PROPOSED GRAND INDIAN CHRISTMAS cause audience to split their sides with Gandha (capital parts for Hon'bles uncontrollable cachinnations! Henry Randle and Danvers) are disNext comes the Scenery of "An Open cussing Marriage of Princess. They BY H. B. JABBERJEE, ESQ., B A., &c., &c. Space in a Grove of Gambu-Trees." sing a comical duet, "Three are jolly N my former ca- The Hero, Shang-gasba, comes in and fine company!" and perform some pacity of British has a fine soliloquy. He says his name rather drollish antics. Then the Great Resident in Me- signifies "Renowned Possessor of Trea- Princely Trumpet is heard blowing outtropolitan areas sure"-instead of which he is as impe- side! "This must be some Princely I of course fre- cunious as a churched mouse! His Suitor! Show him in, and send for quently attended deceased Father had promised him that, Princess!" This is done. Shang appears, various London if he should only inter his bones in this arrayed in shockingly seedy garbages. Pantomime - per- spot (formerly the site of Rich Ancestor's Trio by King, Queen, and Princess, formances. And family residence), he will infallibly "Yer 'at don't fit yer very well, And to myself it was a become mighty as a King's Son. Bones yer trousers, ain't they baggy!" wonderment that have been cemetered as per instructions Shang demands hand of Princess, who all such enter--but unfortunate Son is still tormented exhibits superciliousness at his cheek. tainments should repeat ad nauseam a by the Pinch of Poverty. He longs for Song by Shang, "What is the use of few obsolete nursery fictions that must death, and sings, "Give me a ticket to loving a girl, if the girl won't love you?" surely be stale as the hills to every Heaven, For that's where Dad's gone, Queen Gandha pleads that he may be cultivated English Playgoer! "Why," they say!" decapitated for such presumption. King I could not help ejaculating, "do Impromptu there enters a Magnificent replies, "Pooh! he is merely a Beggar. London Managers persevere in Sisyphean Procession of Elephants, Camels, &c. Then Princess Girikâ says she is only struggles to wring fresh changes out of (these can either be genuine or imitation to wed a Prince so rich that he can such trite and effete legends as Whitting- articles), conducting Princess Girikâ, afford priceless underclothing. At this ton and his Booted Puss, Jack the Bean- the beauteous and only brat of Vasu, Shang sings, "Well, what's the, what's Stalker, Goody Glass-shoes and the Beast the King of Magadha, home from a the, what's the, what's the, what's the with the Blue Beard, et hoc genus omne ?" journey in a gorgeously-gilded palan- matter with ME?" and pulls out of his Are they then ignorant that there are innumerable stories infinitely fresher and more suitable for Pantomimical purposes in certain notorious Indian literary hors d'oeuvres ? Why not dig for such pearls in the inexhaustible mines of our Maha Bharata, Bhogaprabandha, or even our Ganamegaja Râgansâvali? On this I suddenly recollected a very fine saga which, when that I was a tiny little boy, was frequently recited to me by some aunt or other, and which might be plotted out into a rather splendid Pantomime. Being aware of baggy trousers all the stuffs the proclivities of British Public for quin. Shang, bo-peeping from behind | top of horse, and rides off with Army, thoroughly up-to-date treatment, I took a gambu-trunk, instantly falls a victim to fight Unbelievers. the precaution to ascertain from England to tender passion. Procession goes out: Song by Queen Gandha, after his the titles &c. of the latest popular songs, Shang resolves that, though he is such departure, "They'll soon make an angel in order to incorporate same in my text. a poor beggar, he will go to King and of him THERE!" and dance. . I have now the honour to submit the result, which I shall entitle: : SHANG-GASBA; request hand of Princess. Song, "She Change of Sceneries to "A Hill on which is the huge effigy of a Garudâ Bird." It is bedecked with costly silks The opening, "A Scenery in Celestial and stuffs in honour of Princess. Here, Regions" (this, if at all liberally tin- perhaps, might be a Cake-walking Comselled, will have the truly imposing petition by some Dakinis (or ghoulish effect). Some ballet-dancings by a bevy females). Then joyful populaces enter, of Apsarasas (or Heavenly Nymphs). dancing and cockahooping for joy at While they pirouette and hover on aërial Princess's return. When they depart, wires, they are to melodiously chant, Shang enters. He is so esurient that "All the little ducks go quack-quack- he devours greedily the "baling-cakes quack! And all their little wings go offered to said Garudâ Bird, from flap-flap-flap!" &c. To be followed by a lengthy argument between a Deva (or Sky-Deity) and a Râkschasa (or evil dæmon) as to whether Shang-gasba is to experience best of luck the peck of troubles. This is to which he pulls off the silks, &c., and King Vasu and his better half Queen This is only the beginning and there are much finer episodes to follow!-but, it seems, I am not to be conceded any more space, though perhaps I may be permitted to conclude my Pantomime in a subsequent issue. Should Hon'ble Sir Harry Irving, or Beerbhoom Tree decide, from above sample, to produce such a first-class novelty, I may come over from Calcutta (or rather Korea!) to impersonate the character of Shang-gasba in propriâ persond. What offers, Misters? H. B. J. |