
ner in empire by the title of Augustus, and
decreed his medals, strucken in honour of the
Persian victories, to be current coin through-
out the empire. Odenathus, says an historian,
seemed born for the empire of the world, and
would probably have risen to it, had he not
been taken off, in a career of victory, by the
treachery of his own relations. His abilities
were so great, and his actions so illustrious,
that they were above the competition of every
then alive, except his own wife Ze-
nobia, a lady of so extraordinary magnanimity
and virtue, that she outshone even her hus-
band, and engrossed the attention and admi-
ration of the world. She was descended from
the ancient race of Ptolemy and Cleopatra,
and had all those qualifications which are the
ornament of her own, and the glory of the
other sex. A miracle of beauty, but chaste
to a prodigy: in punishing the bad, inflexibly
severe; in rewarding the good, or relieving
the distressed, benevolent and active. Splen-
did, but not profuse; and generous without
prodigality. Superior to the toils and hard-
ships of war, she was generally on horseback;
and would sometimes march on foot with
her soldiers. She was skilled in several lan-
guages, and is said to have drawn up herself

A boyez Mistera di ficlin t
Rue du Roman Empire

an epitome of the Alexandrian and Oriental history.

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The great reputation of Longinus had been wafted to the ears of Zenobia, who prevailed upon him to quit Athens, and undertake the education of her sons. He quickly gained an uncommon share in her esteem, as she found him not only qualified to form the tender minds of the young, but to improve the virtue, and enlighten the understanding - of the aged. In his conversation she spent the vacant hours of her life, modelling her sentiments by his instructions, and steering herself by his counsels in the whole series of her conduct; and in carrying on that plan of empire, which she herself had formed, which her husband Odenathus had begun to execute, but had left imperfect. The number of competitors, who, in the vicious and scandalous reign of Gallienus, set up for the empire, but with abilities far inferior to those of Zenobia, gave her an opportunity to extend her conquests, by an uncommon tide of success, over all the East. Claudius, who succeeded Galhenus at Rome, was employed during his whole reign, which was very short, against the Northern nations. Their reduction was afterwards completed by Aurelian, the great

-est soldier that had for a long time worn the imperial purple. He then turned his arms against Zenobia, being surprised as well at the rapidity of her conquests, as enraged that she had dared to assume the title of Queen of the East. Vopiscus. He marched against her with Zosimus. the best of his forces, and met with no check in his expedition till he advanced as far as Antioch. Zenobia was there in readiness to oppose his further progress. But the armies coming to an engagement at Daphne, near Antioch, she was defeated by the good conduct of Aurelian, and leaving Antioch at his mercy, retired with her army to Emisa. The Emperor marched immediately after, and found her ready to give him battle in the plains before the city. The dispute was sharp and bloody on both sides, till at last the victory inclined a second time to Aurelian ; and the unfortunate Zenobia, not daring to confide in the Emisenians, was again compelled to retire towards her capital, Palmyra. As the town was strongly fortified, and the inhabitants full of zeal for her service, and affection for her person, she made no doubt of defending herself here, in spite of the warmest efforts of Aurelian, till she could

raise new forces, and venture again into the open field. Aurelian was not long behind, his activity impelled him forwards, to crown his former success, by completing the conquest of Zenobia. His march was terribly harassed by the frequent attacks of the Syrian banditti; and when he came up, he found Palinyra so strongly fortified and so bravely defended, that though he invested it with his army, yet the siege was attended with a thousand difficulties. His army was daily weakened and dispirited by the gallant resistance of the Palmyrenians, and his own life sometimes in the utmost danger. Tired at last with the obstinacy of the besieged, and almost worn out by continued fatigues, he sent Zenobia a written summons to surrender, as if his words could strike terror into her, whom by force of arms he was unable to subdue.


Why am I forced to command, what you ought voluntarily to have done already? I charge you to surrender, and thereby

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avoid the certain penalty of death, which otherwise attends you. You, Zenobia, shall spend the remainder of your life, where I, by the advice of the most honourable senate, shall think proper to place you. Your jewels, your silver, your gold, your finest apparel, your horses, and your camels, you shall resign to the disposal of the Romans, in order to preserve the Palmyrenians from being divested of all their former privileges."

Zenobia, not in the least affrighted by the menace, nor soothed by the cruel promise of a life in exile and obscurity; resolved by her answer to convince Aurelian, that he should find the stoutest resistance from her, whom he thought to frighten into compliance. This answer was drawn up by Longinus in a spirit peculiar to himself, and worthy of his mis



"Never was such an unreasonable demand proposed, or such rigorous terms offered, by any but yourself. Remember, Aurelian, that in war, whatever is done, should be done by

valour. You imperiously command me to surrender; but can you forget, that Cleopatra chose rather to die with the title of Queen, than to live in any inferior dignity? We expect succours from Persia; the Saracens are arming in our cause; even the Syrian banditti have already defeated your army. Judge what you are to expect from a conjunction of these forces. You shall be compelled to abate that pride, with which, as if you were absolute lord of the universe, you command me to become your captive."

Aurelian, says Vopiscus, had no sooner read this disdainful letter, than he blushed (not so much with shame, as) with indignation. He redoubled his efforts, invested the town more closely than ever, and kept it in continual alarms. No art was left untried, which the conduct of a general could suggest, or the bravery of angry soldiers could put in execution. He intercepted the aid which was marching from Persia to its relief. He reduced the Saracen and Armenian forces, either by strength of arms, or the subtilty of intrigues; till at length, the Palmyrenians, deprived of all prospect of succour, and worn out by continual assaults from with

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