

s. d.

net 3 0

Encyclopédie par l'Image. See page So. Les Colonies Françaises. Paper.
Frs. 3.50. Cart., Frs. 4.50
Everyone's Geography of Franc, by F. Maurette. Complete French Geo-
graphy Translated into English. 113 Illustrations and Maps. 160 pp.
Fcap. 8vo. Cloth.
Gallouédec et Maurette: Nouveau Cours de Géographie. New Edition in
Conformity with the Treaties of Peace, 1919-1920.
With numerous Maps
in Black and White and Colour. Boards. 7 vols. :
Géographie générale, Amérique-Australasie (Classe de 6o). I vol. Frs. 13.30
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I vol.

I vol.

I vol.
Frs. 14.60
Frs. 18.00

Frs. 20.00

Frs. 21,00

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Frs. 26.50

Géographie de la France et de ses Colonies (Classe de 4o). I vol.
Géographie de l'Europe (Classe de 3o).
Géographie générale (Classe de 2o). I vol.
Géographie de la France (Classe de ire).
Les grandes Puissances du Monde (Classes de Philosophie et de Mathé-
matiques). I vol.
Frs. 29.00
Lemonnier, Schrader et Dubois: Cours de Géographie. New Edition in
Conformity with the Treaties of Peace, 1919-1920. With numerous Illustra-
tions and Maps in Black and White and Coloúr. 4to. Boards. 4 vols. :

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Cours élémentaire Schrader et Gallouédec: Atlas Classique de Géographie Historique. Containing, in 20 pages, 76 Maps in Colour and numerous Illustrations. 4to. Boards

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Atlas Classique de Géographie. 4to. Boards.
1ère Année. Géographie générale, Le Monde moins l'Europe.

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2o Année. L'Europe moins la France. 120 Maps Atlas Classique de Géographie Ancienne et Moderne. Colour. 4to. Cloth

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Atlas Classique (Géographie Moderne). Containing, in 76 pages, 275 Maps, 59 Notices and numerous Figures and Diagrams. 4to. Boards. Frs. 31.00

Cours Abrégé de Géographie.

New Edition entirely

re-cast in Con

formity with the Treaties of Peace, 1919-1920. Cr. 8vo. Boards.

3 vols.:

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Guides Bleus, Guides Joanne, Guides Illustrés, etc.

(Europe and Africa.)

List on

Guides Madrolle. (China and the East.) List on application.
Paris, Plan of.

Folded sheet in cardboard case, with Reference List of Streets
Mounted on linen, with rollers. Net, 75.

In 12 Sections, bound in stiff boards


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Les Annales Politiques et Littéraires. (Fortnightly, 1st and 15th of month.) This journal, as its name implies, deals with political and literary subjects, and counts among its contributors the leading authorities and authors of France. Per Number, Iod.

Subscription, six months, 10s. 6d. Twelve months, 19s. Je Sais Tout. (Monthly.) A Popular Science Magazine. The latest scientific Discoveries treated in a non-technical Manner for Everyday Reading. With full Illustrations, Diagrams, etc. Per Number, is. 8d.

Subscription, six months, 9s. Twelve months, 178.

Lectures pour Tous. (Monthly.) An Up-to-date Illustrated Magazine, containing Articles on the leading Questions and Events of the Moment, Short Stories, Novels, Comedies, etc., by the best Modern Writers. Per Number, is. 8d.

Subscription, six months, 9s. Twelve months, 175.

La Mode Pratique. (Weekly.) A Modern Parisian Fashion Journal for the Family. With Patterns and Explanations for Cutting-Out, etc. Per Number, 3d. Subscription, six months, 8s. Twelve months, 158.


Bernon (A.): Shall and Will. With Rules and Applications, Models of Phrases,
Citations from Standard Authors, etc. 74 PP. Cloth, limp

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s. d.

