
houses, etc.) which do not charge either for treatment or for medicines. Of course, this class of institutions, which is almost exclusively supported either by taxation or by charitable contributions, stands on an entirely different position from those which are supported altogether or chiefly by the money derived from the board of the in-. mates. It is well known that some of the latter institutions charge very high prices, and it may, therefore, be inferred that they are easily able to pay a higher price for alcohol.

The present statute leaves the granting of any permit for the use of tax-free alcohol to the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, since it distinctly says: "The Secretary of the Treasury may grant permits," etc. Of course, this discretion is exercised in such a way that, if the applicant is found to be legally, entitled to it, and if he complies with all the rules and regulations issued by the department regarding the matter, he is never refused the privilege. Hence, if the present law were extended to hospitals and similar institutions, the Secretary of the Treasury would still possess the authority to inquire into the claims of any of these institutions and to refuse the privilege to any whom he may find not entitled to it. To make the statute apply to the institutions which we are sure ought to participate in its benefits, we would propose that it read as follows, the italics being the addition proposed by us:

(Revised Statutes of the United States.) § 3297. The Secretary of the Treasury may grant permits to any incorporated or chartered scientific institution or college of learning to withdraw alcohol in specified quantities from bond without payment of the internal revenue tax on the same, or on the spirits from which the alcohol has been distilled, for the sole purpose of preserving specimens of anatomy, physiology, or natural history belonging to such institution, or for use in its chemical laboratory. Also to any scientific university or college of learning created under its laws, though not incorporated or chartered. Also, for medicinal or surgical purposes, to any hospital, asylum, dispensary, or similar institution, operated under a charter, or owned or controlled by any Territory or State or any of their political subdivisions, provided such hospital, asylum, dispensary, or similar institution does not exact any charge or fee for the treatment of its inmates or patients, or for the medicines supplied to them.


Commercial Saccharin.


DEAR SIR:-The statement of Dr. A. R. L. Dohme, of Baltimore [abstract of his thesis, presented to the Johns Hopkins University], in the last July number, page 140, of the AMERICAN DRUGGIST, regarding impurities in saccharin, is not quite correct, and we wish to say the following: We, that is, the manufacturers, have never claimed to put a chemically pure saccharin on the market; our claim is simply that we sell a saccharin which is 300 times sweeter than sugar. As we have always fulfilled this condition, it is altogether immaterial what percentage of the pure substance (orthosulphaminebenzoic acid ") is contained in the commercial article. In fact the saccharin which we have in the market now contains 60 per cent of orthosulphaminebenzoic acid (the true sweet principle), but not 30 to 40 per cent, as Dr. Dohme claims to have found.

It is entirely in our, that is, the manufacturers', power to regulate the percentage of orthosulphaminebenzoic acid, and as a proof we shall, within a short time, put on the market a medicinal saccharin, which is 500 times sweeter than sugar, and contains only traces of parasulphaminebenzoic acid (this is the substance to be met with in our present commercial article, besides the orthosulphaminebenzoic acid).

Had we been called upon to furnish a chemically pure product, we would have been well able to do so; but, in consideration of the price, it was our intention to place on the market a product 300 times sweeter than sugar. Naturally the price of the medicinal saccharin (a sample of which we left with you) is considerably higher than that of our present commercial article.

We shall be thankful to you if you will kindly publish this statement in the next issue of the AMERICAN DRUGGIST. Yours, very truly,

NEW YORK, August 17th, 1889.

LUTZ & MOVIUS, per C. Schmidt.


ON page 137 of our July number appears a short communication by MR. FRANK EDEL in which, by an accident beyond the editors' control, the sign "" has been used instead of "oz." We therefore repeat the essential part of the communication.

Mr. Edel criticises a formula which we had given in a preceding issue for the preparation of 7 troy ounces of citrate of sodium (required as an ingredient in Tinctura Ferri Citrochloridi, Nat. Form.), and shows that the proportions were incorrect. He points out that the correct proportions for preparing seven troy ounces of neutral citrate of sodium (Na.C.H.O1) are :

[blocks in formation]

The Next International Pharmaceutical Congress.It has already been announced in these pages that the International Pharmaceutical Congress, which was appointed to meet at Paris during the present summer, has been postponed until next year, for various reasons, chiefly because several other pharmaceutical congresses are to meet during the present year, which would have made it difficult to secure the attendance of many representative members of the profession.

