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Peppermint water, to make.



Typhoid Fever. Whooping Cough.

Mix, and direct tablespoonful in water half an hour before breakfast.

Sodium hyposulfite, 10 grains in solution, three times a day after each meal, is of service in acne.

Notes on Treatment of Pruritus Ani.

A saturated solution of boric acid, employed as a wash in pruritus ani, is both a cleansing agent of value, and in many cases a curativ power as well.

An ointment prepared by thoroly blending 1 ounce of lard and I dram of calomel is a good application in cases of pruritus ani (Hare).

The internal use of calcium chlorid should not be forgotten in cases of pruritus ani. It should be given in doses of 20 grains three times a day, and may be prescribed as follows:


Calcium chlorid.

Tincture orange flowers.

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2 drams

.6 drams

Chloroform water, enuf to make. 6 ounces Mix, and direct one or two tablespoonfuls three times a day.

Smaller doses may have to be ordered if the stomach prove irritable. These doses often cause an increast thirst. It is best given one hour after meals.

Cocain, incorporated in ointments, often fails utterly in pruritus aní, as the fats prevent its exerting its power.

Sodium thiosulfate, 1⁄2 dram to the ounce of water, is of service in certain cases of pruritus ani.

Ringer commends the use of the following ointment in cases of pruritus ani:

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1901 1902.


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OMAHA, Aug. 22, 1905.

To the Editor:-What is the composition of the compound prepared by Mrs. J. A. and C. Robert Kopp, at York, Pa., and sold under the shop name of "Baby's Friend"? A patient of mine gave her three days'-old baby four drops of the stuff, and the child went into a stupor at once. The pupils were pin-pointed, skin cool, and the heart beat and the respirations were slow. I treated this case as one of opium poisoning, but it was twelve hours before my little patient was out of danger. R. E. ESKILDSON, M.D. ANSWER.-A bottle of this preparation was purchast and the contents analyzed. According to the analysis, Kopp's Baby's Friend" contains, in 100 cc., 0.0719 gm. morphin sulfate; approximately of a grain in one fluid ounce.-Jour. A. M. A.

Bull's Cough Syrup.

MOROCCO, Ind., Sept. 6, 1905. To the Editor:-Can you give me the formula for "Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup"? Recently I was called to see a child twenty-three months' old who had drunk about an ounce of it. In an hour, when first seen, the symptoms were those of opium poisoning. In about twelve hours the child had several convulsions and spasms followed at intervals for twelve hours longer. The child then sank into a coma and died in the seventy-second hour with cardiac failure. Respirations were labored. The dose of the mixture as labeled is five drops for a child of two years.

J. W. SHAFER, M.D. ANSWER.-A bottle of this preparation was purchast in the open market and the contents analyzed. According to this analysis, "Bull's Cough Syrup" contains, in 100 cc., 0.0534 gm. morphin sulfate; approximately of a grain in one fluidounce.-Jour. A. M. A.

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Classes I and II.-States that are members of the American Confederation of Reciprocating and Licensing Medical Boards.

Class III.-States not yet in the Confederation.

The above maps are from a very concise little pamphlet entitled:

State Laws Governing Medical Practise. Condenst and revised to November, 1905. Tells which States require both an Examination and a Diploma, which demand only an Examination, and which grant license upon Diploma. Names and addresses of the several State Board Secretaries; Interstate reciprocity; Fees; two illustrativ maps. Price 25c. Arthur J. Cramp, Box 378, Milwaukee, Wis.

We have it confidentially that Mr. Cramp is now in his senior year in medical college, and the sale of this pamphlet (which he keeps up to date) helps to defray his college expenses.

Treatment of Pruritus Ani.

Dr. Lewis H. Adler, Jr., of Philadelphia. Pa., a specialist in the treatment of rectal diseases, gives the following as his method of treatment of this condition, and states that it has "in over ten years' experience proven uniformly successful."

