
us, a

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Well, by this author's confession, a number • superior are for the succession in the house of Hanover.

Swift. 12. As well as. Together with; not less than.

Long and tedious, as well as grievous and uneasy courses of physick, how necessary soever to the cure, much enteeble the patient, and reduce him to a low and languishing state. Blackmore.

Coptos was the magazine of all the trade from Æthiopia, by the Nile, as well as ot'those commodities that came from the west by Alexandria.

Arbuthnot. 13. Well enough. In a moderate degree;

tolerably. 14. Well is him or me; bene est, he is happy.

Well is bim that dwelleth with a wife of understanding, and that hath not slipred with his tongue.

Ecclesiasticus. 15. Well nigh. Nearly; almost.

I freed well nigb half th' angelick name. Milt. 16. It is used much in composition, to

express any thing right, laudable, or not defective.

Antiochus understanding him not to be wellaffected to his affairs, provided for his own satery.

2 Maccabees. There may be safety to the well-affected Persians; but to those which du conspire against a memorial of destruction.

Esther. Should a whole host at once discharge the bow, My well-aim'd shaft with death prevents the fue.

Pope. What well-appointed leader fronts us here?

Sbukspeare. Welkapparell'd April on the heel Of limping winter treads. Sbakspeare.

The pow'r of wisdom march'd before,
And, ere the sacrificing throng he join'd,
Admonish'd thus his vell-attending mind. Pope.

Such musick
Before was never made,
But when of old the sons of morning suns,
Whilst the Creator great
His constellations set,
And the well-balanc'd world on hinges hung.

Milton. Learners must at first be believers, and their master's rules having been once made axioms iQ them, they mislcad those who think it sufficient to excuse ihem, if they go out of their way in a well-beaten track.

He chose a thousand horse, the flow'r of all
His warlike troops, to wait the funeral;
To bear him back, and share Evander's grief;
A well-becoming, but a weak relicf. Drydea,

Those opposed filcs,
Which lately met in the intestine shock
And furious close of civil butchery,
Shall now in mutual well-beseeming rank
March all one way:

Shukspoare. O'er the Elean plains thy well-breath'd horse Impels the #ying car, and wins the course.

Dryden. More dismal than the loud disploded roar Of brazen enginery, that ceaseless storms The bastion of a well-built city, Philips.

He conducted his course among the same wellchosen friendships and alliances with which he began it.

Addisug. My son corrupts a well-derived nature With his inducement.

Sbakspeare, If good accrue, 'tis conferred most commonly on the base and infamous; and only happening sometimes to well-deservers, Dryden,

Hy grieves me he should desperately adventure the loss of his well-deserving life, Sidney

What a pleasure is well-directed study in the search of truth!

Locke. A certain spark of honour, which rose in her well-disposed mind, made her sear to be alone with him, with whom alone she desired to be.

Sidney. The unprepossessed, the rell-disposed, who both together make mich the major part of the world, are affected with a due 'fear of these things.

Soutb. A clear idea is that, whereof the mind hath such a full and evident perception, as it does receive from an out ward object operating duly on a well-disposed organ.

Locke. Amid the main two mighty fleets engage; Actium surveys the trill-disputed prize. Dod.

The ways of treil-doing are in number even as many as are the kinds of voluntary actions: so that whatsoever we do in this world, and may do it ill, we shew ourselves therein by wel-dong to be wise.

Hooker. The conscience of well-doing may pass for a recompence.

L'Estrange Bez God's grace, that the day of judgment may not overtake us unawares, but that by a patient well-doing we may wait for glory, bonour, and immortality.

Velsen. God will judge every man according to his works; to them, who by patient continuance in qell.doing endure through the heat and burden of the day, he will give the reward of their isbour,

Routs, As far the spear I throw, As flies an arrow from the all-daun bov.

Popis Fair nymphs and well-dress-d youths around

her shone, But ev'ry eye was fix'd on her alone.

Such a doctrine in St. James's air Should chance to make the well-dressid rabble

Pepe The desire of esteem, riches, or power, makes men espouse the well-endowed opinions in fa shion.

1.urte. We ought to stand firm in well-establ: hed principles, and not be tempted to change tcr every difficulty.

Watts Echenus sage, a venerable man! Whose well-taught mind the present age sure

rek. Some reliques of the true antiquity, though disguised, a wild-eyed man may happily discover.

