AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FRENCH AUTHORS-continued Daudet: Lettres de mon Moulin (Selected) Desseignet: La France et sa Civilisation Deulin: Contes de Flandre (see p. 52) Eisenmenger et Lenel: Avec l'Oncle Émile (see p. 53). J. E. Mansion, with Vocabulary, 2s. Desseignet and Lanson, 3s. 6d. P. B. Hacker, with Vocabulary and Exercises, 2s. Illustrated. W. F. Giese, 2s. 6d. With Vocabulary and Exercises, 2s. 6d. I. H. B. Spiers, with Vocabulary, 2s. I. H. B. Spiers, with Vocabulary, 2s. G. N. Henning, with Vocabulary, 2s. 3d. G. Bosset, with Vocabulary and Exer., 2s. With Illustrations and Maps, 3s. 6d. Erckmann-Chatrian: Le Conscrit de 1813 O. B. Super, Ph.D., with Vocabulary, 2s. Feuillet: Jeune Homme Pauvre Féval Paul: Le Docteur Bousseau Fisher, Emma: La Belle au Bois Dormant (Féerie en quatre tableaux) Fontaine, C.: En France. Ed. Manley, with Vocabulary, 2s. W. M. Daniels, D.Litt., with Vocabulary Ed. Manley, with Vocabulary, 2s. J. E. Mansion, B -ès-L., with Biographies J. E. Mansion, with Vocab. and Exercises, 2s. Illustrated. J. D. Bruner, with Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. S. Tindall, M.A., with Vocabulary, 8d. With Vocab. and Exer., Illus., 2s. 6d. France, Anatole: Le Crime de Sylvestre J. L. Borgerhoff, with Vocabulary and Exercises, 3s. W. F. Giese and C. D. Cool, with Vocabulary and Exercises, 1s. 9d. K. T. Gemmell, with Vocabulary, 2s. 3d. A. Schinz, Ph.D., 2s. 3d. H. A. Gérard, Vocab. and Exer., 1s. T. E. Hamilton, with Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. Part I, 2s. Part II, 1s. 9d. With Materials, etc. Pt. 1, 2s. 6d., Pt. II, 2s. 3d. (see p. 51). T. Logie, with Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. G. N. Henning, with Vocabulary, 2s. J. E. Matzke, Ph.D., 3s. H. C. O. Huss, with Vocabulary, 2s. Hugo, Victor: La Chute (Jean Valjean) O. B. Super, Ph.D., 3s. 6d. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FRENCH AUTHORS—continued Hugo, Victor: Les Travailleurs de la Mer Hugo, V.: Quatre-vingt-treize (Abridged) . C. Fontaine, LL.D., with Vocab., 2s. E. F. Langley, Ph.D., 3s. 6d. S. Garner, Ph.D., 3s. F. G. Harriman, with Vocabulary, 8d. Hugo, V.: Selected Poems. Authorized Edn. A. Schinz, 2s. 6d. Hugo, V.: Une Insurrection à Paris. Hugo, V.: Waterloo (Extrait des Misérables) R. P. Jago, with Exercises, 6d. La Brète: Mon Oncle et mon Curé (see p. 53) T. F. Colin and M. E. W. Fraser, with Vocabulary and Exercises, 2s. 6d. F. M. Warren, 2s. 6d. B. W. Wells, Ph.D., Vocabulary, 1s 9d. R. T. Currall, M.A., with Vocabulary, 6d. G. O. Curme, 3s. O. B. Super, Ph.D., with Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. W. A. R. Kerr, 2s. 6d. O. B. Super, with Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. With Vocab. and Exer., Illustrated, 1s. 6d. J. E. Mansion, Vocab. and Exer., 8d. Marc Ceppi, with Exercises, 8d. F. M. Warren, 2s. M. Ceppi, with Vocab. and Exer., 6d. Marc Ceppi, with Vocabulary, 6d. C. A. Eggert, Ph.D., 2s. C. H. C. Wright, 2s. 6d. A. Fortier, 2s. K. Mackenzie, with Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. M. Ceppi, Vocab. and Exer., 8d. R. P. Jago, with Vocab. and Exer., 2s. R. P. Jago, with Vocab. and Exer., 2s. E. Moffett, M.A., with Vocabulary, 2s. J. E. Mansion, B.-ès-L., with Vocabulary and Exercises, 6d. J. E. Mansion, with Vocabulary, 6d. R. de Blanchaud, with Vocabulary, 6d. A. Auzas, with Vocab. and Exer., 6d. O. B. Super, with Vocabulary, 2s. 6d. O. B. Super, with Vocabulary, 2s. F. M. Warren, with Vocabulary, 2s. I. H. B. Spiers, with Vocabulary, 2s. 3d. W. O. Farnsworth, with Vocabulary, 2s. C. A. Eggert, Vocabulary, 2s. N. S. Snodgrass, M.A., Vocabulary, 8d. Kate Sheldon, B.A., with Vocabulary, 6d. J. E. Mansion, with Vocabulary, 6d. E. M. White, B.A., Vocabulary, etc., 1s. R. T. Currall, with Exercises, 8d. C. B. Fabregou, with Vocabulary, 2s. Verne, Jules: Cinq Semaines en Ballon J. E. Mansion, with Vocabulary, 2s. Verne, Jules: De la Terre à la Lune R. T. Currall, with Vocabulary, 2s. Verne, Jules: Voyage au Centre de la Terre E. R. Shearer, with Vocabulary, 2s. Vigny: Cinq-Mars, ou une Conjuration German See also Bilingual Series, p. 72. * STUDENTS' GERMAN GRAMMAR [In the Press. 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