
when the church was more strongly intrenched than now, Federal laws were enforced in the Territory of Utah. So vigorously was the Edmunds-Tucker law enforced enforced that hundreds of polygamists were in jail or prison or fugitives from justice. and thousands were disfranchised. This same law is being enforced now in the Territory of Arizona and there

have been a number of convictions in the last six months. The church was finally brought to her knees in a professedly abject surrender. The church promised anything and everything to gain statehood, which once secured opened the way for them to violate, as they have done, every vow and promise then made. Mormonism is still a menace to the nation.



In January, 1905, Pandita Ramabai spoke to the girls of Mukti concerning the need of a revival and called for volunteers to meet with her daily to pray for it. Seventy volunteered, and from time to time others joined until at the beginning of the revival there were 550 meeting twice daily. In June Ramabai In June Ramabai spoke to the Bible School, calling for volunteers to go out into the village about us to preach the Gospel. Thirty young women volunteered, and we were meeting daily to pray for "the enduement of power," when the revival came upon us. June 28, at 3:30 a. m., I called by the matron and one of our old girls, saying, "Come over and rejoice with us,


has re

ceived the Holy Spirit." When we arrived at 3:45 all the girls of that compound were on their knees, weeping, praying and confessing their sins. The newly Spirit-baptized girl sat in the midst of them, telling what God had done for her, and exhorting them to repentance. The next evening, June 30, while Pandita Ramabai was expounding John (viii) in her usual quiet way, the Holy Spirit descended, and the girls all began to pray aloud, so that she had to cease talking. When I arrived, nearly all in the room were weeping and praying, some kneeling, some sitting, some standing, many

From the Indian Witness, April 26, 1906.

with hands outstretched to God. I shook some who were praying to see if I could speak some promise of God to them, but could get no one to listen to me. From that time on our Bible room was turned into an inquiry room, and girls stricken down under the power of conviction of sin while in school, in the industrial school, or at work were brought to us. Lessons were suspended for a time, and we all, teachers and students, entered the school. The Holy Spirit poured into my mind the messages needed by the seeking ones, and as I heard their prayers, their confessions of sin, and saw how God dealt with them I learned many lessons. After strong repentance, confession, and entering into assurance of salvation, many came back, in a day or two, saying, "We are saved, our sins are forgiven; but we want a baptism of the Holy Ghost and of fire." I had spoken in the church one Sunday from Matthew iii: 11"He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." To me, this word fire had always meant the trials, losses, sicknesses and difficulties which God allows to come into Our lives to bring us nearer to Him; but the Holy Spirit had evidently taught our girls through this passage, and through Acts ii:3"And there appeared unto them tongues parting asunder like as of

fire and it sat upon each one of them," as well as through the experience of the first Spirit-baptized girl, to expect an actual experience of fire; and God met them in their expectation. They cried out with the burning that came into and upon them. While the fire of God burned, the members of the body of sin, pride, anger, love of the world, selfishness, uncleanness, etc., passed before them. Such sorrow for sin, such suffering-suffering under the view of the self-life, while it was being all told out to God, the person being wholly occupied with God and her sinful state! This would have been all too much for flesh and blood to bear, save that all this was intermingled with joy, God wooing the stricken soul on, until the battle was won. Finally complete joy and assurance followed repentance. The person who had been shaken violently under the power of conviction. now sang, praised, shouted for joy. Some had visions, others dreams. When I compared all that I with the word of God, I felt that we had received the Bible type of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Such intense seeking could not have been endured save that it had been done in the power of the Holy Spirit. They neither ate nor slept until the victory was won. Then the joy was so great that for two or three days after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit they did not even care for food. After receiving this manifestation of the Holy Ghost, some whom I knew had been truly God's children had such marvelous power for service, and such power to prevail in prayer, that I began to feel that they had an experience which I did not possess.

Some of the Results


It is now nine months since this revival began. Lives are truly transformed, and those fully saved are walking with God in daily victory,

while those who have received this mighty baptism for service are growing in power for service.

The Word of God and the example of these holy lives filled with power for service convinced me that this baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire is for all who are willing to put themselves wholly at God's disposal for His work and His glory. I sought and found the same blessed experience and am convinced that the baptism of the Holy Ghost has not been received in its fulness until the fire has actually wrought within us for purification, and until the One who is a consuming fire consumes us with humility, with love for lost souls and with compassion like to that of Jesus; until God's holiness, power, grace and love have been revealed through the power of the fire of the Holy Ghost, surpassing the knowledge of Him we had received through intellectual avenues. Hitherto we have written very little about the wonderful visitation of the Spirit at Mukti. Many looked upon it as mere excitement and prophesied that there would be nothing left after the bubble had burst. Nine months have proven that there is real fruit, and much fruit in the lives of those wrought upon, and those most mightily wrought upon have produced the greatest abundance of fruit. Hither

to the Christians of India have had such a meager life that there has been a small harvest of fruit. We who are preachers, teachers, workers and leaders of the people share in this deficiency of life and power to produce fruit. It is the prayer of the writer that many may seek and obtain that close union with Christ in His death and resurrection resulting from this baptism that He be able to pour into them. that abundant life which bears much fruit.