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I 6

0 8

Shall and Will at a Glance. A Condensed Summary of the Rules and their Practical Application. Crown 8vo. Paper Douglas (R. W.): English for Foreigners. An Elementary Manual containing Twenty carefully Graduated Lessons. Pronunciation, Conversations, Memory Work-Short Stories, Anecdotes, Letter Writing, etc. 128 pp. Cr. 8vo. Hart (Charles), B.A.: The Intermediate English Grammar. Clear, well-arranged exposition of Accidence, Syntax and Analysis, and Hints on Punctuation and Spelling. Foreign Students will find the Sections on Shall and Will,' the 'Relations indicated by Prepositions,' and the Idiomatic Use of Prepositions' of great Value. For the use of Schools and Candidates for all leading Examinations. 242 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth

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Consonants, Letter and Essay Writing, Idioms, Revision Questions, and Test
Papers set at recent Examinations in English for Foreigners.' 320 PP.
Demy 8vo. Cloth.

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Porter (F. W.): Oral English Method. A complete Direct Method Course in Thirty-Seven Conversational and Six Grammar Lessons. With full and practical Exercises to each Lesson. 240 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth

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Thémoin and Yates (M. F.): Oral Method-First Book for Children. This Method is based on the Phrase and not on the Word, and the Phrases are connected in a logical and natural Sequence. They deal with a variety of interesting and

3 0

3 6

5 0

2 O

Thémoin and Grace-Smith (J. P.): Oral Method-Adults' Course, Vol. I. 178 pp.
Demy 8vo.

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s. d.

net 4

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Valette (Marc de): The Direct Method. First Book. (Based on the Tableaux
Delmas see under DELMAS.) Demy 8vo

Second Book

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3 3


See Delmas, Hölzel, pages 112-114.


Bonnet (M. J.). English Proverbs. Paper .

net o 6

Bué (Jules) Class Book of Comparative Idioms, English Part. Containing 1800
Idiomatic Sentences. (Similar volume for French-see under that language.)
Crown 8vo. Limp cloth.

Bué (Mme.): La Conversation en Classe. English Part. Crown 8vo. Limp

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Michaelis (Hermann) and Jones (Daniel), M.A.: A Phonetic Dictionary of the
English Language. (Based on the Symbols of the International Phonetic
Association.) 470 pp. Demy 8vo. Boards

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net IO 0

Viëtor System: Table of English Sounds. A Wall Chart (30′′ × 38′′). Symbols of
the International Phonetic Association :
Stiff paper, unmounted


net 5

Mounted on linen, with rollers

Small size reproduction on thin paper, for the use of Pupils (5′′ × 31′′)

net 13 6 net O


Beljame (Al.). Première Année d'Anglais. Exercices gradués et pratiques sur la
Prononciation, la Grammaire et la Conversation. Cr. 8vo. Boards Frs. 8.00
Deuxième Année d'Anglais. Crown 8vo. Boards.

Frs. 8.00
Bell (Lady) L'Anglais sans Peine. For the study of Difficulties of the English
Language in the form of Scenes in Dialogue. With the French Translation on
opposite page. Small 8vo. Cloth .

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Bernon First Steps to English. An Elementary Manual of the English Language, containing Grammar and numerous Conversational Exercises, given in both French and English. Crown 8vo. Limp cloth

An Introduction to Grammar (English and French). The Forms of Speech taken at a glance. A Manual enabling young beginners to acquire a knowledge of the Forms of the Language before attempting the usual Grammars. Crown 8vo. Limp cloth

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Exercises to the Introduction to Grammar

Bossert and Beljame: Les Mots Anglais Classés d'après le Sens. With Translation.
Small Crown 8vo. Boards

Exercices sur les Mots Anglais. (Soult.) Small Crown 8vo.

Frs. 8.40

180 PP.

I 6

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Meadmore (R.): Idiotismes et Proverbes de la Conversation Anglaise. Crown 8vo.

s. d.

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Frs. 8.40

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Valette (Marc de). L'Anglais par Vous-Même. A Course for Self-Tuition.
Demy 8vo

L'Anglais par vous-même: partie commerciale

Veslot et Banchet: L'Art de Traduire, les Traquenards de la Version Anglaise. A
Comparison of the Idiomatic and Grammatical Differences of the Two
Languages. With practical Examples and Explanations


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Frs. 11.00

Thémoin (F.) and Landrieux (R.): Commerce and Commercial Correspondence (French-English and English-French). 272 pp. Demy 8vo.



net 5 o

Legouis (E.) et Cazamian (L.): Histoire de la Littérature anglaise. of the subject from the French point of view.

1312 pp.

