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Address all communications relating to the business of the AMERICAN DRUGGIST, such as subscriptions, advertisements, change of Post-Office address etc., to WILLIAM WOOD & Co., 56 and 58 Lafayette Place, New York City, to whose order all postal money orders and checks should be made payable. Communications intended for the Editor should be addressed in care of the Publishers.

The AMERICAN DRUGGIST is issued in the latter part of each month, dated for the month ahead. Changes of advertisements should reach us before the 10th. New advertisements can occasionally be inserted after the 18th. REGULAR ADVERTISEMENTS according to size, location, and time. Special rates on application.


So many and various programmes have been published

for the guidance of prospective tourists who may intend going to the San Francisco meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, that it is to be hoped that measures may be taken to insure greater unanimity hereafter in the work of the committee of arrangements. It is unfortunate that dissensions should have occurred in regard to this particular matter, for it is liable to discourage the attendance of some who might otherwise have made this an occasion for visiting the Pacific coast. It is quite certain that the California members have prepared a most cordial reception, and that everything possible will be done by them to make the meeting enjoyable. It will, therefore, be a matter for much regret if anything which transpires on this side of the continent diminishes the number of guests.

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HE time seems to have arrived when concert of action should take place respecting questions of mutual interest to the two professions. Among the foremost of these is the revision of the Pharmacopoeia. Whatever may have been the feelings of former generations of physicians, the present seems to have little, if any, appreciation of the character of the Pharmacopoeia or of its importance as a standard. The majority of younger physicians have probably never seen the work, and are far more inclined to place their reliance upon the products of certain manufacturing firms than upon such as are to be found in the trade generally; and when we consider that the pamphlets and other advertisements of these firms are systematically, frequently, and persistently circulated gratuitously; that medical journals are constantly using their influence to promote the sale of proprietary articles, and that it is rarely that they ever refer to the importance of the Pharmacopoeia or to the articles contained in it, this condition of affairs is perhaps not surprising. We have had occasion to believe that a large proportion of the younger physicians think that the title pharmacopoeia is

only a synonym for one or another of the dispensatories, and, if they recognize any difference at all, are inclined to the opinion that a dispensatory is an authoritative work upon which the pharmacopoeia is a sort of commentary made by apothecaries for their own particular benefit, and that their motive in doing this is to enable them to furnish cheap drugs without being detected by doctors. An otherwise intelligent physician, who was recently asked whether he had any interest in the forthcoming revision of the Pharmacopoeia, declared that he had not; that he much preferred the products of reliable manufacturers to pharmacopoeial preparations; and when asked to mention an instance which would justify his opinion, said that he had lately prescribed for a patient a solution of bisulphate of quinine, which had been prepared by a wellknown pharmacist who was reputed to be skilful, and who was a graduate of a European school. The first time the solution was prepared it worked all right; but although the prescription was renewed several times thereafter, it had failed to produce cinchonism in his patient, and he had reason, he thought, to believe that the apothecary had substituted a weaker salt of quinine. It is hardly necessary to say that it was not considered worth the trouble to continue the discussion further.


NOTHER Condition which helps to make matters worse is the fact that some teachers in medical colleges are in the habit of recommending in their lectures the use of proprietary articles, and of specifying the products of certain manufacturing pharmacists, and that in very few courses of lectures upon materia medica and therapeutics is any pains taken to inform students of the true nature of the Pharmacopoeia and its relation to the medicines in common use, or to the medical and pharmaceutical professions.


HERE is but one practical way for overcoming this want of general information respecting this important work, and that is by popularizing it and distributing it through the various State associations, so that a copy will be put into the hands of the majority of physicians throughout the country. The details of such a scheme will necessitate much study and will involve some expense, but in no other way does it seem possible to overcome the ignorance which seems now to exist regarding it, or to offset the influence of dispensatories and pamphlets issued for private gain.

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DR. CHARLES A. ROBBINS, son of the late Daniel C. Robbins, and member of the firm of McKesson & Robbins and of the New York Quinine and Chemical Works, died on May 4th, at his residence in Brooklyn, at the age of 34 years. He was a graduate of the College of Pharmacy (1873), and later went to Germany, where he studied chemistry and obtained the degree of Ph.D. He leaves a widow and two children.

