
I do hear from divers of judgment, that to-mor- | summons of the exchequer, which is, sicut teipsum row's conference* is like to pass in a calm, as to et omnia tua diligis; whereas this was sicut me the referees. Sir Lionel Cranfield, who hath diligis; I used all possible care to effect your been formerly the trumpet, said yesterday, that he majesty's good will and pleasure. did now incline to Sir John Walter's opinion and motion, not to have the referrees meddled with otherwise, than to discount it from the king; and so not to look back, but to the future. And I do hear almost all men of judgment in the House wish now that way. I woo nobody: I do but listen, and I have doubt only of Sir Edward Coke, who, I wish, had some round caveat given him from the king; for your lordship hath no great power with him: but I think a word from the king mates him.

If things be carried fair by the committees of the Lower House, I am in some doubt, whether there will be occasion for your lordship to speak to-morrow; though, I confess, I incline to wish you did, chiefly because you are fortunate in that kind; and, to be plain also, for our better countenance, when your lordship, according to your nable proposition, shall show more regard of the fraternity you have with great counsellors, than of the interest of your natural brother.

Always, good my lord, let us think of times out of Parliament, as well as the present time in Parliament; and let us not all be put es pourpoint. Fair and moderate courses are ever best in causes of estate; the rather, because I wish this Parliament, by the sweet and united passages thereof, may increase the king's reputation with foreigners, who may make a far other judgment than we mean, of a beginning to question great counsellors and officers of the crown, by courts or assemblies of estates. But the reflection upon my particular in this makes me more sparing than perhaps, as a counsellor, I ought to be.

God ever preserve and prosper you.
Your lordship's true servant all and ever,
FR. ST. ALBAN, Canc.
March 7, the day I received the seal, 1620.



I received your majesty's letter about midnight; and because it was stronger than the ancient

On Monday the 5th of March, 1620-21, the House of Lords received a message from the Commons, desiring a conference touching certain grievances, principally concerning Sir Giles Mompesson. See Journal of the House of Lords.

Those to whom the king referred the petitions, to consider whether they were fit to be granted or not. This explanation of the word referees, I owe to a note in a MS. letter, written to the celebrated Mr. Joseph Mead, of Christ's College, Cambridge.

The date of this letter is determined to be the 8th of March, 1620-1, from the circumstance of its being mentioned to have been written on that Thursday, on which the House of Lords adjourned to the Saturday following. It appears from the journal of that House, that, on the 8th of March,

I sent early to the prince, and to my lord treasurer; and we attended his highness soon after seven of the clock, at Whitehall, to avoid farther note. We agreed, that if the message came, we would put the lords into this way, that the answer should be that we understood they came prepared both with examination and precedent; and we likewise desired to be alike prepared, that the conference might be with more fruit.

I did farther speak with my Lord of Canterbury, when I came to the House, not letting him know any part of the business, that he would go on with a motion which he had told me of the day before, that the Lords' House might not sit Wednesday and Friday, because they were convocation-days; and so was the former custom of Parliament.

As good luck was, the house read two bills, and had no other business at all; whereupon my Lord of Canterbury made his motion; and I adjourned the House till Saturday. It was no sooner done, but came the message from the Lower House. But the consummatum est was past, though I perceived a great willingness in many of the lords to have recalled it, if it might have been. So, with my best prayers for your majesty's preservation, I rest

Your majesty's most bounden,

and most devoted servant, FR. ST. ALBAN, Canc. Thursday, at eleven of our forenoon, March 8, 1620.


Your lordship spoke of purgatory. I am now in it; but my mind is in a calm; for my fortune is not my felicity. I know I have clean hands, and a clean heart; and I hope a clean house

1620, the said House, at which were present the Prince of Wales and Marquis of Buckingham, was adjourned to Saturday the 10th, on which day a conference of both Houses was held relating to the complaint of that of the Commons against Sir Giles Mompesson. Of this conference the lord chancellor made report on Monday, March 12, to the House of Lords, remarking, that "the inducement to this conference was to clear the king's honour, touching grants to Sir Giles, and the passages in procuring the same." After this report of the conference, the lord chamberlain, William, Earl of Pembroke, complained to the House, that two great lords, meaning the lord chancellor and the lord treasurer, the Lord Viscount Mandeville, had, in that conference, spake in their own defence, not being allowed to do so when the committees mere named. Upon which both the lords acknowledged their error, and begged pardon of the House.

