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Canton, Kansas.

[Now, when hundreds of subscriptions are coming in every day, the brethren frequently take occasion to incidentally express some sentiment that they did not consider it worth while to write a letter specially for. These sentiments are always referred to me from the subscription department, and I take pleasure in reading them over every day, and from them I frequently get hints, helps, and suggestions. The above sentiment or opinion has been exprest repeatedly not only this year, but every year. The moral is, be careful in diagnosis; and in making up statistics concerning a certain disease, include only cases in which the diagnosis is beyond doubt. I wish I knew how to reach and disciplin the "blow hards" who diagnose every little ailment in the chest as pneumonia a marvelous cure", and every rise of temperature as typhoid fever "-"cured in 3 days!" Many communities are still infected by such so-called physicians." What shall we do with them? How can we reform or get rid of them?—ED.]

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A Magnificent Endorsement.

My Dear Editor:-Today I renew my annual subscription to the Philadelphia MEDICAL WORLD for the twenty-first time. It is interesting at this time to glance back over the decades, and review the steady growth and progress of THE WORLD during that time under the careful supervision of its ever vigilant, ever intrepid Editor, whose happy family now embraces within its circle doctors of every school of practise and of every political and religious faith, united under one head, having in view the same noble object, the health and welfare of the people. The past twenty years have witnest a vigorous growth and progress in every branch of mechanical art and science, and medical science has advanced pari passu in the grand movement onward and upward; and the WORLD family, like a well-equipt army, under the skilful leadership of its dauntless chief-the Editor-leads the

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that their minds should agree in every detail. So long as men's hearts are together they can work together harmoniously and helpfully; and the longer they so work together, the chances are that their minds will come more nearly into agreement. It is more important that a man's heart should be right, than that his head should be right; a right heart, with suitable industry, will usually lead to a right head.-Ed.]

A Pleasing Sentiment from a Homeopathic Brother. DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-A lot of us are like the old man who said his prayers till he got tired, and then had them printed and tacked on the foot of his bed, and then said, as he pulled up the covers: "Lord, them's my sentiments."

Just so I have said, as I smelled the bouquets thrown at you: "Good for Taylor; he deserves every bit of it." I only take 10 journals, and THE WORLD is the only one which is thoroly read. So here is for might to your pen, red blood for your brain, and the Lord's grace for your heart, and a place in heaven, long, long years from now. J. F. ROEMER.

Waukegan, Ill.

[The Doctor inclosed a $3 check to push his subscription four years in advance, but he modestly did not mention it in the letter.-ED.]

Dear DOCTOR TAYLOR:-Herein please find draft for $1, my subscription to THE WORLD for 1906. I wish to assure you of my appreciation of your efforts in editing for us such an interesting and profitable journal. It has come to me for many years, and every issue has some suggestion of much value. I trust all the "fellows" will be prompt in paying their subscriptions, thus relieving you of annoyance and worry and the better enabling you to forward our interests. EDWARD G. LEFFLER. La Porte City, Iowa, Dec. 4th, 1905.

Sincerely yours,

To get a look at the tongue of a child, press gently on the chin with the first finger, and often it will open the mouth immediately, enuf to admit of examination. If this fails, push the child's under lip up over its under teeth, and press downwards firmly; the child will open the mouth to avoid getting its under lip cut. In very obstinate children it may occasionally be necessary to hold the nostrils till opens the mouth to breathe; but these are exceptional cases.

To get opportunity of counting the pulse of a child, allow the mother or some one accustomed to being with it to hold its hand, when the physician may often slip his finger upon the artery without the child noticing it; whereas if the attempt is made in the usual manner, struggling and excitement are certain to send the pulse 15 or 20 beats higher than it would otherwise register.

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Doctor, was adv. page 19 in your December WORLD markt with a blue pencil? If so, you received a bill. And if you received a bill, have you sent us the "needful" yet? If not, will you kindly do so, and save us the trouble of sending another bill? You know you don't like to have to send bills time after time to your patrons. You should treat us like your best patrons treat you-you want to be among our best patrons." We sent out a large number of bills in December, and many payments are being made daily. But there will be a remnant that we will have to bill again. You don't want to be among this remnant. As our accounts are so small and so many, we do not send receipts except when specially requested. The bill shows the condition of your account, and when you pay it we stop sending bills to you, until another is due, either the next year, or at the end of four years, if you remit for that length of time. So when you pay up, and receive no more bills (THE WORLD arriving each month), you may know that the money was received, and that your record here is all right. Please do not compel us to send several bills each year, and then follow with dunning letters.


