
CORRESPONDENCE, COMMERCIAL AND PRIVATE. POLYGLOT. Ferrars, M. H., and 7 Others. Universal Letterwriter in eight Languages. A Manual of private and commercial Correspondence. A complete Manual of Correspondence in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and Russian. Sm. 4to.

Frisoni, G. Dizionario Commerciale in sei lingue (italiano, tedesco, francese, inglese, spagnuolo, portoghese) contenente la fraseologia, le espressioni, dizioni e locuzioni in uso nel commercio terrestre e marittimo con l'indice delle voci ted., fr., ingl., sp., e port. con la corrispondente voce italiana di riferimento. 2a ed. 1928. 965 pp. 8vo.

Kaminski, Max. Handbook of English, French, and German Banking Correspondence. 1924. xxiv, 480 pp. 8vo.

Kuiper's Handboek voor de Correspondentie zoowel voor Particulieren als voor Kooplieden. (Private and Commercial Correspondence in Dutch, English, French, German, and Spanish.) 300 pp. 8vo.

Malmborg, G. Ordbok för tysk, engelsk och fransk handelskorrespondens. Swedish into German, English, and French. 148 pp. 8vo.

16 6

18 6

26 0

12 6

6 0

3 6

Matthes, H., und J. Horbach. Der Auslands-Korrespondent. I, 500 Commercial Phrases in English, German, French, and Spanish. 32, 32, 32, 32 pp.

II. 50 Model Letters of Commercial Correspondence in English, German, French, and Spanish. 32, 32, 32, 32 pp.

3 6

Oosting. Handels-Woordenboek in 4 Talen. Dutch-German-English-French Dictionary of Commercial Words and Phrases. 748 pp. 8vo. Potel, M. Lettres Commerciales en quatre Langues (français-anglais-allemand-espagnol), suivies d'un Vocabulaire français-anglais, français-allemand, français-espagnol. Paris. 1925. 336 pp. 8vo. Boards.

26 0

5 6

Rhode, F. L. Praktisches Handbuch der Handels-Korrespondenz (German Alphabet of Commercial Phrases, parts of Business Letters, etc., with English, French, Italian, Spanish equivalents). 1,038 pp. 8vo.

ARABIC. Harfouch, J. Correspondance Commerciale.

Livre du Maître. Exercices en français et en arabe. With key to the French and Arabic letters. Preceded by Arabic-French vocabularies. Première partie. 144 +70 pp. Boards. 4s.-Deuxième partie. 158+ 80 pp. Boards. BULGARIAN. Razdelnikov, I. N. Obsho-Upotrebitelen Lismovnik. (Private Letter-Writer, in Bulgarian only.) 80 pp. 5 x 8 in. Wrapper.

Tabakov, Ts. S. Bulgarian Commercial Correspondence (in Bulgarian only). With numerous models and facsimile documents. 175 pp. 4to. Wrapper. СНЕКН. Fleischmann und Ziskal. Böhmische Handelskorrespondenz für deutsche Handelsakademien. 1925. 80 pp. 8vo. Wrapper.

16 O


3 0

12 6

2 6

Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Chekh. Wrapper.
Keys in several other Languages can be had.

[blocks in formation]

DANISH. Hver Mands Brev- og Formularbog. Mönsterbreve i alle forekommende Familie-
Anliggender. 150 pp. Boards.

[blocks in formation]

Riis, H. C. Dansk Handelskorrespondance og Kontorpraksis. 2 parts. 194 pp. 8vo. Boards.
Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Danish-Norwegian. Wrapper.
Keys in several other Languages can be had.
DUTCH. De Bruin, Servaas. Nederlandsche Handelsbrieven. 260 Specimen Letters. 159 pp.

The uniform English, French, and German volumes can be had at same price.

De Froe, A. Engelsch-Nederlandsch en Nederlandsch-Engelsch Handelswoordenboek. 198 pp. 8vo.