A short time ago the Committee of Organization, consisting of Prof. Stanislao Cannizaro, President: Profs. Dioscoride Vitali, Alfonso Corradi, and Giuseppe Pessina, Vice-Presidents; Dr. Arturo Castoldi and Mr. Venturini Vittorio, Secretaries, issued a circular in which they request intending visitors to the congress (to meet at Milan in 1890) to propose subjects for discussion, or to forward papers to be submitted, at as early a date as possible. They also announce that the following will be entitled to participate as members:

1. Professors in universities, polytechnic and other higher schools.

2. Professors of branches of natural history of all schools.

3. Apothecaries and chemists who are sent as delegates by pharmaceutical associations or by governmental authority.

4. Members of sanitary departments.

5. Assistants at laboratories, museums, or other similar institutions.

6. Chemists, directors, assistants, demonstrators of boards of health of cities, of agricultural experimental stations, or of other public laboratories.

7. Proprietors or directors of chemical establishments, and chemists who are employed there.

It is requested that those who intend to participate in the congress notify the committee at latest by the 30th day of November, 1889. If desired, each applicant will be furnished with a programme of the congress. And each application should be accompanied by the sum of 10 francs, whereupon a card of admission will be forwarded.

College of Pharmacy of the City of New York.-The regular lecture term for the session 1889-'90 will begin on Monday, October 7th. The Laboratory Courses will commence on September 11th. On October 4th, at 1 P M., will be held the Preliminary or Entrance Examination, also the Supplementary Examination of the Juniors (who failed to pass in the spring examination), and the examination for Free Scholarship (that is, a free senior course). The applications so far on file show that the classes in the coming session will be considerably larger than in any previous year. Ample preparations have been made by the Trustees and Professors to impart to the students the best instruction, both theoretical and practical, in the several departments.

The new Austrian Pharmocopoia (ed. VII.) has been completed and will be issued shortly. It will go into effect on Jan. 1st, 1890. It will contain 578 articles, or 43 more than in the preceding edition, published in 1869. From an advance notice furnished to the Chemist and Druggist we take a few items regarding its contents. Opium to be used in medicinal preparations is required to contain 10 per cent of morphine. Cinchona is required to be the succirubra, with 3.5% of alkaloids. Lanolin is made officinal, and is defined as wool fat containing 30 per cent of water. Sulphate of quinine is to be tested by Kerner's test, the temperature of the solution being fixed at 60° C. (to break up the "latent double salts"; of course the filtration is to be made at 15° C.). A few methods of testing have been introduced for some toxic galenical preparations. A few fluid extracts have also been adopted, and the process of percolation in the preparation of several solid extracts. Synonyms which hitherto have accompanied the scientific and common names of the articles are now placed in a table at the end of the book. To take their place, we have the names of the preparations used in foreign pharmacopoeias, "this being perhaps the most use. ful and sensible addition to the Pharmacopoeia, considering the frequency with which Continental pharmacists are now called upon to dispense foreign preparations."


Queries for which answers are desired, must be received by the 5th of the month, and must in every case be accompanied by the name and address of the writer, for the information of the editor, but not for publication.

No. 2,359.-Mildew Spots (Little Rock).

Mildew spots on white goods may in most cases be removed by a bleaching process. This may be done in a variety of ways, depending, to some extent, upon the nature and texture of the fabric. The latter should be thoroughly washed, and, while still damp, may be immersed, or touched over, with dilute Javelle water, or with peroxide of hydrogen solution. Dilute bromine water may also be used. Sometimes a treatment similar to that used for removing ink stains is successful, viz., treating the stains with a very concentrated solution of oxalic or citric acids, or both. In most cases it is of advantage to expose the fabric, in a damp state, to the rays of the sun.

No. 2,360.-Chartreuse (R.).