"It is important to see that the patient has a daily evacuation of the bowels, and, if necessary, medicin should be used for this purpose. The patient should be seen daily for a time, and an injection into the cavity of the rectum of from 1 to 22 drams of the following prescription should be employed:

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black wash, or, what is better, in some cases, calomel ointment. Should the skin about the anus become tender or sore from the use of the citrin ointment at any time during the treatment, the calomel ointment should be employed until all tenderness has disappeared. In some instances; in addition to the application, the anal surface, when it is very sensitiv, should be painted with the compound tincture of benzoin.

"For the first two or three weeks the patient should be seen every day; then every other day for a like period or longer, frequently for six weeks, after which once or twice a week will suffice until the disease is cured. Usually this treatment takes in its entirety about six months.

"Patients should be warned that at any time during the course of the treatment the itching may return suddenly and be as severe as that experienced at any time prior to their coming under observation, but that this must not be deemed a bad omen, as such occurrences are not unusual, and have no special significance. In typical cases of pruritus ani the itching prior to treatment is usually most markt towards the perineum, but after the medication has been instituted for about a month or six weeks, its location changes and is described by the majority of the patients as existing within or at the very verge of the anus. When patients are not being treated daily, the wearing of the pledget of cotton into which has soakt the excess of the citrin ointment, until a fresh application and a new dressing are applied, serves to prevent an intermediate attack of pruritus and is, therefore, a procedure to be recommended.

"Upon the first visit, if the skin has a very rough and dry appearance, the entire surface around the anus should be painted for several inches outwards with a concentrated solution of silver nitrate (960 grains per fluid ounce). If any break in the continuity of the skin exists as a result of previous scratching, a little of a 5 percent cocain or eucain solution applied to the abrasions will prevent the suffering incident to the use of the silver salt. In the class of cases under consideration the use of a strong silver solution is not nearly so painful as that of the weaker solutions. The application of the silver may require repeating two or three "I have yet to experience a failure to effect times before the desired effect is obtained; not what thus far has seemed a radical cure except oftener, however, than every fourth day. By in three cases. Some of the patients were its use the skin becomes supple and healthy treated as long ago as ten years, but in no inlooking. On the day after the silver has been stance, so far, to my knowledge, has there applied and thereafter, except the day when a been any markt return of the trouble." fresh application of silver is employed, the anus and the cutaneous surface of the parts for a distance of about two inches around the orifice should be liberally coated with the officinal citrin ointment. This ointment I use in its full strength. Over the salve a wad of absorbent cotton should be placed. The dressing is held in place by a T bandage. If the itching lodol should prove annoying at any time, the anus should be bathed with hot water, as hot as can be borne with comfort, but under no circumstances should the parts be rubbed. application of the hot water will momentarily increase the itching, but the patient should be forbidden to scratch the affected region. After the water has been applied, the patient should be directed to use either the official


The following synthetic patented drugs have been incorporated in the new revision of the pharmacopeia; in each instance the patent has expired, or will expire at an early date: Antipyrine Aristol Chloralamid. Duotal


Thymolis iodidum

Guaiacolis carbonas

Aethylis carabamas

Hexamethylenamina . Vanillinum

Some cases of chronic bronchitis with excessiv secretion are benefited greatly by the internal administration of sulfur, 5 to 10 grains being given three times a day.

Excessiv arching, or too straight a line, in the eyebrow, suggests the tendency to tubercular involvement; and very long and dark eyelashes, accompanied by a notably clear sclerotic, points to a like ancestry or to such tendency on the part of the patient.


A Text-Book of the Practise of Medicin. By James M. Anders, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D, Professor of Medicin and of Clinical Medicin at the Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. Octavo of 1,297 pages, fully illustrated. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1905. Cloth, $5.50 net; sheep or half morocco, $6.50 net.