New books as they appear, are sent to our Assistant Editor, Dr. A. L. Russell, of Midway, Washington Co., Pas for review. As the Doctor thus has all the late books for refer ence, and is made familiar with them by reviewing each one carefully as it reaches him, he is unusually equipt for answering queries. Therefore it has been our custom for a long time to send queries to him for reply. In fact, the Doctor made a special request that this be done, as he enjoys this work. It now occurs O us that time will be saved if you will send directly to Dr. Rus sell matter intended for the Quiz Department, which has grown sc much under his vigorous treatment Please notice that our query department is not used to "boost" proprietary remedies, almanac fashion. THE MEDICAL WORLD has no interests othe than to give to the medical profession the greatest amount of honest service possible. It has absolutely no interests in any proprietary preparation nor any medical supply house. Other medical editors have become, and are becoming, wealthy, by using their pages to Increase the sale of preparations that they are interested in; but we prefer to render service to our subscribers that is above suspicion of personal pecuniary interest. How can a man interested in the sale of certain preparations render the best service? He le always trying to push one of his preparations in. That is commercial journalism, We prefer ethical journalism-and so does the profession, for THE MEDICAL WORLD is growing in popularity faster than ever before-and our subscribers are paying ones. They must be, for we have no medicins to "boost," nothing to sell, nothing to depend on but pure journalism; but doctors that want honest, straight journalism are willing to pay for it-they are glad of the opportunity.

Only such queries will be publisht as are likely to interest and Instruct many others as well as the one asking help. No charge has ever been made, nor will any charge be made, for this service to our subscribers. However, those who wish an immediate and personal reply by mail may obtain the same by inclosing two dollars to Dr. Russell. This is really a consultation in the interest of the patient, and should be charged to the patient-two dollars being a very moderate consultation fee. The Doctor agrees to give full, careful and immediate attention to such consultations. We reserve the right to publish in this department any such consultations that may be interesting and helpful to our readers. Name and address will be withheld if requested. Come freely for help, but read up as fully as you can before coming to us.

Acetanilid in Bromo-Seltzer.

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[In Collier's Weekly (publisht at 416 W. 13th street, N. Y. City, 10 cts. per copy) for Dec. 2, page 17, near middle of second column, occurs this: "Bromo-Seltzer is commonly sold in drug stores, both by the bottle and at soda fountains. The full dose is a heaping teaspoonful.' A heaping teaspoonful of BromoSeltzer means about ten grains of acetanilid. The United States Pharmacopeia dose is four grains; five grains have been known to produce fatal results. The prescribed dose of Bromo Seltzer is dangerous and has been known to produce sudden collapse."-ED.]


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I have a patient, female, age 49, who is afflicted with argyria. Has taken in former years nitrate of silver for chronic ulceration of stomach. Her health otherwise is good. The discoloration of the skin is general, and the sclera of eye is something awful. I put her on iodid of potassium for several months without any perceptible results. Can you suggest any other treatment? Kyle, Tex.

E. KRUEGER, M.D. [Argyria, once developt, is permanent. The cases on record, where improvement followed the use of potassium iodid, were in syphilitics; and later endeavors to obtain the same results in those not suffering with lues were negativ.

In your case, where the argyria is already so markt, there is no hope of alteration in the color of the skin.-ED.]

Probably Locomotor Ataxia.

MR. EDITOR-As I have been hors de combat for the past six weeks or two months, I come to you, and the brotherhood, for help. I am 48 years old, weigh 137 pounds, height 5 ft. 8 in., married, and the father of three children. Live on my farm and do an activ country practise, in which I have been engaged for 27 years. I have always been very temperate in my habits, not addicted to the use of tobacco or liquor in any form. Have always led a very activ life. My general health has always been good, barring an occasional attack of indigestion.

About three years ago I felt a tired, stiff sensation in the calves of both legs, which gave me some trouble in walking. Several of my confreres attributed my condition to a disordered stomach, and advised dieting and a course of nux vomica; neither of which I did, but the symptoms passed off entirely in six or eight days, and I felt nothing more of it until about the 1st of Oct. of this year, when the same symptoms returned (preceded by a slight spell of indigestion), and gradually grew worse until about the 18th of Oct., when partial paralysis set in from the knees down, and I had to use crutches. When in a sitting position I had to be raised to a standing posture. I could manage to shuffle along a little, but if I am not very careful my ankles will turn and throw me down. Still, when sitting down I can kick straight out with either leg, or move them in any direction, or cross my legs with ease. But when sitting down I can't get up to save my life, unless some one raises me erect, or I can put one hand on each arm of my chair and push myself up until my legs are straight at the knees; then with crutches I can walk around a little.

