
Mrs. Mason's "A Little Green God," referred to before; another is Myra Kelley's "Little Citizens," published by McClure. The lives of Livingstone and Paton are stand-bys for this purpose. "Dr. Grenfell's Parish," by Norman Duncan, and Ralph Connor's books by the same publisher (Revell Co.), are good tonics. For an effective bracer in a small dose let the skeptic read Mark Twain's "King Leopold's Soliloquy," Walsh's "Heroes of the Mission Field," published by the Student Volunteers, and Miss Brightwell's "Romance of Modern Missions," published by the Religious Tract Society, of London, tho not very seductive in appearance, repre

sent well the heroic side of missions. Personal service and giving may be encouraged now by co-operation. If the society takes a definite money responsibility, personal, systematic pledges will be needed. The children did not have much spending money. They could legitimately "raise funds." The young people must give life. "Go or let go" is Dr. Zwemer's way of putting the cash rendering of the old apothegm, "Go or send.' apothegm, "Go or send." One society that had difficulty in raising $70 when it had no system has given as much as $900 a year as the result of adequate knowledge and systematic benevolence. That is the sort of result that always follows.




The command, "Go teach all nations," has been ringing in the ears of the missionaries of Southern China for more than fifty years. In looking back we can but say of all who have had part and lot in this matter, "They have done what they could." first missionaries sent out to China by the Methodist Episcopal Church located in Foochow, and for ten years labored without seeing a Chinaman converted. However, when the seed began to ripen, precious sheaves were garnered. For some forty-five years the seed time and harvest has been enjoyed by all of the workers, and now, instead of a small company and one mission, we have more than one hundred and fifty missionaries, including wives, and five missions,—with three annual conferences. The native workers, including the teachers of day

schools and schools of higher grade number more than twelve hundred. What hath God wrought!

The educational work in Southern China consists of schools of all kinds and grades. The children are first gathered into day schools and put under the instruction of Christian teachers for four years, during which they receive instruction in the Bible, Christian doctrine, geography, history, and Chinese classics. The latter are as necessary for a Chinaman who wishes to become educated as Greek and Latin to an American who wishes a classical culture. Within the bounds of the Foochow Conference, are more day schools than in all of the other missions together. Last year there were ninety-four such schools for girls with an enrollment of 1,389 pupils. These were under the supervision of



the Women's Foreign Mission Society. The day schools for boys under the General Missionary Society numbered 205, with 4,505 pupils.

These latter are known as "Special Gift" schools because supported by special gifts and not by appropriation. This plan was inaugurated by the writer some thirteen years ago and during the past seven years most of my time has been devoted to superintending and raising money for them.* During the past two months applications have been made for more than fifty schools that could not be granted simply because I had not the money to help pay the teacher. The pupils contribute about one dollar a year each. Letters from two presiding elders ask if I would not please give them eleven more schools. Dr. James Simester writes: "No one agency is directly responsible for so many Christians in this mission as the day

$40.00 supports a school of twenty or more scholars for one year. Any who wish to support such a school can send the money, with instructions, to Dr. H. K. Carroll, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Such may name the school, and will receive a semi-annual report, an idol and any other token desired.

schools." He is Missionary-in-charge of the Foochow District and President of the School of Theology.

From the day schools the pupils enter the boarding schools and there pursue a five-years' course of study. During this period the majority of the students determine their future calling and upon graduation enter the Seminary, School of Theology, Normal School, or Anglo-Chinese College. Some students enter medical classes and become proficient physicians. In the Seminary (which is for girls) English is taught so that a graduate from it will have a very good education in both English and Chinese. Only in this school, the Anglo-Chinese College, and the Boys' High School at Hinghua is English taught. Ground has been bought and plans made for a Girls' College, and when this comes into existence the opportunities for Chinese girls to get a thorough education will be as good as in America, and the sending of girls away to be educated will be a thing of the past. Our missionary ladies are not second to anything along any line of noble work.

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and write. Then there are the schools for the lepers. These poor outcasts and dejected beings are also remembered and aided by the missionary.

But one of the greatest problems occupying the minds of the missionary is industrial educational work. We might as well face the problem first as last. The Church at home can not supply means to advance work as the times demand and the great majority of the Chinese can not afford to spend time and money to prepare for Christian work without aid from some Miss Adams is doing a great


work among the widows by furnishing them a home and letting them do drawn work. Other missionaries have taken up lace, rattan, and many other kinds of work, but to make things to be sent to America requires considerable capital and a great amount of labor, and to supply a home market where competition is so close will require great skill, tact and machinery which the Chinese have not, if success is to be attained. Mr. Fred Trimble has recently come out to try what can be done in the individual line and we hope and believe will succeed.



The Papal Church began work there about 250 years ago. Their converts are more numerous than the Protestant, but the Roman Catholics have lowered the standard of discipleship almost to the level of the heathenism.

The earliest effort made to permeate Siam with the pure Gospel, so far as we know, was made by that saintly woman, Mrs. Ann Hazelton Judson. While living in Rangoon, Burma, she became deeply interested in some Siamese then resident in that city. She wrote to a friend in the United States-April 30, 1818as follows: "Accompanying is a

catechism in Siamese, which I have just copied for you. I have attended to the Siamese language for about a year and a half, and, with the assistance of my teacher, have translated the Burman catechism, just prepared by Dr. Judson, a tract containing an abstract of Christianity, and the Gospel of Matthew, into the Siamese tongue." In 1819 that catechism was printed by the English Baptist mission press, at Serampore, and has a unique distinction as the first Christian book ever printed in Siamese. Thus, as the late Dr. Samuel R. House, the veteran medical missionary to Siam, said, "it was given to a woman to lead God's hosts in the first effort made by any of the Protestant faith toward the regeneration of Siam."

Bangkok was visited by Dr. Carl Gutzlaff and Mr. Tomlin in 1828, who, as physicians, treated crowds of patients, and as evangelists distributed large quantities of books and tracts in Chinese. They appealed to the American Churches to send missionaries to Siam. Mr. Tomlin's health com

pelled his return to Singapore, but Dr. Gutzlaff, in 1829, prepared a tract and a translation of one of the Gospels in Siamese, and, while absent at Singapore to have them printed, he married Maria Newell, and brought her back to Siam-the first Christian woman to undertake work in that land. She died after a year, and her husband's health compelled him to remove to China after only three years in Siam, during which, however, that devoted German missionary had not only learned the language, but aided Mr. Tomlin in translating into it the New Testament. Only twenty-five years old when he set foot in Bangkok, he worked with a Pauline energy so long as he remained there.

In June, 1831, Rev. David Abeel arrived, who was sent out by the A. B. C. F. M. Failing health drove him also away after eighteen months. Rev. Messrs. Johnson and Robinson came in 1834, and Dr. D. B. Bradley the following year. With them, as with all who preceded and followed them, the healing art has been so prominent, both as a precursor and a hand-maid of evangelization, that in the minds of the Siamese the missionary is mau-"doctor." After thirty-eight years of toil Dr. Bradley died, in 1873, two of his daughters, Mrs. McGilvary and Mrs. Cheek, continuing on the field as the wives of efficient missionaries.

When the great empire of China. was thrown open to missionary work. the A. B. C. F. M. left to the American Missionary Society its work in Siam, and transferred its efforts to the greater empire. After a few years the latter society also gave up work in Siam.

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