A sale of over 22,000 copies and the attainment of a seventh edition seems sufficient recommendation for any book; in fact, Anders' Practise does not now need any recommendation-it is well known. As in the former editions, particular attention is bestowed upon inductiv diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment. The many Diagnostic tables of simulating diseases have been retained. The clinical value of these tabulated points of distinction is beyond cavil. Numerous new subjects have been introduced, among which are: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Examination of Patients for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Stomach, Splanchnoptosis, Cammidge's Test for Glycerose in the Urin, and Myasthenia Gravis. Certain other individual affections have been entirely rewritten and important additions have been made to the diseases which prevail principally in tropical and subtropical regions. The seveth edition maintains the reputation of the work.

A Manual of the Practise of Medicin. By A. A. Stevens, A.M., M.D., Professor of Pathology in the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, and Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis at the University of Pennsylvania. Seventh edition, revised. 12mo of 556 pages, illustrated. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1905. Flexible leather, $2.50 net.

We know of no work on practise of the same size containing so much practical information concisely stated, as this handy little book by Dr. Stevens. The author's epigrammatic style is no doubt the result of his extensiv experience in the lecture room, enabling him to group allied symptoms in such a manner that they can be easily retained in the mind of the student. By a judicious elimination of theories and redundant explanations he has brought within a small compass a complete outline of practise of inestimable value. Indeed, for the student, the practician, and the nurse as well, we know of none better.

A Text-Book of Clinical Diagnosis. By Laboratory Methods. For the use of Students, Practicians, and Laboratory Workers. By L. Napoleon Boston, A.M., M.D., Associate in Medicin and Director of the Clinical Laboratories at the MedicoChirurgical College, Philadelphia. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Octavo of 563 pages, with 330 illustrations, including 34 plates, many in colors. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1905. Cloth, $4 net; sheep or half morocco, $5


It must be a great gratification to an author when two editions of his work are required in one year. From such a reception it is evident that Dr. Boston's Clinical Diagnosis fills a demand. In this new second edition many new subjects have been added, including Biff's New Hemoglobinometer, Ficker's reaction, an illustrated description of the Leishman Donovan Bodies, Ravold's Test for Albumin, Cammidge's Test for Glycerin, and Cipollino's Test. The subjects of cytodiagnosis and inoscopy are given more extended consideration, the practical usefulness of these methods having been clearly demonstrated. Thruout the text it has been Dr. Boston's aim to emphasize in progressiv steps the various procedures of clinical technic, illustrating such steps when possible. An unusual amount of space is given to the consideration of animal parasites, malarial and other blood parasites, skin diseases, transudates and exudates, and the secretions of the eyes and of the ears.

Saunders' Medical Hand Atlases: Atlas and Epitome of Diseases of the skin. By Professor Dr. Franz Mracek, of Vienna. Edited, with additions, by Henry W. Stelwagon, M.D., Professor of Dermatology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Second edition, revised, enlarged and entirely reset. With 77 colored lithographic plates, 50 half-tone illustrations, and 272 pages of text. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1905. Cloth, $4 net.

It is with pleasure that we review the second edition of Professor Mracek's admirable hand-atlas. That the work is a success and of practical usefulness needs no further proof than the demand for a second edition, not only in America but also in Germany. The author has added twenty-six new plates, fifteen of them colored lithographs, and all of exceptional merit. The text he has thoroly revised to include the most recent dermatologic advances, especially along the line of histopathology. As in the first edition, there is evidence of the conscientious editorial work of Dr. Stelwagon, many additions being intersperst thruout the work.

A Text-Book of Diseases of Women. By Barton Cooke Hirst, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, University of Pennsylvania. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Octavo of 741 pages, with 701 original illustrations, many in colors. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1905. Cloth, $5 net; sheep or half morocco, $6 net.

Dr. Hirst may well be congratulated upon the publication of such a work as this, a second edition of which has just appeared. Written on the same lines as his "Text Book of Obstetrics," to which it may be called a companion volume, it gives every promise of attaining a similar success. The palliativ treatment of diseases of women and the curativ treatment as can be carried out by the general practician have been given special attention, enabling physicians to treat many of their patients without referring them to a specialist. Indeed, thruout the book stress has been laid upon diagnosis and treatment, and the section devoted to a detailed description of modern gynecic operation is clear and concise. In the second edition the revision has been thoro, introducing only matter that promises or has been demonstrated to be of permanent value. Forty-seven new illustrations have been added and thirty of the old ones replaced. We take much pleasure in recommending Dr. Hirst's work to the medical profession generally.

