
SCHWEITZER, SIMONNOT and BRAUNHOLTZ. Méthode Directe pour l'Enseignement de la Langue française (Première Année). 150 PP. 100 Illustrations. Demy 8vo. Cloth

s. d.

. 2 6

SCOTT (Walter). Ivanhoë. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Éducation et de Récréation— see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth

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Frs. 6.00 SCRIBE. Bertrand et Raton. With Notes (Bué). Modern French Authors—see page 78. Crown 8vo. Cloth.

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I 6



Une Chaîne. With Argument and Notes (A. Barrère). Théâtre français— see page 90. Fcap. 8vo. Paper cover

Le Diplomate. With Argument and Notes (A. Ragon). Théâtre français— see page 90. Fcap. 8vo. Paper cover

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[ocr errors]

Valérie. With Argument and Notes (A. Roulier). Théâtre français — page 90. Fcap. 8vo. Limp

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Le Verre d'Eau. With Argument and Notes (J. Bué). Théâtre français— see page 90. Fcap. 8vo. Limp

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SCRIBE et LEGOUVÉ. Bataille de Dames. With Argument and Notes (E.
Janau). Théâtre français—see page 90. Fcap. 8vo. Limp
SEGUIN (K.). Histoire de Trois Enfants. Livre de Lecture courante, cours
moyen. With many Illustrations. Large Crown 8vo. Boards. Frs. 7.80
Jeannot et Jeannette. Livre de Lecture courante, cours élémentaire. With
many Illustrations in Black and White. Large Crown 8vo. Boards

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Frs. 6.40 Line et Pierrot. Premier livre de lecture courante. With many Illustrations in Black and White. Large Crown 8vo. Boards Frs. 5.00 Histoire de la Princesse Rosette. With Notes and Vocabulary (Maurice Rey). Popular French Authors—see page 72. Fcap. 8vo. Limp o 9 Histoire de la Princesse Rosette: la Petite Souris Grise. Vocabulary (M. Rey). Elementary French Readers-see page 73. Fcap. 8vo. Limp .

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

SEIDEL (Heinrich). Drei Geschichten: Rothkehlchen, Hunde-Geschichten, Eine
Sperlings-Geschichte. With Introduction, full Vocabulary and Questions
(W. Ahrens). Popular German Authors-see page 102. Fcap. 8vo. Limp
SERS (L.), B. ès L. English Passages for Translation into Modern Languages.
Advanced Texts. 130 pp.
Crown 8vo. Cloth

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse-see page 79. With
Paper, Frs. 3.50. Boards, Frs. 4.50

Le Tour du Monde en 14 jours. Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse. See page 79.
With Illustrations. 4to
Paper, Frs. 3.50. Boards, Frs. 4.50
SÉVIGNÉ (Mme. de). Lettres. Bibliothèque Hachette-see page 87. Large Fcap.
8vo. Cloth
Gilt lettering, 2s. Full red leather, gilt top, net
Lettres Choisies. With Notice and Biographical Note on Mme. de Sévigné
and Illustrations (Chevaillier et Audiat). Classiques français-see_page 87.
Fcap. 8vo. Boards
Frs. 10.00

[ocr errors][merged small]

Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques-see page 83. Crown 8vo. Paper Sévigné (Mme. de), Étude, par G. Boissier. Les Grands Écrivains français—see page 83. Crown 8vo. Paper SIEPMANN (Otto). The Intuitive French Reader. With Preparations,' Vocabulary and Poetical Extracts. 420 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth.

Frs. 9.00

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

5 0

3 6

Part I. (separately). With 'Preparations' and Vocabulary. 260 pp.

SIGWALT (Ch.). Morceaux Choisis de Littérature Allemande. and Extracts, in German, from the best German Authors. Paper, Frs. 15.50.


Standard Pieces s. d.
Crown 8vo
Cloth, Frs. 21.00

[blocks in formation]

Learners' Reading Book. (Two Parts, each being a Key to the other.) Com-

Reporters' Reading Book. (Two Parts, each being a Key to the other.)

