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These are God-given signs of the times-indications of the last days. Whether they fit these times or not, the devout, thoughtful reader must decide for himself. But certainly some of the signs here indicated are very obvious present facts: Self-love, greed, boastfulness, haughtiness, lawlessness in the family and in the State, ingratitude and ungodliness, even the decay of natural affection, resentment; defamation, cruelty, the love of pleasure, and the external form of godliness without its power —who can deny the presence of these evils in modern society, and even in Christian lands? These are ever before us and our study should be

both to recognize and, as far as may be, arm ourselves against such dire and threatening evils.


That dastardly attempt at assassination, which at once marked and marred the wedding procession of the young King and Queen of Spain, is to our minds a typical sign of the times a typical manifestation of modern lawlessness. In at least five respects it is instructive:

First, it reveals the spirit of anarchy, as essentially a spirit of resistance to all organized government and to the reign of law; and as unhesitating in its methods of accomplishing its purpose. O'Connell, the great Irish agitator, took as his motto, that "no reformation or revolution is worth one drop of human blood." Were this the axiom of present reformers and revolutionists. almost any of them might meet with toleration, as it would involve no more than the agitation of free speech; but the anarchist rushes at once to violence as his chosen weapon.

Second, it was a revelation of the hypocrisy and treachery of such law

lessness, hiding a deadly bomb in a fragrant bouquet, and, under pretense of throwing floral congratulations toward the bride and groom, hurling a deadly missile of destruction. It reminds us of the "damnable prostitution of love's own sign," when Judas betrayed the Son of Man with a kiss. Such acts stamp as utterly despicable any movement which they characterize.


Third, anarchy here here shows murderous heart. It aims at breaking up the system of government, by destroying human life. Nothing short of the death of a monarch satisfies its cruel spirit.

Fourth, it exemplifies the perversity of wickedness. Mankind has to pay a heavy penalty for some of the most useful and beneficent of human discoveries. The era of dynamite, as it was hoped, was to be the era of reconstruction. Some gigantic force seemed to be needed for removing obstacles to human progress, such as huge stumps of trees where land is to be cleared, or the encumbering ruins of old buildings which must disappear before new and more useful structures, as also in mining and similar operations, by which valuable veins of metal and mineral are opened up for man's uses. But lawlessness turns this valuable invention into the most destructive weapon of assassination, until one almost regrets the discovery of such giant explosives, since it puts into the hands of the lawless gigantic capacity for the wrecking and ruining of not only material structures, but of human lives.

Finally, this act of the assassin exhibits the diabolical recklessness of anarchy. This blow was aimed at

the life of a sovereign; but it missed its aim, and involved a score of innocent parties who were sacrificed with satanic coldness and indifference in the hope of reaching the other result. Anarchy stops at nothing. It has the spirit of hell and its decrees should be written in blood. No words are strong enough to condemn acts of this sort. They call for no forbearance.


On the other hand, it is a joy to call attention to signs of a different sort, and the word of God indicates that both classes of facts are to characterize the last days. The same in

spiring Spirit that dictated the above words of the Apostle Paul has likewise indicated, for example, that the last days will be marked by great evangelistic activity. It is a curious coincidence that, in the seven parables of Matthew (xiii) and in the seven letters to the churches (in Revelation ii and iii) the last glimpse we get is, in one case, the universal casting of the drag-net of evangelism, and, in the other, the prevalence of a Laodiccan lukewarmness. The two conditions are to be coexistent, as the deepest shadows always accompany the intensest light. Even if the above signs of the times correctly describe our day, we need not be surprised to find various other movements, as encouraging as these are distressing.


Nothing stands out more prominent in our day as God's chosen method, not only of evangelizing, but of opening otherwise closed doors, than medical missions. They rank

among the foremost in efficiency and service, especially when truly used as an evangelizing agency, when medical work is subordinated to Gospel work and used to spread the knowledge of Christ. There is no need to multiply testimony, as there is no question about it with any intelligent observer. Upon no subject

was the witness of the late Mrs. Isabella Bird Bishop more emphatic; in fact, it was her observation of medical missions that mainly converted her to an interest in missionary work. She thought this unparalleled as a means of reaching souls.


A most cheering sign of the times is the new spirit of evangelistic effort shown in churches long in the petrifying bonds of a fashionable respectability. Many a church has dropped its former formal and conventional style of worship, and as a body has gone out to reach the outcast classes in neglected districts and slums of the great cities. Midnight processions headed by the ministers themselves, the principal members of the church, women as well as men, falling into line and going out to extend a warm and helping hand to the hitherto neglected, if not despised, classes-this is certainly an amazing development of twentieth century Christianity. It is a revival. of the Gospel of the hand-shake. In such cities as London, Glasgow, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City the poor outcasts have been greatly impressed by these new evidences of love for man as man, and what is more pleasing to God than to have a church drop its cold and stately

dignity for the sake of an active and abundant service to souls!

THE NEW SOCIOLOGICAL GOSPEL Another marked indication of our day is the recognition of a human brotherhood and of our obligations. to man as man. Of course this may

easily lapse into mere humanitarianism without spiritual significance, but there is a deep truth which it recognizes, that the Gospel is not only

for the individual but for the home and for the nation, that its principle is to remold and regenerate, that its ultimate object is a new city of God, a community in which nothing enters that defiles, or works abomi nation, or makes a lie. Every church should interest itself in reor

ganizing society on Christian principles, and all work is essentially defective which leaves out of view man's domestic and social conditions.