CHARLES E. FOUGERA, who founded the firm of E. Fougera & Co., of New York, died at Brooklyn on April 22d, at the age of 68 years. He was a graduate of the University of Paris, and of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York.

Salicylic Acid.-In order to detect the presence of meta- or para-oxybenzoic acid in salicylic acid (ortho-oxybenzoic acid), Professor L. D. Koninck recommends a method based upon the fact that salicylic acid volatilizes in the vapor of water (Pharm. Zeit., April 6th, p. 222). A small quantity of the acid to be examined is reduced to a finely divided condition with water, and is then evaporated slowly to dryness in a porcelain dish. The acid should entirely volatilize; if there be any residue, it would indicate the presence of one or other of the isomers, or more probably a mixture of both.-Pharm. Journ.

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Queries for which answers are desired, must be received by the 5th of the month, and must in every case be accompanied by the name and address of the writer, for the information of the editor, but not for publication.

No. 2,320.-Botanical Material (Erie).

Botanical mounting paper, genus and species covers, and drying paper, such as is used by botanists, may be had, cut to proper or standard size, from A. L. Cassino, Naturalists' Agency, 196 Summer street, Boston, Mass.

No. 2,321.-Covering the Taste of Creosote (W. L. & Co.).

One of the most efficient agents for covering the taste of creosote is a concentrated decoction or extract of coffee. We should, however, not use the word "covering," for it is impossible to hide the taste or odor completely. It is only possible to modify it so that it will not leave a disagreeable taste of long duration in the mouth.

Another good method of administering it is suggested by one of our correspondents, who recommends each dose to be given in a little vanilla ice-cream.

No. 2,322.-Kola Nut and Kola Paste (C. F. D.). After Thomas Christy, of London, had been instrumental in drawing the attention of the European medical world to the Kola nut (in his New Commercial Plants, No. 3, Lond., 1880), we published an illustrated article on the subject (in NEW REMEDIES, 1881, p. 34), in which the subject was treated at length, and where we also showed, by quotations from Clusius and other authorities, that Kola nuts have played an important part in the country of their growth for a long time past. Further contributions to our knowledge on the Kola nut, from various sources, will be found in this journal (AMER. DRUGG.), 1885, 5; 133. 1886, 155 (Kola paste). 1887, 75; 148. 1888, 163.

No. 2,323.-Preventing the Creeping of Salts (Ed. J.). We are asked to state how the tendency of certain salts, when crystallizing from a solution, to gradually creep up along the sides of the vessel and to pass over the edge, may be prevented.

This may easily be accomplished by rubbing the inner side of the vessel, above the level of the liquid, with a little oil. But it should be applied sparingly. If the liquid is to be exposed for a long time, it is preferable to substitute a somewhat harder coating for the oil, the latter having, besides, the disadvantage that it will develop a rancid odor. A good mixture to apply (warm) is: vaseline 1 part, white wax 2 parts.

No. 2,324.-Cascara Sagrada (Junior).

Our correspondent has seen a note in a recent English pharmaceutical paper (evidently the Pharm. Journ.) in which the pronunciation of the word cascara was discussed. It was stated there that the first word should be pronounced cáscara, with the accent on the first syllable, since this is the way the Spanish cascara (bark) is actually pronounced.

In reply, we would say that the before-mentioned method of pronunciation is, indeed, the correct one. "Cas

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cara means not only bark, but is also employed as a name for a bark canoe" in some parts of South America. However, the incorrect pronunciation cascára, with accent on the middle syllable, has become so general in this country that it is doubtful whether the correct one will take its place.

No. 2,325.-Sozoiodol (M. V.).

This is a compound derived from di-iodo-paraphenolsulphonic acid, patented by H. Trommsdorff, of Erfurt. As the acid itself is too little soluble, it is combined with various bases, such as sodium, potassium, ammonium, barium, lead, mercury, silver, zinc, etc., etc. By common consent of the manufacturer and the trade, the sodium salt is furnished when "sozoiodol" without further specification is ordered.