Geerling's Briefsteller. Verzameling van Modellen van Brieven over de meest uiteenloopende onderwerpen. (Private and Commercial Letter Writer, in Dutch.) 415 pp. Cr. 8vo.

Leliveld, J. J. Engelsche Handelsterminologie. (English-Dutch Commercial Terms.). Cr. 8vo.
Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Dutch. Wrapper.
Keys in several other Languages can be had.

ENGLISH. De Bruin, Servaas. English Commercial Correspondence. 260 Specimen Letters.
155 pp. Wrapper.

The uniform Dutch, French, and German volumes can be had at same price.

Frisoni, G. Manual of English Commercial Correspondence, containing 650 letters and cables, etc., with specimen Documents. xxiv, 531 pp. 16mo.

The uniform French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price.
Oberlé, E. English Commercial Correspondence, containing 250 examples of Commercial
Letters, Formulas, Stock Exchange and Market Reports. 152 pp. 8vo.

The uniform French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price.
-Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in English. Boards.
Keys in several other Languages can be had.

FINNISH. Kovero, I. Suomalainen Kauppa Kirjeenvaihto. Finnish Commercial Correspondence.
192 pp. 8vo. Boards.

FRENCH, De Bruin, Servaas. Correspondance commerciale française. 260 Specimen letters. 175 pp. Wrapper.

The uniform English, German, and Dutch volumes can be had at same price.

· Dunois, A. Le Secrétaire des Familles et des Pensions contenant les règles du style épistolaire et des exercices sur les lettres les plus usuelles. 315 pp. Wrapper.

Frisoni, G. Manuel de Correspondance commerciale française. 650 lettres et télégrammes. Avec des fac-similés des différents documents d'usage quotidien. xx, 556 pp. 16mo.

[blocks in formation]

The uniform English, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price. Gencé, Comtesse de. Correspondance des Gens du Monde. Dispositions matérielles, le style épistolaire, la correspondance mondaine.-Lettres entre parents et enfants, entre frères et soeurs, entre parrains, marraines et filleuls.-Naissances, mariages, décès.-A propos de la santé.-Lettres intimes, etc. McLaughlin, J. Nouveau Manuel Épistolaire en français et en anglais. Théorie, Pratique, Private Letter-Writer. French and English texts on opposite pages. 539 pp. 4×7 in. 3 6


4 0

Mr. Laughin, J. A New French and English Commercial Correspondence, giving numerous models and letters on all kinds of business. 409 pp.

French-English and English-French Dictionary of Commercial Terms, names of trade products and articles used in manufactures. 159+161 pp. 4×7 in.

Oberlé, E. French Commercial Correspondence, containing 250 examples of Commercial Letters, Formulas, Stock Exchange and Market Reports.

The uniform English, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price.
Universal Commercial Correspondance. Collection of Specimen Letters in French. 8vo. Wrapper
Keys in several other Languages can be had.

3 6

3 0

3 6


GERMAN. De Bruin, Servaas. Deutsche Handelsbriefe. 260 Specimen Letters. 175 pp. Wrapper. 3 0 The uniform Dutch, English, and French volumes can be had at same price.

4 6

Dumcke, Jul. Deutscher Briefsteller. Muster zu Briefen jeder Art. 392 + 38 pp. 4 x 6 in. Eitzen, F. W. English-German and German-English Commercial Dictionary. With full Phraseology. 2 vols. c. 1,000 pages each, 8vo. Each part 22 6

Frisoni, G. Handbuch der deutschen Handelskorrespondenz, enthaltend 650 Briefe und Telegramme, ergänzt durch die gebräuchlichsten Formulare. xx, 512 pp. 16mo.

The uniform English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price. Kiesewetter, L. Neuer praktischer Universal-Briefsteller. Ein Formular- und Musterbuch zur Abfassung aller Gattungen von Briefen, Kontrakten, Testamenten, Wechseln usw. 248 pp. 8vo. Boards.

Leopold, O. Deutscher Briefsteller. Leitfaden der deutschen Privat-und Handelskorrespondenz. Oberlé, E. German Commercial Correspondence, containing 250 examples of Com mercial Letters, Formulas, Stock Exchange and Market Reports.


