URGEL (Ivan d'). Le Caillou Rouge. Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse see page 79. VALETTE (Marc de). The Direct Method of Teaching Modern Languages. Based -see under Delmas. 15 vols. Demy 8vo. : upon the 'Tableaux Delmas' Other volumes, for self-tuition, etc. : L'Anglais par Vous-Même. Avec Prononciation L'Allemand par Vous-Même Le Français par Vous-Même L'Espagnol par Vous-Même . VAN DEN BERG. Napoléon. With Notes and Vocabulary (Huguenet). Elementary French Readers--see page 73. Fcap. 8vo. Limp . Van Goor's Miniature English-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary. 350 pp. 32mo. Cloth . 4 2 I . net 2 O 5 0 VANNINI (Alina). Practical and Theoretical Grammar of the Italian Language. VAPEREAU. Esquisse d'Histoire de la Littérature française. Crown 8vo. With Notes and Vocabulary (H. Testard). VELAZQUEZ de la CADENA. A New Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and I I O net 50 VERGIL. Æneid. With Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary and Quantity (J. F. Davis, D.Litt., M.A.): Book I. Fcap. 8vo. Limp cloth V. Fcap. 8vo. Limp cloth. IX. With Vocabulary only. Fcap. 8vo. Limp cloth 9999 IX. Vocabulary to Same only (separately) VERNE (Jules). Cinq Semaines en Ballon. Selected and arranged by E. T. A Travers le Sahara en Ballon. Part II. of Cinq Semaines en Ballon' above, but complete in itself. 72 pp. Crown 8vo. Limp Le Chancellor, Martin Paz. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Education et de Récréation-see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth Frs. 6.00 La Chasse au météore. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Éducation et de Récréation--see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth Un Drame en Livonie. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Education et de Récréation -see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth. Frs. 6.00 Le Tour du Monde en 80 Jours. With Notes and full French-English Vocabulary (A. Ropes). Modern French Authors-see page 78. Cr. 8vo. Cl. 3 6 Voyage au Centre de la Terre. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'Education et de Récréation-see page 79. Crown 8vo. Cloth VERNOU (P.). Aventures de deux scouts alsaciens. Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse. see page 79. With Illustrations. 4to. Paper, Frs. 3.50. Boards, Frs 4.50. Frs. 6.00 Les Pirates de l'Air. Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse see page 79. With VESLOT et BANCHET. L'Art de Traduire, les Traquenards de la Version anglaise. Table of French Sounds. Table of German Sounds. Three Wall Charts (30" 38"). Symbols of the International Phonetic Stiff paper, unmounted, each, net 5s. 6d. Mounted on linen, with roller, net 13 6 VIGNY (A. de). La Canne de Jonc. With Notes and full English-French Vocabu- Crown 8vo. Euvres. Bibliothèque Hachette- -see page 87. Large Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, gilt lettering. Poèmes Antiques et Modernes. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques-sce page 88. Crown 8vo. Paper. Frs. 6.00 Servitude et Grandeurs Militaires. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques-see page 88. Crown 8vo. Paper. Frs. 6.00 Stello. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques-see page 88. Théâtre. Les Meilleurs Auteurs Classiques-see page 88. 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Extracts from leading French authorities on all phases of Modern Commerce and Economics. With Glossary. 192 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth WEISS (Aloys), Ph.D. British Wars of the Victorian Era. Extracts from English Authors, affording advanced material for translation. Compiled for Candidates for Army and similar Examinations. 122 PP. Crown 8vo. Paper Half-Hours with German Authors of the Day. Giving examples of many varieties of style. With Vocabulary : · 3 6 2 O Leading Events of Modern Warfare. Advanced Readings from Standard With full . 2 6 Selections in Prose and Verse from German Authors of the Day. Materials for Translation at Sight. Contain the same pieces as Half-Hours' above, but without Vocabulary or any ' Aid': WENDLING (E.), M.A. Le Verbe. A Complete Treatise, including the Auxiliary, . 16 WHITFIELD (E. E.), M.A. French Commercial Dialogues for Advanced Pupils. With Notes, Index of Phrases, Synonymous Phrases, etc. 200 pp. Demy 8vo. Cloth. Grammar of the French Language of Business. 3 0 Reading Lessons with Notes, WICHERT. Das Eiserne Kreuz. With Notes (Delfs). German Authors--see . Vergnügen auf dem Lande. Humoreske. With Introduction, Vocabulary (including Notes, etc.) and Questions (Aloys Weiss). Popular German Authors-see page 102. Fcap. 8vo. Limp WILSON (N. Scarlyn), M.A. A Brief History of French Literature. (In English.) A concise and lucid volume covering the whole field from the earliest times to the present day. Specially written to meet the need of English Schools for a complete work in moderate compass. 192 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth The French Classic Age (From Malherbe to Massillon). Striking pen portraits of the great figures of the times, their strength and weakness, their work and influence, presenting to the reader a picture that will not easily be forgotten. Demy 8vo. 288 pp. Cloth WITT. De Glaçons en page 78. Crown 8vo. Histoire d'un Chien. Modern s. d. 9 0 8 3 6 56 Glaçons. With Notes (L. Delbos). Modern French With Notes (De Bussy). Modern French Authors-see With Notes and Vocabulary (F. P. Minoggio). Popular French Authors-see page 72. Fcap. 8vo. Limp ZELLER. Henri IV. With Notes (Petilleau). Modern French Authors--see page 78. Crown 8vo. Cloth ZOLA. L'Attaque du Moulin. With Notes and Vocabulary (Julien). Modern Ceppi, Marc: French Lessons on the Direct Method. The Series consists of Four This Series should commend itself to those who wish to teach on Direct Beginners' Course. Containing 300 Nouns in common use, 160 Verbal Forms, 100 of the most usual Adjectives, Adverbs, etc., and over 300 practical Exercises for Oral and Written Work. With small reproductions of Conversational Wall Pictures of the Four Seasons (Hölzel Collection) for Class Use and Home Preparation. The first five Lessons are devoted to the Study of the Phonetic Alphabet of the Association Phonétique Internationale '—a study of the sounds being deemed by leading authorities to be the best way of acquiring correct Pronunciation. The next thirteen Lessons, although like wise in the Phonetic Script, are repeated later in the ordinary alphabet, and in |