The chemical composition of the sodium salt is NaC.H2I2(OH)SOs.2H.O. Sometimes the sodium salt is designated by the term "sozoiodol, easily soluble," while the potassium salt is called "sozoiodol, difficultly soluble." The salt is prepared from paraphenolsulphonate of potassium (paraphenolsulphonic acid is one of the products resulting from the action of concentrated sulphuric acid upon phenol) by dissolving this salt in an excess of diluted hydrochloric acid, and then adding a solution of iodide and iodate of potassium (KIO.+5KI), or chloro-iodine, under constant stirring. The iodine, which at first separates, soon disappears, and the liquid solidifies, owing to the separation of white crystalline needles. These are pressed to remove mother-water and then recrystallized from boiling water. When pure, they represent the "difficultly soluble sozoiodol," or potassium sozoiodol." By interreaction of this salt with chloride of barium, the corresponding barium salt is obtained. From this the free

di-iodo-paraphenolsulphonic acid may be liberated by decomposition with the calculated amount of sulphuric acid, and from the free acid the sodium salt finally prepared. Sozoiodol-potassium is in form of colorless, prismatic crystals, soluble in 50 parts of water to an acid liquid which assumes a violet-blue tint with ferric chloride. On addition of fuming nitric acid, iodine is separated. Sozoiodol-sodium is also in form of colorless, prismatic prisms, requiring only 13 to 14 parts of water or glycerin for solution. The cold-saturated solution of either salt furnishes with nitrate of silver a white precipitate soluble in nitric acid (abs. of chlorides). A yellow precipitate would show the presence of iodides, though chlorides may then, of course, be also present. On adding to the aqueous solution of either salt some chloride of barium solution, the resulting precipitate must dissolve on boiling the liquid, showing absence of sulphate (Hirsch).

No. 2,326.-Hostetter's Bitters (C. S.).

The following formula was furnished to us some years ago by one of our correspondents. We are not sure whether it will produce a product identical with the genuine. Of course, the recipe of the latter is private property, and the owners are not likely to divulge it:

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Reduce the solids to powder and percolate with the diluted alcohol and water previously inixed; then dissolve the sugar in the percolate.

No. 2,327.-Chewing Gum (H. T. S.).

The manufacturers of chewing gum use different ingredients and in varying proportion. Spruce gum used to be one of the principal bases, but this was afterwards partly Afterreplaced by soft paraffin or by balsam of tolu. wards, when gum chicle (balata) became better known in this country, this was found to be the most preferable base, and probably all chewing gum now made contains more or less of it. What proportion of these ingredients the commercial kinds of chewing gum contain is not known to us. This would have to be determined by a quantitative analysis, preceded by a careful study of the solubility of the constituents. As to the flavors used for chewing gum, we regret that we are unable to state the composition of those mentioned by our correspondent. Nor is any one else likely to know it except the manufacturer.

No. 2,328.-Silicate of Sodium (J. W. W.).

On page 78 of our last April number we published a formula for a "Fertilizer for House Plants," in which silicate of sodium was directed as one of the ingredients. Our correspondent used the viscid, jelly-like mass which, though soluble in water when fresh, yet soon absorbs carbonic acid gas from the air and sets free insoluble silicic acid. He asks our advice in the matter.

There is both a solid (or semi-solid) and a syrupy liquid "silicate of soda " in the market. The former is not suitable for preparing aqueous solutions, as it will always leave more or less insoluble residue. The latter kind, appearing like a clear, dense syrup, mixes freely and clear with water, and is the kind used by surgeons to make silicate dressings. We advise this to be used. It is manufactured by Feuchtwanger & Co., of New York, and probably also by others, and may be obtained through any wholesale drug house.

No. 2,329.-Chloroborite of Sodium (Newark).

A salt which Merck calls "chloroborite" of sodium was recommended some time ago by Dr. R. Rueger (at the Convention of German Naturalists at Cologne in 1888) as a food preservative and antizymotic, when used in the proportion of 1 part by weight of the salt to 200 parts of the substance to be preserved. Its antiseptic action is said to be caused by a slow, spontaneous elimination of chlorine from the salt. We doubt the latter statement, since the quantity of chlorine thus made available for every 200 parts of material would surely be too small to retard or arrest fermentative or putrefactive processes. It seems to us much more likely that the compound is merely a mixture of chloride of sodium and boric acid, perhaps with some borax. Of course this is merely conjecture, as we have not had an opportunity of examining it. But it seemed to us improbable that any preservative which could give off free chlorine would be suitable for articles of food.