*This letter seems to have been written soon after Lord St. Alban began to be accused of abuses in his office of chancellor.

manum. Mr. Chancellor, if you will be nobly pleased to grace me upon this occasion, by showing tenderness of my name, and commiseration of my fortune, there is no man in that assembly from whose mouth I had rather it should come. I hope it will be no dishonour to you. It will oblige me much, and be a worthy fruit of our last reintegration of friendship. I rest

for friends or servants. But Job himself, or saith, satis est lapsos non erigere; urgere vero whosoever was the justest judge, by such hunt- jacentes, aut præcipitantis impellere, certe est inhuing for matters against him, as hath been used against me, may for a time seem foul, especially in a time when greatness is the mark, and accusation is the game. And if this be to be a chancellor, I think, if the great seal lay upon Hounslow Heath, nobody would take it up. But the king and your lordship will I hope put an end to these my straits one way or other. And, in troth, that which I fear most, is, lest continual attendance and business, together with these cares, and want of time to do my weak body right this spring by diet and physic, will cast me down; and that it will be thought feigning, or fainting. But I hope in God I shall hold out. God prosper


Your faithful friend to do you service.




I humbly thank your lordship for the grace favour which you did both to the message and messenger, in bringing Mr. Meautys to kiss his

TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR OF THE DUCHY, SIR majesty's hands, and to receive his pleasure. My




riches in my adversity have been, that I have had
a good master, a good friend, and a good servant.
Perceiving, by Mr. Meautys, his majesty's in-
clination, it shall be, as it hath ever used to be to
me, instead of a direction; and, therefore, I pur-
to go
forthwith to Gorhambury, humbly thank-

There will come, upon Friday, before you a patent of his majesty's for the separation of the company of apothecaries from the company of grocers, and their survey, and the erecting them into a corporation of themselves under the surveying his majesty, nevertheless, that he was graciof the physicians. It is, as I conceive, a fair ously pleased to have acquainted my lords with business both for law and conveniency, and a my desire, if it had stood me so much upon. But work which the king made his own, and did, and his majesty knoweth best the times and seasons; as I hear doth take much to heart. It is in favorem and to his grace I submit myself, desiring his vita, where the other part is in favorem lucri. You majesty and your lordship to take my letters from may perhaps think me partial to apothecaries, that the Tower as written de profundis, and those I have been ever puddering in physic all my life. continue to write to be ex aquis salsis. But there is a circumstance that touches upon me but post diem, for it is comprehended in the charge and sentence passed upon me. It is true, that after I had put the seal to the patent, the apothecariest presented me with a hundred pounds. It was no judicial affair. But, howsoever, as it may not be defended, so I would be glad it were not raked up more than needs. I doubt only the chair, because I hear he useth names sharply; and, besides, it may be, he hath a tooth at me yet, which is not fallen out with age. But the best is, as one

The patent for incorporating the apothecaries by them selves, by the appellation of "The Masters, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Mystery of Apothecaries of London," was dated December 6, 1617. They had been incorporated

with the company of grocers, April 9, 1606.

+ His lordship being charged by the House of Commons, that he had received one hundred pounds of the new company of apothecaries, that stood against the grocers, as, likewise, a taster of gold worth between four and five hundred pounds, with a present of ambergrise, from the apothecaries that stood with the grocers; and two hundred pounds of the

June 22, 1621.


To Lord Buckingham, upon bringing Mr. Meautys to kiss the king's hands.


