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A History


Arthur Herbert Wilde, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor of History in
The College of Liberal Arts

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In November, 1855, the first students entered Northwestern University. This history commemorates the fif tieth anniversary of this event and aims to record the essential features of the life of the institution during the half century that has elapsed.

In the compilation of this record the Editor has had the generous co-operation of trustees, faculties, alumni, and students,—a modest recognition of their debt to the institution. There is much in the work that is personal and relative, doubtless somewhat of error. The Editor has not endeavored to secure uniformity of discussion. writer has told his story in his own way.


Respecting his own contributions to the history the Editor wishes to make due acknowledgment of the service rendered by Dr. Daniel Bonbright in suggestions made both as to form and content of those portions of the manuscript that he inspected. The Alumni Record compiled by Professor Charles B. Atwell has been of constant service.

The composition of this history has demonstrated the wisdom of greater care in the preservation of the materials for the history of the institution,-official records, correspondence, periodicals, photographs, etc. The University might well appoint a custodian of records or permanent historian to accumulate and preserve in some systematic

way those data that have permanent value for the archives of the institution.

This work is commended to the friends of Northwestern in the hope that it will stimulate interest and love for the University, and that it will be an authoritative basis for such continuations of the history as shall be made from time to time.


Evanston, Illinois, May, 1905.

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