An advance step in the right direction was taken in the interests both of Sunday-school work and of missionary education when the following missionary resolutions, proposed by Mr. Charles G. Trumbull, editor of the Sunday-school Times, were adopted by the Sunday-school Editorial Association at its fifth annual meeting, held at Winona Lake, Indiana, June 6-9, 1908:

RESOLVED: I. That the Sunday-school Editorial Association urgently recommends to all Sunday-school lesson-help editors and writers the specific missionary treatment of every lesson in the International Series that is susceptible of such treatment.

2. That a permanent committee of the Editorial Association be created in accordance with the by-laws of the Association, to consist of three members, and to be known as the Association's Permanent Committee on Missions, whose duty it shall be to secure, from such expert missionary workers as it pleases, suggestions as to which of the International Lessons or portions of lessons are susceptible of missionary treatment, and suggestions also for such treatment, which information shall be communicated to all lesson-help editors sufficiently in advance of the publication of the lesson helps to enable all who wish, to take advantage of those suggestions.

3. That the Young People's Missionary Movement or other available agencies be requested to furnish to all lesson-help editors syndicated missionary material including both reading matter and pictures, which can be currently or incidentally used in any or every department of their various periodicals.

4. That the Young People's Missionary Movement be requested to confer with the missionary societies with reference to the feasibility of preparing supplemental missionary lessons for use in the Sundayschool.

5. That the Editorial Association heartily endorses the memorial which Dr. A. L. Phillips has addressed to the International Sunday-school Executive Committee looking to the establishing of a Missionary Department of the International Sundayschool Association, and earnestly hopes that the International Executive Committee will take early action to that effect.

This is much better, both from the standpoint of consecutive Bible study. and of missionary instruction, than spasmodic and occasional missionary lessons or addresses. We believe that a similar resolution should be adopted

in the interests of other great topics which are in danger of being wholly neglected by some teachers and disproportionately emphasized by others. -for example: Sabbath observance, temperance, systematic giving, and Bible study. Regular instruction in with these subjects in connection

Bible study in course is to our mind much more to be desired than quarterly lessons with Scripture passages selected out of course.


The twenty-fifth anniversary of Mt. Hermon School, founded by Mr. Moody, was held June 30 to July 3. Some interesting facts should be given to the public. The church is made up only of faculty and students, and has no wealthy members, yet the Sabbath offerings for the year amounted to $1,790, three hundred and fifty contributing weekly by the envelope system. Interest in missionary giving is stimulated by frequent addresses on missionary lines.

After meeting all expenses, the church contributed $775 to various missionary objects.

The missionary work has its headquarters in the room in which the Student Volunteer Movement had its birth, at the Student Conference in 1886. On June 28 the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Movement was observed with appropriate exercises and a bronze tablet commemorating this fact was unveiled. Six more Hermon men have entered the foreign mission field during the past year, making thirty-five in all since the school started, while hundreds are engaged in Christian. work in the home field.


Five specific methods have been recognized by the Church of Christ in its work on the foreign field. Preaching, teaching, healing, industrial, and literary work-all these are the special departments in which are to be exercised the gifts of the Lord.

to his Church. That the first is primary, historically and logically, we all agree, but that the rest are essential all have come to see who have carefully studied the development of mission work.

as may be necessary, for the organization and proper leadership of a union congregation.

2. It might be well to consider the advisability of securing from Englishspeaking communities in mission lands, invitations to prominent Christian teachers in America to deliver courses of sermons calculated to quicken spiritual impulses and to develop moral purpose into aggressive Christian living. But in this as in

In the fifth annual report of foreign missions of the United Free Church of Scotland, we find the following clear statements concerning everything else connected with the religious

industrial work:

"The missions have been too slow to help the converts to the self-support and consequent self-respect so necessary to the Christian character; but recent events have awakened them to a sense of their duty in this department, and recent experiences have shown how successful and profitable such work may be."


