
the Petersburg volunteers, of the name of Brown, assisted by five or six of that company, and of the Pittsburg blues, who were accidentally in the fort, managed the six-pounder which produced such destruction in the ranks of the enemy. I have the honour to be, &c.

WM. HENRY HARRISON. N. B. Of our few wounded men there is but one that will not be well in less than six days.

Dear sir,

Major Croghan's Note.

Lower Sandusky, August 3, 1813. The enemy made an attempt to storm us last evening, but was repulsed with the loss of at least 100 killed, wounded, and prisoners. One lieutenant-colonel (lieutenant-colonel Short), a major, and a lieutenant, with about 40 privates, are dead in our ditch. I have lost but one in killed, and but few wounded. Further statements will be made you by the bearer.

GEO. CROGHAN, Major, Commanding Fort Sandusky. N. B. Since writing the above, two soldiers of the 41st regiment have got in, who state that the enemy have retreated. In fact, one of their gun boats is within 300 yards of our works, said to be loaded with camp equipage, &c. which they in their hurry have left.


From General Harrison to the Secretary of War.

Head-Quarters, Seneca Town, 5th August, 1813-6 o'clock, A. M. I have the honour to enclose you major Croghan's report of the attack upon his fort, which has this moment come to hand. Fortunately the mail has not closed.

With great respect I have the honour to be, sir, your hum

ble servant,

Dear sir,



Lower Sandusky, August 5, 1813. I have the honour to inform you, that the combined forces of the enemy, amounting to at least 500 regulars and 700 or 800 Indians, under the immediate command of gene

ral Proctor, made its appearance before this place, early on Sunday evening last, and so soon as the general had

made such disposition of his troops as would cut off my retreat, should I be disposed to make one, he sent colonel Elliott, accompanied by major Chambers, with a flag, to demand the surrender of the fort, as he was anxious to spare the effusion of blood, which he should probably not have in his power to do, should he be reduced to the necessity of taking the place by storm. My answer to the summons was, that I was determined to defend the place to the last extremity, and that no force, however large, should induce me to surrender it. So soon as the flag had returned, a brisk fire was opened upon us from the gun-boats in the river, and from a 5 inch howitzer on shore, which was kept up with little intermission throughout the night. At an early hour the next morning, three sixes (which had been placed during the night within 250 yards of the pickets) began to play upon us with little effect. About four o'clock, P. M., discovering that the fire from all his guns was concentrated against the northwestern angle of the fort, I became confident that his object was to make a breach, and attempt to storm the works at that point, I therefore ordered out as many men as could be employed for the purpose of strengthening that part, which was so effectually secured by means of bags of flour, sand, &c. that the picketing suffered little or no injury; notwithstanding which the enemy, about 500, having formed in close column, advanced to assault our works at the expected point, at the same time making two feints on the front of captain Hunter's lines. The column which advanced against the northwestern angle, consisting of about 350 men, was so completely enveloped in smoke, as not to be discovered until it had approached within 18 or 20 paces of the lines, but the men being all at their posts and ready to receive it, commenced so heavy and galling a fire as to throw the column a little into confusion; being quickly rallied, it advanced to the outer works, and began to leap into the ditch. Just at that moment a fire of grape was opened from our six-pounder (which had been previously arranged so as to rake in that direction), which, together with the musketry, threw them into such confusion that they were compelled to retire precipitately to

the woods.

During the assault, which lasted about half an hour, an incessant fire was kept up by the enemy's artillery (which consisted of five sixes and a howitzer), but without effect. My whole loss during the siege, was one killed and seven wounded, slightly. The loss of the enemy in killed, wounded, and prisoners, must exceed 150: one lieutenant-colonel, a lieutenant,

and 50 rank and file were found in and about the ditch, dead or wounded. Those of the remainder who were not able to escape were taken off during the night by Indians. Seventy stand of arms, and several brace of pistols have been col lected near the works. About three in the morning the enemy sailed down the river, leaving behind them a boat, containing clothing and considerable military stores.

Too much praise cannot be bestowed on the officers, noncommissioned officers, and privates under my command, for their gallantry and good conduct during the siege.

Yours, with respect, (Signed)


Major 17th United States' Inf. com. L. S. Major-General Harrison, commanding N. W. Army.

Copy of a Letter from the British General Proctor to General



Amherstburg, August 7th, 1813. The bearer, lieutenant Le Breton, in the service of his Britan nic majesty, I send under a flag of truce, with surgical aid, of which you may not have a sufficiency, for the brave soldiers who were too severely wounded to come off, or who may have lost their way after the unsuccessful attack made on the 2d instant, on the fort at Sandusky.

