Edited by Frank L. McVey, Ph.D., LL.D., Now Ready THE COST OF LIVING. WALTER E. CLARK, Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science in the College of the City of New York JOHN F. CROWELL, TRUSTS AND COMPETITION. ΤΑΧΑΤΙΟΝ. C. B. FILLEBROWN, President Massachu- THE CAUSE AND CURE OF CRIME. CHARLES R. HENDERSON, late Professor of Sociology in the University of Chicago In Preparation PROPERTY AND SOCIETY. A. A. BRUCE THE CITY. HENRY C. WRIGHT STATISTICS. W. B. BAILEY BASIS OF COMMERCE. E. V. ROBINSON GOVERNMENT FINANCE IN THE UNITED STATES. CARL C. PLEHN WOMEN WORKERS AND SOCIETY. ANNIE M. MCLEAN THE NEWSPAPER AS A SOCIAL FACTOR. ALLAN D. ALBERT THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND IN AMERICA. CHARLES W. HOLMAN Each, Fifty Cents Net A. C. MCCLURG & CO., PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO AND COMPETITION BY John Franklin Crowell, Ph.D., L.H.D. Of the Wall Street Journal, Sometime President of A EDITOR'S PREFACE FTER nearly a half-century of Trust experience it is becoming apparent what the national trust problem is, and how it shall be handled. It needed the struggle over the status of the Standard Oil Company, the uncertainties of railroad combinations, and the crowning purpose of the Northern Securities Company to make known the length and the breadth of the problem. For full half of the time devoted to this great economic question, the author of this volume has been in the midst of the situation. Equipped with thorogoing training and possessed of wide knowledge of the facts, Dr. Crowell has given to The National Social Science Series a really important contribution to the Trust question. Big business is on trial, so is competition as an economic factor. What we shall do with them? This is the question the book well answers. F. L. M. 312532. |