The committee appointed by the Foreign Mission Boards of the United States and Canada to report on this subject has found after extensive correspondence that the religious life of these communities is extremely low and that their influence is generally anti-Christian. In the larger centers like Shanghai, Hongkong, etc., where the Englishspeaking population is 5,000 or more, the religious interests are fairly well cared for by the Church of England and by union congregations. In the cities whose English-speaking people number from 200 to 2,000-such as Yokohoma, Amoy, Peking, etc.-the English or American Episcopal Church has resident pastors or chaplains and also union Protestant congregations (at present all without. pastors). The smaller English-speaking communities are mostly composed of missionaries and government officials. The committee makes the following recommendations:

1. It would suggest that the Conference of the Mission Boards consider the advisability of suggesting to Mission Boards that in the middle class of communities a missionary, presumably a representative of the strongest mission in the place, should be authorized to give so much of his time

interests of these communities, it seems to be of the first importance that local initiative should be encouraged. These Englishspeaking communities abroad have no desire to be the objects of missionary effort. As Mr. Robert E. Lewis remarks, "They do not want to be missioned and won't be."

3. Members of this Conference should keep themselves informed through the missionaries concerning the religious condition of the English-speaking communities and should ascertain the needs of such communities as to pastors and buildings for union churches.


Two very significant papers have lately appeared in The Christian— one from that veteran missionary of Florence, Dr. Alex. Robertson, and the other from Avary H. Forbes, Esq., of London. Dr. Robertson writes. plainly about matters in Italy, Mr. Forbes of conditions in Ireland. Both papers are calm, careful, judicial, but they present facts that Protestants will do well to ponder.

No man perhaps understands better what the papal religion is in its native soil than Dr. Robertson, and he asks who they are that patronize and really uphold Pope, priest and papal ceremony at Rome? And he answers that two facts are undeniable: First, they are not Romans or inhabitants of the Eternal City; second, they are Protestant visitors.

On the one hand, the people of Rome are profoundly indifferent to

the papacy.

Italians never refer to it, except to express contempt or carelessness; and most of them seem oblivious to the existence of the Romish Church and hierarchy. They seem to have come to the conclusion that Roman Catholicism is both superstitious and hostile to intelligence and progress.

But Protestants, visiting Rome, seem to think it their first object to attend Romish functions and especially to get an audience with the Pope. Some keepers of hotels and pensions are Vatican agents and their places of entertainment centers of papal propaganda. There priests and Sisters of Charity are found as lobbyists and visitors, making acquaintances of Protestant guests and offering them facilities for access to papal sights and ceremonies.

Yet, Dr. Robertson contends, the spirit of the papacy is still that of the Inquisition, and needs only the pow er to use Torquemada's weapons with equal cruelty.

Mr. Forbes gives results of similar observations in Ireland. He testifies that, even at Kingstown, close by Dublin, open air preaching of the Gospel, in which there was no controversial method implied, there was not only opposition but of the most violent sort. He gives proof, far too ample, that Inquisitorial intolerance. reigns there, restrained only by law, and not always kept at bay even by the police and local magistrates.


A correspondent from Kernstown, Va., writes, of the hurricane that, some ten or more years since, raged at Apia, in Samoa. About a month before, because of what was deemed the urgency of the case, at convention meetings of the Lutheran Church, the burden of prayer, February 15, was for the Samoans, because of their peculiar exposure. He


"While Bayard and Bismarck were debating the right of that people to trade with either of the nationalities at hand, they for fear that they were about to lose their second king, as they had their first, had fired on the German marines, upon their landing.

[blocks in formation]

would follow, it was judged a case for pleading with God, and because the Samoans had made much of the Scriptures, they were thus singled out for special prayer. The week before, ex-Governor Holliday had been shown the lesson, as it stood in the 'Miracles of Missions,' and, tho he did not attend the convention, later, on his way to New Zealand, he passed by Samoa, and had a message sent by him to King Malietoa.


"The day of the hurricane was about March 15. The German menof-war were all wrecked or beached, and the same is true of the Nipsic, the Vandalia and the Trenton. was April before we heard of it. But February 15 was the day of the convention at Winchester and the public prayer. This hurricane, like another burning bush, ere the century was to close, riveted attention upon this notable interposition in behalf of a people in love with God's word.”


"Mr. Phillips, I think if I had lived in your time I would have been heroic too." Wendell Phillips, standing on his doorstep and pointing to the open places of iniquity, near by, said: "Young man, you are living in my time and in God's time. Be assured, no man would have been heroic then who is not heroic now." So said Phillips to a young man who had been looking over the relics and memorials of the Abolition contest.


Some one has well asked, how there can be any value in an atonement which is not an atonement, connected with suffering which was not suffering, in a body which was not a body, offered in expiation for sin which was not sin.

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