Expecting every consideration from the brave soldier for a wounded enemy, I flatter myself that those prisoners in your possession, and who can be removed without injury, will be per mitted to return here on my parole of honour, that they shall not serve until truly and regularly exchanged.

I have the honour to be, sir, your most obedient and humble servant,


The Officer commanding the Fort at Sandusky.


General Harrison's Reply.

Head-Quarters, 8th Military District of the United States, August 10, 1813. Your letter addressed to the officer commanding at Lower Sandusky, was forwarded from thence to me, and received this moment. Upon my arrival at Fort Sandusky on the morning of the 3d instant, I found that major Croghan, conformably to those principles which are held sacred in the American army, had caused all the care to be taken of the wounded prisoners that his situation would permit. Having with me my hospital surgeon, he was particularly charged to attend to them, and I am

warranted in the belief that every aid that surgical skill could give was afforded.-They have been liberally furnished too with every article necessary in their situation which our hospital stores could supply.

Having referred to my government for orders respecting the disposition of the prisoners, I cannot with propriety comply with your request for an immediate exchange.

But I assure you, sir, that as far as it depends upon me, the course of treatment which has been commericed towards them, whilst in my possession, will be continued.

I have the honour to be, sir, your humble servant,


Major-General commanding 8th U. S. Military District. Brig. Gen. Proctor, commanding the British Forces at Amherstburg, &c.


Copy of a Letter from Commodore John Cassin to the Secretary of the Navy.


Navy Yard, Gosport, June 21, 1813. On Saturday, at 11, P. M., captain Tarbell moved with the flotilla under his command, consisting of 15 gun-boats, in two divisions, lieutenant John M. Gardner 1st division, and lieutenant Robert Henley the 2d, manned from the frigate, and 50 musketeers general Taylor ordered from Craney Island, and proceeded down the river; but adverse winds and squalls prevented his approaching the enemy until Sunday morning at 4, P. M., when the flotilla commenced a heavy galling fire on a frigate, at about three quarters of a mile distance, lying well up the roads, two other frigates lying in sight.

At half past four a breeze sprung up from E. N. E. which enabled the two frigates to get under way, one a razee or very heavy ship, and the other a frigate, to come nearer into action. The boats in consequence of their approach hauled off, though keeping up a well-directed fire on the razee and other ship, which gave us several broadsides. The frigate first engaged, supposed to be the Junon, was certainly very severely handled had the calm continued one half hour that frigate must have fallen into our hands or been destroyed. She must have slipt her mooring so as to drop nearer the razee, who had all sails set coming up to her with the other

frigate. The action continued one hour and a half with the three ships. Shortly after the action, the razee got along side of the ship, and had her upon a deep careen in a little time, with a number of boats and stages round her. I am satisfied considerable damage was done to her, for she was silenced some time, until the razee opened her fire, when she commenced again.


Our loss is very trifling. Mr. Allinson, master's mate on board No. 139, was killed early in the action by an 18-pound ball, which passed through him and lodged in the mast. 154 had a shot between wind and water. No. 67 had her franklin shot away, and several of them had some of their sweeps as well as their stanchion shot away, but two men slightly injured by the splinters from the sweeps; on the flood tide several ships of the line and frigates came into the roads, and we did expect an attack last night. There are now in the roads, 13 ships of the line and frigates, one brig, and several tenders.

I cannot say too much for the officers and crew on this occasion: for every man appeared to go into action with so much cheerfulness, apparently, to do their duty, resolved to conquer. I had a better opportunity of discovering their actions than any one else, being in my boat the whole of the action. I have the honour to be, &c.

JOHN CASSIN. The Hon. Wm. Jones, Secretary of the Navy, Washington.

Copy of a Letter from General Taylor to the Secretary at War.
Head-Quarters, Norfolk, 4th July.

I have the honour to transmit colonel Beatty's report of the attack on Craney Island, on the 22d of June last. His multiplied and pressing avocations have prevented his completing it till to day.

The whole force on the island at the time of the attack, consisted of 50 riflemen, 446 infantry of the line, 91 state artillery, and 150 seamen and marines, furnished by captain Tarbell. Of these 43 were on the sick list.

The courage and constancy with which this inferior force, in the face of a formidable naval armament, not only sustained a position in which nothing was complete, but repelled the enemy with considerable loss, cannot fail to inspire the approbation of their government and the applause of their country. It has infused into the residue of the army a general spirit of competition, the beneficial effects of which will, I trust, be employed at our future combats.

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