No. 2,330.-Ehrlich's Test for Typhoid Urine (P. H. G.).

We have given this test before, but it is only of late that it has been more frequently quoted by the name of its discoverer, viz., as "Ehrlich's Test." It appears to have stood

the criticism of the profession thus far. The reagents necessary, and execution of the test, are as follows:

1. Sulphanilic Acid.-A saturated solution of this in dilute (1 in 20) hydrochloric acid.

2. Nitrite of Sodium.-A solution of 1 part of this salt in 200 parts of distilled water.

Both of these solutions should be fresh. At least the last-named should be so, as it cannot be kept many days without spoiling. When the solutions are mixed, sulphanilate of sodium and free nitrous acid is formed (with an excess of sulphanilic acid), and this is the real test solution wanted. But, owing to the extreme instability of the latter, it cannot be prepared for stock, but must be made fresh before every test or series of tests. For use, mix

25 C.c. of the sulphanilic solution.

1 C.c. of the nitrite solution.

With this mix an equal volume of the urine to be examined, and then render it alkaline with ammonia.

According to the Med. Record, with normal urine the only change which ordinarily occurs is a mere deepening of its color to a sherry or vinegar brown. In conditions of pyrexia other than typhoid fever, the color also deepens, but still remains merely brown, although usually it becomes of a darker tint than the average color given by normal urines. But when the test is applied to the urine of a patient with enteric fever, the color rapidly turns red, the exact tint it acquires varying from the yellowish red of bichromate of potassium solution, through ruby red, to that of a rich port-wine color. On shaking the test tube, a froth is produced which has usually a delicate pink color that is characteristic. On allowing the mixture to stand twenty-four hours, the phosphates precipitated have an olive-green tinge.

The Med. Record adds that Dr. Howard Taylor, in reporting his experience with this test, evidently is unaware of the importance of this olive-green precipitate.

No. 2,331.-Reaction between Iodoform and Nitrate of Silver. Caution! (N. & Co.).

We are informed by our correspondents that, owing to careless packing and unusual jolting during conveyance, two contiguous bottles containing iodoform and nitrate of silver were broken in a box and the contents mixed, as became evident from a brisk escape of suffocating red fumes through the chinks and cracks of the box. The contents packed with the two bottles were utterly ruined, and so were a number of articles which were close to the box. The persons in charge, fearing that the box would take fire, drenched it with water, and the liquid soaking through the bottom of the conveyance corroded all metal parts it came in contact with. Our correspondents have ascertained, what they had been unaware of before, that iodoform and nitrate of silver exert a chemical action upon each other, but wish to have it explained.

The matter is very simple, except the explanation of the cause of the reaction or the manner of its beginning. When iodoform is added to a solution of nitrate of silver, under trituration, or, better, if iodoform is gradually triturated with solution of nitrate of silver, there is no violent reaction visible, but the whole of that constituent which is not present in excess is decomposed, after the following reaction (according to Greshoff):

CHI, +3AgNO, + H2O = 3AgI + 3HNO, + CO iodoform silver



silver iodide

nitric carbon acid monoxide

When there is, however, no water present, and the substances come into intimate contact in a dry condition, a very violent reaction starts either at once or after a short time. It is not impossible that a trace of moisture at the points where the two substances touch each other induces the reaction in the sense above expressed, though the space over which the reaction, as such, can extend must necessarily be very small. But the impetus once given by the minute and probably invisible first reaction, which, moreover, must develop some heat, is most likely the cause of its spreading suddenly, the heat becoming continually greater, and the whole reaction passing off almost like an explosion. In this case, where water is absent, the reaction which takes place is as follows:

CHI, +3AgNO, = 8AgI + HNO, + N2O1 + CO, iodoform silver nitric nitrogen carbonic acid tetroxide acid


silver iodide

The lesson to be learned from the above is, never to pack nitrate of silver and iodoform together in one box, so that the contents can become mixed if the bottles break.