This correspondent asks whether in the formula for Chartreuse printed in our volume for 1888 (page 75), which was taken from the Industrieblätter, the quantity of oil of angelica should not be 4 parts instead of 24 parts.

We have consulted several works treating of the manufacture of compound liquors and essences, and while all of them give different formulas for " 'Chartreuse," yet we judge, from the proportions between the other oils, that the amount of oil of angelica (24 parts) is probably intended.

Dorvault quotes the following formula:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Color yellow with tincture of saffron, or green with subsequent addition of a few drops of indigo solution.

Dorvault's formula calls for 57 Gm. of essential oils to 3 liters of alcohol. Among the essential oils are 30 Gm. of oil of peppermint, which appears altogether too much. The first-quoted formula requires no oil of peppermint at all, and is much weaker in essential oils.

We do not know the true composition of "Chartreuse," and do not believe that it has ever been exactly imitated.

No. 2,361.-Opium Assay (Cleveland).

If you have not had considerable practice in assaying opium, you will find that, no matter what process you use, you will at first obtain results-even from the same opium-which are not very close. At least this is the general experience. There are several good processes for assaying opium, but each of them contains certain manipulations which must be carried out with the utmost care to prevent loss of morphine.

Opium assay may have two distinct objects. One is a scientific one, viz., to ascertain how much morphine the opium contains. This side of the question is at the same time a practical one, in so far as the passage of the opium through the Custom House is concerned. For if it can be shown that any opium contains fully 9 per cent morphine -by any process leaving no doubt of the result-it will be admitted into the country. Here it is where the several assay processes undergo their crucial test. Another object of opium assay is a purely practical one, viz., the value of the opium to the manufacturer of morphine. No manufacturer succeeds in extracting the whole of the morphine from the opium he works up; he aims to extract the utmost quantity which it pays him to obtain with the process he follows. To the manufacturer, therefore, that process of assay will be the preferable one which tells him exactly how much salable morphine he will obtain from the opium. The question, how much morphine the opium actually contained, will interest him only so far as to stimulate him to improve his process from time to time.

It is now pretty well conceded that the assay process of the U. S. Pharm. of 1880 requires certain improvements, provided it is retained at all. The experience of the last decade has, however, shown that all processes in which lime is used for separating and extracting morphine are liable to yield low results, because any excess of lime will dissolve or keep dissolved some of the morphine, and it is practically impossible to so regulate the quantity of lime that it will be just sufficient for setting the morphine free, without being in excess. For this reason it is probable that the ammonia-ether-alcohol process will be reintroduced, unless a still more accurate method is discovered.

Dr. Squibb, who has had a most extended experience in assaying opium, has recently published a paper on the subject (in Ephemeris, III., page 1150), in which he gives

a detailed description of his method of assay, which differs from his former in a few points where he has introduced certain modifications, after assuring himself of their advantage. As it appears to be of importance that this process should be thoroughly tested, we have prepared an abstract of it (originally for another purpose), and give it here:

Opium (in any condition to be valued).
Alcohol, not above spec. grav. 0.815,
Ether, not above spec. giav. 0.725,
Water of Ammonia, spec. grav. 0.960,
Lime Water,

..10 Gm.

...of each a sufficient quantity.