At first my feet and ankles were considerably swollen, but that has all subsided; the sensibility from the knees down was also considerably obtunded, but that is also much better now. I have no pain at all. Eat and sleep well. The muscles of extension of both hands, the left more than the right, are also affected; but I can still grip very well. For a while I was troubled at times with dyspnea, which gave me some uneasiness, thinking the muscles of respiration were becoming involved; but I called in my friends, opinion that it was due to an accumulation of gas in Drs. I. E. Shute and B. A. Littell, and they were of the the intestins, with which I was bothered at the time. Acting upon this suggestion, I began taking a prescription containing listerine, pepsin cordial, carbo ligni, and carbolic acid, which gave me prompt relief. They also advised a continuance of strychnin and electricity, which I was using. I am also taking phosfate, iron, quinin, and nux. My right hand is not so much affected but that I can write with a pencil. When standing I can close my eyes without getting dizzy in the least. In the last two or three days I can walk across my room and back without crutches, but my gait is like that of a child just beginning to walk. My diagnosis of the case is Landry's acute ascending paralysis. Am I correct? If so, could it be due to a reflex sympathetic action from the condition of my stomach, causing an auto-toxemia?

I forgot to state that my urin is normal in every respect. It is my opinion that I will recover in the course of time. P. FOSTER, M.D. Opelousas, La.

[We do not believe, doctor, that your disease is Landry's paralysis; if you will read this up, you will note that Landry's disease is one which is always acute in course, abrupt in onset, and generally fatal in from a few days to a very few weeks. We think you have locomotor ataxia, and that the symptoms are mild in character. We believe if you will get

a good modern work on nerve disease and study it well, that you will be able to derive great benefit from the suggestions found therein. If you take up the systematic re-education movements as advised by Frenkel, we believe you will avoid much trouble later, especially if the disease is stationary or but slowly progressiv. Wear flannel next the skin at all times. Maintain good digestion and avoid food difficult of digestion; the diet in this manner is important.

It is possible that your trouble might be antero-lateral sclerosis, but the symptoms detailed by you are not sufficient to admit of a positiv diagnosis being made. Have careful tests made of the knee-jerk and for ankle clonus. A careful study of these two diseases will admit of your making your own differentiation, and adopting for yourself the best form of treatment. We do not believe drugs will prove availing in either case; but hygienic measures, dieting, massage, electricity, etc., may do much.-ED.]

Stomach Trouble in an Old Man.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I wish to report a case of a man 72 years old. First saw him eight weeks ago, complaining of bloating of stomach. He is a typical Irishman; says he never drank, only an occasional glass of beer; farmer by occupation; is very healthy other than this stomach trouble. The symptoms are these: when he first visited me he had a spell of belching, which lasted fully twenty five minutes. Just before these spells come on, hot water will come into his mouth until he can scarcely spit it out fast enuf, it is so profuse. This comes on regardless of what he eats. Scarcely ever belches any food. His bowels and appetite are normal. Has very little tenderness over stomach now. Tongue is clean. Sleeps well unless those belching spells come on at night, when they usually last with more or less severity for two to three hours. Always some belching thruout the day. I have given him nux vomica, gentian and various stomach tonics; also digestants. What I want in this case is a treatment that you or some of the family can give me. My diagnosis is, gastric catarrh. Will some one come to my relief? as I am a new man here and can see the advantage of a cure in this case, or relief, as I expect no permanent cure. INDIANA.

[The first point in the successful management of this case is to convince the old gentleman that he does not require so much food as he did when a young man; this is often hard to do, as such men keep ingesting the same amount of food that they have always been accustomed to, but a decrease in quantity is imperativ. Then, too, thoro mastication is to be insisted upon, and this is also difficult to attain. No fluids whatever are to be taken while eating; if coffee or tea, water or milk, are habitually used, let them be taken just before eating, or not until the meal is finisht. He would do well not to use either tea or coffee, but if such has been customary, do not let the amount exceed one small cup. It would be better if all fluid would be ingested between meals and at bed time. Place him

upon the customary dyspeptic diet, with avoidance of starchy and fatty foods, fresh bread, and any article which he knows by experience disagrees with him. He will be able to assist you in making out a diet table by naming the foods which he has noted aggravate the complaint.

