Reclamations of ShakespeareA. J. Hoenselaars Rodopi, 1994 - 317 sider |
7 | |
21 | |
Shakespeare and the Myth of Hercules | 57 |
The Rape of Lucrece and the Story of W | 75 |
Hearsay Soothsay | 105 |
Gender and Genre in Shakespeares Tragicomedies | 129 |
The Poet Laureates National Poet | 159 |
Myth Memory and Music | 173 |
Music as Meaning in The Tempest | 187 |
Another Look at | 201 |
Mapping Shakespeares Europe | 223 |
Every Word in Shakespeare | 273 |
303 | |
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Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
A-Level actor All's allegorical Anthony Burgess Antony and Cleopatra Antony's Arden Edition audience Burgess Caesar century character comedy Cordelia critics cultural Cymbeline drama dramatists Dutch Elizabethan English fact female fiction figure film Fineman Folio Fool function Ganymede gender Hamlet harmony Henry Hercules hierarchy Hughes Hughes's interpretation intertextuality John Jonson Juliet Katherina King Lear Laforgue Laforgue's Hamlet language Lear's Leo Belgicus lines literary Literature London Love's Labour's Lost Lucrece's Lucretia Macbeth means Measure for Measure memory messenger metaphor Midsummer Night's Dream myth mythical narrator original Orlando performance play's poem poet political production Rape of Lucrece reading reality references Renaissance representation rhetoric romance Rosalind scene seems semblance semiotic sense Shake Shakespeare Shakespeare's plays Shrew Sir Herbert speare's speech stage direction story Tarquin Tempest textual theatre theatrical theory thou traditional tragedy tragicomedies Tree's visual voice Winter's Tale words writing
Referanser til denne boken
Shakespeare, Reception and Translation: Germany and Japan Friedrike Von Schwerin-High Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2004 |
Shakespeare, Reception and Translation: Germany and Japan Friedrike Von Schwerin-High Utdragsvisning - 2004 |