Introduce the opium into a flask of 100 C.c. capacity, and add to it 100 C.c. of water. If the opium was in a lump, reduce it previously to small, thin slices, and macerate it for twelve hours, occasionally well shaking it. If it was in powder, macerate it for two hours, agitating from time to time. Pour the opium mixture in the centre of a well-wetted, tared, and strong filter of 12 Cm. (4.8 inch.) diameter, receive the filtrate in a beaker marked at 150 C.c., and wash the flask and residue with enough water to obtain this volume. Then carefully return the residue to the flask, add 50 C.c. of water, shake well for five minutes, and return the mixture to the filter. Receive the new filtrate in another beaker, marked at 150 C.c., and wash the flask, residue, and filter with water to obtain this amount. Evaporate the second weaker solution in a tared capsule of 250 C.c. capacity, on a water-bath, to about 10 C.c. Then add the stronger solution, and continue the evaporation to 14 Gm. Transfer the residuary liquor, after dissolving all crusts or rings upon the capsule, by rotating the liquid about, to a tared Erlenmeyer flask of 100 C.c. capacity. Rinse the capsule with three portions of 2 C.c. each of water, and, lastly, add enough water, if necessary, to make the solution in the flask weigh 20 Gm. To this add 10 Gm. (12.3 C.c.) of the alcohol above directed, and shake well. Next add 17.5 Gm. (or 25 C.c.) of the ether and shake again. Now add 3.5 Gm. (or 3.5 C.c.) of water of ammonia, stopper the flask, and shake vigorously for ten minutes. Then set it aside for at least six hours. Pour off the ethereal layer as closely as possible, add 20 C.c. of fresh ether, and swing the flask gently about with a rotating motion. Pour off the ethereal layer and repeat the washing with another 20 C.c. of ether. Having placed two counterbalanced filters, of 9 Cm. (3.6 in.) diameter, one within the other, into a funnel. wet them well with the ether, and transfer upon the inner one the ethereal layer as closely as practicable; next pour in the aqueous layer, holding in suspension as much of the crystallized morphine as possible. Remove the last crystals from the flask by rinsing with several portions of water, about 3 C.c. at a time. When all the crystals are on the filter, allow water to fall, drop by drop, from a pipette held about 4 inches over the funnel, upon the edges of the filters and the crystals, until the latter look fairly clean, but so that the filtrate and washings do not exceed 50 C.c. Then displace the water from the filters and crystals by dropping upon them 5 C.c. of a saturated solution of morphine in alcohol (of the before prescribed spec. grav.), and before the alcohol has time to evaporate follow it, in the same manner, with 5 C.c. more of the ether. When this has drained off, close the filters upon the crystals, and press them between bibulous paper, under weights, for half an hour. Then open the filters, spread the morphine over the inner one, and dry both at 60° C. (140° F.) to a constant weight, which is to be noted. Transfer 0.5 Gm. of the dry crystals to a graduated cylinder, add 50 C.c. of lime water, and tilt the cylinder to and fro, without shaking, so as to avoid frothing. If the morphine was fairly pure (free from narcotine, etc.), it will be entirely and quickly dissolved. In this case, the weight of the dried morphine obtained, multiplied by 10, will indicate the percentage of hydrated morphine (CH1NO3.H2O; mol. w. 303) in the opium.

If the lime water did not dissolve the whole of the morphine, filter the liquid through two counterbalanced filters of 7 Cm. (2.8 inch) diameter, placed one within the other, wash the filters first with 5 C.c. of lime water, close the filters, press them between bibulous paper, dry them at 100° C. (212° F.), and weigh one against the other. Deduct the weight of the dry residue from that of the crude morphine first obtained, and multiply the remainder with 10 as in the previous case.

No. 2,362.-Repercolation (Columbus).

The process of "repercolation," devised originally by Dr. Edward R. Squibb, has been often described and may be found in most works of reference relating to pharmacy, such as the Dispensatories, Squibb's Ephemeris, and many pharmaceutical journals. As you ask for a reference in ours, we may point out our answer to query 1,982, Percolators and Percolation," on page 157 of our volume for 1887. This gives a practical and detailed instruction regarding every step of the process. We may also refer you to NEW REMEDIES, 1879, page 1.


No. 2,363.--Construction of Chemical Equations (S. J. P.).

This subscriber writes that he has much difficulty in balancing chemical equations. He has been unable to ob

tain any material aid from books, there being only two methods that he has come across, viz., an algebraic one (see below) and the system of positive and negative bonds devised by Prof. O. C. Johnson, given in Prescott's "Qualitative Analysis." But the latter he finds to be too complicated. He therefore asks our advice in the matter.

In the first place, it should be stated that it is next to impossible to balance chemical equations, unless it is known beforehand what the results of the reaction are. For instance, it is impossible, theoretically, to predict what would be the action of nitric acid upon metallic silver; in other words, it would be impossible to predict how many molecules of one would be required to react with a certain number of molecules of the other. It is necessary that we shall know all the products of reaction, which can only be ascertained by experiment. Since we find a copious evolution of nitric oxide, when nitric acid acts upon silver, and since it can be shown that no free hydrogen is given off, it is evident that the reaction cannot take place thus: Ag + HNO3 = = AgNO, + A silver nitric acid silver nitrate hydrogen.

