
occasion, and 7 shall form a quorum. In the event of the votes of the Meeting being equally divided on any question, the President or Chairman shall be entitled to a casting vote, in addition to his own.

20. The Committee shall draw up and present to every Annual

General Meeting, a Report of the transactions, and of the general concerns of the Club for the past year; and such Report shall be printed, and a copy sent with each of the Notices summoning such Meeting. A copy of the Report, as adopted at the Annual General Meeting, and a short notice of the proceedings at such Meeting, together with the Rules, a list of the Members, and any additional information respecting the Club or the School which the Committee may see fit to annex, shall also be printed and sent to every Member.

21.—An Annual Dinner of the Club, of which at least ten days' notice shall be given to every Member, shall be held on a day to be fixed by the Committee.

22.-Occasional dinners shall also be held from time to time, at the discretion of the Committee, and at such dinners any "Old Westminster," who is not a Member of the Club, may be invited to dine as a guest.

23.-No alteration shall be made in these Rules, except at a Special General Meeting summoned under the provision of either Rule 17 or 18.

The Annual Subscription (10s. 6d.) becomes due on the 1st June. Members are requested to forward their Subscriptions (with any arrears that may be due), either to Messrs. Cocks, BIDDULPH & Co., 43, Charing Cross, S.W., on account of the " Elizabethan Club"; or to R. J. MURE, Esq., (Treasurer), 7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W. C., by Cheque or P.O. Order on Charing Cross. It is suggested that Members may find it a convenient plan to give their Bankers an order to pay the Subscription to the account of the Club, with Messrs. Cocks, BIDDULPH & Co., on the 1st of June in each year, until further notice.




The Committee in presenting their 15th Annual Report are glad to announce that no deaths have occurred amongst the Members of the Club during the past year, that 13 new Members have joined the Club, which now numbers 340.

In consequence of the lamented and sudden death of H.R.H. the Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse-Darmstadt, only one representation of the "Phormio" was given at the School last December. As, however, a large portion of the expenses of the play had already been incurred, the usual donation of £10 was made to the "Cap" by the Club.

The Committee are informed that the boys are this year showing increased interest in "The Water," which they were enabled to recommence last year by means of the steam launch placed at their service by the Club. Last year some 30 boys at once availed themselves of this means of renewing the ancient pastime of the School, and one or two of the usual school races were rowed. This year upwards of 40 boys have joined "The Water," and since Whitsuntide the steam launch has nightly carried her full complement of passengers to Chelsea. Two school races have already been rowed, and the Committee understand that the boys propose to test their progress in rowing by an eight-oared match against a riverside club, after which other school races will be rowed. The Committee have caused the name of the steam launch, originally "The Juno," to be altered to "The Queen Elizabeth."

The Captain of the Eleven reports that "The Fields" are at length recovering from the rough condition to which they were a few years back reduced by the raising of the level of the ground, and that a large portion of the ground is now in capital condition.


also reports that the Eleven of last year were fairly successful, although they were defeated in their match against Charterhouse, and that the boys commenced this half with fair prospects of success in the cricket field, as a large proportion of last year's Eleven were still at the School.

The Committee, thinking that the Members of the Club may find some interest in a return of information relating to the School moved for by Sir Charles Dilke in the House of Commons, have caused it to be printed in the Appendix.

The Committee are again indebted to the Head Master for his enabling them to supply the Members of the Club with the usual statistics relating to the School. These are this year worthy of special attention, as important changes have been introduced as to the admission into College and other matters. Amongst other things the final abolition of the "Challenges" has to be chronicled. By Order of the Committee, ELLIOT C. BOVILL,

June 25th, 1879.

Hon. Sec.

THE Annual Dinner took place at the Pall Mall Restaurant on the 16th of July, 1879, the President in the Chair. Twenty-two members were present. After the Dinner a Special General Meeting was held to consider the following proposed changes in the Rules :

It was proposed by Mr. Waterfield (on behalf of Mr. W. E. Bovill, unavoidably absent), and seconded by Mr. R. J. Mure.

1. That Rule I. be amended by adding thereto the following words

"And of past or present Members of the Staff of
Masters at the School."

2. That the following Rule be substituted for Rule XII.—
"That the Committee may nominate as an Honorary
Member of the Club any distinguished Old West-
minster or Master who is eligible for election
to the Club; but there shall not be more than
twelve such Members at any one time."

Considerable discussion ensued on the subject.

The following amendment was proposed by Mr. Ralph Barnes, and seconded by Mr. Johnson

and was lost.

"That Masters, during their term of office, shall be Honorary Members of the Club,"

A second amendment was proposed by Mr. West, and seconded by Mr. Barnes—

and was lost.

"That the Committee have power to nominate any of the staff of Masters, past or present, for election as Honorary Members for such time as the Committee think desirable,"

The original motion was then put and lost.

It was proposed by Mr. R. J. Mure, and seconded by Mr. Waterfield

That the following Rule be added to the existing Rules,

viz :-
"All money belonging to the Club, and not invested,

shall be in the hands of the Treasurer, who
shall keep an account in the name of the Club at
Messrs. Cocks, Biddulph & Co., at Charing Cross.
Investments shall be made at the discretion of
the Committee, and shall stand in the names of
the President and Treasurer for the time being.
All other property of the Club shall be vested
in the President, Treasurer, and Secretary for the
time being."

This motion was carried unanimously.

The Meeting was then resolved into the ordinary Annual General Meeting, the President still occupying the Chair.

The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of 1878 were read and confirmed.

The Report of the Committee was received and adopted.

It was announced that the names of certain Members had been erased from the list of the Club, under Rule XV.

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary, and the Members of the Committee were then re-elected.

The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the President.


Treasurer's Account for the Year ending May 31st, 1879.


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