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The Library of the American Institute was organized in the year 1833. At a meeting of the Institute held on the fourth day of February, 1833, a resolution was offered by Robert K. Moulton, that a committee be appointed to report on the subject of a Library for the Institute, which was adopted, and Robert K. Moulton, Joseph P. Simpson, William Inglis, Clarkson Crolius, and George Bacon were appointed.

The Committee subsequently reported a plan for the organization of the Library, which was adopted on the twenty-second day of July, 1833; and the Institute then made an appropriation of five hundred dollars to the Library. On the thirteenth of February, 1834, an additional appropriation of five hundred dollars was made by the Institute.

Although the Institute made appropriations to the Library, and furnished room for its accommodation, the members of the Institute, as such, were only entitled to read the books in the Library; none except the shareholders being entitled to take books from the Library. Persons not members of the Institute were allowed to become shareholders.

The following is a copy of the heading of the original subscription paper, signed by the shareholders of the Library:

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"STATISTICAL LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE. "Subscribers to this paper agree to contribute twenty-five dollars in money or books, towards the above Library. When the contributions are completed, scrip will be issued for shares, which will entitle each contributor to one volume from the Library, subject to the regulations that may be adopted,' and the Reading Room will at all times be open to such contributors between certain hours of the day. The privilege may be transferred with the approbation of the Committee having charge of the Library. The most useful works, embracing modern improvements for the last fifty years, will be procured."

THADDEUS B. WAKEMAN, then Corresponding Secretary, and EDWIN WILLIAMS, then Recording Secretary, not only signed the paper, but procured a large number of subscribers.

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