In order that a chemical equation be correct or balanced, it is, of course, necessary that the number of atoms of each element entering into the equation shall be the same on both sides. To find out how many molecules of each reacting substance have to be taken so as to produce whole molecules of the products often requires merely common sense, as for instance in this case:

Fe + H2SO4 + Aq: = FeSO, H2+ Aq where any one familiar with the experiment will see that the equation is correct and complete as it stands. In more complicated reactions, however, some aid is very useful. Though our correspondent says that he is acquainted with an algebraic method, we cannot be quite sure whether it is the same which we once laid before our readers. But as it is the only easy and sure method known to us, and as it is so generally useful, particularly to students, we will describe the method (perfected by Prof. Schwanert) again. We shall not enter into a mathematical demonstration of its correctness, as this is entirely unnecessary, its validity being almost self-evident.

1. To balance an equation correctly it is necessary to know each reacting substance and each product.

2. Knowing these, put down both sides of the equation, writing only one molecule of each substance, for instance, HNO3 + Ag N2O2 + + H2O nitric water oxide

nitric acid



AgNO, silver nitrate

3. Assign to the first member the coëfficient 1, and distinguish each succeeding member by a letter; for instance thus:


(1) HNO, + a Ag b AgNO, + c N2O2 + d H2O. Note. This equation contains five different substances with an undetermined number of molecules, which represent five unknown quantities to be determined. One of these is put equal to 1, and the other four are expressed in terms depending upon it; hence these other coefficients will be fractions or multiples of 1.

4. Next put down successively each element occurring on the left sides of the original equation, and construct for each an equation, the left and right side of which contain the number of atoms of this element occurring in the several terms.

Note.-Referring to the formula given under § 3, put down the equation as follows:

[blocks in formation]

This may be read as follows:

One (1) atom of hydrogen is on the left side of the original equation, and 2 atoms are on the right, in the last term having the coefficient d. One (1) atom of nitrogen is on the left side, and on the right there is 1 atom in the term having b as coëfficient and 2 in that having c. Three (3) atoms of oxygen are on the left, and on the right there are 3 atoms in the term having b as coëfficient, 2 in that with c, and 1 in that with d. One (1) atom of silver is on the left, and 1 atom is on the right.

5. Now solve the above four equations in the usual manner algebraically.

Note. We shall thus obtain, as results, the following values :

[blocks in formation]

Hence the original equation, when completed, will look as follows:

8HNO, +6Ag = 6AgNO, + NO2 + 4H2O.

Professor O. C. Johnson's method, which indeed goes further than the above mechanical one, and frequently helps to find the possible products of a reaction, cannot be explained at length in these pages for want of space. It is, however, of the greatest service to those who have made themselves thoroughly familiar with it.

No. 2,364.-Solution of Crude Carbolic Acid (N. Y.). This writer asks us to indicate a method for preparing a clear 5-per-cent solution of crude carbolic acid.

Crude carbolic acid is a rather variable article, containing carbolic and cresylic acids, besides a variety of other substances, among which are some tarry bodies. It is not to be expected that the whole of any sample of crude carbolic acid is dissolved by 20 or even more parts of water, since some of the constituents are practically insoluble in that liquid. But the real carbolic and cresylic acids are certainly soluble in 20 parts. All that is necessary, therefore, is to insure the actual solution of these constituents, and subsequently to produce a clear liquid by filtration.

A good way would be the following: To 20 parts of hot water gradually add 1 part of crude carbolic acid, assiduously stirring, and allow to become cold. Then mix with the liquid some insoluble powder-such as fuller's earth, phosphate of calcium, talcum, etc.- and having incorporated this thoroughly, filter in the usual manner. If the first portion of the filtrate does not run off clear, return it. We find it but seldom necessary to filter our solution, which is made by the barrel. After the solution has become thoroughly cold in it, and the barrel is left undisturbed, the solution generally clarifies itself.