Dictionary of Selected Words and Place-Names.
Speed Book

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[ocr errors]

I 6

I ·



Limp I
900 pp.
Frs. 13.00

SMITH (Samuel), M.A., L. ès L. The Phonetic French Syllabaire. 88 pp.
SMITH. Improved French-English and English-French Pocket Dictionary.
Pronunciation, Monies, Weights, Measures, Technical Terms, etc.
Demy 16mo. Cloth
SMITH and HAMILTON. English-French and French-English Dictionary. With
Pronunciation. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth Frs. 50.00. Half-bound, Frs. 60,00


[ocr errors]

Frs. 12.00

Frs. 12.00

Dictionnaire Français-Russe. 16mo.
Dictionnaire Russe-Français. 16mo. Cloth .
SOMMER (H. Oskar), Ph.D., M.A. Passages from English Military Writers.
Materials for Sight Translation into Modern Languages. Crown 8vo.
Specimens of Difficult German Handwritings. (With Detachable Key.)
Specially prepared for Army, Diplomatic Service and Civil Service Examina-
tions, etc.

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[blocks in formation]

The Structure of Le Livre d'Artus, and its Function in the Evolution of the Arthurian Prose Romances net

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

SOMMER. Petit Dictionnaire des Rimes françaises. Preceded by a Summary of
the Rules of Versification. Crown 8vo. Boards
Frs. 13.00
SOULICE. Petit Dictionnaire de la Langue française. Fcap. 8vo. Boards

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

SOULICE et SARDOU. Petit Dictionnaire Raisonné des Difficultés et Exceptions
de la Langue française. Fcap. 8vo. Boards
Frs. 14.00
SOURIAU (P.). Les Deux Brigands. With full Notes (L. Gaborit). Large type
with Illustrations in Black and White. Illustrated French Primary Readers-
see page 69. Fcap. 8vo. Limp

[ocr errors]

2 O

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L'Oiseau Bleu-La Mouche. With full Notes (Leriche). Large type with Illustrations in Black and White. Illustrated French Primary Readers-see page 69. Fcap. 8vo. Limp

[ocr errors]

SOUVESTRE. Au Coin du Feu. With Notes (Lallemand). Modern French
Authors-see page 78. Crown 8vo. Cloth


2 6

With Notes,

Le Parchemin du Docteur Maure-l'Oncle d'Amérique.
Vocabulary, Questionnaire and Re-Translation Exercises (J. G. Anderson).
Popular French Authors—see page 72. Crown 8vo. Limp

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Un Philosophe sous les Toits. With Notes and Vocabulary (H. Attwell).
Modern French Authors—see page 78. Crown 8vo.
Le Serf. With Notes and Vocabulary (J. F.
Authors-see page 78. Crown 8vo. Limp
STAEL (Mme. de). De l'Allemagne. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques-see
page 88. 2 vols.
Crown 8vo. Paper. Each .

2 6

Davis). Modern French

I 6

Frs. 5.50

Crown 8vo.

Corinne. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques-see page 88.

STAEL-suite. Le Directoire. With Notes (Oger). Modern French Authors— see page 78. Crown 8vo.


Staël (Mme. de), Étude, par Albert Sorel. Les Grands Écrivains français—see page 83. Crown 8vo. Paper

Frs. 9.00

Nouvelle Bibliothèque

STAHL (P. J.). Histoire d'un Ane et de Deux Jeunes Filles. d'Education et de Récréation-see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth

Maroussia. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Education et de RécréationCrown 8vo. Cloth

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-see page 79.

Frs. 6.00

Les Quatre Filles du Docteur Marsch. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Éducation et de Récréation-see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth

STENDHAL. La Chartreuse de Parme. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques—see page 88.

Crown 8vo.


