U.S. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT ON THE STATISTICS OF RAILWAYS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1935 INCLUDING ALSO SELECTED DATA RELATING TO OTHER COMMON CARRIERS THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN HUGH M. TATE CARROLL MILLER WALTER M. W. SPLAWN MARION M. CASKIE GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary III INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION PUBLICATIONS PREPARED BY THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS ANNUAL REPORTS Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States, including also selected items from periodical reports of other classes of common carriers. Text of the Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States. Preliminary Abstract of Statistics of Common Carriers. Freight Commodity Statistics, Class I Steam Railways. Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses by Class of Service. Comparative Statement of Operating Averages, Class I Steam Railways. Wage Statistics, Class I Steam Railways. Accident Bulletin-Steam Railways. Selected Items from the Annual Reports of Carriers by Water. QUARTERLY REPORTS Summary of Freight Commodity Statistics of Class I Steam Railways. MONTHLY REPORTS Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses, Class I Steam Railways. Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses of Large Steam Railways-Selected Items for Roads with Annual Operating Revenues above $25,000,000. Operating Statistics of Large Steam Railways-Selected Items for Roads with Annual Operating Revenues above $25,000,000. Freight Train Performance of Class I Steam Railways. Passenger Train Performance of Class I Steam Railways. Yard Service Performance of Class I Steam Railways. Revenue Traffic Statistics of Class I Steam Railways. Fuel and Power for Locomotives and Rail Motor Cars of Class I Steam Railways. Motive Power and Car Equipment of Class I Steam Railways. Wage Statistics, Class I Steam Railways. Summary of Accidents Reported by Steam Railways. Graphical Supplement to Monthly Reports. IV Mileage, investment, and capitalization of proprietary companies – – Miles of road in the several States and Territories___. Miles of road constructed and miles of road abandoned, all classes of steam railways.. Number and average gross weight of passenger-train cars owned by the Pullman Co... Classification of cars owned or leased, in service, all operating steam railways____ Number of stockholders, class I steam railways.--- Changes in railway capital actually outstanding, class I steam railways___ Purpose of issues of stocks and funded debt, class I steam railways.-- Analysis of dividends declared, all classes of steam railways---. Dividends declared, from income and surplus, individual class I steam railways. Interest and dividend charges, all classes of steam railways--- |