As to drugs, the bromids, will do gcod, and the least irritating salts, such as the strontium salt, are to be selected. You may as well save time, expense and trouble in so far as prescribing digestants for such a case. Bismuth, charcoal and carbolic acid, in powder, would probably be beneficial. Denarcotized opium, belladonna, and nitrate of silver often act well in such cases, but in others they are of no avail. Oil of cloves or oil of cajuput may be beneficial, and thymol, salol, beta-napthol, or resorcin should be tried. Ten grains of bicarbonate of soda half an hour before meals will often materially aid other measures.

It may be necessary to determin the prevailing condition of the stomach as regards the kind of acids secreted and the amounts of the same, as by the phloro-vanillin test.

We do not by any means regard the case as incurable, and we think a proper study and careful therapeusis will show material improvement in a short time. We suggest that you purchase a good modern work on diseases of the stomach, as our space will not permit even a suggestion of the various lines of treatment sometimes demanded in these chronic cases. Depend chiefly on dietetics and hygienics.ED.]

Broken Finger, with Adhesions.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I would like to know the best treatment for the following condition: Patient had the index finger broken by a base ball striking it. He had it in splints for two or three months, and the second joint is stiff. He kept flexing it until at one time he could completely flex it, but since then has not been able to do so, and comes to me for relief. The extensor tendon seems to hold it from motion, and the joint is swollen, and it pains when forcible flexion is tried.

He has used liniments, and I have ordered ichthyol and iodin applied, with massage. I think the tendon (extensor) should be severed or the joint forcibly broken. J. A. POIRIER.

Forest Lake, Minn.

[Two methods of treatment suggest themselves to us from the description you have given. It is possible that the condition may not be due to the flexor tendon. There may have been a "T" fracture involving the joint. Our first suggestion would be to etherize and cautiously attempt full flexion. In this way you may be able to stretch the tendon or break up adhesions without further operativ interference. If this procedure is successful, it will be necessary to secure flexion once each day or once every other day, to prevent any degree of recurrence until the pain on motion

disappears. If, on the contrary, it is found that rupture of the tendon threatens before stretching is accomplisht, you will have the patient already etherized and can proceed to lengthen the contracted tendon by the methods illustrated in all text-books on surgery. It would not be a rational procedure to merely sever the tendon-that would result in permanent loss of function. We believe judicious operation will regain functionary power in this finger. If there has been a "T" fracture into the joint, no operation on the tendon, alone, will be sufficient; but it will be necessary, also, to break up the articular adhesions, and to practise and secure flexion regularly thereafter. Read these matters up well in a modern surgery before attempting operativ interference, and you will have no trouble.ED.]

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-A dose of THE MEDICAL WORLD once a month is the very best remedy for a physician's pocket book that has ever appeared on the market. I would like to know the best book to purchase for a beginner in microscopy. Crestone, Colo.

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[There are two books which we regard as almost indispensable to the beginner in microscopy: Medical Microscopy, publisht by Blakiston, at $2.00, containing 362 pages; and The Microtomist's Vade-Mecum, by Lee, publisht by Blakiston, at $4.00, containing 358 pages.-ED.]

What Was the Cause of Death ?

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Will you kindly offer an opinion as to the probable diagnosis and your management in the following case?

I was hastily called into the country recently and arrived at 2.30 p.m. I had never seen the patient before. German farmer about 45 years of age. Hard worker. His wife told me he had not been well for the past few years; that he had been troubled with his stomach, and as to details regarding this, all I could learn was that he drank considerable alcohol, and at times was unable to keep anything on his stomach. Had considerable waterbrash, and only easily digested food was tolerated. He told me he had gone to a neighboring town the day before to do some trading and was feeling well, for him. That he noticed his abdomen felt a little sore after riding some distance, and that the jar of the wagon hurt him. He said, while in town he became dizzy and fell out of the wagon, but that did not injure him, and he soon felt all right. He did his trading and went to a saloon to buy a drink. Drank about 4 glasses of whiskey, but when night came he didn't feel like going home, and stayed all night. Next day he was worse, and was brought home at 12 o'clock and walkt up the yard into the house.

