
expenses of said schools, using, however, only such portion of said funds of each tribe as may be requisite for the schools of that tribe, not exceeding in any one year for the respective tribes the amount expended for the scholastic year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five; and he is further authorized and directed to use the remainder, if any, of the funds appropriated by the Act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, "for the maintenance, strengthening, and enlarging of the tribal schools of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole Nations," unexpended March fourth, nineteen hundred and six, including such fees as have accrued or may hereafter accrue under the Act of Congress approved February nineteenth, nineteen hundred and three, Statutes at Large, volume thirty-two, page eight hundred and forty-one, which fees are hereby appropriated, in continuing such schools as may have been established, and in establishing such new schools as he may direct, and any of the tribal funds so set aside remaining unexpended when a public school system under a future state or territorial government has been established, shall be distributed per capita among the citizens of the nations, in the same manner as other funds.

§ 715. Secretary to collect tribal revenues.-[11]. That all revenues of whatever character accruing to the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole Tribes, whether before or after dissolution of the tribal governments, shall, after the approval hereof, be collected by an officer appointed by the Secretary of the Interior under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him; and he shall cause to be paid all lawful claims against said tribes which may have been contracted after July first, nineteen hundred and two, or for which warrants have been regularly issued, such payments to be made from any funds in the United States treasury belonging to said tribes. All such claims arising before dissolution of the tribal governments shall be presented to

the Secretary of the Interior within six months after such dissolution, and he shall make all rules and regulations necessary to carry this provision into effect and shall pay all expenses incident to the investigation of the validity of such claims or indebtedness out of the tribal funds: Provided, that all taxes accruing under tribal laws or regulations of the Secretary of the Interior shall be abolished from and after December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five, but this provision shall not prevent the collection after that date nor after dissolution of the tribal government of all such taxes due up to and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five, and all such taxes levied and collected after the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and five, shall be refunded.

Upon dissolution of the tribal governments, every officer, member, or representative of said tribes, respectively, having in his possession, custody, or control any money or other property of any tribe shall make full and true account and report thereof to the Secretary of the Interior, and shall pay all money of the tribe in his possession, custody, or control, and shall deliver all other tribal property so held by him, to the Secretary of the Interior, and if any person shall willfully and fraudulently fail to account for all such money and property so held by him, or to pay and deliver the same as herein provided for sixty days from dissolution of the tribal government, he shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, according to the laws of the United States relating to such offense, and shall be liable in civil proceedings to be prosecuted in behalf of and in the name of the tribe for the amount or value of the money or proper'ty so withheld.

§ 716. Secretary to sell certain tribal lands and property. -[12]. That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized

to sell, upon such terms and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, all lots in towns in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations reserved from appraisement and sale for use in connection with the operation of coal and asphalt mining leases or for the occupancy of miners actually engaged in working for lessees operating coal and asphalt mines, the proceeds arising from such sale to be deposited in the treasury of the United States as are other funds of said tribes.

If the purchaser of any town lot sold under the provisions. of law regarding the sale of townsites in the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, or Seminole Nations fail for sixty days after approval hereof to pay the purchase price or any installment thereof then due, or shall fail for thirty days to pay the purchase price or any installment thereof falling due hereafter, he shall forfeit all rights under his purchase, together with all money paid thereunder, and the Secretary of the Interior may cause the lots upon which such forfeiture is made to be resold at public auction for cash, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe. All municipal corporations in the Indian Territory are hereby authorized to vacate streets and alleys, or parts thereof, and said streets and alleys, when vacated, shall revert to and become the property of the abutting property owners.

§ 717. Coal and asphalt lands reserved.—[13]. That all coal and asphalt lands whether leased or unleased shall be reserved from sale under this act until the existing leases for coal and asphalt lands shall have expired or until such time as may be otherwise provided by law.

§ 718. Conveyance of land reserved to railway companies. [14]. That the lands in the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole Nations reserved from allotment or sale under any act of Congress for the use or benefit of any person, corporation, or organization shall be conveyed to the person, corporation, or organization entitled thereto: Provided, that if any tract or parcel thus re

served shall before conveyance thereof be abandoned for the use for which it was reserved by the party in whose interest the reservation was made, such tract or parcel shall revert to the tribe and be disposed of as other surplus lands thereof: Provided further, that this section shall not apply to land reserved from allotment because of the right of any railroad or railway company therein in the nature of an easement for right of way, depot, station grounds, water stations, stock yards or other uses connected with the maintenance and operation of such company's railroad, title to which tracts may be acquired by the railroad or railway company under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior at a valuation to be determined by him; but if any such company shall fail to make payment within the time prescribed by the regulations or shall cease to use such land for the purpose for which it was reserved, title thereto shall thereupon vest in the owner of the legal subdivision of which the land so abandoned is a part, except lands within a municipality the title to which, upon abandonment, shall vest in such municipality.

The principal chief of the Choctaw Nation and the governor of the Chickasaw Nation are, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, hereby authorized and directed to issue patents to the Murrow Indian Orphans' Home, a corporation of Atoka, Indian Territory, in all cases where tracts have been allotted under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the purpose of allowing the allottees to donate the tract so allotted to said Murrow Indian Orphans' Home.

In all cases where enrolled citizens of either the Choctaw or Chickasaw Tribe have taken their homestead and surplus allotment and have remaining over an unallotted right to less than ten dollars on the basis of the allotment value of said lands, such unallotted right may be conveyed by the owners thereof to the Murrow Indian Orphans' Home

aforesaid; and whenever said conveyed rights shall amount in the aggregate to as much as ten acres of average allottable land, land to represent the same shall be allotted to the said Murrow Indian Orphans' Home, and certificate and patent shall issue therefor to said Murrow Indian Orphans' Home.

And there is hereby authorized to be conveyed to said Murrow Indian Orphans' Home, in the manner hereinbefore prescribed for the conveyance of land, the following described lands in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, to wit: Sections eighteen and nineteen in township two north, range twelve east; the south half of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the south half of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-four, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the north half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the south half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-three, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-six, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the south half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the east half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five, all in township two north, range eleven east, containing one thousand seven hundred and ninety acres, as shown by the government survey, for the purpose of the said Home.

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