JOHN GILPIN. Toy Book. See Imperial Series each I I Ditto. See Jack and Jill Series KENILWORTH (No. 20, in Manchester Library). By Sir KING LEAR (Dean's Plays for Young Actors). By F. 2 O Ι Ο Ι Ο KINGS OF THE FOREST. From designs by Stanley Berkeley. Ditto. (No. 31, in Dean's Guide and Useful Books.) By LATEST SLEIGHTS AND ILLUSIONS (New Edition). This is admitted by all conjurers to be not only one of the best, but the very cheapest book on conjuring ever written. It contains 157 pages. fully illustrated, describing the latest methods of palming cards and coins. Gives the latest drawingroom and stage tricks, and explains many celebrated stage illusions and "Thought Transference"; and completely exposes the tricks of "Spirit Mediums" Crown 8vo .. 0 6 Ι Ο I O LAWN TENNIS. By "Straw Hat" (Dean's Champion LITTLE BLUEBELL AND THE WILL O' THE WISP (Dean's LITTLE BLUE EYES. Cloth Bound Toy Book LITTLE NEMO IN SLUMBERLAND. A companion Book to 3 6 I Ꮕ 3 6 I O LOHENGRIN. By Bernard Capes. A Novel founded on LONG, LONG AGO; OR, NURSERY RHYMES RE-TOLD. illustrated with coloured plates and in black and white. Ditto, with gilt edges s. d. Im LOTS OF FUN. Untearable Cloth Bound Toy Book Prose Series). By Washington Irving. Revised edition. net MAMMOTH SERIES OF PAINTING BOOKS. See under MAMMOTH SERIES. Most remarkable value ever offered. Containing 12 pages in colours and tints. Size, crown 4to, 7 by 94 ins. 13. My A B C. 14. Dickory Dock. 15. Domestic Friends. MANCHESTER LIBRARY. artistic cloth boards. 8vo. 7 by 5 ins. 16. Robinson Crusoe. 18. Jumbo's A B C. Bound in exceedingly novel and 4. Oliver Twist. By Charles Dickens. 15. Three Boots. By W. H. Stacpoole. 16. Heroes of the Battlefield. By Lieut.-Col. Knollys and Major Elliott. 7. Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe. 9. Old Curiosity Shop. By Charles Dickens. $10. £2,000 Reward! A. E. Melville. By each 2 O 18. Barnaby Rudge. By Charles Dickens. 19. Last Days of Pompeii. By 20. Kenilworth. By Sir 22. Pickwick Papers. 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This important volume ranks as a companion to Dr. Gordon Stables's standard work "Our Friend the Dog," and forms a complete practical guide to all that is known about all breeds of horses, their training, etc. .. OVERTON ENTERTAINER, THE. By Robert Containing thirty-five Readings and Recitations. gilt top s. d. 2 6 6 0 6 c Overton. 2 6 PAINTING BOOKS, THE 1d. MAMMOTH. Size 9 by 7 ins. Each book contains six full-page designs in colours, and six outline pages for the young artists to work on 1. The Dutch Painting Book. 2. Objects to Paint. 3. Seaside Painting Book. each PAINTING BOOKS. Size, 7 by 6 inches. Each book contains eight full-page designs in colours, and eight pages in outline for the young artist to work on, and is bound in stiff enamel covers 4. Fairyland Object Painting 5. Country Painting Book. Book. Ο Ι each o 3 6. Painting Book for Children. PAINTING BOOKS, CANVASSED. All entirely new. Size, 5. A Royal Post-Card Painting 7. The Chick's Post-Card Paint 6. Hassall's Post-Card Painting 8. Our Pet's Post-Card Painting Book. Ditto. An Animal Post-Card Painting Book " A Post-Card Painting Book." By John Hassall and Will Kidd.. PAINTING PORTFOLIOS. These new Portfolios (size, 15 ins. by 12 ins.), are the very latest novelties in our large series of Popular Painting Books for children. By cutting away the border of "John Gilpin's Painting Book," including the black line on the left-hand side of each picture, and pasting the plates in numerical order just inside the black line on the right-hand side, the pictures can be arranged to form a magnificent nursery frieze 10 ft. long. I I 006 |