Abdominal Operations. By B. G. A. Moynihan, M.S. (London), F.R.C.S., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Leeds General Infirmary, England. Octavo of 695 pages, with 250 original illustrations. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1905. Cloth, $7.

It has been said of Mr. Moynihan that in describing details of operations he is at his best. Peritonitis and appendicitis, the latter of such present importance, have been accorded unusual space in a work of this kind; and the subject of chronic gastric ulcers is also excellently detailed. Only such operations as are common to both sexes are included; operations on the kidney and bladder, and those for hernia are not considered. All the operations covered are in common use, and no detail is omitted. The book is a classic, both in text and in mechanical excellence.-A. L. R.

Harrington's Practical Hygiene. A Treatise on Hygiene and Sanitation. For Students, Practicians, Health Officers, etc. By Charles Harrington, M.D., Assistant Professor of Hygiene in Harvard University Medical School, Bos' on. New (3d) edition, thoroly revised. In one octavo volume of 793 pages, with 118 engravings and 12 plates. loth, $4.25 net. Lea Brothers & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia and New York 1905

Every practician should have a work on hygiene, and we know of none better suited to the needs of the general practician than this work. It is a comprehensiv, yet authoritativ treatise, for every subject is handled broadly and completely. Obsolete matter has been eliminated, and new material has been added. A valuable feature in this edition is the new section on Infection, Susceptibility, and Immunity. New illustrations have been added, and the text is extended, yet the price remains the same. We have heartily commended every issue of this work, and this one eclipses its predecessors.-A.L.R.

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Principles of Osteopathy. By Dain L. Tasker, D.O., D.Sc.O., Professor of Theory and Practise of Osteopathy and Clinical Osteopathy in the Pacific College of Osteopathy; Fellow of the Southern California Academy of Sciences; Member of the California State Board of Osteopathic Examiners; Member of the American Osteopathic Association. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Illustrated. Publisht by Baumgardt Publishing Co., Los Angeles, California. 1905. Price not stated.

Contains 390 pages and an index. It is well illustrated, and the cuts convey the idea exactly. This feature of the book permits any practician's grasping the principles and theory of osteopathy almost at a glance. In the preface the author states: "In order that the student may read these chapters intelligently he must have concluded at least 10 months of study of biology, histology, anatomy, and physiology. These subjects form the basis of the science of osteopathy." There is no other book so well fitted to instruct the doctor in all the claims of this teaching, and no up to date physician should be ignorant either of the scope of such claims or the method of application of the principles. It is well written and handsomely executed. Five pages are occupied with definitions telling what osteopathy is; many with what osteopathy does; and the remainder tells "how it is done."A. L. R.

The Secrets of Specialists. By A. Dale Covey. Second edition. Publisht by Physicians' Supply Company, 111 Ledyard street, Detroit, Mich. Price not stated; so those interested would better send for a descriptiv circular.

Contains 328 pages and an index. Has 25 pages of formulas of the more popular nostrums. Has a full expose of the methods, schemes, and formulas of many of the most successful fakirs. All sorts of specialists, from the veriest quack to the "ethical specialist" are considered, and their plans and working methods detailed at length. Osteopathy, massage, hydro-therapy, physical culture, cancer, rectal diseases, hernia, genito-urinary diseases, gynecology, painless dentistry, goiter, methods of beauty doctors, stammering specialists, Hall's Hygienic Treatment, etc., are taken up. Every doctor will find much in this book that he wishes to know, and many things that will impel his respect as possessing true merit, and quite a few things that will be of positiv advantage in his daily practise.-A. L. R.

Physician's Pocket Account Book. By J. J. Taylor, M.D. Publisht by the Medical Council, 4105 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price, $1.