2 6

2 0

3 6

The uniform English, French, Italian, Russian, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price. Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Specimen Letters in German. Svo. Wrapper 2 в Keys in several other Languages can be had. GREEK. Zoniades, A. English-Modern Greek Letter-Writer, containing both Commercial and General Private Correspondence, with translation on opposite page. 236 pp. 6 x 9 in. HUNGARIAN. Jonas, Janos. A Magyar és Német Kereskedelmi Levelezés Kézikönyve. Hungarian Commercial Correspondence, many letters and models of which have also a German translation. 400+75 pp. 8 x 11 in. Wrapper.

[ocr errors]

Karady, Ign. Legujabb Magyar-Nemet Levelező es Üzleti Tanacsado. Hungarian Private Letter-Writer and Business Correspondence, with German translation. 382 pp. Boards. Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Hungarian. Wrapper. Keys in several other Languages can be had. ITALIAN. Frisoni, G. Manuale di Corrispondenza Commerciale italiana. 650 lettere e telegrammi con facsimili dei varii documenti di pratica giornaliera. (Testo accentato ad uso degli stranieri.) xix, 608 pp.

The uniform English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price. Gap. Caro Amico, Egregio Signore. La mia Corrispondenza quotidiana. Lettere di qualunque argomento della vita, scritte in forma semplice ma pratica. 285 pp. 44x7 in. Wrapper. Gelli, Jacopo. Come devo scrivere le mie lettere? Esempi di lettere e di scrittura private per tutte le occasioni della vita. 464 pp. 4 x 7 in. Wrapper.

Marangoni, F. A. Dizionario commerciale fraseologico italiano-inglese e inglese-italiano, con la completa terminologia comm. moderna d'uso corrente nella corrispondenza e nella conversazione. 350 pp. 4 x 6 in.

Oberlé, E. Italian Commercial Correspondence, containing 250 examples of Commercial Letters, Formulas, Stock Exchange and Market Reports.

The uniform English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price.
Spinell, N. Dizionario Commerciale. Fraseologia commerciale, contabile, economica, finanziaria,
giuridica, statistica. Parte I. Italiano-Inglese. 1927. 470 pp. 5 x 8 in. 13s. 6d.-Parte II.
Inglese-Italiano. 1927. viii, 683 pp.

Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Italian. Boards.
Keys in several other languages can be had.

LATIN. Thieme, K. Scribisne litterulas latinas? Kleine moderne Korrespondenz in lat. Sprache
mit deutscher Uebersetzung. 109 pp. 44 x 7 in. Wrapper.
LETTISH. Stiprais, I. Tirdsneezibas Korespondenze. Wrapper.
LITHUANIAN. Juze, M. Plats Luaišku Vadovėlis (Private Letter-Writer). Wrapper.
Laukis, J. How to write Letters in English and Lithuanian. Both Private and Business Letters,
with translation on opposite page. 293 pp. Cr. 8vo.
NORWEGIAN. Alnaes, Ivar. Brev- og Formularbok (Private Letter-Writer). 152 pp. Cr. 8vo.
Johannesen, Ant. Veiledning i Norsk Handelskorrespondanse, med opgavesamling til bruk
ved Handelsskoler og Selvstudium. 127 pp. 8vo. Boards.

POLISH. Kistryn, T. Polska Korespondencja handlowa. 316 pp. 8vo. Boards.
PORTUGUESE. Frisoni, G. Manual de Correspondencia Commercial portugueza. 650 cartas e
telegrammas, accompanhado de facsimiles dos documentos de uso frequente nos negocias. xviii,
511 pp. 16mo.

The uniform English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price.
Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Portuguese. Wrapper.
Keys in several other Languages can be had.

RUMANIAN. Alesseanu, G. P. Curs de Corespondenta Comerciala Romana. With a commercial
Vocabulary (in Rumanian). 1923. 217 51 pp. 5 x 8 in. Wrapper.