I saw him at 2.30 p.m. His respirations were 72, temp. 98, pulse 140 and very weak. He wore an anxious look and would grunt a great deal on attempting to talk. He told me all his trouble was in his abdomen. He felt bad all over, but his "belly ached so much." Examination of abdomen negativ beyond the fact that the muscles were very hard. No distention whatever, but a great deal of tenderness. Bowels had moved well the day before. Very thirsty, but as soon as water was warm in stomach it came up; not vomited, but "gulped" up. No nausea. I don't think the man had been intoxicated. At 7 p.m. his pulse was imperceptible; cyanosis, and extremities getting

cold. He continued practically in this state till 10 p.m., when he died. Five minutes before this he had shaken hands with a neighbor and said he felt better. Was perfectly conscious within two minutes of his death.

Briefly, my treatment was, calomel grs. every 10 minutes till 2 grains were taken, eleterin grs. every half hour for 6 doses, high enemas of glycerin 31, salts 3, and water 3vj every half hour, hypodermics of strych., digitalin, whiskey and adrenalin, with no results. Normal salt one qt. subcutaneously. It was impossible to move his bowels.

I must mention that examination of heart, lungs, etc., was negtiv. No postmortem was allowed. Boyceville, Wis. the L. L. HERRIMAN.

[It is to be regreted that no autopsy was permitted. We could not hazard any guess that would be of value. Naturally, on account of the hardness of the abdominal muscles, one would think of an appendicitis that had persisted for some time, and then perforated; but one could not verify such a suspicion in the absence of an autopsy. Perforation of a gastric or intestinal ulcer could cause death under the conditions described, thru a toxic peritonitis so virulent as to cause collapse before tympanitic distention developt. Any discussion would be valueless to you, and without benefit to our readers.-ED.].

Lithemic Diathesis.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Will you be so kind as to state thru the columns of THE WORLD the prognosis and treatment of the following case of rheumatism? Male, about 32 years of age, fair complexion, weight about 245 pounds. Never had any illness till about one year ago. Total abstainer from tobacco and liquors. In the fall of 1904, got drencht in a rain storm, and in the course of a few weeks was taken down with a mild attack of muscular rheumatism. Recovery prompt, but during the following Feb. was again seized with a rheumatic attack, and was confined to his bed for about 10 weeks. From the time in which he was able to be around from the last attack up to about two months ago, patient was feeling fairly well, but was troubled more or less with a soreness across

the lumbar muscles.

He took a course of baths at Hot Springs and was benefited for the time only. Shortly after leaving the Springs and coming home here, he was again taken down with this rheumatic trouble. The muscles affected are principally the lumbar and the extensors of the thigh. During the daytime, patient feels fairly well and is able to get around a little in doors; but regularly every night for the past three weeks (with the exception of three or four nights) he is taken suddenly worse with severe pains across his back and down the anterior of thighs. Sometimes the pain extends down in a definit line along the course of the sciatic nerve (but never does it extend below the knee). The nocturnal pains are severe, and nothing short of a hypo. of morph. will relieve them.

The pains are somewhat influenced by the variations in the temperature, but frequently they grow worse suddenly, from seemingly no cause whatever. They are always worse at night. There is more or less soreness all over his body at intervals, but the lumbar and extensors of the thighs are the muscles principally affected.

Examination of the urin is negativ, with the exception that as far as I am able to determin there is a scanty excretion of urea.

This is what I have been doing for the patient with seemingly no results: I direct large quantities of water to be drank. Keep the bowels regular with salines when necessary. Have given him iodid of potash, sodium salicylate, protoiodid of mercury, diuretics, phospho

lithia, and strontium salicylate (Wyeth's), citrate of lithia and at present have him on colchicum, gr. 8o, three times a day; urotropin, gr. vij, t. i. d.; and effervescent citrate of lithium. Now, I am nearly at my wit's end, and if you can give me a few "pointers," they will be appreciated. I might mention that the patient's diet is restricted to vegetables and milk, with very small quantity of meats. PENNSYLVANIA.

[The diagnosis is, of course, clear; whatever name you choose to apply, your patient has the lithemic diathesis. He will have exacerbations of the rheumatism under any kind of treatment, even during steady improvement, when the barometric conditions change; and also at times when no cause can be assigned. The only criticism one could make of your method of treatment would be that, perhaps, you have given too much good medicin. That is, that you have not continued any one plan of therapeutics a sufficiently long time to secure permanent beneficial results. Then, too, you might go a little further in your hygienic directions. Direct that the patient shall wear nothing but flannel underclothing the entire year, varying the weights according to the season. Supplement the vegetables with fresh fruits. Have him take the juice of one lemon, in water, but no sugar, each morning, on rising. Specify the quantity of water you wish him to drink, so that regular quantities shall be taken at definit intervals, as only in this way can you make certain that the required amount is ingested. Avoidance of sugars and fermented liquor is to be insisted upon. Eggs and white meats may be allowed in moderation. Dried fruit, cheese, sweetmeats, vinegar, cider, wines, and starchy and fatty foods must be tabooed.

