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Executive Summary


FY 2000 President's Budget

The Minerals Management Service (MMS) provides major fiscal and energy benefits to taxpayers, States, and the Indian community. The MMS's programs provide benefits of national significance. In FY 2000, the MMS will account for an estimated $4.0 billion in Federal receipts, including $2.8 billion from Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) rents, bonuses, and royalties, and $1.2 billion in onshore receipts. From a taxpayer's perspective, that converts to $1.9 billion deposited to the General Fund of the U.S. Treasury to pay for Federal programs. Of local significance are $611 million in mineral revenue payments made to onshore States, approximately $897 million transferred to the National Park Service for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, $479 million credited to the Bureau of Reclamation Fund, $150 million to Indian tribes and allottees. Additionally, coastal States will receive $106 million in shared mineral revenue receipts.

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The largest portion of the MMS operating budget is obtained from the Royalty and Offshore Minerals Management (ROMM) appropriation. This account is comprised of both direct appropriations and offsetting collections. Direct appropriations from ROMM have declined since FY 1993, while MMS's reliance on offsetting collections has grown significantly. Initially, these offsetting collections were only used in the OCS Lands program, however with progressively more of MMS's budget being received from offsetting collections, authority for use of these receipts is now bureau-wide. The MMS request proposes raising the cap on offsetting collections to $124 million..

Executive Summary

In addition to appropriations for operations, the MMS receives appropriations for distribution of the States' share of onshore mineral receipts. Those permanent appropriations are:

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The United States currently depends on natural gas and oil for nearly two-thirds of its energy consumption. Promising new sources of energy appear on the horizon, but our reliance on natural gas and oil is not likely to change dramatically over the next 2 to 3 decades. Because of this dependence, obtaining sufficient natural gas and oil supplies at reasonable prices is crucial to our security and the well-being of our economy. For this reason, MMS's OCS programs are vitally important to the Nation; they contribute to both its economic well-being and energy security.

While OCS mineral resource development is a major focus of its efforts, MMS places its highest priority on safety and environmental

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