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" Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years." — MR. OWEN SEAMAN in Punch. " ' The Divine Fire ' belongs to a high order of fiction. It bears the... "
Punch - Side 88
redigert av - 1905
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volum 202

1905 - 726 sider
...with so leisured a serenity ; why her style, fluent and facile, never forces its natural eloquence ; why her humour plays with a diffused light over all...a comedy like this should be referred. I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years." — Mr. OWEN SEAMAN in Punch. Will Warburton,...
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Odd Stories

Mrs. Harrod - 1897 - 352 sider
...our best novelists for several years."—MR. HAMILTON FYFE in the Evening News. The Divine Fire. " Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years."—MR. OWBN SEAMAN in Punch. " ' The Divine...
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A Book of Stories

George Slythe Street - 1902 - 374 sider
...our best novelists for several years." — MR. HAMILTON FVFE in the Evening News. The Divine Fire. " Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years."— MR. OWKN SEAMAN in Punch. " ' The Divine...
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Paths of Judgement

Anne Douglas Sedgwick - 1904 - 344 sider
...best novelists for several years." — MR. HAMILTON FYFE in the Evening News. The Divine Fire. ' ' Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years." — MR. OWEN SEAMAN in Punch. " ' The Divine...
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The Quarterly Review, Volum 203

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, John Murray, Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle), George Walter Prothero - 1905 - 862 sider
...with so leisured a serenity ; why her style, fluent and facile, never forces its natural eloquence ; why her humour plays with a diffused light over all...a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years." — Mr. OWEN SEAMAN in Punch. Will Warburton,...
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Days of the Past: A Medley of Memories

Alexander Innes Shand - 1905 - 380 sider
...with so leisured a serenity ; why her style, fluent and facile, never forces its natural eloquence ; why her humour plays with a diffused light over all...Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy uke this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years" —...
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Rose O' the River

Kate Douglas Wiggin - 1905 - 252 sider
...novel which Is being widely appreciated both bere and In America, The Divine Fire B7 MAT SINCLAIR. " Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years." — Mr. OWEN SEAMAN in Punch. " ' The Divine...
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Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and ...

Marie Corelli - 1905 - 430 sider
...never flags." — Academy. THE DIVINE FIRE. By MAY SINCLAIR, Author of "Two Sides of a Question," etc. "Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years."— Mr. OWEN SEAMAN in Punch. THE STEPPING...
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The Dial, Volumer 38-39

Francis Fisher Browne - 1905 - 910 sider
...distinction of style, and is of absorbing interest from cover to cover." Baron de Bookworms in Punch said : " Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable I have read for many years." The Bookman. — " One of those rare books ....
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Will Warburton

George Gissing - 1905 - 358 sider
...novel which la being widely appreciated botb bere and In America, The Divine Fire BX MAY S»CLA«. " Judged by almost every standard to which a comedy like this should be referred, I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years." — Mr. OWEN SEAMAN in Punch. " ' The Divine...
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