Axelrad's Rumanian and English Letter-Writer, Private and Business. 246 pp. 4 x 6 in. Bds.
Universal Commercial Correspondence Collection of Letters in Rumanian. Wrapper.
Keys in several other Languages can be had.

RUSSIAN. Fuchs, P. Deutsch-Russischer Briefsteller. Muster zu Briefen jeder Art. Mit Handels-
korrespondenz und Formularen, Anzeigen usw. Russian and German on same page. 340 pp.
4 x 6 in.

Lane, A. Russisch für Kaufleute. Handelskorrespondenz und Handelskunde in neuer russischer Orthographie. Mit einem Anhang: Der kaufmännische Briefwechsel mit der russischen Union. 1927. xvi, 495 pp.

Oberlé, E. Russian Commercial Correspondence, containing 250 examples of Commercial Letters, Formulas, Stock Exchange and Market Reports.

The uniform English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish volumes can be had at same price.

7 6

24 0

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Oberle, E. Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Russian.

3 6

Keys in several other Languages can be had.

Zlatogor, Maxim. Russian Private Letter-Writer. See p. 1. RUTHENIAN. Yasenisky, M. B. Ukrainsko-Angliiskii Listivnik. Ukrainian-English LetterWriter, Private and Business. 200 pp. 5 x 8 in. SERBIAN. Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Serbian. Wrapper. 2 6 Keys in several other Languages can be had. SLOVENIAN. Podkrajsek, H. Veliki Slovenski Spisovnik. Slovenian Private and Commercial Letter Writer. 437 pp. 6 x 8 in. Boards.

5 6

SPANISH. Aparici, R. Epistolario español ó Manual práctico de Correspondencia. Sucintas reglas de arte epistolar, y modelos de cartas referentes á los más variados asuntos. 256 pp. Wrapper Arteaga y Pereira. Spanish Commercial Correspondence, selected from Letters and Documents obtained from Business Houses, Consular Reports, and Financial Journals. 228 pp. 5 x 7 in. Frisoni, G. Manual de Correspondencia Comercial Española. 650 cartas y telegramas. Con facsimiles de los diversos documentos de uso cotidiano. xx, 569 pp. 16mo.

The uniform English, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese volumes can be had at same price. Oberlé, E. Spanish Commercial Correspondence, containing 250 examples of Commercial Letters, Formulas, Stock Exchange and Market Reports.

The uniform English, French, German, Italian, and Russian volumes can be had at same price. Rabel, Juan. Para escribir bien las Cartas. Numerosos formularios para las distintas variedades de cartas. Una lista de incorrecciones y descortesías que deben evitarse. Documentos de todas clases. Un consultor ortográfico. 286 pp. 5x7 in. Wrapper.

Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Spanish. Wrapper..
Keys in several other Languages can be had.

SWEDISH. Universal Commercial Correspondence. Collection of Letters in Swedish. Wrapper.
Keys in several other Languages can be had.
YIDDISH. Harkavy, A. Yiddish and English Private and Commercial Letter-Writer, on opposite
pages, the Yiddish in Hebrew Characters. 251 pp. 5 x 8 in. Wrapper.


Dirr, A. Allgemeine Stenographie zum Gebrauch in allen Sprachen. Mit Übungsbeispielen in 18 europäischen Sprachen, und mit stenogr. Texten in orient. und afrik. Sprachen. vi, 166 pp. Fleury et Roy. Mémento de Sténographie (méthode Prévost-Delaunay). Principes et règles, exercices gradués, groupés dans un ordre méthodique. 244 pp. Wrapper..

Dictionnaire de Sténographie contenant les sténogrammes généralement en usage ainsi que le corrigé du texte de versions insérées dans le Mémento de sténographie. 4 x 6 in. Wrapper. Hess, M. Graphic Shorthand (System Gabelsberger-Richter). A Guide to a practical acquaintance with the art of Shorthand or Stenography. 7th ed. 1926. 47 pp. 8vo. Wrapper.

