[blocks in formation]

Sale of the church of St. Bennet Fink,

Scotland, destitution in, 198
SHERIFFS for the year 1846, 207
Shipwrecks-Of the Cataraqui, four hun-
dred lives lost, 25; of the Bencoolen, 31;
of the Great Liverpool, 36; collision,
the Waterwitch, 58; of the Mary, 60;
collision in the Mersey, awful loss of
life; the Sea Nymph and the Rambler,
81; stranding of the Great Britain, 139;
three steamers on shore together, 167;
of the Cape Packet and massacre of
the crew, 168; collisions of the Albion
and the City of London, steamer, and
the Duke of Clarence and an American
bark, 174; the Sceptre, Jessie, Tor-
rance, Ajax, steamer, Newcastle, steam-
er, Sea Lark, and many other vessels
damaged during violent gales, 177;
collision of the Sultana and Maria,
steamers, on the Mississippi, many lives
lost, 177; the Atlantic, steamer, of
New York, forty lives lost, 178; the
barque Hope, and dreadful sufferings
of the crew, 190; loss of H. M. S.
Osprey, and court-martial on the offi-
cers and crew, 200

Smith, Sir Harry, sketch of the services
of, 52

SPAIN Question of the Queen's mar-
riage, [270]; debates in the Senate on
the address; dissensions with the Papal
See, [271]; speech of Signor Calde-
ron, [273]; contests for the Queen's
hand; manifesto of Don Enrique, he is
obliged to quit Spain, [275]; resigna-
tion of General Narvaez; unsuccessful
attempts to form a ministry by M.
de Viluma, and De Miraflores, [277];
the latter overthrown, and General Nar-
vaez resumes office; his arbitrary pro-
ceedings, [279]; decree suspending the
liberty of the press, [279]; break up
of the Narvaez ministry, [282]; revo-
lutionary movements in Galicia sup-
pressed, [283]; the question of the


Queen's marriage discussed by the Ca-
binets of France and England, [283];
notes of the different parties-the Bri-
tish Government plead the Treaty of
Utrecht, [285]; arrangement that the
Queen shall marry Don Francisco
d'Assis, and the Infanta Louisa the Duc
de Montpensier, [286]; manifesto of
the Count de Montemolin, son of Don
Carlos, [287]; solemnization of the
marriages at the same time, [289]; the
Duc and Duchess de Montpensier
depart for Paris, [290]; the Isturitz
Ministry broken up, [291]; opening of
the new Cortes, and Speech from the
Throne, [291]

STATE PAPER-Treaty between Her
Majesty and the United States of
America, for the settlement of the
Oregon Boundary, 453

STOCKS-Table of the lowest and highest
prices for each month, 421

TURKEY- Massacre of the Nestorians;
the plague in Asia, 180

UNITED STATES-Discussions in the Se-
nate on the Oregon Question; speeches
of Messrs. Hannegan, Colquitt, Dix and
Benton, [309]; effect of the Queen's
Speech on the debates in Congress;
speeches of Messrs. Dayton, Allan, and
Cass, [312]; "joint resolutions" pro-
posed by Mr. Colquitt; speeches of
Mr. Webster and Crittenden, [313];
resolutions for giving notice to put an
end to the joint occupation of the ter-
ritory, passed by the House of Repre-
sentatives, [314]; substituted resolu-
tion adopted by the Senate, [315];
special message of the President recom-
mending increased military prepara-
tions, [315]; debate in the Senate on
the Oregon question; speeches of
Messrs. Heywood, Hannegan, and Cal-
houn, [316]; resolution moved by
Mr. Clayton; speeches of Messrs.
Webster, Cass, Benton, and Hanne-
gan, [320]; resolution carried in the
Senate authorizing the President to
give notice of the termination of the
joint occupancy if he think proper,
[324 to 326]; a Bill passed for the
occupation of the Oregon Territory,
[326]; amicable compromise of the
question offered by Lord Aberdeen,
and accepted by the Senate and Pre-
sident, [327]; war declared against
Mexico, [326]; New Tariff Bill,

United States-continued.

[328]; Mr. Bancroft appointed Mi-
nister to Great Britain, [329]; Pre-
sident's message to Congress, [330];
causes of the quarrel with Mexico,

United States-continued.

[332]; and of the annexation of Texas,
[333]; financial statement, [341]; the
tariff, [342]

G. Woodfall and Son, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London.

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