Pharmacists are pretty well posted in these days as to explosive or otherwise dangerous combinations, though, of course, the younger generation always has to learn a good deal in this direction. But packers and shippers in wholesale houses need some instruction in this line likewise, else they might be induced sometimes to pack together, near each other, in one box, such cheerful companions as a package of chlorate of potassium, a package of saccharated pepsin, and a bottle of sulphuric acid. These combinations could be varied ad libitum, but we hope that every effort will be made to keep them as far apart as possible.

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If the quinine salt is dissolved in the phosphoric acid and the tincture then added, the mixture is clear.

The first query, "Why does the phosphoric acid precipitate the quinine?" starts from the hypothesis that the precipitate must be all quinine. But this is not necessarily the case. In fact, we are quite sure that it consists of phosphate of iron as well as of quinine. The sulphate of quiníne, having been dissolved in the tincture of iron, has exhausted or neutralized the free acid which the tincture always contains, and the resulting solution is quite concentrated. When dilute phosphoric acid is poured in, the result is that phosphate of iron and also most probably phosphate of quinine (as this salt is less soluble than the sulphate) are formed. Each molecule of precipitate is surrounded by a liquid which becomes capable of dissolving the precipitate only upon addition of more acid. When all the acid is finally added, and the mixture well stirred, solution will eventually take place.

If the quinine salt is dissolved in the phosphoric acid, and the tincture of iron then added, each molecule of precipitate is surrounded, particularly during the first period of the reaction, by a sufficiently acid liquid to cause its immediate resolution.

But whether the solution has been made in one way or another, it is impossible to dilute it, with water, wine, or other similar liquid, without causing the precipitation of a basic quinine (and perhaps also iron) salt. There is a peculiarity of certain quinine salts, among which is the phosphate, that their solutions will not stand dilution unless the proportion of acid is increased or another acid is added.

The trouble with the prescription is that there is not enough free acid available to keep the phosphates which are formed in solution. This can be shown in the following


Mix the phosphoric acid and tincture of chloride of iron, then add enough wine of pepsin to make 34 fluidounces, and dissolve the sulphate of strychnine in this. Reduce a weighed quantity of sulphate of quinine to powder, transfer a small portion (say 20 grains at first, later less) to a glass mortar, triturate it with a few drops of the liquid to a paste, and gradually add the rest until the quinine is dissolved. Pour the solution into a graduate. Again put some quinine sulphate in the mortar and triturate as before. Continue this until the last portion is seen to dissolve with difficulty. It will thus be found that only about 1 drachms (instead of 2) will be able to form a permanently clear mixture. And if the whole of the sulphate of quinine is to be added, it will require the addition of a small quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid (about 10 to 15 minims) to produce complete solution. This need not be expected at once, but the mixture may be set aside after the addition of about 10 minims and stirring. If not clear in five minutes, a little more acid may be added.

No. 2,333.-Volumetric Sulphuric Acid. Normal volumetric solution of sulphuric acid is of such a strength that one liter or 1,000 cubic centimeters of it contain exactly half a molecule of the so-called monohydrated acid (H.SO.; mol. m. 98), that is, 49 grammes. The exact strength is standardized upon a basis which is known to be obtainable of a uniform strength and pure condition. Such a basis is, for instance, pure bicarbonate of potassium, which is a salt in anhydrous crystals, and is found in commerce exceedingly uniform and quite pure. Or pure crystallized oxalic acid may be chosen as the base. Upon this an alkaline solution may be standardized, and upon the latter then the sulphuric acid.

We now turn to the special point contained in the query of our correspondent, who desires to prepare a stock of normal sulphuric acid, not for general use, but as a standard to be used for occasional control of the volumetric acid prepared in the usual manner. He has found that by deriving a volumetric solution from another, not directly, but through the intervention of one or two others, an exact agreement or correlation is very difficult to reach.

In reply we would say that the difficulty will probably disappear if he will pay attention to the following points (when great accuracy is required):

1. Note carefully the temperature at which your original solutions are made. It is, of course, assumed that all weighings were accurate and no loss incurred. Choose, for making the solutions, such a place, if possible, in which you are afterwards going to use them, and in which great changes of temperature do not occur.

2. Use the solutions at the same, or as nearly as possible at the same, temperature as when they were made. Also prepare and use the solution, upon which they are to be used, at the same temperature.