Key containing the English translation of the Exercises. 22 pp.
Molina, E. Manuale di Stenografia ad uso delle scuole, degli Istituti tecnici e di chi studia da sè.
Sistema Gabelsberger-Noë. 1925. 366 pp. 4 x 6 in.

(except Technical and Commercial).

Connor, James. Conversation-Book in French, German, and English, for the use of schools and
travellers. ix, 302 pp. 4 x 6 in.

in French, German, English, and Italian. xiii, 489 pp. 4 x 6 in. Dictionnaire des Dictionnaires. Castillan, Latin, Portugais, Français, Italien, Catalan, Anglais, Allemand. Rédigé par A. Masriera Colomer. 4 vols. 8vo of about 800 pages each. Bound Vols. I and II give the Spanish alphabet with the 7 other languages, and Vols. III and IV contain the 7 languages (in 1 alphabet) with the Spanish equivalents. Feller, F. E. Pocket Dictionary. I. English-German-French.-II. French-German-English.-III. German-English-French. About 370 pp. each, 3 x 4 in.

Each vol.

Kürschner's Sechs-Sprachen-Lexikon. German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin. 4,124 columns. 7 x 10 in.

Palazzi, F., e Spaventa-Filippi. Il Libro dei Mille Savi. Tesoro di 7,400 massime, pensieri, sentenze,
aforismi, paradossi antichi, moderni e modernissimi di oltre mille autori italiani, francesi, inglesi,
tedeschi, russi, spagnuoli, latini e greci, accompagnati dal testo originale, e con indice bibliografico.
1927. 972 pp. 8vo.

Pal-las. Diccionario Enciclopédico Manual en cinco idiomas. From Spanish into English, French,
Italian, and German; with explanation in Spanish, and with English-Spanish, French-Sp., Italian-
Sp., and German-Sp. Vocabularies. 1,510 pp. 6 x 9 in.

Papazian, Z. D. S. Guide to Conversation in Armenian, Russian, German, Italian, Greek, French,
Turkish, and English. 398 pp. 64 x 4 in.

Poussié, E. Manuel de Converastion en trente langues. xx, 204 pp. 6 × 4 in.

The Alphabets, grammatical elements, and vocabularies of 30 languages, and common phrases. Sessa, G. Modi di Dire, Italiani, Inglesi, Francesi, Tedeschi. Frasi ed espressioni idiomatiche della lingua familiare e commerciale (Intended as a Supplement to existing Manuals of Conversation in the four languages). 217 pp. 4 x 6 in.

10 0

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100 0


14 0

12 6

16 O

8 0

6 6


V. Railway Construction and Operation.


Illustrated Technical Dictionaries in six Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian,
Spanish. 4 x 7 in. Vols. XIV, XV, XVI, 6 x 9 in.

I. Machine Components and Tools.

II. Electrical Engineering.

III. Steam Boilers, Engines, and Turbines.

IV. Internal Combustion Engines.

VI. Railway Rolling Stock.

8 0

50 0

26 6

11 6

17 0

15 0

VII. Hoisting and Conveying Machinery.

12 6

VIII. Reinforced Concrete in Sub- and Super-Structures.

8 6

IX. Machine Tools. Metal Working Machinery and Wood Working Machinery.

[blocks in formation]

Vol. I can also be bad with a Croatian, or a Dutch, or a Rumanian Supplement bound in, at 10s. 6d. A Swedish Supplement to be used with the 6-languages volume (8s.), is obtainable separately, in wrapper, at 4s.

Scharro, P. W. Technical Dictionary in Dutch, German, English, French. In 4 alphabets.
Vol. I. Concrete and Ferro-Concrete. 250 pp. 5 x 6 in.

Vol. II. Motor Traffic and Motor Boats. 282 pp.

Vol. III. Materials (General Terms, Stones, Wood, Glass, Metals, Tar, etc.). 438 pp.
IV. Electrotechnics, by G. J. van de Well.

