
correctness of this schedule, the President, under the rules, ordered that this name be stricken from the Roll of,Correspond


Upon recommendation of the State Board of Censors, and the approval of this recommendation by the Association, the name of Dr. J. J. Harlan, formerly of this State, now of Texas, was added to this Roll.

The Committee then announced the Roll of Correspondents as follows:

Garnett, A. F., M. D., Hot Springs, Ark., 1875.

Hoffman, John Richard, M. D., Athens, Ala., 1890.
Peavy, Julius Franklin, M. D., Atmore, Ala., 1899.
Rorex, James Polk, M. D., Scottsboro, Ala., 1891.
Wyeth, John A., M. D., New York, 1903.

Samuel Lloyd, New York.

Harlan, John Jefferson, M. D., Texas, 1906.

No objection being made to the correctness of this Roll, the President, under the rules, ordered that the Roll of Correspondents shall stand closed until the next meeting of the Association.


The Committee on the Revision of the Rolls announced that the next order of business was the election of officers for the ensuing year, and that the following vacancies were to be filled:

A President for one year.

A Junior Vice-President (from the Northern Division of the State) for two years.

A Secretary (to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Morris.)
Two members of the Board of Censors.

An Orator, and an Alternate Orator.

No objection being made as to the correctness of this report, the President, acting under the rules, ordered that elections for the positions named be now held.

The result of the balloting was the election of the following officers:

President-Dr. G. T. McWhorter, of Riverton.

Junior Vice-President-Dr. A. J. Coley, Alexander City.

Secretary-Dr. J. N. Baker, Montgomery.

Members of the State Board of Censors-Dr. J. R. G. Howell, Dothan, and Dr. D. F. Talley, Birmingham. Orator-Dr. M. Toulmin Gaines, Mobile.

Alternate Orator-Dr. J. B. Killebrew, Mobile.

The Revision of the Roll of Officers was then declared ended, and the President ordered that said Roll shall stand closed until the next meeting of the Association.


The Committee on the Revision of the Rolls reported six vacancies in the College of Counsellors, whereupon, the President announced that an election to fill these vacancies would now be in order. The Committee on the Nomination of Counsellors then submitted the following list of nominees:

Dr. W. R. Jackson, Mobile; Dr. E. B. Ward, Selma; Dr. A. A. Green, Anniston; Dr. J. D. S. Davis, Birmingham; Dr. E. A. Conyngton, Decatur; Dr. J. U. Ray, Woodstock.

It was then moved and carried that the Secretary of the Association be authorized to cast the ballot for Counsellors. This was done, and the above mentioned nominees were elected to fill the vacancies in the College of Counsellors..

The President then announced to these newly elected Counsellors that their names would be placed on the list of "Counsellors-Elect", and if, at the next meeting of the Association, it should be found that they had complied with all of the constitutional requirements, their names would be transferred to the Roll of the Junior Counsellors.

He stated that the requirements above alluded to were as follows:

[blocks in formation]

2. The signing of the Counsellor's Pledge.

3. The furnishing to the Secretary of a brief life history.

At this juncture, Dr. W. H. Sanders, Chairman of the Committee on the Jerome Cochran Monument, asked the privilege of the floor in order to submit the following report:


To the Medical Association of the State of Alabama:

The Committee on the Cochran Monument begs to submit the following report:

[blocks in formation]

Whilst this fund grows much more slowly than was expected, yet the Committee feels encouraged by the present condition of the fund and indulges the sanguine hope that the Association will in the near future carry the fund up to an amount sufficient for the completion of the work.

All of which is respectfully submitted,





The President then announced that the next order of business was the installation of officers. He appointed Dr. Stovall and Dr. Moody to escort the officers elect to the rostrum.

The newly elected President, Dr. G. T. McWhorter, was first escorted to the Chair and presented to the Association by the retiring president.

Dr. McWhorter, in accepting the Chair, said:

"Gentlemen of the Association: There are supreme moments in our lives when words are utterly incapable of expressing the depths of our emotions. I will confess to you that I am unable to frame into words an adequate expression of my gratitude to you for this honor.

Why I should have been called from my humble home in the mountains of North Alabama to preside over this Association, when there are brilliant surgeons, specialists in many lines, and general practitioners of highest ability, who are so much more fit than I, is an inscrutable fact to me. Yet it seems to be a fact; the die is cast; the Medical Association of the State of Alabama has chosen me as their presiding officer for the ensuing year. Why, I do not understand. Perhaps it is because. they realize that this Association is big enough to run itself, without reference to its nominal head, by the momentum that it has gathered in the past under the administration of its distinguished Presidents and the cooperation of the brilliant and able men who constitute this body. They may feel sure that it wlli continue its forward course.

I will not attempt to speak longer, but will conclude by saying again that I thank you, gentlemen, from the depth of my heart.

The Vice-President, Dr. A. J. Coley; the Orator, Dr. Toulmin Gaines; the Secretary, Dr. J. N. Baker, and the two members of the Board of Censors, Drs. Talley and Howell, were next installed. This completed the installation of officers. Miscellaneous business was next in order.

Under this head, Dr. Blake, of Sheffield, offered the following resolution of thanks which was unanimously adopted by the Association.


Dr. Blake, of Sheffield, introduced the following resolution which was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, that we, the members of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama, hereby express our sincere thanks,

First, to the Jefferson County Medical Society for the unstinted and unalloyed hospitality shown us;

Second, to the citizens of Birmingham generally for materially contributing to our pleasure and enjoyment;

Third, to the newspapers of Birmingham for careful and painstaking reports of the proceedings of our session;

Fourth, to Superintendent F. L. Woodruff, of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co., for generously placing at the service of the members of the Association the Long Distance Telephone of his Company.

Fifth, to the various railroads of the State for special and liberal rates to and from the meeting.

The President then announced that the final order of business was the choosing of a place of meeting for the next annual session of the Association.


Toulmin Gaines, of Mobile, arose and extended, in behalf of the Mobile County Medical Society a cordial invitation for the next meeting to be held in the city of Mobile.

Dr. Sholl, of Birmingham, moved that the Association cheerfully, gratefully and unanimously accept the invitation extended by Dr. Gaines.

This motion was seconded and unanimously carried; and Mobile was chosen as the next place of meeting.

Upon motion, the Association then adjourned sine die.

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