In many cases, indeed, it is of no great moment whether the temperature varies a little. But when two solutions are to be used together in one operation, a disregard of temperature may introduce a material error.

3. Assure yourself of the correctness of your weights and of your burettes. In the case of the latter, at least be sure that, if you use more than one, they agree among each other in calibration. If they do not, allowance must be made. Or try and get along with one burette (which is, however, not always practicable).

Now, regarding a method of preparing an exactly correct normal sulphuric acid, there is, of course, only one way, and that is to determine its strength gravimetrically. Yet even here some precautions are necessary to avoid errors. Since a great deal of attention has been paid to this matter by public analysts, for the purpose of introducing uniformity in results, we can do no better than to quote here the method recommended last year by Dr. Wollny to the commission of the German Dairy Union (after Chem. News, 1889, 20):

A clean, dry dropping-bottle of about 60 Gm. content, the tip of which is touched with vaseline on the outside, is carefully weighed; 35 to 40 Gm. of normal [or approximately normal] sulphuric acid are then placed in it, and it is again weighed. Afterwards five portions of about 3 Gm. each are weighed in beaker glasses of 300 C.c. capacity. The drop-bottle being weighed after each portion, the exact weight of the sulphuric acid each time withdrawn is determined. One hundred C.c. of recently boiled distilled water are added to each of the portions. One hundred C.c. of this distilled water must not require more than 2 drops of [decinormal] barium solution [solution of baryta] to give color after 1 C.c. of phenolphthalein solution [1 in 30] has been added. The series of five samples is now heated in a water-bath to the boiling point, and to each as many C.c. of dilute barium-chloride solution, containing 15 Gm. of the salt in 1 liter, added that for each gramme of normal sulphuric acid there are present 10 C.c. of the barium-chloride solution. [For this reason the sulphuric acid should be as near normal as it is possible to make it by volumetric means.—ED. AM. DR.] Afterwards the beakers are covered with watch-glasses and allowed to stand for fifteen minutes over the waterbath. The precipitates are then collected upon ash-free filters [Schleicher and Schüll's chemically pure filters, extracted with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids] of nine centimeters diameter, and washed with hot distilled water until the chlorine reaction disappears. After drying and incinerating, the weight of sulphate of barium yields by simple calculation the quantity of monohydrated sulphuric acid (H.SO.) corresponding to it.

We have given the text of the original somewhat modified in language, but unaltered in facts. But we have taken no account of a second set of samples which are to be tested by titration, since the gravímetric results, if concordant, are all-sufficient.

No. 2,334.-Pycnometer and Areometer (X.).

One of our friends recently consulted us regarding the proper use of the term pycnometer. Its general application to an instrument for determining specific gravity is, of course, beyond dispute. But some writers use the word pycnometer in the sense of "hydrometer" or "areometer," while others use it as a synonym of " specific-gravity bottle." Dunglison, for instance, says that a pycnometer is an areometer. Now, the term areometer (which should properly be spelled aræometer) was originally applied by Wolf, its inventor, in 1708, to a floating cylinder, such as we more generally call hydrometer. Hence Dunglison believes pycnometer to be a synonym of hydrometer. Without quoting other writers who have used the word in this sense, we may say that we had no difficulty in showing that the large majority of authorities use the word pycnometer distinctively as a synonym of "specific-gravity bottle," and never in the sense of "hydrometer.' Moreover, we found that the word " pycnometer" was coined and introduced by Frederking (in 1836) specifically for denoting a thousand-grain specific-gravity bottle, being a bottle having a fine hole bored into it below the neck so as to permit an exact filling. (Repert. f. d. Pharmacie [Buchner], vol. 66, p. 73.)

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No. 2,335.—Artificial and Natural Carlsbad Salt (S.). The question whether there is any sound legal basis under the claim of the owners or agents of natural Carlsbad salt, that it is protected by proprietary rights, is one which belongs before the courts, and cannot be decided by us offhand.