[blocks in formation]

GENERAL. Carvalho Henriques. Technical Vocabulary, Portuguese-English-French, with English and French Indices. 1925. 207 pp. 5 x 7 in.

Hospitalier, E. Technical, Industrial, and Commercial Vocabulary, English-French-German, in one alphabet. 542 pp. 3 x 8 in.

Huelin and Arssu. Dictionary of Technical Terms and Phrases in Arts, Trades, and Industry, and of Military and Naval Terms. English-French-German-Spanish. 609 pp.-German-EnglishFrench-Spanish. 720 pp.-Spanish-English-French-German. 750 pp. 5 x 7 in.


Isendahl and Kollatz. Technical Pocket Dictionary. With special reference to Machinery, Motors, Aviation, Electrotechnics, and Wireless. I. French-German-English.-II. German-EnglishFrench.-III. English-French-German. Ca. 170 pp. each. 4 x 6 in. Wrapper.

Each vol.

Lavroff, S. I. Technisches Taschenwörterbuch, russisch-deutsch und deutsch-russisch, unter Berücksichtigung der Maschinen, Luftfahrt, Elektrotechnik, und der drahtlosen Telegraphie. 304 pp. 4 x 6 in.

7 0

6 6

17 6


8 6

Offinger's Technological Dictionaries. German-English-Spanish-German-French-Italian. About 300 pp. each. 4×6 in. Each vol. 6 6 English-Spanish-German-Spanish-German-English-French-Italian

In preparation (1928): German-Italian-German-French.

Revesz, S. Ungarisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Ungarisches Technisches Wörterbuch. 1926. 2 vols. 680 pp. 8vo.

Tolhausen, A. Technological Dictionary, with Supplements. I. French-German-English. 1,000 pp. 5 x 6 in.-II. English-German-French. 1,026 pp.-III. German-English-French. 1,025 pp. Each vol.

Webber, Ed. Technical Dictionary in four Languages. Vol. II. German-Italian-FrenchEnglish. 3rd ed. 1926. 727 pp. 4 x 6 in.

New editions of I, III, IV are in preparation.

45 O

12 6

8 6

AVIATION. Dander, M. M. Airman's International Dictionary of Aircraft Construction, in
English, French, German, and Italian, with Index in one alphabet. 227 pp. 4 x 6 in.

Lycett, J. Dictionnaire Technique de l'Aviation anglais-français et français-anglais, comprenant
les termes relatifs aux moteurs et aux avions, appareils de bord et accessoires, armement, etc.
1918. 180 pp. 4 x 7 in.
BANKING. Kaminski, M. von. "Pentax." Bank-Encyclopädie (Terminologie und Phraseologie)
in englischer, französischer, italienischer, spanischer und deutscher Sprache.
BOTANICAL. Artschwager and Smiley. Dictionary of Botanical Equivalents: German-English,
Dutch-English, Italian-English, French-English. 115 pp. 7 x 8 in. 1925.

Gerke, Otto. Botanisches Wörterbuch (in German only). 1919. vi, 221 pp. 4 x 6 in. with 103 illustrations. Boards. CHEMICAL. Hellbusch, E. German-English-French-Spanish Dictionary of the Chemical Trade, with an English-German, French-German, and Spanish-German Alphabet. 1921. 400 pp. 61 x 9 in. Boards.

König, J. Warenlexikon für den Verkehr mit Drogen und Chemikalien. Mit lateinischen, deutschen, englischen, französischen, holländischen und dänischen Bezeichnungen. 13. Aufl. 1920. 644 pp. 6x9 in.

3 0

3 6 42 0

14 6

5 0

12 O

24 0

Patterson, Austin M. French-English Dictionary for Chemists. 1921. 384 pp. 5 x 7 in.
German-English Dictionary for Chemists. 1917. 316 pp. 5 x 7 in.
Remy, H. Chemisches Wörterbuch (in German only). Mit 15 Abbild. im Text und 5 Tab. im
Anhang. 1924. viii, 416 pp. 4 x 6 in. Boards.
ECONOMICS. Price, Hereward T. Economic Dictionary. English-German. 1927. 220 pp.
5 x 7 in.