Spenser How sweet the products of a peaceful reigo! The heaven-taughi poet, and enchanting stram; The well-fill'd palace, the perpetual teast; A land rejoicing, and a people blest.

Turkish blood did his young hands imbrue: From therce returning with deserv'd applause, Against the Moors his well-flesh'd sword he dra:vs.

Drydea. Fairest piece of well-formd earth, Urge not thus your haughty birth. Walkr.

A rational soul can he no more discerned in a Hek-formed than i:l-shaped infant. Lecke.

A well-formed proposition is suficient to com, municate the knowledge of a subject. Warts.

Oh! that I'd died before the well-fought w.!! Had some distinguish'd day renown'd my fall, All Greece had paid my solemn funerals. Pope.

Good men have a well-grounded hope in another life; and are as certain of a future recom. pence, as of the being of God. Attertury.

Lei firm, well-hammçr'd sølçs protect thy teet Through freezing snows.

Gay: The camp of the heather was strong, 30 well-barnessed, and compassed round with horse

1 Maccabss. Among the Romans, those who saved the site



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of a citizen, were dressed in an oaken garland; Instead of well-set hair, baldness. Isaiab. but among us, this has been a mark of such

A sharpe edg'd sword he girt about well-intentioned persons as wouid betray their His well-spread shoulders. Cbapman. country.

Addison Abraham and Sarah were old, and wellHe, full of fraudful arts, stricken in age.

Genesis. This well-invented tale for truth imparts.

Many well-shaped innocent virgins are wad.

Dryden. dling like big-beilied women. Spectator. He, by enquiry, got to the well-known house We never see beautiful and well-tasted fruits of Kalender.

Sidney. from a tree choaked with thorns and briars. Soon as thy letters trembling I unciose,

Dryden. That well-known name awakens all my woes.

The well-tim'd oars

Pope. With sounding strokes divide the sparkling Where proud Athens rears her tow'ry head,

Smitb. With opening streets and shining structures Wisdom's triumph is well-tim'd retreat, spread,

As hard a science to the fair as great. She past, delighted with the well-known seats. Mean time we thank you for your well-took


labour : From a confin'd well-manag'd store

Go to your rest.

Shakspeare. You both employ and feed the poor,

Waller. Oh you are well-tun'd now; but I'll let down A noble soul is better pleased with a zealous the pegs that make this musick. Sbakspeare. vindicator of liberty, than with a temporizing Her well-turn'd neck he view'd, poet, or well-mannered court slave, and one who And on her shoulders her disheveli'd hair. is ever decent, because he is naturally servile.

Dryden. Dryden. A well-weighied judicious poem, which at tirst Well-meaners think no harm; but for the rest, gains no more upon the world than to be just Things sacred they pervert, and silence is the received, insinuates itself by insensible degrees best.

Dryden. into the liking of the reader. Dryden. By craft they may prevail on the weakness

He rails of some well-meaning men to engage in their On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift, designs.

Which he calls interest.

Shakspeare. He examines that well-meant, but unfortu- Each by turns the other's bound invade, nate, lye of the conquest of France. Arbuthnot. As, in some well-wrought picture, light and A critick supposes he has done his part, if he


Pope. proves a writer to have failed in an expression; and can it be wondered at, if the poets seem re

WE'LLADAY. interject. (This is a corsolved not to own themselves in any error? for ruption of welaway. See WELAWAY.] as long as one side despises a well-meant endea- Alas. vour, the other will not be satisfied with a mode- O welladay, mistress Ford, having an honest rate approbation,

Pope. man to your husband, to give him some such Many sober, well-minded men, who were real cause of suspicion!

Sbakspeare. lovers of the peace of the kingdom, were im- Ah, welladay, I'm shent with baneful smart! posed upon. Clarendon.

Gay. Jarring int'rests of themselves create WELLBE'ING, 6. 5. (well and be.) HapTh' according musick of a rell-mix'd sţate.

piness ; prosperity.

Pope. When the blast of winter blows,

Man is not, to depend upon the uncertain Into the naked wood he goes;

dispositions of men for his wellbeing, but oniy on God and his own spirit.

Taylor. And seeks the tusky boar to rear, With well-mouth'd hounds and pointed spear.

For whose wellbeing

So amply, and with hands so liberal,
Thou hast provided all things.