When ordering crude carbolic acid, you may mention some brand, if you happen to know that it is reliable. By purchasing the article from a respectable house, and pointing out that you want the best which the market affords, we have no doubt you will receive a good quality. There is, of course, much vile trash sold under this name. Some of it is so offensive to the nostrils that it can scarcely be borne.

No. 2,365.-Catillon's Peptone (B. F. & Co.).

This peptone has been much praised by Dr. DujardinBeaumetz. In his "Lectures on Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines" he thus describes its mode of preparation: One kilo (2 pounds) of beef, freed from its fatty and tendinous parts, and finely chopped, is digested at a temperature of 113° F. for twelve hours in 10 pints of water acidulated with 300 grains of pure hydrochloric acid, spec. grav. 1.180, and with pepsin in slight excess. The proportion of the latter can only be determined by its standard of strength. It will take, for instance, says the author, 35 Gm. of the pepsin of the Codex, which digests 30 to 40 times its weight of fibrin; this pepsin is the "pepsin extractive" which comes in a pasty form, and is not the amylaceous pepsin which digests only six times its weight of fibrin. [Dujardin-Beaumetz evidently had no knowledge of the existence of higher-grade pepsins.] The mixture is agitated from time to time, and kept at a constant temperature. Below 104° F. the digestion of the fibrin is retarded; if the temperature of 122° F. is exceeded, the risk is incurred of destroying the pepsin, and this is sure to happen at 158° F. The mixture, at first in a state of pulp, becomes fluid by degrees, and after a time, varying from two to six hours or more, according to the strength of the pepsin, it attains a complete transparency. It then consists of a mixture of peptones and syntonin, and is not coagulated by heat and nitric acid. After twelve hours of digestion, the mixture is filtered to separate the insoluble parts. Rapidity of filtration is an indication that the transformation is complete. The filtered liquid is next neutralized with bicarbonate of sodium and evaporated to a density of 1.150. It then contains, says the author, half its weight of solid peptones. If it has been prepared from beef, it has a deep yellow color, a disagreeable odor [which may be corrected and overcome by spices and aromatics], and a slightly acid taste.

No. 2,366.-Lime Juice (H. J. P.).

Lime juice is a commercial term usually applied to the concentrated juice of the fruit of certain species of citrus, exported from the places where the latter grow, chiefly for the use of manufacturers of citric acid. It is, however, also applied to the natural, not concentrated juice. Of course, properly speaking, "lime juice" should mean the juice of limes, that is, of the fruit of Citrus Limetta Risso. And "lemon juice" should denote that of lemons (from Citrus Limonum Risso). But the two terms are often used as synonyms. The commercial lime juice is, however, derived from still another source, namely, the bergamot (from Citrus Bergamia var. vulgaris Risso et Poiteau), and indeed very largely. Of the bergamot, the only salable parts are the essential oil of the rind and the juice. In the case of lemons, those which are used up for the manufacture of the essential oil are, of course, also deprived of their juice. And in the case of limes, the essential oil is of little importance, while the juice is about the only salable part. It is not profitable, however, to

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2 parts. 8

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1 part. .35 parts. ....50


Melt the tallow in a capacious capsule, together with the borax and water, and cautiously melt the phosphorus in the mixture. Then add the lampblack and rye flour, and thoroughly incorporate the phosphorus with the mass.

The addition of borax greatly facilitates the distribution of the phosphorus, and at the same time increases the keeping qualities of the mass.

No. 2,368.-Quinine Toothpowder (M. O. B.).

Quinine or one of its salts is occasionally added to toothpowder combinations, though we fail to see what good it can do in the small proportion in which it is used at a time. Here is a formula recommended by Dieterich :

Precipitated Carbonate of Calcium...

[blocks in formation]

29 av. oz.

3 31



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No. 2,369.-Bismuth and Potassium Iodide (G. F.). This reagent, which has been proposed by Mangini as a precipitant for alkaloids (in aqueous solution containing free sulphuric acid), is prepared by dissolving iodide of bismuth in warm concentrated solution of iodide of potassium, and afterwards adding twice as much of the same solution of iodide of potassium as was originally used.

