

In the Royal Academy at Madrid is a fine allegorical composition illustrating the Discovery of America, its motto being Plus Ultra, or "There is more beyond." It is a female figure upon the back of a lion treading upon globes. The sculptor was J. Gandarias.


In the Protometeca of the Capitoline Museum at Rome is an ideal bust of Columbus, the history of which is not known. A replica is in the rooms of the N. Y. Historical Society. The hall called the Protometeca, in which the bust is situated, was founded by Pius VII, to contain busts and statues of celebrated Italians, especially those distinguished in the arts and sciences.


In addition to the splendid monument unveiled in 1888, Barcelona is to have an arch commemorative of Columbus. Fifty thousand dollars was appropriated for the purpose in 1890 by the Spanish government, but the liberality of the municipal authorities and of private citizens has largely increased this amount.

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In 1890, the Spanish Government, with the liberality which has recently characterized its erection of memorials to Columbus in the places connected with his career, appropriated $50,000 for the erection of a monument at Granada, to commemorate the discovery of America. The work on the monument was done at a studio in Rome, and the completed model was recently removed from that city to Granada, where it will be unveiled shortly by the Queen Regent of Spain.


During the present fourth centennial year of the discovery of America, an international committee has been formed for the erection of a worthy monument to Columbus in the city of Rome. Promises of support have already been received which guarantee the success of the movements. Circulars have been issued asking for universal co-operation among the existing Columbus committees of Europe and America, and for the formation of committees among the Catholics of the world, in order to make the memorial a truly international one. The site chosen for the memorial is such that the statue will face the Vatican. It is possible, however, that this may be changed, and the monument erected within the precincts of St. Peter's.


The disputed question of the portraits of Columbus has produced a very considerable number of articles in periodicals, and the transactions of learned societies, particularly within the past year. The beginning of the discussion was a paper by Jomard, in 1845, in the Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. This was occasioned by a project to raise a monument to Columbus in Genoa, and was followed by Carderera's Informe sobre los retratos de Cristobal Colon, printed in 1851, in the Memorias of the Royal Academy of History at Madrid. Both papers were reviewed by Isidore Löwenstern, in the Revue Archélogique, x, 181. The discussison was closed for the time being, by Feuillet de Conches, in a very able paper in the Revue contemporaine, xxiv, 484, but was reopened in Spain by Rios y Rios in a paper published in the first volume of the Boletín of the Royal Academy of History, 1877–9. In the same volume will be found two papers, one by Carderera and one by Rosell, bearing upon the same question. The latest Spanish authority is J. M. Asensio in his Cristobal Colon, tome 2.

In English, the literature on the subject has mainly been the outcome of the recent study of Columbus. A brief letter by Irving, written in his last years, was printed in the fourth volume of the Life of Irving, and in the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society for April, 1853, an account was given by I. M. Barton, of a portrait recently presented to the Society by himself. A copy of the Yanez portrait, presented to the Wisconsin Historical Society by Governor Fairchild, induced Prof. J. D. Butler to study the history of some of the portraits, and the fruits of his study are given in the Collections of that Society, Vol. IX, p. 76 (also printed separately), and in Lippincott's Magazine for March, 1883. Cf. also The Nation, Nov. 16, 1882. More recently the subject has received careful attention at the hands of Mr. Winsor, Mr. Curtis, and Mrs. M. J. Lamb. In addition to the value of their critical notes, their articles will be found exceedingly interesting because of the abundance of illustrations. Mr. Winsor has presented his views in the Catalogue of the Ticknor Library, pp. 94–5, Boston, 1876, in his History of America, Vol. II, pp. 69-78, and in his Christopher Columbus, pp. 61-70. Mr. Curtis' paper will be found in The Cosmopolitan, January and February, 1892; and Mrs. Lamb's, in the Magazine of American History, Vol. XXIII, pp. 406–8, XXVI, 241-60. The recent purchase of the Lotto portrait by a citizen of Chicago, has caused the production of several illustrated articles on it, notably one in The Century for October, 1892. Judge Daly has recently given an account of Columbus portraits to the New York Historical Society.

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History is past Politics and Politics present History-Freeman




Professor of American History, Indiana University






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