Milton. The applause that other people's reason gives

The most sacred ties of duty are founded upon to virtuous and well-ordered actions, is the pro

gratitude : such as the duties of a child to his per guide of children, till they grow able to judge for themselves.


parent, and of a subject to his sovereign. From

the former there is required love and honour, The fruits of unity, next unto the yell-pleas

in recompence of being; and from the latter ing of God, which is all in all, are towards those

obedience and subjection, in recompence of that are without the church; the other towards

protection and wellbeing.

South, those that are wichin.


All things are subservient to the beauty, orThe exercise of the offices of charity is always

der, and wellbeing of the whole.

L'Estrange. well-pleas ag to God, and honourable among

He who does not co-operate with his holy

Atterbury. Aly voice shall sound as you do prompt mine

spirit, receives none of those advantages which

are the perfecting of his nature, and necessary ear;

to his willbeing And I will stoop and huinble my intents

Spectator. To your well-practis’d wise directions. Sbakıp. WELLBOʻRN, adj. Not meanly descend. The well-proportion'd shape, and beauteous ed. face,

One whose extraciion from an ancient line Shall never more be seen by mortal eves. Drad. Gives hope again that wellborn men may shine. 'Twas not the hasty product of a day,

Wailer. But the roell-ripen'd fruit of wise delay. Drud.

Heav'n, that wellborn souls inspires, Procure those that are fresh gathered, straight, Prompis me through lifted swords, and rising smooth, and well-rooted.


fires, If I should instruct them, to make well-run- To rush undaunted to defend the walls. Dryder, ning verses, they want genius to give them strength.

Dryden. WELLBREʻD. adj. [well and bred.] EleThe eating of a well-seasoned dish, suited'to gant of manners ; polite. a man's palate, may move the mind, by the de None have been with admiration read, light itself that accompanies the eating, without Put who, besides their learning, were wellbred. reference to any other end. Luoke:



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Both the poets were wellbred and well-natur


Wellbred spaniels civilly delight
In mumbling of the game they dare not bite.

WELLDO'NE. interject. A word of praise.
Wdldone, thou good and faithful servant.

Mattbew. WE'LLFARE. n. s. [well and fare.] Happiness; prosperity.

They will ask, what is the final cause of a king? and they will answer the people's wellfare. Certainly a true answer; and as certainly an imperfect one.

Holyday. WELLFA'VOURED. adj. (well and favour.) Beautiful; pleasing to the eye.

His wife seems to be rellfavoured. I will use her as the key of the cuokoldy rogue's coffer.

Sbakspeare. WELLMEʻT. interject. (well and met.) A

term of salutation.

Once more to-day wellmet, distemper'd lords; The king by me requests your préserice straight.

$badsfeire. WELLNA'TURED. adj. (well and nature.] Good-natured; kind.

On their life no grievous burden lies,
Who are wellnatur'd, temperate, and wise :
But an inhuman and ill-teinper'd mind
Not any easy part in life can tind. Denbam.

The manners of the poets were not unlike; both of them were well-bred, wellnatur'd, amorous, and libertine, at least in their writings; it may be also in their lives.

Dryden. Still with esteem no less convers'd than read; With wit wellnatur'd, and with books well-bred. WE'LLNIGK, adv. (well and nigh.] Alinost.

The same so sore annoy'd has the knight, Thr, wellnigh choaked with the deadly stink, His forces fail.

Spenser, My feet were almost gone: my steps had wellnigb slipt.

Psalms. England was wellnigb ruined by the rebellion of the barons, and Ireland utterly neglected.

Davies. Whoever shall read over St. Paul's enumeration of the duties incumbent upon it, might conclude, that wellnigh the whole of christianity is laid on the shoulders of charity alone. Sprat.

Notwithstanding a small diversity of positions, the whole aggregate of matter, as long as it retained the nature of a chaos, would retain wellnigh an unitorm tenuity of texture. Bentley, WELLSPE'NT. adj. Passed with virtue.

'They are to lie down without any thing to support them in their age, but the conscience of a wellspent youth.

L'Estrange What a refreshment then will it be, to look back upon a wellspent life!

Galimy. The constant ténour of their wellspent days No less deserv'd a just return of praise. Popea WE'LLSPRING. n. s. [pællzerpriz, Sax.] Fountain ; source.