As to medication :-Arsenic, codliver oil, and cimicifuga, are indicated. See that the quantity of urin during the twenty-four hours. is sufficient in quantity. Diuretics and alkalies to maintain the urin neutral should be a part of the treatment. Turkish baths would give markt benefit if properly employed, and due precautions as to taking cold were observed afterwards. The "hot-air" treatment might prove serviceable. Skin, bowels and kidneys must be kept acting freely. Extremes of temperature and all exposure to inclement weather must be avoided. If such measures are unavailing, a change to a more equable climate than that of Pennsylvania may be necessary before a cure is effected.-ED.]

Probably Lumbago.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Will you or some of the WORLD family kindly give me your idea as to what was the matter with this child? A male child 2 years old, family history good. Its father suffers at times a little with rheumatism. The child has been in good health all the time, excepting when this trouble occurred. When first called to see this child, I could not find a single symptom of any kind; but at times when it was moved it would scream and seemed to be suf

fering with excruciating pain. I moved the hand, to and fro, then the arm to the elbow, then to the shoulder joint of both arms; no pain; then examined the legs in like manner; no pain. When I would move its body, it would scream fearfully. No pain from palpation along the neck or spine; nothing abnormal about the abdomen, or any part in any way that I could find; but it had to lie on its back all the time. Bowels regular, appetite good, no pain on urinating, and urin seemed free enuf. Í askt the mother if child had not fallen and hurt itself. She said no. This child continued this way for a week, and I never saw a single symptom during that time. The child is as fat as a pig now, and seems to be in perfect health. The pain disappeared about as suddenly as it came. As it is the only child, the parents became greatly alarmed over its condition. I put it on a placebo and waited for further symptoms; and when the child got well I was still placeboing, as I was at a loss to know what to do.

Was this any kind of spinal trouble? or could it have been due to rheumatism? I am young in the practise of medicin, and don't like to be caught. Any light on this case will be greatly appreciated. Wildersville, Tenn.


is the result most pleasing to both physician [Your "treatment" was efficient, and that and family. It was not any form of spinal trouble, because no spinal affection recovers so completely in so short a time and without slight attack of muscular rheumatism, and if therapeutical efforts. It may have been a so, it will probably return. When it does, the child should be placed on the salicylates in efficient dosage to remove all pain, alkalies, inations of the urin would not be amiss, espediuretics, and diaphoretics. Occasional examcially as the family will probably be anxious to have you do something to ward off future attacks, and such investigations will be good practise for you.-ED.]

Central Scotoma.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I wish to ask your advice on a case which is puzzling to me. A man aged 50 has a trouble with one eye. He is a farmer, and the first he noticed of anything wrong was three years ago. At that time, when out in damp and foggy weather, his tion, and the tears would run down his face. He used left eye would water; there was considerable lacrymaa prescription of sulf. zinc. one grain, in water, one ounce. This seemed to correct the trouble, or at least

during the summer it did not trouble him. One year ago some sand blew in his eye, but two physicians could not find any left in the eye. Soon after this his eyesight began to fail; and coming to me for spectacles, six months ago, I found the following conditions, which he had not before suspected. Looking at a page of small print, the letter which he fixes with his left eye, disappears. Looking at a word, he can tell what it is, but looking at a small letter, it is gone. Looking at a large letter, it is distorted. Looking at a line of print, it is not straight. Looking at a telefone pole fifty yards away, if he directs his eye slightly to the left of the center, about one foot of the pole is lost. Looking at the middle of the pole, or at either side, it is bent or distorted. Looking at the moon, making the point of fixation travel slowly from top to bottom, he first sees a distorted moon, then almost no moon, then two moons, one above the other; then gradually as the point of fixation gets below the moon, it appears all right. At the distance of one hundred yards, a man's face looks the same way. Looking at a flock of sheep three hundred yards away, he can see the sheep very well, but if he tries to count them they each disappear as his eye looks directly at them. Two competent

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