

Interstate Commerce Act, 82; and pooling agreements, 71,
72; and grant of powers, 95, 96

Investment Fund, The, 161

Investment, supply of, 98-100; in trust securities, 133
Iron and steel mills, consolidation, 16

Jenks, J. W., on prices, 119

Joint Traffic Association, Trust case, 25, 28

Knight, E. C. Company vs. the U. S., 13, 27

Labor, union, 5; union, causes of Trusts, 12; associations
exempt from Anti-Trust Act, 96; organized, relations
with large industries, 142-146; shares in value of prod-
ucts of industry, 158; bargaining for, 160, 161; and
national dividend, 162; and public arbitration, 164-167
Law of Unfair Business Competition, 32

Mail-order house and retail merchant, 121

McReynolds, Atty. Gen 'l., on Trust dissolution, 91
Mead, E. S., on the promoter, 98, 99

Merchandizing, unfair, 120-122

Michigan Lumber Dealers' Association, pool, 70, 71
Miles Medical Company, decision, 75
Mimeograph, Dick, Case, 54, 75
Misrepresentation, and prices, 122-125
Money, control, Pujo investigation, 87

Monopoly, advantage to by rebates, 11; private, 30, 31;
value of monopolies, 46; and public sense of right, 48;
law and limits of, 48-51; defined, 49, 50; power over
market, 50; price-making power, 51; elements, sources
of, 52-56; and patents, 54, 55; and public utilities, 57,
58; holding company power, 63; application of the
term, 78; offensive practices, 79, 80; recent legislation
against, 94, 95; trend of legislation regarding, 97; so-
lution of the problem, 171-174

Monopolies and Trusts, 49, 50

Morgan, J. P., on money and credit, 110; and labor, 144
Municipal ownership of public utilities, 57, 58

National Asphalt Company, speculative value, 52
National Cash Register Company, and welfare work, 163
National Cordage Company, pool, 69, 70; and Anti-Trust
Act, 84

National Harrow Case, and patents, 55

National Tube Company, and Steel Trust, 9

National Wall Paper Company, formed, 73

Natural resources, owners of, share in value of products
of industry, 158

New Competition, The, 5, 6

New Haven railway, Anti-Trust Case, 29

Neystrom, P. H., on price discrimination, 124

Nims, H. D., on unfair competition, 31, 32

Northern Securities Company, Anti-Trust Case, 25, 28;
type of compounded corporation, 33; Judge Brewer's
statement, 80

Old Law and New Order, The, and solution of Trust
problem, 168

Organizer, of means of production, 158, 159

Pacific Coast Plumbing Supply Association, in restraint
of trade, 42; decree regarding, 94

Packing industries, 136, 137

Panic of 1873, 15

Patented articles, price-fixing decisions, 75, 76

Patents, value as special privilege to combinations, 54, 55
Pipe lines, help to Standard Oil, 45; cases before court,
45; getting capital for, 98

Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, a monopoly, 53

Pooling associations, trade agreements in U. S., 67; for
fixing prices, 68-71; agreements, why failed, 71-74
Powder Pool agreement, 71; Trust Decree, 94
Price control, consolidation for, 14-17

Prices, fluctuations of, 22-24; in competitive business, 49-
50; affected by amount of products, 52; of glass, 53;
irregularity in, 72; of patented articles, 75, 76; dis-
criminations in, forbidden, 95; under Trust regime,
112-128; course of wholesale, 112-115; stabilizing whole-
sale, 117-120; unfair merchandizing, 120-122; price-cut-
ting unfair, 122, 123; quantity and misrepresentation,
122-125; price-making forces, 125-128; and interest
cost, 131, 132; stability and labor, 144

Problem of Monopoly, 4, 39

Production, economics of, cause of Trusts, 11

Profits on industrial Trusts, 134-137

Promoter, work of, 98; and profits, 99-102

Public commissions, as business umpires, 164-167

Publicity of accounts and profits, 165, 166

Public, the Investor, and the Holding Company, The, 57
Public Policies as to Municipal Utilities, 65

Public utilities, regulation of, 56-58; principles outlined
by American Electrical Railway Association, 59, 60;
control by holding companies, 63, 64

Public welfare, adjustments of Trusts to, 162, 163
Publishers Association, agreements and court decision, 76,

Pujo Money Trust Investigation, 87; on money and credit,

Railroad Promotion, 103

Railway domain, extending control over, 25-29

Railway, rate discriminations, a cause of Trusts, 10, 11,

Rate control, cause of Trusts, 17, 18; and Standard Oil
contract, 20

Rate of supply, retardation of, 115-117

Rebates, causes of Trusts, 10, 11, 17-19
Redfield, W. C., on big business, 140, 141

Reed, R. D., restriction of state charters of interstate
companies, 47

Regrading, offense to trade, 79, 80
Regulation and monopoly, 46-65

Re-sale contracts, 74-78, cancelled by Supreme Court, 76,


Restraint of trade, combinations in, 28; in commercial
practice, 66-81; cooperative agreements, 66-68; agree-
ments in Germany, 67; rule of reasoning, 78-81; uncer-
tain interpretation, 80

Retailer vs. corporation, 120-122

Risks, pioneering, in modern business, 158-160
Roberts, G. E., on equality in essentials, 161
Rockefeller, J. D., and pipe lines, 98

Sakolski, A. M., on security situation, 100
Salt Trust, and Anti-Trust Acts, 84
Saunders, W. L., on big business, 139-140

Schwab, C. M., on the Steel Trust's advantages, 52, 53;
on steel rail pools, 71

Security values, reason for loss of public confidence in, 62
Service, the new duty of business, 171

Service companies, public relations of, 59, 60

Sheet Steel Trust, capitalization, 103

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and the trusts, 61, 76, 77, 82;
summary of Act, 83-85; critics of, 154; and foreign
trade, 155; and the code of fair dealing, 168
Singer Sewing Machine Company, as exporter, 157
Socialism, its coming as a social movement, 5; opposed to
competition, 6

Society, cause of progress of, 171

South Improvement Company, charter revoked, 1, 18; and
rate rebates, 18

Southern Railway and Steamship Association, pool, 69
Standard" Alliance, ," basis of the Standard Oil, 19, 20
Standard Oil Company, 1; and railroad rate control, 18;
its ascendency, 18, 19; its unfair advantages, 44, 45;
and holding company, 62, 63; decision, 80; and Sher-

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