Le Rouge et le Noir. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques--see page 88. Crown 8vo. Each

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[ocr errors]

Frs. 6.00

Frs. 6.00

2 vols. Frs. 6.00

Frs. 9.00

Stendhal, Étude, par Édouard Rod. Les Grands Écrivains français-see page 83.
Crown 8vo. Paper
STEVENSON (R, L.). L'Île au Trésor. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Education et de
Récréation-see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth

Frs. 6.00
German Text with Notice and Notes in German, by

Frs. 8.40

STIFTER. Bunte Steine.
M. Schurr. Fcap. 8vo.
STORM (Th.). Immensee. With Introduction, Vocabulary and Questions
(Rev. C. Nagel). Popular German Authors-see page 102. Fcap. 8vo. Limp
-Hinzelmeier and Der Kleine Häwelmann. With Introduction, Notes, and
Vocabulary (Triebel). German Term Readers-see page 102. Crown 8vo.
Limp cloth

L'Histoire de France racontée à Tous
Paper, Frs. 20.00. Cloth, Frs. 35.00

STRYIENSKI (Casimir). Le XVIII® Siècle.
-see page 92. Square Demy 8vo
TARVER (H.). The Eton Second French Reader. Entertaining Narratives in
French, with Notes.
390 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth

TAVANI (F.), L. ès L. Select Passages in Prose and Verse from Classical and
Contemporary Italian Authors. Self-contained Extracts of Medium Difficulty.
With Bibliographical and Literary Notices, and Vocabulary including Notes
on Difficult Grammatical Constructions. Crown 8vo. Cloth

TESTARD (H.). Graduated Naval French Course. With two Nautical Vocabu-
laries, English-French and French-English. Demy 8vo. Limp cloth.
Théâtre Classique (Régnier). Selected plays from Corneille, Racine, Voltaire,
and Molière, with the Authors' Prefaces, etc., and Notes in French. Clas-
siques français-see page 87. Fcap. 8vo. Boards
Frs. 15.50
THEBAULT. Les Risons de la Somme. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Éducation
et de Récréation-see page 79.
Crown 8vo. Cloth

Frs. 6.00

THÉMOIN. Oral Method. This Method is based on the Phrase and not on the Word, and the Phrases are connected by a logical and natural sequence, dealing with a variety of interesting and useful topics:

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I 3

3 6


2 0


First Book for Children. By F. Thémoin and M. F. Yates. 126 pp.
8vo. Illustrated. Cloth.

Vol. I. Adults' Course. By F. Thémoin and J. P. Grace-Smith.
Demy 8vo. Cloth

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Vol. II. Adults' Course. By F. Thémoin and J. P. Grace-Smith.

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THÉMOIN. Oral Method:-suite.

By F. Thémoin.
By F. Thémoin. 162 pp.

120 pp.

Crown 8vo.

s. 4. net 2 O

Crown 8vo

Premier Livre pour les Enfants.
Illustrated. Cloth
Deuxième Livre pour les Enfants.
Illustrated. Cloth .
Cours de Français. Vol. I. (for Adults). By F. Thémoin. 184 pp. Demy

8vo. Cloth

[ocr errors]

net 2


Vol. II. (for Adults). By F. Thémoin. 160 pp. Demy 8vo. cl. net
Questionnaire et Exercices de Grammaire avec Résumé des Principales Regles
Grammaticales. (To be published very shortly)
Based on the lessons of Cours de Français Vol. I. (above), this book is speci-
ally recommended for use in schools. Of great assistance to teachers
in providing a basis for conversation and for written home-work.
With the résumé of the principal grammatical rules each pupil will have in
hand a concise grammar to which he can constantly refer.
Expressions Idiomatiques françaises. By F. Thémoin. Idioms arranged by
Subject and linked into a connected Text. 2500 different Expressions,
including Gallicisms and Proverbs. 160 pp. Demy 8vo. Cloth. net
Commerce and Commercial Correspondence-French-English and English-
French. By F. Thémoin and R. Landrieux. 272 pp. Demy 8vo.

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Erstes Buch für Kinder. By F. Thémoin and R. O. Gercke.
Crown 8vo. Illustrated. Cloth

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Demy 8vo. Cloth

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Band II. By F. Thémoin and Max Bluth. 164 pp. Demy 8vo. Cl. net


Lezioni d'Italiano. By F. Thémoin and F. Rossi. 192 pp. Demy 8vo. Cloth


net 5 0

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8vo. Cloth


Commerce and Commercial Correspondence--Spanish-English and EnglishSpanish. By F. Thémoin and R. Landrieux. Adapted and translated into Spanish by José Maria Pascual Y Arquer

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5 O

net 5 0

THIÉRY (M.). Légendes et Mystères de l'Histoire de France. Lectures Anecdot-
iques. Striking events of French History told in simple clear fashion to meet
the needs of English Schools. Crown 8vo. Cloth
THIERRY (Aug.). Récits des Temps Mérovingiens. Chap. I.-III.
(Testard). Modern French Authors -see page 78. Crown 8vo.
Chap. IV.-VII. With Notes (Testard).

page 78. Crown 8vo. Cloth.