The fountain and wellspring of impiety, is a resolved purpose of mind to reap in this world what sensual profit or sensual pleasure soever the world yieldeth.

Hooker. Understanding is a wellspring of life. Prov. WELLWÍ'LLER. n. s. (well and willer.] One who means kindly.

Disarming all his own countrymen, that no
man might shew himself a welwiller of mine.

There are fit occasions ministered for men to

purchase to themselves tellevillers, by the es lour under which they oftenumes prosecute quarrels of envy.

Hacker Wellwi'sh. n. s. [zvell and wish.) A wish of happiness.

Let it not enter into the heart of any on, that hath a welluish for his friends or posterits, to think of a peace with I rance, till the Spanis

monarchy be entirely town from it. WELLWI'SHER. 1. s. (trom welluisb.] One who wishes the good of another.

The actual traitor is guiry of perjury in the eye of the law; the secret wr!wsber of the cause is so before the tribunal of conscience.

Betray not any of your weldisbers into the like inconveniencies.

St. No man is more your sincere orellorisker than myself, or more the sincere welluister of your

family. WELT. 1. 5. A border ; a giard; an edz. ing.

Little low hedges made round like welts, tak some pretty pyramids, I like well.

Burs. Certain scioli, or smarterers, are busy in the skirts and outsides of learning, and hare scarce any thing of solid literature to recommend them They may have some edging or trimming of a

scholar, a welt or so, but uo more. Bia farie To Welt. v. a. (from the noun.) To

sew any thing with a border. To WE'LTER. V. n. (pealtan, Saxon;

welteren, Dutch ; volutari, Latin.] 1. To roll in water or mire.

He must not float upon his wai'ry bier
Unweep’d, nor welter to the parching winds.

The companions of his fall o'erwhelm'd
He soon discerns, and weli'ring by his side
The next himself.

The gassing head flies off; a purple fod
Flows from the trunk, that woelier, in the blood.

He sung Darius, great and good,
By too severe a fate,
Fallen from his high estate,
And ordering in his blood.

Bellona wades in blood; that mangled bods,
Deform’d with wounds, and aeli’ring in its cure,
I know it well! On close the dreadiul scene!
Believe me, Phæbus, I have seen too much.


. 2. To roll voluntarily; to wallow.

If a man inglut himself with vanity, or arelig in filthiness like a swine, all learning, all goods ness, is soon forgotten. Wemm. it. s. (rem, Saxon.) A-spot; a scar.

Although the wound be bealed; yet the new or scar still remaineth. WEN. n. s. (peil, Saxon.) A fleshy of callous excrescence or protuberance.

Warts are said to be destroged by the ribbing them with a green elder stick, and then burying the stick to rot in muck. It would be tried with corns and wens, and such other excrescene

Mountains seem but natural protuberances upon the face of the earth

. The poet rejects all incidents which are for reign to his poem : they excrescences, which belong not to the body,

A promontory wen, with griesly grace, Stood high up on the handle of Wis tacc, Dryúra





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WENCH. 11. s. (pencle, Saxon.]

spirit, you were better pour off the first infoga 1. A young woman.

sion, and use the latter.

Bacona What do I, silly wench, know what love hath

Henry divided, as it were, prepared for me?


The person of himself into four parts. Daniel. Now-how dost thou look now? Oh ill-starr'd

As though there were any feriation in nature, wencb!

justitiums imaginable in professions, this seaPale as thy smock! when we shall meet at compt,

son is termed the physicians vacation. Brown.

had been well assur'd that art This look of thine will hurl my soul from heav'n, And fiends will snatch at it. Cold, cold, my girl, Were. n. s. A dam. See WEAR:

And conduct were of war the better part. Dryde Ev'n like thy chastity.

Thou would'st persuade her to a worse offence

Oriver! let thy bed be turned from fine graThan that whereof thou didst accuse her 'vench.

vel to weeds and mud; let some unjust niggards Donne,

make weres to spoil thy beauty. Sidney. 2. A young woman in contempt; a strum

WERT. The second person singular of pet.

the subjunctive imperfect of To be. But the rude wencb her answerd nought at all.

Thou wert heard.

Ben Jonsona Spender.

O that thou wert as my brother. Canticles. Do not pray in Wench-like words with that

All join'd, and thou of many wert but one. Which is so serious. Shakspeare.