15 0

12 6

12 O

10 6

German-English, in preparation.

Covers the latest terminology of Economics. Invaluable when reading commercial or statistical reports, the financial press, articles on Capital and Labour, and works on Social Science. Rabe, Heinrich. Deutsch-Englisches Satzlexikon der allgemeinen und wirtschaftlichen Sprache. 1927. xvi, 806 pp. 7 x 10 in. Cloth back.

Every important (German) word is followed by a number of sentences and phrases, in German and English, containing the word, and most of these examples are chosen from the modern language of Political

18 O

ENGINES. Krebs, E. Technisches Wörterbuch, enthaltend die wichtigsten Ausdrücke des Ma-
schinen-und Schiffbaues. I. German-English. 149 pp.-II. English-German. 163 pp. Each vol.
INSURANCE. Thomsen, A. English-French-German-Danish Insurance Dictionary. Copenhagen.
1924. 31 pp. 8vo. Wrapper.

LEGAL. Fernand-Laurent et G. Daumas. Dictionnaire Juridique Anglais-Français et Français-
Anglais. 1927. 235 pp. 4×7 in. Boards.
MACHINERY. Herzog, H. O. Illustrated Dictionary of Shop Terms: Machine Tools, Tools,
Implements, Methods of Production. 3rd ed. 1926. English-German. 326 pp. 5 x 7 in.
with 227 illustrations and 18 plates.-German-English. 359 pp., with 221 illustrations and 18
Each vol.
Leliveld, J. J. Technische Woorden en Uitdrukkingen, ten dienste van den machine-technicus,
Nederlandsch-Engelsch-Hoogduitsch. One alphabet referring to the groups of words. 160 pp.
4 x 6 in.
MEDICAL. Blaschke, P. Dictionary of Medical Terms. English, French, and German in one
Alphabet. 450 pp. 5 x 7 in..

Griesbach, H. Medizinisches Wörter- und Nachschlagebuch. Ein Hilfsbuch für Studierende und Aerzte. Mit Ableitung, Übersetzung und Erklärung der in der Medizin vorkommenden Fachausdrücke. 1927. 1,150 pp. double columns.

Lang, Hugo. German-English Medical Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1922. 564 pp. 8vo.
Meyer, J. Medical Pocket Dictionary in eight Languages in one alphabet. German, English,
French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian. xxviii, 788 pp. 5 x 6 in.

Waller-Kaatz. English-German Medical Dictionary. 193 pp. 4 x 6 in. 5s.-German-
English. 389 pp.

MILITARY AND NAVAL. Barten, J. A complete Nautical Pocket Dictionary, English-German and German-English. 2 parts in 1. 437 pp. 3 x 5 in.

Bataille, L., and D. H. Nash. Nautical and Commercial Conversation in French and in English. The Ship on the Passage. The Ship at Ports. Charter-Party. York and Antwerp Rules, etc. 1925. 199 pp. 5 x 8 in. Wrapper.

Davis, W. T. Naval Dictionary. Italian-English and English-Italian. and Marine Engineering Words and Phrases. 356 pp. 4 x 6 in.

Klishko and Maunsell. English-Russian and Russian-English Technical, -Military, and Naval Dictionary. 693 pp. 34 x 4 in. Maunsell, M. C. English-French and French-English Military and Naval Technical Dictionary. 587 pp. 3 x 6 in. 1918. 227 pp.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Naval, Mercantile,

4 6

Douady, Jules. Dictionnaire des Termes de Marine anglais-français et français-anglais. 2e éd. 1925. 182191 pp. 3 x 5 in.

4 0

English-Italian and Italian-English Artillery and Naval Technical Terms. 3 x 4 in. Boards.

15 0 12 6 6 6

Noblet, Albert. English-French and French-English Dictionary of Nautical Terms. 1926. 286 pp. 5 x 8 in.