What a grateful sign of the times is the increasing tendency of disciples to draw together to magnify matters of agreement and minify matters of disagreement! There has never been so great a manifestation of this tendency as in this very day, and it is reaching even denominations which have been supposed to be most exclusive and clannish. Not only do some Baptists abate their close communion views, and even the Episcopalians incline to let down the barriers that fence out their chancels and pulpits, but, what is still more remarkable, some of the more liberal-minded eral-minded Roman Catholics are disposed more closely to fraternize with non-prelatical bodies. We warmly commend the spirit of true

unity, so long as in promoting such federation there is no sacrifice of essential truth. Certainly God would have his people see eye to eye and work hand in hand; and nowhere is disunion more disastrous than in mission fields which could be more effectively worked by a single denomination than by a multitude of divergent Christian bodies. In trav els over the great West we remember to have seen a little village of less than four hundred people with five attempts at churches of different persuasions where one united congregation with a competent minister of Christ would have more than answered all the needs of the people.


At the late Peace Conference at Lake Mohonk, vigorous addresses were made, emphasizing the desirability and expediency of settling all disputes between nations by amicable. councils and conferences, and the hope was expressed that the new Palace of Peace at The Hague would prove to be the Parliament of Man for the Federation of the World. How desirable desirable to do away with standing armies and navies, or at least to restrict their growth within the narrowest available limits, constraining the nations to adjust controversies as gentlemen settle their differences-not by a resort to arms, as in the duel or fisticuffs, but by a resort to arbitration, calling in impartial judges by whose opinion their course shall be determined! How much this would contribute to the growth of missionary enterprises and to the favorable impression left upon heathen peoples as to the character of Christian nations!


An event unique in the progress of missions in China and marking an era in the history of Western education. in that land, was the opening on February 13, in Peking, of the Union Medical College by His Excellency Na-Tung, a member of the Inner Council of the Empire, sent to represent the Empress Dowager. He was accompanied by a brilliant assembly of the highest officers of State, with a Prince and Dukes of the Imperial House.

Among these were Presidents of the Foreign Office, of the Board of War, Board of Rites, Board of Civil Office, Board of Punishments, Board of Education, Board of Trade, several Grand Secretaries, and Vice-Presidents of Boards in large numbers. The army was represented by the General of the Forces in Peking, and several other generals. The Foreign Legations were represented by the Ministers of each country, and various other officials. The majority of the foreign residents of Peking also attended, including a large number of ladies. The fine large building (to which the Empress Dowager contributed the sum of £1,400) cost, with its equipment, nearly £9,000, of which Chinese donors had subscribed over £3,000..

The College is under the care of the London Missionary Society, the American Board, the Methodist and Presbyterian Missions, and the faculty includes the names of 9 British and American physicians, with 13 other North China doctors as lecturers and an Examining Board. including the names of the doctors. of the various European Legations.



After the conquest of the Empire of Trebizond by the Turks, in the fifteenth century, the inhabitants, who were mostly Orthodox Greeks, were for some time allowed to keep up the practise of their own religion. But 250 years ago a large number of Greek villages were forced into an outward acceptance of Islam, and were circumcized, and given Turkish names. Most of these Greeks, however, kept up in secret their former faith and practise. There are numerous villages in the mountains south of Trebizond where the Orthodox Church services and sacraments are still observed in secret, administered by priests who in common life are known as Mehmet and Ismail and Ali, and are farmers. The inhabitants of the village of Stavri emigrated southward, to find a more obscure home where they might be freer to worship the Lord. They settled in the town of Ak Dagh Madeni, near the Halys River, some fifty miles west of Sivas. They have lived there ever since, marrying always among themselves or with Orthodox Greeks. These Stavriotæ now number upward of a thousand souls and they have had their places of worship, and even schools, caves and underground buildings, where baptism, the Lord's Supper, and Christian marriage rites are observed. Men with with Mohammedan names in their governmental registration papers are known to each other as Ioannes, Georgios, Prodromos or Athanasios.


Twenty-five years ago an enrollment of his sultanic majesty's sub

jects was made, and then these Stavriotæ boldly boldly declared declared themselves Christians, "choosing rather to suffer wrong with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." This refusal resulted in their not being enrolled at all; but they still paid taxes as Moslems, and were forced to do military service (from which Christian subjects are exempt). This went on until, two years ago, another enrollment was made, and again these men refused to say they were Moslems. Upon this the government arrested some twenty-two of their leading men, and sent them into exile in various places. Two of these have died in prison, two have denied their Lord under the stress of torture and imprisonment; and threats, bribes and torture are being applied to make the others recant. The remaining men have. gone into hiding to escape arrest. Having thus got rid of the husbands and fathers, the Turkish government has begun the next step in extermination by drafting into the army the boys, sixteen and eighteen years old,. who had taken charge of the farms. and gardens. A piteous plea was sent, in May, to May, to the ecumenical patriarch, signed by thirty-six of the women, and begging that something be done to save them from utter destruction. This poor, persecuted community has made every effort to enlist the patriarch, the foreign ambassadors in Constantinople, the Greek government, the Athens press, and other powerful agencies in their behalf; but so far the Porte is obdurate. A letter has been sent by their representatives to King Edward himself, and the Evangelical Alliance

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