Dryden. Men have these ambitious fancies,

WERTH, weorth, wyrth, whether initial And wanton wenches read romances. Prior. or final, in the names of places, signify S. A strumpet.

a farm, court, or village; from the It is not a digression to talk of bawds in a dis

Saxon peondig, used by them in the course upon wenches.

saine sense.

Gibson. TO WENCH. V. n. (from the noun.] To We'SH.. n. s. See WEASAND. frequent loose women.

The wesil, or windpipe, we call aspera arteria. They asked the knight, whether he was not

Bacon, ashanied to go a wenching at his years. Addison. West. n. s. (pere, Saxon; west, Dutch.} WE'NCHER. n. s. [from wench.] A for- The region where the sun goes below nicator,

the horizon at the equinoxes. He must be no great eater, drinker, or sleeper; The west yet glimmers with some streaks of no gamester, wencher, or fop.


day: TO WEND. V. n. pret. went. [pendan, Now spurs the lated traveller apace, Saxon.)

To gain the timely inn.

Sbakspeare. from. This word

The moon in leveli'd west was set. 1. To go; to pass to


Ali bright Phæbus views in early morn, is now obsolete, but its preterit went is

Or when his evening beams the west adorn. still in use.

Pope. Back to Athens shall the lovers wend West. adj. Being toward, or coming With league whose date till death shall never

from, the region of the setting sun. end.

Sbakspeare. They went on, and inferred that, if the world

A mighty strong west wind look away the locusts.

Exodus. were a living creature, it had a soul. Bacon. When Rome shall wend to Benevento,

This shall be your west border. Numbers. Great feats shall he achieve!

The Phenicians had great heets; so had the

Arlatbnot. 2. To turn round. It seems to be an oid Wesr.adv.' To the west of any place ;

Carthaginians, which is yet farther west. Bacon. sez term.

more westward. A ship of 600 tons will carry as good ordnance

West of this forest, as a ship of 1200 tons; and though the greater have double the number, the lesser will turn

In gondly form comes on the enemy. Sbaksp. her broadsides twice, before the greater can wend

What earth yields in India cast or west.

Milton, Raleigh.

West from Orontes to the ocean. Milton WE'NNEL. n. s. [a corrupted word tur Pue anel.) An animal newly taken from

WE'STERING. adj. Passing to the west.

The star ihat rose at evening bright the dam.

Toward heav'n's descent had slop'd his westerPinch never thy wennels of water or meat,

Milton. If cver ye hope for to have them good neat.

WE'STERLY. adj. (íroin west.] Tending

Tusser. We'nny. adj. [from wen.] Having the

or being toward the west. nature of a wen.

These bills give us a view of the most easter

ly, southerly, and westerly parts of England. Some persons, so deformed with these, have

Graunt, Suspected them to be

wenny. Wiseman. We'Stern. odj. [from west.] Being in WENT. preterit. See Wind and Go.

the west, or toward the part where the WEPt. The preterit and participle of

sun sets. weep.

Now fair Phæbus 'gan decline in haste She for joy tenderly wept.


His weary waggon to the western vale. Spenser. WERE, of the verb to be. The plural in

The western part is a continued rock. Addis. all persons of the indicative imperfect, WestWARD. adv. [nestpeand, Saxon.) and all persons of the subjunctive im- Toward the wesi. perfect except the second, which is

By water they found the sea west ward from wert.

Peru, which is always very calm. Abbot. To give our sister to one uncircumcised, were

The grove of sycamore, a reproach unto us.

Genesis. That westward rootech from the city side. ln infusions in things thit are of too high a



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When westward like the sun you took your To Wex. v. a. (corrupted from wax by way,

Spenser, for a rhyme, and imitated by And from benighted Britain bore the day. Dryd. The storm flies

Dryden. To grow; to increase.

She first taught men a woman to obey; From westward, when the showery kids arise.

But when her son to man's estate did wex,

At home then stay,
She it surrender'd.

Sperset Nor arestward curious take thy way.


She trod a wexing moon, that soon would WE'STWARDLY. adv. (from westward.]

And drinking borrow'd light, be filled again. With tendency to the west.

