Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States

1921-1942 contain abstracts of periodical reports.

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Side 154 - That the provisions of this act shall apply to any common carrier or carriers engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad, or partly by railroad and partly by water when both are used, under a common control, management, or arrangement, for a continuous carriage or shipment...
Side 118 - Traffic and car-service balances payable . . . Audited accounts and wages payable . . Miscellaneous accounts payable Interest matured unpaid Dividends matured unpaid Funded debt matured unpaid Unmatured interest accrued Unmatured rents accrued...
Side 83 - Water for yard locomotives Lubricants for yard locomotives Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses — Yard Yard supplies and expenses Operating joint yards and terminals — Dr.
Side 132 - Insurance Clearing wrecks Damage to property . Damage to live stock on right of way Loss and damage — freight . Loss and damage — baggage Injuries to persons . . Operating joint yards and terminals — Dr.
Side 118 - Other unadjusted credits Total unadjusted credits.. Corporate surplus Additions to property through income and surplus...
Side 45 - Nominally issued," as applied to securities issued or assumed by the utility, means those which have been signed, certified, or otherwise executed, and placed with the proper officer for sale and delivery, or pledged, or otherwise placed in some special fund of the utility, but which have not been sold, or issued direct to trustees of sinking funds in accordance with contractual requirements. 18. "Nominally outstanding...
Side 2 - States bounded on the west by the northern and the western shore of Lake Michigan to Chicago, thence by a une to Peoria, thence to East St. Louis, thence down the Mississippi River to the mouth of the Ohio River, and on the south by the Ohio River from its mouth to Parkersburg, W. Va., thence by a line to the southwestern corner of Maryland, thence by the Potomac River to its mouth.
Side 2 - ... (e) primarily performing switching or terminal services but also conducting a regular freight or passenger traffic. It should be observed that such services as those afforded through switching and terminal companies are mostly performed directly by the line-haul carriers as an ordinary part of their business.
Side 3 - This region comprises the section south of the Great Lakes region, east of a line from Chicago through Peoria to St. Louis and the Mississippi River to the mouth of the Ohio River, and north of the Ohio River to Parkersburg, W. Va., and a line thence to the southwestern corner of Maryland and by the Potomac River to its mouth.
Side 35 - Executives, Officials, and Staff Assistants. Professional, Clerical, and General Maintenance of Way and Structures Maintenance of Equipment and Stores Transportation (Other Than Train, Engine, and Yard) Transportation (Yard Masters.

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