I have written, as I thought it decent in me to do, to his majesty the letter I send enclosed. I have great faith that your lordship, now nobly and like yourself, will effect with his majesty. In this the king is of himself, and it hath no relation to Parliament. I have written also, as your lordship advised me, only touching that point of means. I have lived hitherto upon the scraps of my former fortunes; and I shall not be able to hold out longer. Therefore, I hope your lordship will now, according to the loving promises and hopes ceived of the three parties, but alleges, "that he consi- given, settle my poor fortunes, or rather my being. dered those presents as no judicial business, but a concord I am much fallen in love with a private life; but of composition between the parties: and, as he thought they had all three received good, and they were all common purses, he thought it the less matter to receive what they voluntarily presented; for if had taken it in the nature of a bribe, he knew it could not be concealed, because it must be put to the account of the three several companies."

grocers; he admits the several sums to have been re

This letter is reprinted here, because it differs in some respects from that published in Letters, Memoirs, Parliamentary Affairs, State Papers, &c. by Robert Stephens, Esq., p. 151, Edit. London, 1736, 4to.

yet I shall so spend my time, as shall not decay acceptation, which hath been always favourably my abilities for use.

God preserve and prosper your lordship.

September 5, 1621.



I cannot too oft acknowledge your highness's favour in my troubles; but acknowledgment now is but begging of new favour. Yet, even that is not inconvenient; for thanksgiving and petition go well together, even to God himself. My humble suit to your highness, that I may be thought on for means to subsist; and to that purpose, that your highness will join with my noble friend to the king. That done, I shall ever be ready either at God's call or his majesty's, and as happy to my thinking as a man can be, that must leave to serve such a king.

God preserve and prosper your highness.

On the back of the draughts of the three preceding letters were written the following memoranda. Bishops Winchester,* Durham,† London.t Lord Duke, Lord Hunsdon.

Lord Chamberlain, to thank him for his kind remembrance by you; and though in this private fortune I shall have use of few friends, yet, I cannot but acknowledge the moderation and affection his lordship showed in my business, and desire, that of those few his lordship will still be one for my comfort, in whatsoever may cross his way, for the furtherance of my private life and fortune.

Mr. John Murray. If there be any thing that may concern me, that is fit for him to speak, and me to know, that I may receive it by you.

Mr. Maxwell. That I am sorry, that so soon as I came to know him, and to be beholding to him, I wanted power to be of use for him.

Lord of Kelly; and to acquaint him with that part touching the confinement.

[blocks in formation]

great. I have served your majesty now seventeen
years; and since my first service, (which was in
the commission of the union,) I received from
your majesty never chiding or rebuke, but always
sweetness and thanks. Neither was I in these
seventeen years ever chargeable to your majesty,
but got my means in an honourable sweat of my
labour, save that of late your majesty was graci-
ously pleased to bestow upon me the pension of
twelve hundred pounds for a few years. For in
that other poor prop of my estate, which is the
farming of the petty writs, I improved your ma-
jesty's revenue by four hundred pounds the year.
And, likewise, when I received the seal, I left
both the attorney's place, which was a gainful
place, and the clerkship of the Star Chamber,
which was Queen Elizabeth's favour, and was
worth twelve hundred pounds by the year, which
would have been a good commendam.
honours which your majesty hath done me have
put me above the means to get my living; and
the misery I am fallen into hath put me below
shall be such, for this little end of my thread
the means to subsist as I am. I hope my courses
which remaineth, as your majesty in doing me
good may do good to many, both that live now,
and shall be born hereafter. I have been the
keeper of your seal, and now am your beadsman.
Let your own royal heart, and my noble friend,
speak the rest.

God preserve and prosper your majesty.
Your majesty's faithful


poor servant and beadsman, FR. ST. ALBAN.

September 5, 1621. Cardinal Wolsey said, that if he had pleased God as he pleased the king, he had not been ruined. My conscience saith no such thing; for I know not but in serving you, I have served God in one. But it may be, if I had pleased God, as I had pleased you, it would have been better with me.


MAY IT PLEASE YOUR MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, I do very humbly thank your majesty for your gracious remission of my fine. I can now, I thank God and you, die, and make a will.

I desire to do, for the little time God shall send me life, like the merchants of London, which, when they give over trade, lay out their money upon land. So, being freed from civil business, lay forth my poor talent upon those things which may be perpetual, still having relation to do you honour with those powers I have left.