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In a subsequent issue of the same journal, the editor makes the following remarks:

"A very good authority states that eau-de-cologne can only be of first quality if it contains oil of lemon and grape spirit. We know also that the cologne-makers-the Farinas-are careful to distil the article, and to keep it for a year in bulk before it is bottled. The presence of neroli is, of course, essential; that is the characteristic odor of the 'water,' all the other essences in it being in the nature of mellowers. There is a universal belief that none of the imitations of the genuine article approach it in delicacy. This is probably due to the fact that the imitations are more charged with essences than the genuine, which is exceedingly weak in everything except spirit. This is where the prize formula' scores. Compare it, for example, with Spiritus odoratus U. S. Ph.-an official eaude-cologne-the formula for which is:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[blocks in formation]


Grape Spirit..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Although this formula breaks away from the standard in directing oil of citron instead of lavender, it is in this respect that the superiority of the product manifests it, self. There are few oils so liable to adulteration as lemonand even the genuine oil has not the perfuming basis which citron oil possesses, while the latter has the characteristics which make lemon useful in eau-de-cologne. It is necessary to note, too, that the perfume must be derived mainly from the orange family; rosemary is an essential accompaniment, but all other odors, such as musk, civet, and clove, which some are apt to load it with, are injurious to the refreshing character of eau-decologne. Origanum is a rare constituent, and we cannot yet say that it is pleasing. It will doubtless tone down by age and give a character which is in no other way obtainable, except perhaps with oil of amber-an odor which develops the strength of the principal essences."

Rapid Reduction of Ferric Salts.

WHEN iron is to be determined volumetrically, it is necessary that all ferric compounds should be reduced to ferrous, for it is only in the latter condition that the effect of oxidation by permanganate or bichromate of potassium can be used as a measure. The reduction of ferric to ferrous salts is accomplished in various ways, generally well known, but all of them somewhat tedious or circumstantial. A very simple method, however, has been proposed by Jones, which permits the reduction to be accomplished by a simple filtration through metallic zinc. The latter should be granular, of such size that it will pass through a sieve having 40 to 60 meshes to the linear inch. About 10 av. oz. of this zinc are packed into a vertical tube, the lower orifice of which is stoppered with a loose pellet of cotton. Before use, some dilute sulphuric acid is passed through the zinc, and immediately afterwards the solution of the ferric salt. The latter, in contact with the metallic zinc, or rather with the nascent hydrogen, is reduced to the ferrous condition, and thus passes out from the tube. It is easy to displace the last traces of it by means of acidulated water.-J. Soc. Chem. Ind.

Saccharin as an Antiseptic.

SACCHARIN is regarded by a French writer (London Lancet) as a valuable antiseptic. A strength of 1 to 500, as an addition to mucilaginous and other solutions, prevents the formation of low organisms. Thus a valuable, inexpensive dentifricej may be prepared by simply dissolving saccharin in water to the proportion of six per cent. A teaspoonful of this in a half-pint of water forms an admirable antiseptic mouth wash. In cases of malignant or other disease of the stomach, requiring the washing-out of that organ, a solution of saccharin of the strength of two per cent will be found very suitable.Chem, and Drugg.

A Delicate Reaction for Pine-wood Resin.

THE resin is warmed gently with 5 C.c. of glacial acetic acid in a dry test tube, and, after cooling, a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid is allowed to flow down the sides of the tube. As the liquids mix, a coloration varying from bright red to violet is produced. This reaction is specially recommended for testing the size of paper for resin, but may also be used under other circumstances.-T. MORAWSKI, in Chem. Zeit.; J. Chem. Soc.

Buffalo College of Pharmacy.—Dr. Ernest Wende has been elected Professor of Botany and Microscopy. Prof. E. V. Stoddard has resigned the chair of Materia Medica. He is succeeded by Dr. Eli H. Long. The department of pharmacognosy, heretofore joined to materia medica, has been separated from the latter and put in the charge of Mr. John R. Gray. The next course of lectures will begin on October 2d.

