
16. La pluie a abattu la poussière.

17. Il fait très crotté.

18. Il est temps de retourner à la maison; si non, papa nous grondera.

19. Ah! voilà la lune qui se lève déjà.

20. La promenade au clair de la lune a bien des charmes.

21. Adieu, mon cousin, mes compliments chez vous.

22. Savez-vous quelle heure il est ?

23. Non, ma montre est arrêtée; j'ai oublié de la remonter hier

au soir.

24. Regardez quelle heure il est à la pendule.

25. Il est midi moins un quart.

26. Il est déjà deux heures et demie.

27. Est-il possible qu'il soit si tard?

28. Quel âge a Monsieur votre frère ?

29. Mon frère ainé a dix-huit ans, et ma sœur cadette en a douze. 30. Mademoiselle votre sœur est bien grande pour son âge.

31. On m'a dit que votre frère cadet va se marier.

32. L'ainé, vous voulez dire.


33. Marie, le déjeûner est prêt, appelez votre Papa. 34. Madame, combien faut-il mettre de couverts?

35. N'en mettez que huit, parce que Monsieur est sorti. 36. Où sont les couteaux, les fourchettes, et les assiettes ? 37. Ils sont dans l'office.

38. Prenez-vous du thé ou du café?

39. Je prendrai une tasse de thé, s'il vous plait, Madame. 40. Est-ce que l'eau bout?

41. Oui, versez-en dans la théière.

42. Madame, vous offrirai-je une tranche de jambon ?

43. Non, Monsieur, je vous remercie, je ne saurais manger davantage.

44. Mademoiselle, donnez-vous la peine de vous asseoir.

45. Je vous remercie, je ne suis venue que pour m'informer de l'état de votre santé.

46. Quand vous verrez M. votre oncle, veuillez avoir la bonté de lu faire mes compliments.

47. Passez chez moi à trois heures, je serai libre. 48. Quel est le quantième du mois ?

49. Nous avons aujourd'hui le dix.

50. Quel est le prix des leçons de votre maître ? 51. Trois francs la leçon.

52. Comment faites-vous pour bien apprendre la prononciation de la langue française ?

53. Je lis souvent à mon maître, et je fréquente souvent des Français quand l'occasion s'en présente.

54. Avez-vous pris votre leçon de français ?

55. Non, mon maître n'est pas encore arrivé, il est en retard.

56. Voulez-vous me passer les mouchettes, que je mouche la chandelle 57. Mon père viendra tout-à-l'heure.

58. De quel côté est le vent ce soir?

59. Le vent est au nord.

60. Bonne nuit, Messieurs, je vous souhaite un bon repos.


1. At what period did Rabelais live, and what kind of writer was he? Give an instance of Rabelais's ingenuity in relating by which means he repaired to Paris from a distant town, at the expense of the Government.

2. Who is considered one of the earliest French dramatic writers ? Name the age in which he lived, his chief works, and which of them is still performed on the French Stage.

3. Name the most eminent comic author, who was also a very good actor. In which age did he live, and on what subjects did he write? Name his last comedy and the circumstances of his death.

4. At what period did Boileau live? and what kind of writer was he? Name some of his works.

5. Name a very eminent French fabulist, the epoch in which he lived, and give a brief account of his works.

6. Who was Racine, and at what period did he live? For what kind of literature was he celebrated? Name his chief works.

7. Name the most extraordinary genius that France ever produced, and on what subjects he wrote; give a brief account of his life, and

relate if possible a few anecdotes which show his great wit. Write a list of his works

A. Poetry.

B. Prose.

8. What modern French writer has rendered himself so celebrated for his beautiful ballads?

9. Write a list of Victor Hugo's works

A. Poetry.

B. Prose.


1. At what period did Froissart live, and what history did he write? Give if possible an illustration of his style, and state why he may be called the father of French history.

2. Name a celebrated divine of the early part of the seventeenth century who had sufficient interest at the Court to disgrace Fénélon; the alleged cause being a little work called "Maxims of the Saints," supposed to contain mystical notions. For what kind of writings was he celebrated?

3. Name a French lady who was celebrated in the epistolary art, and whose letters are still read with delight.

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4. Who was Fénélon, and at what period did he live? Give a brief account of his life, and name one of his works which has rendered his name illustrious.

5. Name the most eloquent divine of the seventeenth century; relate if possible the remark Louis the Fourteenth made after he heard him preach his first sermon in Lent.

6. At what period did Le Sage live? Name his chief works.

7. Name the birthplace of J. J. Rousseau; the epoch in which he lived. What works did he write? Give a brief account of his early life.

8. At what period did Buffon live? Name his works, and state in what art he especially excelled other naturalists.

9. Of what scientific institution was Marmontel secretary? Name his chief works.

10. What kind of writer was La Harpe? Name his chief works. 11. Name the authoress of "Corinne."

12. Name the chief works written by Chateaubriand.

13. What kind of writer was Cousin ? Name a few of his works. 14. Name the three most eminent Statesmen and Historians of the present period, and give a list of their chief works.

15. What kind of writer is A. Dumas? Name two of his works which have been translated into English, and read with much pleasure. 16. What French novelist of the present day has rendered himself popular by his extraordinary works "Le Juif Errant," and "Les Mystères de Paris?" Also name others of his writings.

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