
do it better your sealf, and therfore ther needs nothing butt the resolution;-which God grawnt may be effected, according to the greatness of the necessetye.

If any fleet go for Ilande,1 and that your Lordshipp go not, I beseich your Lordshipp to inable mee to the service, who would purchace her Majestyes favor with what labor or perrill soever.

If your Lordshipp send to Sir FRANCIS, it would be best don from hence I mean from Wiemouth or Plymouth. For a messenger may be with them from hence, er they can cum about from London hither.

I would also humblie pray your Lordshipp to gett a resolution for our enterprize of Guiana. For, if provision of vitle be not made in the winter, it cannot be done for this yeare. Her Majestye shall, by foreslowing it, lose the greatest asurance of good that ever was offered to any Christian princes.2 And your Lordship douth fynde that it is the surest way to devert all attempts from home.3

Thus, levinge thos afaires to your Lordshipp's honorable care and my sealf to your service, I humble take my leve, and will ever be your Lordshipp's as your sarvant,



1595. Nov. 30.


Sherburne, the last of November [1595].


To the right honorable my singuler good Lorde, the Lorde Admirall


30 Nov. 1595.

1 So in MS.

of Inglande.

Sir Walter Raleghe to the Lord Admirall. A pynnasse
to be sent after Sir Francis Drake.

2 Perhaps, for princess.

In view of subsequent events, the reader will do well to bear this very pregnant sentence in mind.



From the Original. Cecil Papers, vol. xl. § 55 (Hatfield), Holograph.
Without date of year.

[See Vol. I. pp. 206, 207.]


1596. May 3.

To Sir R.




MAY it pleas yow to vouchsaufe to send for Master BURROUGHES, the Controler of the Admiraltye, and to geve charge unto hyme to repaire to Bralkewale1 and to Ratleife,2 to cummand awaye thos flibotts and other Blackwall. shipps that remayne, who cann best informe yow of the possebilletye of thes things. I am not able to live, to row up and down every tyde from Gravsend to Lundon, and hee, that lies here att Rackleif, can easely judge when they rest, and how the rest, of the shipps may fale downe.

On the levying of men for

the Cadiz expedition.


What follows appears to have been written a little later.}

I am cum up agayne as farr as Blakewale, and would attend yow, if I knew how, or when. The names of thos men that refuse to serve Her Majestye I have delivered to POPE, Marshall of the Admiraltye. The rest shall also be sent hyme.

1 So in MS. for Blakewale.

Ratcliff, then a village on the Thames between London and Backwa 3 For the.

The names of the shipps remayning I will send to Master BURROUGH, whom I humblie pray yow to speake withall. And so, being more greved then ever I was, in anything of this world, for this cross weather, I humblie take my leve. From Blakewale, reddy to go down agayne this tyde.

Your Honors to do yow service,



1596. May 3.

The 3d of Maye [1596].



To the right honorable Sir ROBERT CECYLL, Knight, of her Majesties most honorable Privey Councell.


3 May, 1596. Sir Walter Raleghe to my Master.





`HE following letter, in addition to the interesting testimony
it affords of Ralegh's friendship with the eminent scholar
and divine to whom it relates, serves to correct a small inac-
curacy in the usual biographies of Broughton. It has com-
monly been stated that at about the date of this letter
Broughton was in Germany, "and appears," it is added, to
have continued abroad till the death of Queen Elizabeth."
Both before 1596 and after that year, this great scholar was
much in Germany; but it is clear that at this date he had
revisited England, and was again seeking Church preferment.
He was once more unsuccessful; and the endorsement of this
letter by Cecil's secretary is plainly an erroneous one. Hugh
Broughton died in the neighbourhood of London in 1612, in
the 63rd year of his age. His contributions to the literature

both of theology and linguistics are well known.
ment continued, until the end, to be little or none.

His prefer

In a remarkable letter which Broughton wrote to Archbishop Whitgift (a letter which is now among the Cecil Papers at Hatfield), he distinctly asserts that he had more than once the Queen's assent, or intended assent, to his elevation to the episcopal bench,—on the occurrence, as it seems, of vacancies in the see of St. Davids and in that of London; and that his nomination was prevented through Whitgift's opposition. But he says nothing about the bishopric of Waterford.

The "Archbishop of Cashell" of this letter was Meiler Magrath, who held that see for the remarkable period of fifty-two years; dying, it is said, a centenarian. The Queen's letter for the restitution to Magrath of the temporalities is dated at Windsor, Nov. 11, 1570. He died in 1622, then




holding, with the archbishopric, the sees of Killala and PREFAAchonry. These united sees he had received “in custodiam," in April 1611; up to which date he had continued to hold those similarly united sees of Lismore and Waterford which Ralegh was so desirous to obtain for Broughton.

Beatson (in his Political Index; 2nd edition) asserts-with an inaccuracy but too common in him-that these sees were surrendered by Archbishop Magrath in 1589. The King's letter of April 1611 affords conclusive proof that they were at that period still held in commendam with Cashel.

Ralegh's unfavourable opinion of the Archbishop's character is evidently not an impartial opinion. He had a great love for Church lands, and small love, usually, for prelates in possession. In Archbishop Magrath's case, however, Ralegh's opinion accords with other and better evidence.




From the Original. Cecil Papers, vol. xl. § 52 (Hatfield). In the hand of an amanuensis; subscribed and signed.

THESE maye be to seignifye unto your Honor that the Archebishopp of Cashell, a man whome, I thincke, my Lord Treasourer hathe lytell cause to favor, hathe of late delte verye badlye with me, contrarye to all faythe and promysse, touchinge diverse of my Irishe leases and lands; whoes discortysies I wold gladlye mete withall. And doe fynde noe better meanes in releffe of my self, fartheraunce of relygyon, and comforte of all myne Inglyshe tenants and frendes, then in preferrynge some other of better sorte to the bishoppricke of Lesmore and Waterforde, whereof the Archebishop hathe but a




May 3.

To Sir R. [From


Mile End?]


mending Broughton Hugh

for the bishopric of Lismore

and Waterford.

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