10 O

Nurra, Duilio. Dictionary of English-Italian and Italian-English Sea Terms, including Technical, Commercial, and Naval Terms. 1925. 248 pp. 5 x 7 in.

10 0

Paasch, H.

From Keel to Truck. Illustrated Marine Dictionary in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. 4th ed. 1908. Reprint 1924. 803 pp. + 117 plates with text on back +187 pp. 11 x 9 in.

Spinelli, N. Dizionario Militare italiano-inglese e inglese-italiano. 1923. 220 pp. 43x6 in. Wr. Willcox, Cornélis De Witt. French-English Military Technical Dictionary, with Supplement. 1917. 582 pp. 61 x 9 in. MOTORING. Schmidt, R. Autotechnisches Wörterbuch. German-French-English-Italian. 240 pp. 4 x 6 in.-English-German-French-Italian. 207 pp.-Italian-German-French-English. 200 pp. Each vol. OILS, FATS, RESINS. Fitzner, R. Glossar für die Oele, Fette und Harze verarbeitende Industrie in 25 Sprachen. 1919. 104 pp. 7x11 in. OPTICS. Pietzsch, W. Fremdsprachliches Optisches Wörterbuch. Deutsch-Englisch-FranzösischSpanisch, with English, French, and Spanish Indexes. Band I, Das Auge. 83 pp. 4 x 7 in. -Band II, Die Brille. 149 pp. Boards. PHARMACEUTICAL. Graa, A. Pocket Vocabulary in English, French, German, and Italian (four alphabets) for Pharmacies, Drug-Shops, and Sellers of Sanitary Goods. 1925. 130 pp. 4 x 6 in. Boards. PHILOSOPHICAL. Thormeyer, P. Philosophisches Wörterbuch (in German only). 3. Aufl. 1922. VI, 224 pp. 4 x 6 in. Boards. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Berndt, G. Physikalisches Wörterbuch (in German only). Mit 81 Figuren im Text. 1920. iv, 200 pp. 4 x 6 in. Boards.

Each vol.

- Cornubert, R. Dictionnaire Anglais-Français-Allemand (in 1 alphabet) des mots et locutions
intéressant la physique et la chimie. 1922. xxxii, 297 pp. 6 x 9 in.
PSYCHOLOGICAL. Giese, Fr. Psychologisches Wörterbuch (in German only). Mit 60 Figuren
im Text. 1921. 170 pp. 4 x 6 in. Boards.

Fachausdrücke des Buch- und Papier-Gewerbes, und des Druckverfahrens. German into English,
French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish; and E.-G., Fr.-G., It.-G., Sp.-G., D.-G., Sw.-G. 1926
viii, 295 pp. 6 x 9 in.

Raviez und Burghagen. Wörterbuch der Büromaschinen und Bürobedarfs-Artikel Branche in sechs Sprachen: Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch. 1925. 1,032 pp.

Part I consists of groups of six words or expressions, and Part II contains the six Alphabets in which reference is made, by numbers, to the groups in Part I.

TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE. Tissot-Dupont, L. Dictionnaire des Termes Techniques de
Télégraphie-Téléphonie français-anglais et anglais-français. 1919. 118 pp. 4 x 7 in.
WIRELESS. Gunther, H. de Haas. Five-Language Dictionary for Amateurs of Wireless, in English,
French, German, Italian, and Spanish, in one alphabet. 1925. 319 pp. 5 x 8 in.

Sattelberg, O. Dictionary of Technological Terms used in Electrical Communication. I.
English-German. 1925. 292 pp. 4 x 7 in. 12s. 6d.-II. German-English. 1926. 320 pp.
Viard, H. Vocabulaire en cinq Langues de Télégraphie et Téléphonie sans fil, avec les définitions
officiellement adoptées et un répertoire alphabétique. 1920. xii, 108 pp. 9x6 in. Boards.
ZOOLOGICAL. Knottnerus-Meyer, Th. Zoologisches Wörterbuch (in German only). 1920. 217 pp.

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