Dryden. If our loves faint, and westwardly decline,

Counting sev’n from noon, To me thou falsely thine,

'Tis Venus hour, and in the wexing moon. And I to thee mine actions shall disguise. Donne,

Dryder, Wet. adj. [par, Sax. waed, Danish.) WŁ ZAND. n. s. See WEASAND. 3. Humid ; having some moisture adher- Air is ingustible, and by the rough artery, cr ing: opposed to dry.'

wezand, conducted into the lungs. Browa, They are wet with the showers of the moun- WHALE. n. s. (hpale, Sax. balana, Lat.) tains


The largest of fish; the largest of the The soles of the feet have great affinity with

animals that inhabit this globe. the head, and the mouth of the stomach; as

God created the great whales. Geresis. going wet-shod, to those that use it not affecteth hoth.


Barr'd up with ribs of whals-bone, she did

leese Fishermen, who know the place wet and dry, have given unto seven of these valleys peculiar

None of the whale's length, for it reachd her Brown. knees.

Bisbop Cerbat.

The greatest whale that swims the sea 2. Rainy; watery:

Does instantly by power obey.

Sift. W ct weather seldom hurts the most unwise.

Dryden. WHA'ly, adj. (See WEAL.) Marked in WET. 1. s. Water; humidity; moisture; streaks : properly wealy. rainy weather.

A bearded goat, whose rugged hair, Plants appearing weathered, stubby, and curl. And whaly eyes, the sign of jealousy, ed, is the effect of immoderate wet. Bacon. Was like the person's self whom he did bear. Now the sun, with more effectual beams,

Fairy Queer. Had cheer'd the face of earth, and dry'd the wet WHAME. n. S. From drooping plant.

Milton, The whame, or burrel-fly, is vexatious to Tuberoses will not endure the wet; therefore horses in summer, not by stinging, but by their set your pots into the conserve, and keep them bonibylious noise, or tickling them in sticking drv. Evelyn. their nits on the hair.

Darbus. Your master's riding-coat turn inside out, to WHARF. n. s. (wharf, Swedish; werf, preserve the outside from wet. Swift.

Dutch.) A perpendicular bank or mole, TO WET. v. a. (from the noun.)

raised for the convenience of lading or 1. To humectate; to moisten ; to make

emptying vessels; a quay, or key. to have moisture adherent.

Duller should'st thou be than the fat veed Better learn of him, that learned be,

That root's itself in ease on Lethe's ebarf, And han been water'd at the muses well;

Would'st thou noc stir in this. Sbakspeare The kindly dew drops from the higher tree, There were not in London used so many And wets the little plants that lowly dwell.

wbarfs, or keys, for the landing of merchant's Spenser. goods.

Cbill A drop of water running swiftly over straw,

WHA'RFAGE. 1. s. (from wbarf. ] Dues wrettetb not.

Bacon. Wet the thirsty earth with falling showers.

for landing at a wharf.

Milion. WHA'RFINGER. n. s. [from wbarf. ] Obe 2. To moisten with drink.

who attends a wharf. Let's drink the other cup to wet our whis- TOWHURR. V.n. To pronounce the letter tles, and so sing away all sad thoughts. Walton. r with too much force.

Dict. WE'THER. n. š. [peder, Saxon ; weder, WHAT. pronoun. [hpæt, Saxon ; wat, Dutch.) A ram castrated.

Dutch.) I am a tainted wetber of the flock,

1. That which; pronoun indefinite, Meetest for death.


What you can make her do, He doth not apprehend how the tail of an

I am content to look on; what to speak, African wether outweigheth the body of a good

I am content to hear.

Shakspears calf, that is, an hundred pound. Brown.

Let them say wbat they will, she will do what Although there be naturally of horses, bulls,

she list.

Dreyton or rams, more males than females; yet artificio

In these cases we examine the why, the tist, ally, that is, by making geldings, oxen, and we

and the how of things.

L'Estrange thers, there are fewer.


He's with a superstitious fear not aw'd, When Blowzelind expir'd the wetber's bell

For what befals at home, or what abroad. Before the drooping flock toll’d forth her knell .

Dryder Gay.

It can be no more șin to ask wbat God grants, It is much more difficult to find a fat wether,

Ketileverth, than if half that species were fairly knocked on Ą satire on one of the common stamp never the head,


meets with that approbation, as wbat is aimed WE'TNESS, n. s. [from wet.] The state

at a person whose merit places him upon an of being wet; moisture; humidity. eminence.

Addison, The witness of these bottoins often spoils Mark what it is his mind aims at in this quesa them for cornog

Mortimet tion, and not what words he expresses Lace


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