
76. What is a plane surfece? Polygonal? Curved ? 77. What is the superficial unit? Why selected? 78. What is the meaning of area?

79. What is the area of a right parallelogram?
80. What is the area of a square?

81. What is the area of any parallelogram? Why?
82. What is the area of a triangle? Why?
83. What is the area of a trapezoid? Why?
84. What is the area of a regular polygon? Why?
85. What is the area of a circle? Why?

86. What is the area of a sector? Segment? Why?
87. How do you find the area of an irregular polygon?
Can it be converted into an equivalent triangle?

88. What is demonstrated of the square of the hypothe


89. Can you make a square equivalent to the sum or difference of two given squares?

90. Can you make a parallelogram equivalent to a given square, and having the sum or difference of its base and altitude equal to a given line?

91. Can you make a square which shall be to a given square, in any given ratio?

92. Can you find the exact ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter ?

93. Can you find an approximate ratio?

94. What is it? Could the approximation be carried further?

95. How do you find the circumference from the diameter? How the diameter from the circumference?

96. How do you find the area from the radius?

97. What Greek character is used to express the above ratio?

98. Can you make a square equivalent to any given figure? How? Why?

99. How are surfaces compared ?

100. How are similar figures compared? What is their ratio?

101. What is the ratio of two circles?

102. Do'equal perimeters always enclose equal areas ? How is this proved?

103. Among triangles of the same base and equal perimeters, which is the greatest?

104. Among polygons of the same perimeter and number of sides, which is the greatest?

105. Among polygons of equal perimeters and equal sides, which is the greatest?

106. Among regular polygons of the same perimeter, which is greatest? Why?

107. Is a circle greater than any polygon of the same perimeter? Why?

108. How is the position of a plane determined?

109. What is the intersection of two planes ? 110. How are plane angles measured?

111. Do they have the same properties as linear angles ? 112. When is a line perpendicular to a plane?

113. What measures the distance from a point to a plane? 114. When are two planes, or a line and a plane, parallel?

115. What is proved of parallel lines comprehended between parallel planes ?

116. What is proved of the intersections of two parallel planes by a third ?

117. What is proved of straight lines drawn between three parallel planes ?

118. What is a Solid? How generated? Boundaries? 119. What is a polyedron? What is the side or edge? 120. What are the planes which bound it called?

121. What is a prism? Its bases? Altitude? Convex surface? What is a right prism?

122. What is a parallelopiped? Right parallelopiped ? 123. What is a cube?

124. What is a pyramid? Base? Altitude? Convex surface?

125. What is a regular pyramid? Frustum of a pyramid ? 126. What are the three round bodies?

127. What is a Cylinder? Base? Altitude? Convex surface?

128. What is a cone? Vertex? Altitude? Convex surface?

129. What is the side of a cone? What is the frustum of a cone?

130. What is a sphere? How generated?

131. What is every section made in the sphere ?
132. What is a great circle? What a small one?
133. What is a spherical sector? Spherical segment?

134. What is the altitude of the sector or segment? 135. What is a zone? Its altitude?

136. How do you find the surface of a prism?

137. How do you find the surface of a pyramid ? 138. How do you find the surface of the frustum of a pyramid ?

139. What is taken for the unit of solidity? Why? 140. What is the solidity of a right parallelopiped? 141. What is the solidity of a cube?

142. What is the solidity of any parallelopiped? Why? 143. What is the solidity of a right triangular prism? Why? 144. What of any triangular prism? Of any prism? Why? 145. What is the solidity of a triangular pyramid? Why? 146. What is the solidity of any pyramid? Why?

147. What is the solidity of the frustum of a pyramid ? 148. What is the solidity of a truncated triangular prism? 149. What is the surface of a cylinder? Convex surface? 150. What is the surface of a cone? Convex surface? 151. What is the surface of the frustum of a cone? Convex surface?

152. What is the surface of a sphere? Of a zone?

153. What ratio does the surface of an inscribed sphere bear to that of a circumscribed cylinder?

154. What is the solidity of a cylinder? Why? 155. What is the solidity of a cone? Why?

156. What is the solidity of the frustum of a cone? Why? 157. What is the solidity of a sphere? Why?

158. What is the solidity of a spherical sector?

159. What ratio does the solidity of an inscribed sphere bear to that of a circumscribed cylinder?

160. How do you find the solidity of a spherical segment of one base? Of two bases ?

161. How are solids compared ?

162. What is the ratio of the surfaces of two spheres ? 163. What is the ratio of the solidities of two spheres ? 164. What are similar polyedrons ?

165. What are similar cones and cylinders?

166. What is the ratio of two similar pyramids ?

167. What is the ratio of two similar polyedrons?

168. What is the ratio of two similar cones or cylinders?

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