In reply to another portion of our correspondent's query, as to whether the natural and the artificial salt are equivalent to each other in composition, we can do no better than to quote from the last-issued number of the excellent Handbuch der praktische Pharmacie, by Beckurts and Hirsch (8°, Berlin, 1889, vol. II., pg. 407), the chapter (No. 1353) treating of this subject:

"The high price of the so-called natural Carlsbad salt, together with the low commercial value of the soluble salts contained therein, and the facility of imitating it, upon the basis of the existing analyses of the natural water, have for a long time caused the preparation of artificial saline mixtures in place of the natural salt. The em

ployment of these artificial saline mixtures, and the fact of their being preferred to the natural salt, appears so much the more justified as the latter is not at all constant in its composition, and does not correspond, in constituents, to the natural water of the springs.

"The so-called natural Carlsbad salt (Sprudel-salt) consists of Glauber's salt (sodium sulphate) with more or less (but always very small quantities) of sodium chloride and carbonate. It differs, therefore, materially from the residue which is obtained by evaporating the natural Carlsbad water, redissolving the residue in water, filtration, and renewed evaporation. [The author designates by 'so-called natural Carlsbad salt' the article prepared at Carlsbad from the natural spring water.-ED. AM. DR.] The reason of this difference is that, for the purpose of obtaining a handsomely crystallized salt, the natural water is allowed to crystallize during the cold winter, whereby the more difficultly soluble sodium sulphate is principally separated, while chloride and carbonate of sodium remain in the mother-liquid, except a small portion which accompanies the crystallized salt, unless the latter is freed from motherliquid by washing. More recently a more rationally prepared salt has appeared in the market. This is called Karlsbader Quellsalz' (Carlsbad Spring-Salt), and contains the full amount of all constituents of the 'Sprudel' which are soluble in pure water. It is twice as strong as the so-called Sprudel-salt, since it contains no water of crystallization, which in the Sprudel-salt amounts to 56 per cent. To prepare the 'Spring-Salt,' the natural water is raised to a boil, then filtered, and evaporated to dryness. The resulting neutral, saline mass, which contains sodium carbonate, is saturated with carbonic acid gas, whereby the carbonate is converted into bicarbonate. The product has the following composition:

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The Use of Beer Yeast in Medicine.-The use of beer yeast in medicine has chiefly been confined to external applications. But from the account sent home by Dr. Herr from Algiers it would seem to be capable of internal use and with good results. He states that he has employed it with great success for the cure of scurvy. The doses were from one to three grammes for children under three years, from six to eight grammes for adults, to be taken every two hours. He also obtained good results in the treatment of purpura, dysentery, tuberculosis, and particularly in diphtheria.-Chem. and Drugg.

Oxygen in Asphyxia.-From April 1st, 1889, Paris fire men will be provided with cylinders of oxygen under pressure, to be used for the prompt relief of persons suffocated during fires. The oxygen will be added to the regular supply of medicines always at hand in case of accidents.-Chem. and Drugg.

Cement for Celluloid.-According to the Neueste Erfindungen und Erfahrungen, glacial acetic acid may be used for cementing celluloid. The fractured surfaces are to be moistened with it, and then pressed together for some time.

Vol. XVIII. No. 7.



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HE most important aspect of American art at present is the decorative. The idea of applied ornament is constantly developing, and every year adds to the significance imparted by custom and experience to the decoration of objects associated with every-day life. It is noticeable that, in common with other professional persons, the druggists of our large cities are paying more and more attention to the decoration of their places of business, thus keeping step with the progress of the art movement in the community. Architecture, too, is now one of the great American business interests; and while much of the work executed by our architects belongs to the perishable and ephemeral type, the architectural movement has done a great deal to develop the ingenuity and latent knowledge of persons who would otherwise be helplessly dependent upon the services of specialists in the art.

Why should not druggists be their own architects and decorators? A man naturally takes an interest in his own place of business which no outsider could be expected to feel, and while he may accept hints from trained specialists, he should not allow his personal ideas of what is suitable to his own circumstances to be overruled by their assumption of superior knowledge.

There is one drugstore in New York, among several which have been established under the

influence of the new decorative tendencies, in which the proprietor has successfully acted as his own architect and decorator, knowing exactly what he wanted and carrying out his ideas to suit himself. He has taken an ordinary three-story high-stoop corner dwelling, has reserved the upper part for his residence, and remodelled the lower stories into a conveniently arranged and compact store. By raising the floor he has gained fourteen feet of space in the basement, which he now uses as a laboratory and store-room. Behind the store is a small room devoted to prac

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