Gnomium, the new element which Krüss and Schmidt, of Munich, some time ago announced as accompanying nickel and cobalt, is said by Dr. Fleitmann to be most likely a myth. The latter has had practical experience with both metals, but chiefly nickel, for many years, and has never observed any indications of the presence of a foreign body. It is, however, reported that a further communication by Krüss and Schmidt will soon appear.

Vol. XVIII. No. 10. NEW YORK, OCTOBER, 1889.


(Continued from page 167.)

Preparation of Plants.-As soon as one has returned from a botanical excursion, the first thing he ought to do is prepare the specimens collected. He should never defer this until the following day, unless he wants to see his specimens more or less damaged. In case the thing is impossible, the best thing to do is to leave the plants as they are, in the box, and put the latter in a cool place.

For the preparation of phanerogams and ferns, mosses, and other cryptogams of a more or less dry texture, we proceed as follows: We should have on hand a large quantity of common yellow (straw) paper, which is now preferred to the unsized gray paper formerly used, and which has the advantage over the latter of drying rapidly, because it absorbs humidity less easily. It is of a firmer consistency, too, and this gives the specimens more rigidity. Finally, it is much cheaper, and this is a further consideration. This paper should be of the size that has been adopted for the herbarium. Driers should be prepared beforehand by putting five or six double sheets one within the other.

A package of driers and a package of double sheets are placed on one side and the botanical box on the other. We then take a drier and lay upon it an open double sheet. The plants should be arranged on the latter in

Whole No. 184.

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FIGS 3 and 4.-Apparatus for Drying Plants.

tus called a wire press (Fig. 2) is used. This is formed simply of two wire gauze frames, between which may be arranged twenty folios without driers, after the plants have been pressed sufficiently to cause them to give up most of the water that they contained. The package is fastened with straps and suspended in the sun or before the fire in a dry and well-aired place. This system gives the best results, provided that too large a number of specimens are not put in each package, in which case those in the centre would get rotten.

The fact must be recalled that plants are so much the better prepared, and better preserve their colors, in proportion as the driers are often changed and the desiccation is more rapid. A specimen is sufficiently dry when it has become rigid and does not feel damp to the touch. The botanist, on an excursion, is often annoyed by want of a place to make his preparations. The small size of hotel rooms renders it very difficult to spread plants out and to dry damp driers. In the Bulletin of the Botanical


FIGS. 1 and 2.-Plant Presses.

such a way that they shall preserve their natural aspect as nearly as possible, and they should not lie over one another.

The specimens should be accompanied with the tickets that were fastened to them in the field. The sheet, having been folded, is covered with a drier, upon which another sheet is to be laid and provided with specimens; then another drier is placed in position, and so on, care being taken to arrange the large specimens alternately from one side to the other, so as to balance the package well. When the latter has reached a height of say 12 inches, boards designed to sustain it are put on top of and beneath it. As many packages are to be made as are necessary to exhaust the gathering. Each package must then be submitted to a strong pressure. For this purpose, presses of different styles have been devised. The simplest method is to load each package with large stones or other heavy objects, which have the advantage of exerting a continuous pressure in measure as the package shrinks.

The next day, the driers, which will have absorbed a portion of the water contained in the plants, are removed from each package and replaced by dry ones, and the packages are again submitted to pressure. In doing this, it is not necessary to touch the specimens. The sheets are used, just as they are, to form new packages, care being taken simply to straighten out the leaves that have become folded. The damp driers are left to dry, so that they can be used over again.

After the plants have parted with most of the water that they contained, it is no longer necessary to submit

FIG. 5.-Manner of Cutting Plants.

Society of France (vol. xxx., 1883), Mr. Vallot has described an apparatus which, to a certain point, permits of obviating this inconvenience (Fig. 3). It is simple and light in construction, and is easily mounted and carried. A package may be made of all the pieces that constitute it, and in this form (Fig. 4) it takes up very little space with the baggage.

The preparation under consideration, as we have described it above, is adapted to small, thin, and easily dried specimens, but there are others that require certain

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