I have, therefore, chosen to write the reign of King Henry the VIIth, who was in a sort your forerunner, and whose spirit, as well as his blood, is doubled upon your majesty.

[*God knoweth whether ever I shall see you again; but I will pray for you to the last gasp, resting]



I durst not have presumed to entreat your ma- | The message I received by Mr. Meautys aid imjesty to look over the book, and correct it, or at port inconvenience, in the form of the pardon; least to signify what you would have amended. your lordship's last letter, in the time: for, as for But since you are pleased to send for the book, I the matter, it lay so fair for his majesty's and my will hope for it. Lord of Buckingham's own knowledge, as I conceive your lordship doth not aim at that. My affliction hath made me understand myself better, and not worse; yet loving advice, I know, helps well. Therefore, I send Mr. Meautys to your lordship, that I might reap so much your fruit of your lordship's professed good affection, as to know in some more particular fashion, what it is that your lordship doubteth, or disliketh, that I may the better endeavour your satisfaction or acquiescence, if there be cause. So I rest Your lordship's to do you service, FR. ST. ALBAN.

October 8, 1621.

The same, your true beadsman,




Having perused a privy seal, containing a pardon for your lordship, and thought seriously thereupon, I find, that the passing of the same (the assembly in Parliament so near approaching) cannot but be much prejudicial to the service of the king, to the honour of my Lord of Buckingham, to that commiseration, which otherwise would be had of your lordship's present estate, and especially to my judgment and fidelity. I have ever affectionately loved your lordship's many and most excelling good parts and endowments; nor had ever cause to disaffect your lordship's person: so as no respect in the world, beside the former considerations, could have drawn me to add the least affliction or discontentment unto your lordship's present fortune. May it, therefore, please your lordship to suspend the passing of this pardon, until the next assembly be over and dissolved; and I will be then as ready to seal it as your lordship to accept of it: and, in the mean time, undertake that the king and my lord admiral shall interpret this short delay as a service and respect issuing wholly from your lordship; and rest, in all other offices what


Your lordship's faithful servant,

Jo. LINCOLN, elect. Custos Sigilli.

Westminster College, October 18, 1621.

October 18, 1621.



My right honourable VERY GOOD Lords,

ships' justice, I do now, in like manner, crave In all humbleness, acknowledging your lordand implore your grace and compassion. I am old, weak, ruined, in want, a very subject of pity. My only suit to your lordships is to show me your noble favour towards the release of my confinement, (so every confinement is,) and to me, I protest, worse than the Tower.* There I could have had company, physicians, conference with my creditors and friends about my debts, and the necessities of my estate, helps for my studies, and the writings I have in hand. Here, I live upon the sword point of a sharp air, endangered if I go abroad, dulled if I stay within, solitary and comfortless without company, banished from all opportunities to treat with any to do myself good, and to help out any wrecks; and that, which is one of my greatest griefs, my wife, that hath been no partaker of my offending, must be partaker of this misery of my restraint.

May it please your lordships, therefore, since there is a time for justice, and a time for misery,

To the right honourable, his very good lord, the to think with compassion upon that which I have Lord Viscount St. Alban.



I know the reasons must appear to your lordship many and weighty which should move you to stop the king's grace, or to dissuade it; and somewhat the more in respect of my person, being, I hope, no unfit subject for noble dealing

already suffered, which is not little, and to recommend this my humble, and, as I hope, modest suit to his most excellent majesty, the fountain of grace, of whose mercy, for so much as concerns himself merely, I have already tasted, and likewise of his favour of this very kind, by some small temporary dispensations.

Herein your lordships shall do a work of charity and nobility; you shall do me good; you

discharged after two days' confinement there, according to

He had been committed to the Tower in May, 1621, and

Camden. Annales Regis Jacobi I., p. 71. There is a letter of his lordship to the Marquis of Buckingham, dated from the + It met November 24, 1621, and was dissolved February Tower, May 31, 1621, desiring his lordship to procure his dis

*This passage has a line drawn over it.

8, 1621-2
VOL. III.-18

charge that day.

shall do my creditors good; and, it may be, you | indeed to save you the trouble of writing: I mean shall do posterity good, if out of the carcass of dead and rotten greatness, as out of Samson's lion, there may be honey gathered for the use of future times.