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With Notes

Modern French Authors--see

Frs. 9.00

Thiers (A.), Étude, par P. de Rémusat. Les Grands Écrivains français-see
page 83. Crown 8vo. Paper.
THIRION (Mlle. A.). French Irregular Verbs. Arranged without Abbreviation,
with Tables of the Four Regular Conjugations, Auxiliary Verbs
'Etre,' etc. Crown 8vo

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[ocr errors][merged small]

Avoir' and
Limp, net I
net O

French Reflexive Verbs and Peculiarities of French Conjugation.
in Tabular Form without Abbreviation. Crown 8vo. Paper
French Poems for Children and Beginners. Short simple Episodes from the
Everyday Life of a Child. Crown Svo. Paper

French Nursery Rhymes, Popular Poems, Rounds, etc. For Infants and Junior Classes. With simple Pianoforte Accompaniments by W. H. Stewartson, L.T.C.J. In Two Series. Demy 8vo. Paper cover.




[blocks in formation]

TOLRÁ Y FORNES. First Steps in Spanish Idioms.

Alphabetically arranged with Notes, Examination Papers and English Phrases to be turned into Idiomatic Spanish. 120 pp. Fcap. 8vo. Limp cloth


Key to Same. Limp cloth
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Travellers and Students. Vocabulary of Words of Daily Occurrence, Elements
of Conversation, Practical Dialogues, etc.
Fcap. 8vo
400 pp. Cloth.
TÖPFFER. Histoire de Charles, Histoire de Jules. With Notes (Brette). Modern
French Authors-see page 78. Crown 8vo. Cloth

[blocks in formation]

Le Lac de Gers. With Notes, Vocabulary, Re-Translation Exercises and Questionnaire (M. Ceppi). Popular French Authors-see page 72. Cr. 8vo. Limp 10 TOUDOUZE (Georges). Fille de Proscrit. Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse see page 79. With Illustrations. 4to Paper, Frs. 3.50. Boards, Frs. 4.50 Nouvelle Bibliothèque

Le Mystère de la Chauve-Souris. Récréation-see page 79.

Crown. 8vo.

[ocr errors]


d'Éducation et de

Frs. 6.00

Le Petit Roi d'Ys. Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse-see page 79. With Illus-
trations. 4to
Paper, Frs. 3.50. Boards, Frs. 4.50
Pierette la Téméraire. Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse see page 79. With
Illustrations, 4to
Paper, Frs. 3.50. Boards, Frs. 4.50
Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Education et de Récréation-see

[ocr errors]

Frs. 6.00
Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Education et de Récréation-

Frs. 6.00

Reine en Sabots. page 79. Crown 8vo. La Sorcière du Vésuve. see page 79. Crown 8vo. TOUTEY (E.). Lectures Primaires Illustrées. Easy Pieces with Explanations, Questions and Exercises. With a full French-English Vocabulary in the Ordinary and the Phonetic Spellings of the Association Phonétique Internationale (Henri Bué), and many Illustrations. 192 pp. Cr. 8vo. Limp cloth Lectures Primaires Illustrées. 6 vols. With many Illustrations: Cours préparatoire. 63 Readings. Cours élémentaire (rer degré).

Cours élémentaire. 120 Readings

100 Readings

200 Readings

Cours moyen (1er degré). 156 Readings
Cours moyen (Cert. d'Études).

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Readers on the Direct Method-see page 73. Crown 8vo. Limp cloth
TRICOCHE (G. N.). Recueil Gradué de Bons Mots et Anecdotes Courtes. 326
Graduated Pieces for the Use of Beginners, with Notes in Easy French. 144
pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth

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I 6

I 9

2 0

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