Contains 200 pages for accounts and records. Durably and neatly bound in black flexible leather. Each page is complete in itself, and the book is thus a combined day-book and ledger. It greatly simplifies keeping of books, and the account is always ready posted so that a statement can be rendered instantly, and by items if required. It is perfectly legal, as no signs are used. It contains several pages of valuable suggestions as to methods of making collections and keeping accounts. It is no more expensiv than the ordinary pocket account book, and is very complete and convenient.-A. L. R.

The Physician's Visiting List (Lindsay & Blakiston) for 1906. Fifty-fifth year of its publication. Publisht by P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price, $1.

Neatly bound in black flexible leather, with flap and pocket for papers and loop for pencil. Contains complete dose table arranged to conform to the new pharmacopeia, and has numerous tables of reference, as thermometer comparisons, obstetrical computation, incompatibility, treatment of poisoning, etc. It has space for 25 patients per week, and is printed for the months and days of each. It is compact and convenient.-A. L. R.


The Central States Medical Magazine, of Anderson, Ind. (edited by Dr. S. E. Earp, of Indianapolis), and the Medical and Surgical Monitor, of Indianapolis, have combined, under the name, Central States Medical Monitor, with Dr. Earp as editor, assisted by Dr. S. P. Scherer, formerly editor of the Monitor.

It is announced that, beginning with the first of the year, the well-known weekly, The Medical News, will be amalgamated with the New York Medical Journal. It will be remembered that a few years ago the New York Medical Journal absorbed the Philadelphia Medical Journal.

The Culturist,

This is a new magazine, the initial number of which will appear by or before January first. Without being in any sense a medical magazine, it will be of peculiar interest to physicians. The first number will contain an exhaustiv paper from Dr. William Colby Cooper. It will contain also a catchy sketch of him, besides a discussion of his poetry, etc. The mention of this physician's prominent relation to the new publication is felt to be justified by the fact that he belongs to THE WORLD "family."

The editor is a profound thinker and brilliant writer. The second issue will contain an illuminating article from his pen entitled, "A Dissertation on Doctors." WORLD readers will largely promote their own interests by subscribing for The Culturist. Price, $1 a year. Address: Mr. Walter Hunt, Cincinnati, O. Station M. A "WORLD" DEVOTEE.

How They Lost Their Home. Thru the gambling instinct. They bought things they did not need because they were cheap.

They did not use good judgment or right proportion in their expenditures.

They subscribed for everything they could pay for on the tnstallment plan..

Money enuf went down in drink and up in smoke to have saved the home.

They did not realize how easy it is to get into debt and how hard it is to get out.

They tried to do what others expected of them rather than what they could afford.

They thought it small to insist on having an agreement or understanding put in writing.

They could not say "No," and could not tell their friends, "I cannot afford it." The sons thought they must

sow their wild oats " as well as other "fellows of their set."-Med. Council.

What is Graft?

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Will you be so kind as to give me the definition of the word "graft," as it is applied to trusts, or in connection with the trusts? Being a subscriber to THE MEDICAL WORLD I often see the word graft, but fail to get its meaning as it is applied; or can you refer me to any literature on the subject? D. L. HOWELL, M.D.

Dover, Stewart County, Tenn.

[It is a word recently "grafted" on our language. It is of slang origin, but it has come into so general use that it is likely to become a permanent addition to our language. It does not apply to trusts particularly. It is not surprising that this word has not found its way among the people of the simple and honest habits of a rural county of Tennessee. Now that I come to try to write the meaning of the word, I find it difficult. I confess that it was a long time before I could get used to it. I have been using it only in the last year or two. It means all the way from pilfering to "high finance." There is petty (petit) graft and grand graft; but graft is an offence not usually actionable at law. It belongs to either the sneaking kind of dishonesty, or the "whatare-you-going-to-do-about-it" kind. Sometimes it assumes the form of a special advantage, legally but not morally defensible.

I fear I have not made it clear. Can any one else give our Tennessee brother a clearer definition of graft?-ED.]

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