God bless your persons and counsels.

Your lordships' supplicant and servant,


the reason in the second place; for the chief was to see your lordship. But since you are pleased to give me the liberty to send to your lordship one to whom you will deliver your mind, I take that in so good part, as I think myself tied the more to use that liberty modestly. Wherefore, if your lordship will vouchsafe to send to me one of your own, (except I might have leave to come

Copy of the petition intended for the House of Par- to London,) either Mr. Packer, my ancient friend,




Receiving, by Mr. Johnson, your loving salutations, it made me call to mind many of your lordship's tokens, yea, and pledges, of good and hearty affection in both my fortunes; for which I shall be ever yours. I pray, my lord, if occasion serve, give me your good word to the king, for the release of my confinement, which is to me a very strait kind of imprisonment. I am no Jesuit, nor no leper; but one that served his majesty these sixteen years, even from the commission of the union till this last Parliament, and ever had many thanks of his majesty, and was never chidden. This his majesty, I know, will remember at one time or other; for I am his man still.

God keep your lordship.

Your lordship's most affectionate
to do you service,
FR. ST. ALBan.

Gorhambury, this last of December, 1621.



or Mr. Aylesbury,* of whose good affection to-
wards me I have heard report; to me it shall be
indifferent. But if your lordship will have one
of my nomination, if I might presume so far, I
would name, before all others, my Lord of Falk-
land. But because perhaps it may cost him a
journey, which I may not in good manners
desire, I have thought of Sir Edward Sackville,
Sir Robert Mansell, my brother, Mr. Solicitor
General,† (who, though he be almost a stranger
to me, yet, as my case now is, I had rather em-
ploy a man of good nature than a friend,) and Sir
Arthur Ingram, notwithstanding he be great with
iny Lord Treasurer. Of these, if your lordship
shall be pleased to prick one, I hope well I shall
entreat him to attend your lordship, and to be
sorry never a whit of the employment.
lordship may take your own time to signify your
will in regard of the present business of Parlia-
ment. But my time was confined by due respect
to write a present answer to a letter, which I con-
strued to be a kind letter, and such as giveth me
yet hope to show myself to your lordship.
Your lordship's most obliged friend
and faithful servant,



To the Lord of Buckingham, in answer to his of the 16th of December.



I have received your lordship's letter, and have been long thinking upon it, and the longer, the less able to make answer unto it. Therefore, if your lordship will be pleased to send any under- THOMAS MEAUTYS, ESQ. TO THE LORD VISstanding man unto me, to whom I may in discourse open myself, I will, by that means, so discover my heart, with all freedom, which were too long to do by letter, especially in this time of Parliament business, that your lordship shall receive satisfaction. In the mean time I rest Your lordship's faithful servant, G. BUCKINGHAM.

Royston, December 16, 1621.



The reason why I was so desirous to have had conference with your lordship at London, was

Created so in November, 1618, and in September, 1622, Earl of Bristol.

+ Harl. MSS. vol. 7000.

As soon as I came to London I repaired to Sir Edward Sackville, whom I find very zealous, as I told your lordship. I left him to do your

*Thomas Aylesbury, Esq., secretary to the Marquis of Buckingham, as lord high admiral. He was created a baronet in 1627. Lord Chancellor Clarendon married his daughter Frances.

Sir Robert Heath, made solicitor in January 14, 1620-1. He had been secretary to the Lord Viscount St. Alban, while his lordship had the great seal, and was afterwards clerk of the council, and knighted. He succeeded his patron in the manor of Gorhambury, which, after the death of Sir Thomas, came to his cousin and heir, Sir Thomas Meautys, who married Anne, daughter of Sir Nathaniel Bacon, of Culford Hall, in Suffolk, knight; which lady married a second husband, Sir Harbottle Grimstone, baronet, and master of the rolls, who purchased the reversion of Gorhambury from Sir Hercules Meautys, nephew of the second Sir Thomas.

Afterwards Earl of Dorset, well known for his duel, in 1613, with the Lord Kinloss, in which the latter was killed.

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