Paper, Frs. 32.50.

A critical study
Crown 8vo.
Cloth, Frs. 38.00



Becker (Rev. A. L.): The First German Book. Grammar, Exercises, Conversation, etc. 184 pp. Small Crown 8vo. Cloth

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One Hundred Supplementary Exercises to the First German Book.' With Vocabularies. Small Crown 8vo. Limp cloth.

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Key to Both the above. (For Teachers only.) Small Crown 8vo. Cloth, net Cardwell (C. R.), M.A. : A German Grammar, Simple and Complete, with Middle Index. A Complete German Grammar in 54 pages. An ingenious Thumb Index in the Middle of the Book allows immediate reference to any Grammatical Rule together with an example of its use. Rules are numbered and sub-divided so that the teacher, when correcting exercises, has only to mark the mistake with the number of the Rule involved the pupil does the rest. Pamphlet with specimen pages sent on application. Strong Board Binding.

German Grammar Cahier, with Middle Index, for use with above

Charlin (A.): Grammar Intuitive. For the Simultaneous Study of Two Lan-
guages. (See also under FRENCH GRAMMARS)———

First Part. German Text. 32 pp. Crown 8vo. Paper
Second Part. German Text. 64 pp.

Crown 8vo. Limp

Davis (J. F.), D.Litt., M.A., LL.B.: Army and Navy German Examination Papers.
With Vocabulary. 280 pp. Crown 8vo. Cloth

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Gaspey-Otto-Sauer Method: Conversation Grammar, by Otto. Crown 8vo. Boards
Key to Same. Crown 8vo. Boards

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Elementary German Grammar, by Otto. Crown 8vo
First German Book, by Otto.

Crown 8vo. Boards

Accidence of the German Language, by Otto-Wright. Boards

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Haltenhoff (A. G.): Modern German Course. Oral Practice on Subjects and Inci-
dents of Everyday Life, with Grammatical Rules based on the same, also
Questions and Exercises, Graduated Pieces for Translation, Subjects for Free
Composition and Essay-Writing, etc. 130 pp. Demy 8vo. Cloth. net
Science German Course. Graduated Readings on the Sciences, with Gram-
matical Questions, Rules and Vocabulary. Demy 8vo. Cloth
Happé (L.): Questions and Exercises on German Grammar and Idioms.
Crown 8vo.
Hunt and Hoffman : Oxford and Cambridge German Grammar. Part I. 260 pp.
Demy 8vo. Cloth


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s. d.

3 6

net 76

150 pp.

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Lange (F.), Ph.D.: Juniors' German. Grammar, Reading and Graduated
Glossary. 250 pp. Post 8vo. Cloth


Meissner (A. L.), M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., etc.: The Public School German Grammar.
With Exercises, Composition and Conversation, Irregular Verbs and Two
complete Vocabularies. 434 PP. Crown 8vo.
Key to Same. (For Teachers only.) Crown 8vo.
The P.S. German Grammar. Part I. (separately).
Ploetz (R. A.), M.A.: A Table of German Declensions.
Adjectives and Pronouns

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Schmidt and Giles: Die Bunten Artikel. List of Nouns. Grouped by familiar
Subjects, and printed in Colours to impress the Genders on the Memory
Crown 8vo. Boards
Thémoin (F.) and Gercke (R. O.): Erstes Buch für Kinder. 128 pp. Crown 8vo.
Illustrated. Cloth

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Thémoin and Bluth (Max): Deutsche Lektionen. Band I. 184 pp.

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Deutsche Lektionen. Band IL 164 pp. Demy 8vo. Cloth
Ulrich (A. J.): German Declensions of Articles, Nouns, Adjectives and Pronouns.
General Rules, Lists of Exceptions and Elementary Exercises. Crown 8vo.

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Valette (Marc de): Die Direkte Methode. Based upon the Tableaux Delmas' -see under DELMAS:

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L'Allemand par Vous-Même. A Course for Self-Tuition

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Davies (Mme.): Easy Extracts for Translation into Modern Languages. For
Lower and Middle Forms Crown 8vo.


Gaspey-Otto-Bauer Series: Materials for Translating English into German, by

Key to the Same

Lange (F.), Ph.D.: Graduated German Prose Writing.

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